The teachings of both Muhammad and Jesus have been interfered with.
The teachings of both Muhammad and Jesus have been interfered with.
Muhammad was apparently a peaceful man who lived in the Holy Land.

Moslems - North Africa.
Muhammad said:
"There is no compulsion where religion is concerned." (Quran: 2/ 256)
"Compete with each other in doing good." (Quran - Surat al-Ma'ida, 48)
Muhammad's religion was hijacked by the Arab Empire and bits were added to the teachings to tie in with the warlike nature of empire.

The Jewish religion of war and empire.
Of course the Old Testament was full of imperialist violence, and that has influenced some Moslem and Christian writers.
Violence in the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) in parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6

Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us.

The Jewish religion of war and empire.
Of course the Old Testament was full of imperialist violence, and that has influenced some Moslem and Christian writers.
Violence in the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) in parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6

Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us.
But Jesus's religion got hijacked by certain Jewish Christians and by certain Romans who wanted to promote imperialism.

All the extremist Moslems have been put into power by the USA and its allies.
Afghanistan was peaceful and relatively liberal until President Carter decided to start building up the extremists, in order to topple the government.
The USA promoted the mad Islamists in Pakistan.
The CIA and its friends toppled the moderate rulers in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Tunisia etc.

Dr. T. P. Wilkinson writes that religious fanaticism is essentially a European and Anglo-American tradition.
Religious Fanaticism is a Western Tradition.
The Western Imperialists have promoted extremist forms of Islam and Christianity.
"The British and US oil cartel installed the house of Saud to rule the populations wandering about the massive oil fields...
"The US oil dynasties, e.g. Rockefeller, Pew, Mellon, have spent billions funding reactionary Protestant missionaries throughout the world whose job it has been to depopulate areas for Christ so as to seize land and mineral rights...
"Various Pentacostalists were notorious supporters of military dictatorships in Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, and elsewhere - not only preaching but collaborating with the secret police..."
Religious Fanaticism is a Western Tradition.

All the extremist Moslems have been put into power by the USA and its allies.
Afghanistan was peaceful and relatively liberal until President Carter decided to start building up the extremists, in order to topple the government.
The USA promoted the mad Islamists in Pakistan.
The CIA and its friends toppled the moderate rulers in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Tunisia etc.

Dr. T. P. Wilkinson writes that religious fanaticism is essentially a European and Anglo-American tradition.
Religious Fanaticism is a Western Tradition.
The Western Imperialists have promoted extremist forms of Islam and Christianity.
"The British and US oil cartel installed the house of Saud to rule the populations wandering about the massive oil fields...
"The US oil dynasties, e.g. Rockefeller, Pew, Mellon, have spent billions funding reactionary Protestant missionaries throughout the world whose job it has been to depopulate areas for Christ so as to seize land and mineral rights...
"Various Pentacostalists were notorious supporters of military dictatorships in Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, and elsewhere - not only preaching but collaborating with the secret police..."
Religious Fanaticism is a Western Tradition.

Christian Crusdaers beheading 2700 muslim men, women and children at Acre
Why did Pope Urban II send the Crusaders to the Holy Land?

The Christian Crusaders pursued a policy that included mass executions, the throwing of severed heads over besieged cities walls, exhibition and mutilation of naked cadavers, and even cannibalism, as was recorded after the Siege of Maarat.
The Crusaders "impaled children on spits and devoured them grilled." (chronicler, Radulph of Caen)

Pablo Picasso's Massacre in Korea is based on a massacre of Korean civilians by US forces at No Gun Ri from 26-29 July 1950.
In Korea, nearly 3 million civilians were murdered by the USA and its allies.
The USA is said to be a mainly Christian nation.
The soldiers of 'Christian America' have killed millions of innocent civilians all around the world.

