Tuesday 10 January 2023


Myocarditis, pericarditis, Bell’s Palsy, genital ulcerations, high blood pressure and heartrate, menstrual irregularities, cardiac valve incompetencies, pulmonary embolism, cardiac arrhythmias, thromboses, pericardial and pleural effusion, appendicitis and perforated appendix, immune thrombocytopenia, chest pain, increased troponin levels, being in intensive care, and having anticoagulant therapy...

CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines Via FOIA


Unknown commented -

From Covid tracking to mass surveillance USING YOUR Health DATA !

And that’s not all that the pandemic has in common with other crises shamelessly exploited by governments.

A new report by the Associated Press has found that the pandemic permitted the expansion of global surveillance, with police in multiple countries using “technologies and data to halt travel for activists and ordinary people, harass marginalized communities and link people’s health information to other surveillance and law enforcement tools.

In some cases, data was shared with spy agencies.”

 According to the AP’s investigation, Israel’s domestic security agency, Shin Bet, has used contact tracing technology to track people located near a zone of unrest, sending them threatening messages even if they weren’t involved. 

The US government has used CIA-linked data company, Palantir Technologies, to “power the digital operating system for the U.S. public health response to the pandemic,” according to a February 2022 press release from the company, which has been awarded multiple contracts worth tens of millions of dollars amid the crisis. 

 Read more 


'Can we trust the CIA linked Palentir with our NHS health data ? 

'Palantir's Covid-era UK health contract extended without competition

'US spy-tech firm's controversial work with patient data pushed out 6 months due to delayed data platform procurement

'NHS England has extended its contract with US spy-tech biz Palantir for the system built at the height of the pandemic to give it time to resolve the twice-delayed procurement of a data platform to support health service reorganization and tackle the massive care backlog. 

'The contract has already been subject to the threat of a judicial review, after which NHS England - a non-departmental government body - agreed to three concessions, including the promise of public consultation before extending the contract. 

'Campaigners and legal groups are set to mount legal challenges around separate, but related, NHS dealing with Palantir.'


Unknown commented - 

There is no reason to panic over a new Covid-19 variant spreading across the world, Russian infectious disease specialist Sergey Voznesensky has said. 

Earlier, the World Health Organization declared the Omicron subvariant XBB 1.5, dubbed 'Kraken,' the “most transmissible subvariant that has been detected yet.” 

While ‘Kraken’ is more contagious, it only causes a mild disease, Voznesensky told the Moskva City News Agency, adding that there is “no reason” to expect any abrupt, adverse changes in the epidemiological situation in Russia. 

All Omicron subvariants have two things in common, Voznesensky, who is associate professor at the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, explained. “They are more transmissible than all previous variants… and they cause a milder form of the disease,” he said, adding that “we have absolutely nothing to fear.” 


Moderna will hike Covid shot price from $26 to $130 to match rival Pfizer's, CEO tells DailyMail.com

Pfizer board member leaned on Twitter to censor tweets which argued against vaccine passports and claimed natural immunity was stronger than the shot, latest Twitter files dump reveals

'Former New York Times reporter and prolific novelist Alex Berenson has charged former FDA head Scott Gottlieb, a Pfizer stakeholder, of censoring a tweet that cast doubt on its covid shots.'



At 10 January 2023 at 02:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott Gottlieb, former FDA Commissioner charged with regulating Pfizer. A Special Partner, New Enterprise Associates, Inc.’s healthcare investment team and Resident Fellow of the American Enterprise Institute. Dr. Gottlieb served as the 23rd Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from 2017 to 2019.

Dr. Gottlieb is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and is a Contributor to the financial news network CNBC. Director Illumina Inc., Director of Aetion Inc., a private healthcare data technology company and Tempus, a private technology company. He is also a Board Member of National Resilience Inc., and a Scientific Advisory Board Member of CellCarta and a Pfizer Director since 2019.

Dr. Stephan Hahn led the FDA through the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic but now, Hahn heads another high pressure environment: biotech investing. He has now joined Flagship, the venture fund that gave us Moderna, the very company that earned Hahn's approval just six months earlier. 

Under Hahn's leadership, the FDA granted emergency use authorization to the company and its COVID-19 vaccine just behind a similar approval for Pfizer and BioNTech.

James C Smith

Chairman of the Thomson Reuters Foundation, a London-based charity supported by Thomson Reuters. President and Chief Executive Officer of Thomson Reuters, a provider of intelligent information for businesses and professionals from 2012 through March 2020, Would have had a major role in the cascade of information available in the public domain.

