5G Installer
"A common theme was 5G ‘towers’ causing the deaths of large groups of birds, mostly stemming from a case in The Hague, where almost 300 starlings were found dead in a park in October 2018.
"(There were no 5G tests in the city around that time.)
"When hundreds of starlings were found dead in a road in North Wales in December 2019, those vocal in the anti-5G community made the same accusations.
"In reality, mass deaths of birds aren’t uncommon (and predate 5G technology) and the UK government monitors them to check for disease outbreaks."
"In reality, mass deaths of birds aren’t uncommon (and predate 5G technology) and the UK government monitors them to check for disease outbreaks."
"We don't crack open these kits, because we are explicitly asked not to" - Whether it's a 5G piece of kit or any other piece of electrical kit, installers shouldn't be 'cracking them open' anyway.
Regarding this particular piece of kit, it has a SCART connector, something commonly found on European devices such as TVs, Video Recorders and DVD Players. It is used to transmit standard definition video signal, as well as audio.
Why then is it present in this so-called 5G kit?
You will also notice that he is conveniently holding it in such a way to cover the LED display at the front of the board, and to the right of it is a 3.5mm input.
Near the end of the video, just to the right of his thumb, along the bottom of the board is the manufacturers name, Hannstar, etched onto the board, which is how all PCB manufacturers identify their products, NOT stamped on an analogue output metal shield.
But we're the crazy ones apparently.
I guess these 300+ scientists, professors, doctors and experts from around the world are just hysterical conspiracy theorists.
It would appear that the only people with a credible decibel level are those representing the industry and government interests.
Business as usual then.
"We don't crack open these kits, because we are explicitly asked not to" - Whether it's a 5G piece of kit or any other piece of electrical kit, installers shouldn't be 'cracking them open' anyway. Regarding this particular piece of kit, it has a SCART connector, something commonly found on European devices such as TVs, Video Recorders and DVD Players. It is used to transmit standard definition video signal, as well as audio. Why then is it present in this so-called 5G kit? You will also notice that he is conveniently holding it in such a way to cover the LED display at the front of the board, and to the right of it is a 3.5mm input. Near the end of the video, just to the right of his thumb, along the bottom of the board is the manufacturers name, Hannstar, etched onto the board, which is how all PCB manufacturers identify their products, NOT stamped on an analogue output metal shield.
Message I received on my cell about an hour ago (it's in Romanian, I am from Romania) from a UK number: "Tell us how Coronavirus has changed your life and you can win one of the 3 prizes in value of 51 Euros each"
If C19 was real, do u think they would have come up with such "contests"? Bread and circus as usual.
A keen eye. Well spotted. A 2 bit fraud exposed. Scart, 3.5mm jack. The kind of tech Fred Flintstone would have been proud of.
Good job.
I'm not a f. Conspiracy theorist but if I put up a strawman video I could certainly damage the case against possible negative health effects of 5g and make anyone who questioned the technology look like a f. conspiracy theorist.
The sickness that people are getting is caused by miasmatic conditions - bad air from rotting carcasses and rotting organic material releases fungal spores into the air, those spores are inhaled into our blood stream and our antibodies then attack the spores at which time the spores release germs to attack the antibodies. Because tptb made humanity 'believe' in germ theory, miasma was outdated, though in a debate between the controllers guy, Louis Pasteur and the miasma guy (I forget his name of course), the miasma guy proved spores were the cause and germs the byproduct. However, because the controllers made humanity forget all we already learned, they are easily able to deceive. 1/2 trillion dead rotting carcasses from Australian 'wildfires', billions of dead from Russian 'wildfires' and billions dead from Cali 'wildfires'. In addition, many cities have rendering plants and paper mills - both smell and have rotting carcass or rotting organic material. They killed livestock in Texas and leave the animals where they lie - to create the sickness.
5g 60ghz emf frequency radiation poisoning is same as covid 19. Virus are not viral, come from within as reaction to radiation sickness as proven by that guy who was sued by the german govt 3 years ago. He proved measles were not viral, a long term build up of toxicity due to radiation poisoning.
BTW, guess who owns all of the paper mills and rendering plants and meat processing centers? These are the same factories used in aiding of the weather control. They make it super humid when needed and turned off when tptb calls for dryness. 5g controls water molecule frequency and 5g 60 ghz is oxygen molecule frequency. The sad thing is people don't question when it snows in 45 degree weather, regularly. That is unnatural. Also, world warming due to microwaves. We knew truth in past. Reptiles/snakes refers to tptb as masters of electronic waveform. Everything we are taught is to retard us, that is what the vaccine will do too, further retard an already retarded humanity. And those parasites hate us because we are God and they know it, we just have forgotten.
Iran and 5G ? https://en.farsnews.ir/newstext.aspx?nn=13980617000678
test Iran 5G? https://en.mehrnews.com/news/149827/Iran-ready-to-take-a-step-toward-5G-technology or https://en.farsnews.ir/newstext.aspx?nn=13980617000678
Hi aanifran, Maybe also read this
World economy wrecked by a hoax
Social distancing, quarantine are bogus
By John Kaminski
The Invisible Rainbow
A History of Electricity and Life
And that https://healthimpactnews.com/2018/did-a-military-experimental-vaccine-in-1918-kill-50-100-million-people-blamed-as-spanish-flu/
And that: https://twitter.com/DCFreespiritDC/status/1262610028994985991/photo/1
Tk y
Paris and Ile-de-France inhabitants have been disturbed by a strange sulfur odor https://www.sortiraparis.com/news/in-paris/articles/217497-sulfur-odor-in-paris-and-ile-de-france-analyses-are-ongoing/lang/en and here: https://www.actu-mag.fr/2020/05/11/une-etrange-odeur-de-souffre-ressentie-sur-toute-lile-de-france-ce-dimanche-soir/?fbclid=IwAR0x971GVmBpkSyTzqvMqaZWiY3Xa6xpOeNgIsJNTEDgTynf1RX-Kv-CtLs
But i find one thing
Read the comments: https://twitter.com/Woodkid/status/1259875921495879681 Maybe sulfur aerosols? This is stranger
"This bioweapon is being stealthily launched in heavily populated areas where 5G has been intensively deployed, specific chemtrail aerosol formulations have been sprayed" ?
This Bill Gates-funded chemical cloud could help stop global warming
What that?
Tk y for your work Aangifran, I just hope one day that you will make the difference between the Muslims and the Shiite sect (especially those who await the 12 th Imam, invented by the Kabbalo-Talmudists, sometimes you mix their writings with those of Islam, I seen this in your first site). I would come back to read you. Take care of yourself. Excuse my English. I am French
#Bioweapons & #Biowarfare
Population control, bio/chemicalwarfare, #torture, #Military (Experimental)#vaccines, (#COVID19-)Pandemics, #CIA and more. Can we (dis)trust our governments?🤔
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