The My Lai massacre
The My Lai massacre took place on the morning of 16 March 1968. (BBC NEWS Asia-Pacific Murder in the name of war - My Lai)
American soldiers murdered 500 Vietnamese civilians in cold blood.
There was no firefight.
Not a single shot was fired at the American soldiers.
At My Lai, American soldiers murdered unarmed men, women, children and babies.
Women were gang raped.
Vietnamese who had bowed to greet the Americans were beaten, tortured, clubbed and stabbed with bayonets.
Some Vietnamese were mutilated with the signature "C Company" carved into their chests.

The Phoenix Program
Vietnam suffered from 1961 until 1973
North Vietnam did not want a war.
The US military-industrial complex made sure that there was a war.
Through the Phoenix Program, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese were tortured to death in “interrogation centers”.
These torture centers were built by the United States.
Women were always raped, as part of the torture, before being murdered.
This terrorism, rape and mass-murder was the policy of the USA.
The My Lai massacre itself was an operation of the Phoenix Program.
Up to 5 million Vietnamese were killed in the Vietnam war.

What the American military do in Iraq.
The CIA put Saddam into power and manipulated Iraq and Iran into a war.
1.5 million Iranians may have died in the Iran-Iraq war.
Then came the Desert Storm campaign, depleted uranium, UN sanctions and the latest Iraq war.
Over 1 million Iraqis have died as a result of American interference in Iraq.

9 11 - Salvador Allende toppled by the CIA.
On 9 11, 1973, Salvador Allende, the President of Chile, was killed in an American-sponsored coup, led by General Augusto Pinochet.
Pinochet's rise to power, organised by the CIA and Henry Kissinger, began nearly twenty years of military dictatorship that led to thousands of deaths.
30,000 people were massacred in the weeks following this September 11th, as Pinochet tried to wipe out those who opposed fascism.

Mind controlled by the spooks.
The Congo was given a military dictatorship thanks to the CIA assassination of Patrice Lumumba.
The Congo conflict has led to at least 3 million deaths.
In Cambodia, America and Britain backed the Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot who killed nearly 2 million Cambodians.
In 1936, the American National Guard helped Anastasio Somoza to set up a dictatorship which ruled Nicaragua for 43 years.

The White racists are led by Jews. Frank Collin..
Brazil, Guatemala, El Salvador, Ecuador, Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Haiti, Greece, Iran... All of these and more suffered from torture and death as a result of American 'intervention.'
Many Germans died after the end of World War II due to the harsh policies of the USA. A survey conducted by the German government stated that some 1.4 million German prisoners died in captivity; many of them died in American captivity.
Up to one million innocent civilians died in Indonesia after the CIA put Suharto into power in Indonesia.
At least one third of the population of East Timor died after the USA gave Suharto permission to invade that country.
In Laos, the United States Air Force dropped the equivalent of a planeload of bombs every eight minutes for nine years on the people of Laos - from 1965 to 1973.
This was some of the heaviest aerial bombardment in world history.
Estimated civilian deaths: 500,000 men, women and children.

Trump would be happy to bomb Iran and Syria.
Ex-State Department employee William Blum stated:
"An American holocaust has taken place."

My nearest Moslem neighbour does not attend a mosque and his daughters wear mini skirts.
Newsweek, 11 July 2009, gives us some facts about Moslems.
Dispelling the Myth of Eurabia
1. According to a recent Gallup poll, more than 30% of French Muslims accept homosexuality.
Almost 50% of French Muslims believe sex between unmarried people is morally acceptable.
2. A government survey shows that 40% of Iranians living in Germany say they have no religion.
3. In the Netherlands, only 27% of Muslims are regular attenders of mosques.