When vaccines were both safe and effective (after being given emergency use authorisation), information in the public domain would prove critical to 'get the message' accross. A key news executive with a perceived responsibility of transparency didn't think it very newsworthy to inform the public of his new role as a Pfizer executive.

Dr Anthony Fauci, NIAID Director of National Institute of Health tasked with keeping America safe and informed about the Covid 19 pandemic should have been more transparent with the unsuspecting US public. Dr Fauci had a direct role (it would appear) in the 'gain of function research' being conducted at The Wuhan Institute of Virology. Evidently with this level of expertise and insight, it was just as well he was leading America through the pandemic, his knowledge of coronavirus would have proved very worthwhile. Equally, it could have been argued that there was a conflict of intetest between engineering a virus and 'locking up' the public.

Surprisingly, however, Christine Grady (Faucis wife) never spotted what apoears to be a conflict of interest in Dr Faucis extra-curricular activities. Grady has worked in nursing, clinical research, and clinical care, with a specialization in HIV. She was a Commissioner on the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues from 2010 and 2017

Grady is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, a senior fellow at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, and a fellow of The Hastings Center and American Academy of Nursing.  She received the National Institutes of Health CEO Award in 2017 and the Director's Award from the same organization in 2015 and 2017. However, despite her ethical background, never seen any issue with her husbands activities.

A snapshot of the duplicitous nature of those allegedly tasked with regulation, oversight, ethics and standards. No doubt digging just a little further would prove to be equally useful.

Finally, worth a mention. Dr Albert Bourla, CEO Pfizer, will thankfully keep the aforementioned in check (hopefully). As Dr Bourla is actually a veterinary practitioner, it is safe to say, he'll have the necessary experience to keep some of these animals in check.

At 10 January 2023 at 04:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10 January 2023 at 05:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Bribe Back Better'

In the news is the 'Qatargate' corruption scandal, of EU Parliament officials allegedly receiving large cash bribes from representatives of Qatar

Remix News from Eastern Europe, speaks of what Qatar may have missed -

The more sophisticated approach of George Soros and others ... under which influence-buying of EU politicians is 'legal', with cash still flowing generously, tho in roundabout ways that technically don't violate current law ... build an NGO & media network like Soros as funding conduit, and you are all in the clear:

"Bribe Back Better: How Qatar can buy EU officials for fun and profit without police interference"

"MEPs [EU Parliament Members] and officials can be bought, but they have to be bought the right way.

In Brussels, bribery is legal and thriving, and nobody has to serve a day in prison for taking a cut.

MEPs are allowed to accrue substantial fortunes by legally working part-time. That money comes on top of salary as a member of parliament, which already may amount to approximately €13,000 per month.

MEPs are collectively earning millions working various side jobs in addition to their role as politicians in the EU, often with a clear conflict of interest. Many of these people are already millionaires.

With politicians and officials, you can go farther, such as a spoken or unspoken promise of a well-paid “honorary” board position at an NGO or corporation, often after they leave their position.

Paid speeches are also a very lucrative option, one which U.S. politicians have made tens of millions. The revolving door between the corporate, non-profit, and political world is the status quo in the Western world, and especially in Brussels and Washington.

George Soros and his frankly impressive network of NGOs, think tanks, and the massive sums of money they can throw around ... Soros’ Open Society Foundations does not, for example, pay journalists outright, but instead “covers” their costs, including lunches, stays in expensive hotels, and paid “trips.”

NGOs end up contracting with a media worker for a whole month and spend around €10,000 paying that person’s bills instead of directly paying the journalist a fee or salary.

This should all be an inspiration to Qatar. The formula is there. Just spend the money, build the NGO and media networks, and work within the system. "

At 10 January 2023 at 05:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, Zelensky’s office is now in a panic, they are urgently thinking how to explain to the Ukrainians that the retreat from Soledar and Artemovsk is a “victory” and another “cunning plan of the Pentagon” to defeat the Russian army.

According to our data, Zaluzhny already understands that the cities will have to be surrendered and is trying to transfer all responsibility to Zelensky, saying “I warned that we need to retreat in order to save the troops, and this drug addict stupidly sent soldiers to be slaughtered.”

That is why there is already a lot of information that the zaluzhny pier had long recommended to Zelensky to withdraw troops from Soledar and Artemovsk, but he did not agree.

But this is nothing more than political intrigues between proteges of the West in the struggle for the right to rob the remnants of the Ukrainian people, but in fact the Pentagon is simply losing on the battlefield in this battle.

At 10 January 2023 at 05:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just Stop Oil / XR - Fascist enablers serve their real purpose.

