Donald Trump and Viktor Orban are in love with each other.
Viktor Orban is prime minister of Hungary.
He is the present leader of the national conservative Fidesz party.
In 1989, Viktor Orbán received a scholarship from the Soros Foundation to study political science at Pembroke College, Oxford. [7]

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (L) with Ronald Lauder at the World Jewish Congress, Budapest, May 2013
Csanád Szegedi, as deputy head of the Jobbik party, was a top right-wing extremist in Hungary.
He currently eats kosher, is learning Hebrew and goes to the Synagogue every Friday.
Hungarian Right-Wing Extremist - Jewish Roots.

Csanad Szegedi
Csanad Szeged is Jewish.
Nazi Jews? Yes, Nazi Jews

György Matolcsy is the current governor of the Hungarian National Bank.
How Hungary's Central Banker Funneled Funds to Friends, Family

A married Donald Trump reportedly invited a Hungarian beauty queen, Kata Sarka (above), to his hotel room after attending the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow.
Gabor Acs and Viktor Berki were convicted of human trafficking, conspiracy and racketeering.
The victims were gay men forced into a prostitution ring for several months in New York and Miami.

"You are going to die, gypsies, you are going to die here!" Chants by people in a group consisting of members of the political party called Jobbik and others. Website for this
A Hungarian politician called Katalin Ertsey reportedly has an Israeli passport.
On 29 November 2012, Hungarian politician, Elod Novak, said that "Israel has more deputies in the Hungarian parliament than they have in the Israeli Knesset," and this caused the Hungarian parliament to make "favorable" decisions toward Israel.
Lawmaker with Israeli passport

Admiral Miklos Horthy was Hungary's leader between 1920 and 1944.
Horthy passed a series of anti-Jewish laws and brought Germany into the war on the side of Hitler.
Reportedly, more than 500,000 Hungarian Jews and 30,000 gypsies (Roma) died in the Holocaust.
Anti-Semitism in Hungary: United against Jobbik | The Economist

Hortha and Hitler
Hortha said: "I have considered it intolerable that here in Hungary everything, every factory, bank, large fortune, business, theater, press, commerce, etc. should be in Jewish hands, and that the Jew should be the image reflected of Hungary, especially abroad."
Miklós Horthy...
Caveman commented:
"When 400,000 hungarians protested some time ago in the streets of Budapest against foreign meddling with Hungarian state finances, this event was completely ignored by the western MSM..
"No wonder, common Hungarians feel a bit uneasy..
"The Jews in Hungary (50,000?) seem to be one of the most influental power groups.
"Jobbik looks like a racist party, but there is evidence, that this party was and probably still is manipulated by Jewish agent provocateurs..
"Not exactly a new concept, see "
Labels: Horthy, Hungary, Jewish, Matolcsy, Soros, Szegedi, Trump, Viktor Orban, World Jewish Congress
A major correction is needed:
Viktor Orban is the leader of Fidesz, not Jobbik.
Fidesz is the main party of Hungary being promoted in all news media over there and TV stations (which Fidesz members/financiers own), they don't even pretend to be nationalist in Hungary, it's only in the MSM in the West where they can get away with the lie that Orban is anti-globalist and a Hungarian nationalist (he is an admitted half-gypsy, it is claimed the other half is jewish), which as your article explains is an impossibility for Orban to be anti-globalist because Viktor Orban was sponsored from university by George Soros like Obama and dozens of other zionist lackey leaders in the West.
Very many thanks. I have altered the text.
- Aangirfan
Orban is reported to have had excellent relations with Likud Viktor did kiss the hand of his "natural adversary" Angela Merkel as well..
Hungary’s Ruling Far-Right Faction Pledges to Become More Pro-Israel
DAPEST (JTA) — The chairman of Hungary’s far-right Jobbik party, whose leaders often have inveighed against Jews, Israel and Zionism, said that his party will no longer single out the Jewish state.
Gabor Vona, who last month for the first time sent Hanukkah holiday greetings by Jobbik to at least two Hungarian rabbis, made the unusual remark about Israel during an interview published Wednesday by Reuters.
“If we disagree, we want to be able to criticize Israel like we criticize Sweden or Germany, but naturally we respect its right to exist, form its own identity, opinions and articulate its interests,” Vona said.
The Hanukkah greetings and the statement about Israel are part of an effort by Jobbik to rehabilitate its image ahead of the 2018 general elections, according to Reuters.......
Some Jobbik supporters opposed the Haunkkah greeting but Vona insisted it was the right move in the Reuters interview. “We were right to do what we did during the holidays,” he said. “If you want to govern you need to partner with all religious and other groups. I will do the same thing (send greetings) in the next holiday season, too.”
A Jobbik parliamentarian in 2012 called for registering Hungarian Jews as threats to national security, though he later said he meant to say Israelis. Last year, a Jobbik alderman from Budapest, Laszlo Benke, boasted over refusing to stand up at a memorial service for a rabbi. The party defended Benke’s actions.
That year, Marton Gyongyosi, then Jobbik’s foreign policy chief, said that, “The Persian people and their leaders are considered pariahs in the eyes of the West, which serves Israeli interests, which is why we have solidarity with the peaceful nation of Iran and turn to her with an open heart.”
Gyongyosi delivered a national tour of lectures on the “Zionist threat to world peace.” In parallel, anti-Jewish and anti-Israel articles took up that year more than 30 percent of the content on the party’s English-language website.
Police said to probe if British-Israeli billionaire also gave gifts to PM
Investigators reportedly expand ongoing corruption investigation against Netanyahu over suspected ties to businessman Poju Zabludowicz
Masot the recently outed israeli spy ..
Masot served in the navy for eight years, rising to the rank of major. In 2013, he was photographed for the website of COGAT, a subordinate office of the Israeli defence ministry charged with "implementing the government's policy in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] and vis-a-vis the Gaza Strip".
Masot was pictured showing African dignitaries around the Gaza perimeter fence, wearing the insignia of an Israeli navy captain, or "seren".
Alex Jones Godfather kicks the bucket
Rabbi Mishael Zion has hailed Bronfman as “a modern Talmudic Jew,” noting Bronfman’s favorite book was the Babylonian Talmud, the hero of which, the rabbi admitted, is not God but the “cunning human scholar.” Praising Bronfman’s work funding scholarships for Jewish youth, the rabbi said Bronfman was “the person who invited us to live Talmudically in the modern world.”
This recalls Meyer Rothschild, founder of the dynasty with whom Bronfman’s family has had a long association. An admiring biographer once said Rothschild was “a zealous believer in the Talmud and chose it alone as the guiding principle of all his actions.”
It is thus fitting that Bronfman biographer Peter C. Newman said the Bronfmans were “the Rothschilds of the New World,” estimating in 1978 that Bronfman assets totaled some $7 billion. In fact, Edgar Bronfman had a level of clout few could claim, precisely because of his front-line positioning in the Zionist movement and his family’s pivotal historic role in the crime syndicate.
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