BUT, are Moslems involved in criminal activity?
1. Reportedly, the Syrian 'arms and drugs dealer' Monzer al- Kassar was a business associate of Lt Colonel Oliver North.
Reportedly, in 1988, drugs from the Lebanon were being smuggled through Cyprus and Frankfurt into the United States, using Pan Am flights.
Reportedly, the CIA and Monzer al-Kassar were involved in this drugs smuggling.
An internal investigation by Pan Am is believed to have found that the bomb planted on Pan Am Flight 103 was targeted specifically to kill a small band of DIA operatives who had uncovered a drugs ring run by a CIA unit in Lebanon. / Trail of the Octopus /lockerbie-bomb-london-bombs.html / alkassar.html

The Bin Ladens are said to be Crypto-Jews.
2. Former UK cabinet minister Michael Meacher wrote on 22 July 2004:
"Omar Sheikh is... the man who, on the instructions of General Mahmoud Ahmed, the then head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), wired $100,000 before the 9/11 attacks to Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker.
"It is extraordinary that neither Ahmed nor Sheikh have been charged and brought to trial on this count. Why not?
"Ahmed, the paymaster for the hijackers, was actually in Washington on 9/11, and had a series of pre-9/11 top-level meetings in the White House, the Pentagon, the national security council, and with George Tenet, then head of the CIA, and Marc Grossman, the under-secretary of state for political affairs.
"When Ahmed was exposed by the Wall Street Journal as having sent the money to the hijackers, he was forced to "retire" by President Pervez Musharraf. Why hasn't the US demanded that he be questioned and tried in court?"

3. George W. Bush's father was meeting with Osama bin Laden's brother, Shafig bin Laden, in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Washington, on the morning of 9/11.
They were on Carlyle Group business just a few miles from where hijackers supposedly acting on behalf of Osama bin Laden would fly a plane into the Pentagon.
Recall that the chief financier of the so-called hijackers, Pakistan's Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad, was meeting with Bush administration officials the week before 9/11. He also met with Bob Graham and Porter Goss on the morning of the attacks, who would later go on to head the first 9/11 investigative committee.,11913,738196,00.html

The boss of ISIS meets with John McCain.
4. According to Professor John Metzger of Michigan State University:
"We should revisit the history of BCCI, a bank used by the legendary Palestinian terrorist known as Abu Nidal. BCCI was closely tied to American and Pakistan intelligence.
"Its clients included the Afghan rebels, and the brother of Osama bin Laden, Salem.
"Salem bin Laden named Houston investment broker James R. Bath as his business representative in Texas, right after George W. Bush's father became CIA director in 1976.
"By 1977, Bath invested $50,000 into junior's first business, Arbusto Energy, while Osama bin Laden would soon become a CIA asset.
"George W. Bush's FBI director Robert Mueller was part of the Justice Department's questionable investigation of BCCI. (On BCCI, the bin Ladens, and the Bushes, see the books, The Outlaw Bank, A Full Service Bank, and Fortunate Son)."
He wanted rid of the Christian thugs who were plaguing Europe.

The Christian Crusaders pursued a policy that included mass executions, the throwing of severed heads over besieged cities walls, exhibition and mutilation of naked cadavers, and even cannibalism, as was recorded after the Siege of Maarat.
The Crusaders "impaled children on spits and devoured them grilled." (chronicler, Radulph of Caen)
The Christian Crusaders, representatives of the Christian Religion of Peace, murdered vast numbers of Christians.
The Fourth Crusade invaded and conquered and looted the Christian city of Constantinople.
The Fourth Crusade invaded and conquered and looted the Christian city of Constantinople.
The Christian Crusaders wanted to set up their own Kingdoms in the Holy Land.

In 16th Century France there was a succession of wars between Roman Catholics and Protestants, known as the French Wars of Religion.
Thirty Years War.
Up to 15 million people were slaughtered by Christians in the religious wars of the 16th and 17th centuries.In 16th Century France there was a succession of wars between Roman Catholics and Protestants, known as the French Wars of Religion.
In the first half of the 17th century, the German states, Scandinavia and Poland were beset by religious warfare in the Thirty Years War.

