Egyptian children, and footwear belonging to victims of the attack at the Al-Rawdah Mosque near the town of Bir al-Abd in North Sinai, November 25, 2017.
How were the attackers, dressed in military-style uniforms and driving 5 SUVs, able to reach the mosque?
The Egyptian military "has advanced technology at his disposal, supplied by the United States.
"According to foreign sources, Israel has been generous with intelligence to assist in this battle..."
"Egypt has flooded Sinai with elite troops ... and military roadblocks..."
Sinai attack: Egypt is turning into Afghanistan / military uniforms and SUVs
Some of the attackers may have been Libyans.
Sinai attack: Egypt is turning into Afghanistan

Egyptian officials say that the gunmen were carrying the Isis flag.
Israel wants the Sinai as part of its Greater Israel and is apparently using ISIS to weaken Egypt.
ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation.

In 2014, ISIS took over the Sinai militant group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, or ABM, and renamed it the Sinai Province group, in order to advance the Israeli agenda.
Since 2014, hundreds of police, soldiers and civilians have been killed in attacks carried out by the Sinai Province group, which is affiliated to ISIS.
In September, at least 18 policemen were killed when the group attacked a convoy near al-Arish.
Sinai Province group has also carried out deadly attacks against Egypt's Coptic Christian minority elsewhere in Egypt.
Sinai Province group said it bombed a Russian plane carrying tourists in Sinai in 2015, killing 224 people on board.
Sinai Province group is thought to want to take control of the Sinai Peninsula in order to turn it into an Islamist province run by ISIS.

According to local media, attackers in four off-road vehicles planted two bombs.

Fadli Zon is "one of the key backers of the ISIS-linked coup movement which aims to put Trump's friends into power in Indonesia."

Prabowo a very close friend of the Pentagon and Mossad.

Second from left, Katharine Grace, the wife of Fadli Zon, with her family, in New York.
Fadli Zon was educated in Texas, and at the London School of Economics, a recruiting ground for MI6 and its friends.

Indonesian police see Indonesian kids in ISIS video
The Indonesian police have investigated an ISIS video which shows Indonesian children using weapons and burning Indonesian passports.



Habib Hasan
In Indonesia, the Islamist leader Habib Hasan (Habib Hasan bin Ja'far Assegaf) was accused of sexually abusing underage boys.

PressReader - The Jakarta Post.
The Police had the testimony of the boys and evidence in the form of recorded conversations and chats conducted by Habib Hasan and victims made through the Internet or mobile phone media. [4]

Rizieq, boss of the FPI, which is linked to ISIS.
There is a belief that Mossad and its friends control some of the top Islamists through sexual blackmail.
The video shows that supplies from Indonesia have reached the terrorists in Syria.
The ISIS forces in Syria have been receiving supplies from an Indonesian group (IHR) linked to the people trying to put Trump's friends into power in Indonesia.

Both Rizieq and Nasir were educated in Saudi Arabia, which is said to be ruled by crypto-Jews.
Indonesian Aid Package for Aleppo terrorists / National Police to Investigate Supports for Syrian Terrorists

The Indonesian children above have been recruited to ISIS.
Mossad has a large base in Indonesia, and the Indonesian generals work closely with the CIA and Mossad who want recruits for their ISIS forces.

This is Muhammad Rizieq Shihab, also known as Habib Rizieq, who has 'Arab' origins. He has been linked to pornography. His father was interested in boy scouts.
Above, we see Rizieq, the leader of the ISIS-linked group (FPI), which is said to be trying to put Trump's friends into power in Indonesia.

Habib Rizieq has lots of money, which may or may not come from wealthy friends of Israel.
Above, we see Rizieq's home and his Moslem boarding school, in the hills near Bogor and Jakarta.
Rizieq's base is right next to the training area belonging to West Java's Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob).
Normally, in Indonesia, the mad Islamists are housed and trained right next to police or military bases.

The Indonesian military (TNI) training the ISIS-linked Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), which is led by Rizieq.
The ISIS-linked groups have been trained by the Indonesian military, whose generals have been trained in the USA, and who are friends with Mossad.
Above, we see Indonesia's President Joko, a moderate.
Trump's friends are apparently trying to topple Joko.

Above we see Ahok, as a child.
Trump's Indonesian friends have had Ahok sent to jail.
Ahok is a Christian and an ally of Joko.
Ahok was unpopular with the Indonesian military and with the top Islamists because he closed down their money-making playground - the red-light district of Kalijodo.

Above, we see ISIS in Jakarta.
These people are believed to be gangsters (preman) and soldiers (TNI) dressed up to look like militants.
The rioters of May 1998, when the CIA toppled President Suharto, were gangsters and soldiers, dressed up to look like students and poor people.

Rizieq Shihab, the leader of the ISIS-linked gang, has been linked to the child above and to pornography.

Who is the child above?
Police believe steamy chats between Rizieq, Firza authentic

Rizieq Shihab is the boss of the ISIS linked group which Donald Trump's friends have been using to try to put themselves into power.

"Rizieq was jailed for seven months in 2003 for inciting his young, white-shirted followers, who often would hide their faces bandit-style behind handkerchiefs, to attack nightspots in Jakarta with clubs and stones."[13]

CIA Infiltration into Churches Today.

Rizieq likes young lads.
"Ralph Boyce, while US ambassador in Jakarta, used the services of two known local procurers of child prostitutes and sex slaves."

Trump's pals have handed ISIS a victory.

Labels: Afghanistan, al-Rawda, CIA, Gaza border, Indonesia, ISIS, Israel, Libyans, mosque, Mossad, Sinai, Sinai Province, Trump