Eco-zealots Just Stop Oil will be tackled under new powers PM Rishi Sunak will hand police within days

PM Rishi Sunak will give police more power to stop 'disruptive' protesters 
Mr Sunak said the proposals would be set out in the coming weeks 
He also vowed to give police 'whatever they need' to put an end to disruptions

Daily Mail

At 10 January 2023 at 07:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

‘Let’s celebrate love’

[Third to last photo:]

“Ruben, 10, and Theo, eight, pose for a picture on day one of the convention. They are huge fans of the costumes and humour of RuPaul’s Drag Race.”


At 10 January 2023 at 08:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How drag degrades women

“Drag at its core is misogynistic; it is men portraying women as sexually objectified caricatures …”


At 10 January 2023 at 10:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we trust the CIA linked Palentir with our NHS health data ?

Palantir's Covid-era UK health contract extended without competition
39 comment bubble on white
US spy-tech firm's controversial work with patient data pushed out 6 months due to delayed data platform procurement
Lindsay Clark
Wed 4 Jan 2023 // 11:36 UTC

NHS England has extended its contract with US spy-tech biz Palantir for the system built at the height of the pandemic to give it time to resolve the twice-delayed procurement of a data platform to support health service reorganization and tackle the massive care backlog.

The contract has already been subject to the threat of a judicial review, after which NHS England - a non-departmental government body - agreed to three concessions, including the promise of public consultation before extending the contract.

Campaigners and legal groups are set to mount legal challenges around separate, but related, NHS dealing with Palantir.


At 10 January 2023 at 10:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Covid tracking to mass surveillance


And that’s not all that the pandemic has in common with other crises shamelessly exploited by governments. A new report by the Associated Press has found that the pandemic permitted the expansion of global surveillance, with police in multiple countries using “technologies and data to halt travel for activists and ordinary people, harass marginalized communities and link people’s health information to other surveillance and law enforcement tools. In some cases, data was shared with spy agencies.” 

According to the AP’s investigation, Israel’s domestic security agency, Shin Bet, has used contact tracing technology to track people located near a zone of unrest, sending them threatening messages even if they weren’t involved.

The US government has used CIA-linked data company, Palantir Technologies, to “power the digital operating system for the U.S. public health response to the pandemic,” according to a February 2022 press release from the company, which has been awarded multiple contracts worth tens of millions of dollars amid the crisis. 

Read more

At 10 January 2023 at 10:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Taking censorship to a new level. Boris is censored (sort of).

At 10 January 2023 at 11:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Battle for Bakhmut: Why the City is Key


At 10 January 2023 at 11:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming soon Zelensky's final scene

It’s time for Zelensky to think about escape routes: Lviv, Israel, USA
January 10, 2023 INTEL-DROP

Evgeny Bersenev

The borders of the special military operation in Ukraine may significantly shift to the west, Vladimir Konstantinov , speaker of the Crimean parliament, said in an interview with RIA Novosti . “As the conflict with the collective West develops, the border on which we will have to stop may be significantly shifted to the west from the one that was originally seen,” the politician said.

He also stated that Russia cannot “leave the shrines of Kyiv to be desecrated by Satanists,” and will not allow “genocide and cultural or … cultureless assimilation of Russians in Ukraine.” In addition, it is necessary to “achieve firm guarantees that nothing will threaten us from the territory of the former Ukraine,” on the basis of which “to the west, in order to achieve these goals, it will be necessary to move the borders of Russia.”

Konstantinov expressed his conviction that the Kyiv authorities could be forced into peace only by force. “ Zelensky and his gang have already become so accustomed to rounding off their fortunes in the war that for them a day, even an hour, of a truce is unacceptable, not to mention a lasting peace. They can only be forced to peace by force,” he said.READ ALSO


At 10 January 2023 at 11:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Haredi flying Palestinian flag.

At 11 January 2023 at 00:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11 January 2023 at 01:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few days after the disturbing pharmacovigilance data released by the American drug regulator (Food and Drug Administration) on the serious adverse reactions triggered by Covid-19 mRNA gene serums, an expected but historic decision from the US State Department arrives.

A coincidence only?

by Bradley Peniston – Originally published by Defense One

All the links to Gospa News investigations have been added aftermath for the multiple correlations with the topics covered.

U.S. troops are no longer required to get vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. On Tuesday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin issued a memo rescinding the pair of 2021 memos that required active-duty and reservists to get vaccinated.

“The Department will continue to promote and encourage COVID-19 vaccination for all Service members,” Austin wrote.



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