Pablo Picasso's Massacre in Korea is based on a massacre of Korean civilians by US forces at No Gun Ri from 26-29 July 1950.
In Korea, nearly 3 million civilians were murdered by the USA and its allies.
The USA is said to be a mainly Christian nation.
The soldiers of 'Christian America' have killed millions of innocent civilians all around the world.

The My Lai massacre
The My Lai massacre took place on the morning of 16 March 1968. (BBC NEWS Asia-Pacific Murder in the name of war - My Lai)
American soldiers murdered 500 Vietnamese civilians in cold blood.
There was no firefight.
Not a single shot was fired at the American soldiers.
At My Lai, American soldiers murdered unarmed men, women, children and babies.
Women were gang raped.
Vietnamese who had bowed to greet the Americans were beaten, tortured, clubbed and stabbed with bayonets.
Some Vietnamese were mutilated with the signature "C Company" carved into their chests.

The Phoenix Program
Vietnam suffered from 1961 until 1973
North Vietnam did not want a war.
The US military-industrial complex made sure that there was a war.
Through the Phoenix Program, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese were tortured to death in “interrogation centers”.
These torture centers were built by the United States.
Women were always raped, as part of the torture, before being murdered.
This terrorism, rape and mass-murder was the policy of the USA.
The My Lai massacre itself was an operation of the Phoenix Program.
Up to 5 million Vietnamese were killed in the Vietnam war.

What the American military do in Iraq.
The CIA put Saddam into power and manipulated Iraq and Iran into a war.
1.5 million Iranians may have died in the Iran-Iraq war.
Then came the Desert Storm campaign, depleted uranium, UN sanctions and the latest Iraq war.
Over 1 million Iraqis have died as a result of American interference in Iraq.

9 11 - Salvador Allende toppled by the CIA.
On 9 11, 1973, Salvador Allende, the President of Chile, was killed in an American-sponsored coup, led by General Augusto Pinochet.
Pinochet's rise to power, organised by the CIA and Henry Kissinger, began nearly twenty years of military dictatorship that led to thousands of deaths.
30,000 people were massacred in the weeks following this September 11th, as Pinochet tried to wipe out those who opposed fascism.

Mind controlled by the spooks.
The Congo was given a military dictatorship thanks to the CIA assassination of Patrice Lumumba.
The Congo conflict has led to at least 3 million deaths.
In Cambodia, America and Britain backed the Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot who killed nearly 2 million Cambodians.
In 1936, the American National Guard helped Anastasio Somoza to set up a dictatorship which ruled Nicaragua for 43 years.

The White racists are led by Jews. Frank Collin..
Brazil, Guatemala, El Salvador, Ecuador, Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Haiti, Greece, Iran... All of these and more suffered from torture and death as a result of American 'intervention.'
Many Germans died after the end of World War II due to the harsh policies of the USA. A survey conducted by the German government stated that some 1.4 million German prisoners died in captivity; many of them died in American captivity.
Up to one million innocent civilians died in Indonesia after the CIA put Suharto into power in Indonesia.
At least one third of the population of East Timor died after the USA gave Suharto permission to invade that country.
In Laos, the United States Air Force dropped the equivalent of a planeload of bombs every eight minutes for nine years on the people of Laos - from 1965 to 1973.
This was some of the heaviest aerial bombardment in world history.
Estimated civilian deaths: 500,000 men, women and children.

Trump would be happy to bomb Iran and Syria.
Ex-State Department employee William Blum stated:

My nearest Moslem neighbour does not attend a mosque and his daughters wear mini skirts.
Newsweek, 11 July 2009, gives us some facts about Moslems.
Dispelling the Myth of Eurabia
1. According to a recent Gallup poll, more than 30% of French Muslims accept homosexuality.
Almost 50% of French Muslims believe sex between unmarried people is morally acceptable.
2. A government survey shows that 40% of Iranians living in Germany say they have no religion.
3. In the Netherlands, only 27% of Muslims are regular attenders of mosques.

BUT, are Moslems involved in criminal activity?
1. Reportedly, the Syrian 'arms and drugs dealer' Monzer al- Kassar was a business associate of Lt Colonel Oliver North.
Reportedly, in 1988, drugs from the Lebanon were being smuggled through Cyprus and Frankfurt into the United States, using Pan Am flights.
Reportedly, the CIA and Monzer al-Kassar were involved in this drugs smuggling.
An internal investigation by Pan Am is believed to have found that the bomb planted on Pan Am Flight 103 was targeted specifically to kill a small band of DIA operatives who had uncovered a drugs ring run by a CIA unit in Lebanon. / Trail of the Octopus /lockerbie-bomb-london-bombs.html / alkassar.html

The Bin Ladens are said to be Crypto-Jews.
"Omar Sheikh is... the man who, on the instructions of General Mahmoud Ahmed, the then head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), wired $100,000 before the 9/11 attacks to Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker.
"It is extraordinary that neither Ahmed nor Sheikh have been charged and brought to trial on this count. Why not?
"Ahmed, the paymaster for the hijackers, was actually in Washington on 9/11, and had a series of pre-9/11 top-level meetings in the White House, the Pentagon, the national security council, and with George Tenet, then head of the CIA, and Marc Grossman, the under-secretary of state for political affairs.
"When Ahmed was exposed by the Wall Street Journal as having sent the money to the hijackers, he was forced to "retire" by President Pervez Musharraf. Why hasn't the US demanded that he be questioned and tried in court?"

3. George W. Bush's father was meeting with Osama bin Laden's brother, Shafig bin Laden, in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Washington, on the morning of 9/11.
They were on Carlyle Group business just a few miles from where hijackers supposedly acting on behalf of Osama bin Laden would fly a plane into the Pentagon.
Recall that the chief financier of the so-called hijackers, Pakistan's Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad, was meeting with Bush administration officials the week before 9/11. He also met with Bob Graham and Porter Goss on the morning of the attacks, who would later go on to head the first 9/11 investigative committee.,11913,738196,00.html

The boss of ISIS meets with John McCain.
4. According to Professor John Metzger of Michigan State University:
"We should revisit the history of BCCI, a bank used by the legendary Palestinian terrorist known as Abu Nidal. BCCI was closely tied to American and Pakistan intelligence.
"Its clients included the Afghan rebels, and the brother of Osama bin Laden, Salem.
"Salem bin Laden named Houston investment broker James R. Bath as his business representative in Texas, right after George W. Bush's father became CIA director in 1976.
"By 1977, Bath invested $50,000 into junior's first business, Arbusto Energy, while Osama bin Laden would soon become a CIA asset.
"George W. Bush's FBI director Robert Mueller was part of the Justice Department's questionable investigation of BCCI. (On BCCI, the bin Ladens, and the Bushes, see the books, The Outlaw Bank, A Full Service Bank, and Fortunate Son)."

Haroon Rashid Aswat (right)
5. The July 29 edition of FOX News Channel's Day Side programmerevealed that the so called mastermind of the 7/7 London Bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, is a British Intelligence Asset.
Former Justice Dept. prosecutor and Terror expert John Loftus revealed that the so called Al-Muhajiroun group, based in London had formed during the Kosovo crisis, during which Fundamentalist Muslim Leaders (Or what is now referred to as Al Qaeda) were recruited by MI6 to fight in Kosovo.
Loftus stated that "...back in the late 1990s, the leaders all worked for British intelligence in Kosovo. Believe it or not, British intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help defend the Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo. That's when Al-Muhajiroun got started."
We have previously revealed how former MI5 officer David Shayler has alleged, and French intel sources have corroborated, that the MI6 paid a Libyan al-Qa'ida cell £100,000 in 1995 to assassinate colonel Qaddafi.
5. The July 29 edition of FOX News Channel's Day Side programmerevealed that the so called mastermind of the 7/7 London Bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, is a British Intelligence Asset.
Former Justice Dept. prosecutor and Terror expert John Loftus revealed that the so called Al-Muhajiroun group, based in London had formed during the Kosovo crisis, during which Fundamentalist Muslim Leaders (Or what is now referred to as Al Qaeda) were recruited by MI6 to fight in Kosovo.
Loftus stated that "...back in the late 1990s, the leaders all worked for British intelligence in Kosovo. Believe it or not, British intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help defend the Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo. That's when Al-Muhajiroun got started."
We have previously revealed how former MI5 officer David Shayler has alleged, and French intel sources have corroborated, that the MI6 paid a Libyan al-Qa'ida cell £100,000 in 1995 to assassinate colonel Qaddafi.
Labels: 9 11, Afghanistan, Allende, Aswat, Christianity, Crusades, Imperialism, Iraq, ISIS, Islam, Korea, Laos, Lockerbie, Mai Lai, Muhammad, Religious Wars, Saudi
The history of mankind is diabolical. How many people could run a knife through someone. I shudder the thought. In the Second World War it was discovered that soldiers in the trenches were firing over the heads of the enemy to miss them. Only a small percentage of people are capable of killing other people. These were the authoritarians who always do as their overlords say.
In the past these people became the mercenaries and they did the rulers dirty work. They were sent in first as canon fodder. Imagine climbing up a castle wall to get boiling oil poured on, but people did? When the fighting was over the knights went in after to get the treasure and the women. The spoils of war.
In the US the white settlers caused a genocide by killing 90% of the native Americans. They hunted them for sport, women and children too. People left accounts of this in their dairies. One guy hunted down some women and children and killed them, but one little boy ran into a bush, the guy caught up with him and shout him in the back as he ran away. The guy was jubilant of his day's hunting. The US had never stopped killing since, one war after another.
The US pretends to be the nice guy, all Walt Disney and friendly, the land of the free and friendly, but it is run by psyhos and sickos. Diabolical people, with no humanity. They might as well be lizard people. They are that odd.
I don't know if the first one went thought. Here's a slightly better version.
The history of mankind is diabolical. How many people could run a knife through someone. I shudder the thought. In the Second World War it was discovered that soldiers in the trenches were firing over the heads of the enemy to miss them. Only a small percentage of people are capable of killing other people. These were the authoritarians, who always do as their masters say.
In the past these people became the mercenaries and they did the rulers dirty work. They were sent in first as canon fodder. Imagine climbing up a castle wall to get boiling oil poured on, but people did? When the fighting was over the knights, the rich people, went in after to get the treasure and the women. The spoils of war.
In the US the white settlers caused a genocide by killing 90% of the native Americans. They hunted them for sport, women and children too. People left accounts of this in their dairies. One guy hunted down some women and children and killed them, but one little boy ran into a bush, the guy caught up with him and shout him in the back as he ran away. The guy was jubilant of his day's hunting. The US had never stopped killing since, one war after another.
The US pretends to be the nice guy, all Walt Disney and nice, the land of the free and friendly, but it is run by psyhos and sickos. Diabolical people, with no humanity. They might as well be lizard people. They are that odd.
Islam has form. Mohammed that is and subsequent followers. The connection to the Koran is more problematic. Certainly there's an abundant history of peace, with equal centuries of warring in mass and terrorist-type activities. Parts of the Koran that can be used to justify deception and murder, discrimination and hate but – relative to being left alone by Western-based outside instigators, would conceivably be an oppressive political cultural environment, that wouldn't necessarily be to the outrageous levels we're increasingly seeing today. Globalists (call them what you like) want Islam as their new Communism. They hate us all and our self-perpetuating, communities in destruction, is 'mostly' (note that), predicated on misinformation and less-founded fear.
Learning more and more the need and power of right balance. Oswald Chambers' reading the other day (The Discipline Of Disillusionment) had it down hot; 'We are not true to one another as facts; we are true only to our ideas of one another. Everything is either delightful and fine, or mean and dastardly, according to our idea'. Or 'paradox', this another one. Islamic believers most hospitable citing their Allah why – and the opposite. The other spectrum is who believes, let alone knows, what their holy scriptures say – more or less (or b. all)? And then there's Imam or priest whose teaching is an interpretation rarely properly re-considered. Often debatable but delivered with the authority not for questioning outside of fixed schools and agendas. On this: And as for Jesus 'teaching' having been 'interfered with', up to and that which is recorded and including the seeming haphazard ways this was complied to be 'The Bible'? I can refute over-zealous put downs but the lens and shaping through theologians, particularly 400 onwards – this more often assumed, directly applicable from the Bible. To this? N–o–p–e. At least in it not considering the progressive side to revelation and what the Bible-God claims and demonstrates about it/ones-self, in how and why, to be read.
Last para/ok two: Those in the public domain who'd have to be a lone breaker of the unwritten “don't dare talk about false-flags” and so don't, have – those good ones – tactical reasons, and too much of a sense of personal safety, to do otherwise. Not for me to smugly judge. But as for those i.e. the emergence of so-so, rad-i-call, alt.right with lotsa ha-ha, making a lot of sense, mixing with those pesky conspiracy types? Conceivably could live up to their 'truth coming at ya' name, without such cost? For them to go-along and ostensibly use everything from 9/11 to shout “they/you won't even call 'em Jihadists will ya” is sickening. On some and some and “alleged...” would be acceptable, but one and all in the mainstream political worlds and these up-and-coming provocative pundits know full-well the evidence is not there, to blame Islamic-believing as the motivating roots. But needing the kitchen sink to add to their 'deport and be done' theories off they lying go.
Question; Which people group in UK inner-cities are the overwhelmingly, proportionally 'awake' and not so falling for the baloney? Not whitey or afro-Caribbean (few more/few care that much though/motivated ones blame 'race' and their woes), or Hindus, Sikhs, big-on atheist's…. the posh, trendy? Who now... (don't mean only the reluctant glib nod but bit more amplified and informed concern)? Yeah 'them'. So we have 'small' numbers (oh yeah/loud though) of working-class(?) white men and gals, attacking Islam, pretending Osama etc etc did it – when those they're successfully winding-up to increasingly say F* it might as well fight back and the stupid or twisted among maybe be… But the silent majority are prepared to seriously consider/accept the sick ruse. While their oppress-em lot, want it be about 'their religion'. And overseas terrorism? Coercion, threats, bullying into brainwashed, drugged-up, considerable numbers from outside the particular countries on the 'starve so make some mon'. Shouting what they may or may not seriously believe is their high and mighty backer. All this because of Islam? And the regular millions 'pon..? ask the next Muslim you hap upon? “Are the terrorists Muslims?” Scratch a bit deeper than some census. Ask… “so is Islam a religion of peace?” Depends who you ask but my experience, long UK-wise, is first-hand neighbourly and the streets. Among dozens and dozens and… in conversation after conversation. Those barking “Islam is the, big problem” are fooling themselves along with the purposes of the false-flags/talking into a self-fulfilling increasing reality. The Right and Left that are so loud and proudly destroying freedoms to get-on and on the other hand, 'speech' – are (becoming/are) New World Order puppy dogs. And what do the search and destroyers want? Deflection into race and religious riots. Islam isn't a religion of peace, Islam is a religion of peace – question is what do we promote, war or peace?
Religion and peace, 2 words whose place is not together in the same sentence. Never has been and never will be.
An excellent analysis Aangirfan, thanks.
Jesus said, 'come to me and I will give you peace'. I always thought that was nice. But somewhere else in the New Testament he says that he has come to divide father from son, mother from daughter, to cleave a sword between them. Now that was really horrible.
Religious BS/contradictions
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