As a child, Jeremy Corbyn lived with his parents in Chippenham, in Wiltshire.
MI5's Victor Rothschild lived at Stowell Park, in Marlborough in Wiltshire.

At that time, Victor Rothschild headed scientific projects for the security services.
How underachieving Jeremy Corbyn surprised everyone.
As the above video shows, the Powers-That-Be decide who is going to run our institutions.
Victor Rothschild helped to sack Alasdair Milne from his job as Director General of the BBC.
How did Jeremy Corbyn manage to become leader of Her Majesty's opposition, the Labour Party?

Corbyn (Corben/Corbin) is a variation of the Hebrew Korban, which means a sacrificial offering to God.
The BBC's Jane Corbin was married to John Cradock Maples, former president of Conservative Friends of Israel.

Jeremy Corbyn with his former agent Derek Sawyer, who has been linked to child abuse rings.
David Corbyn and Joslin both took part in the 1936 Battle of Cable Street, when Jews and other London East Enders prevented Oswald Mosley's Blackshirts marching through the area.
How underachieving Jeremy Corbyn surprised everyone.
Duncan Campbell's documentary series Secret Society (1987)
The first episode is about secret cabinet committees. Campbell exposes the secret decision to buy U.S. Trident nuclear submarines as well as laying bare the cabinet level dirty tricks campaign against CND and its general secretary Bruce Kent.
Margaret Thatcher, James Callaghan, the British Atlantic Committee, The ultra-right Coalition for Peace Through Security and the cabinet secretary come in for sharp criticism for keeping key decisions secret from MP's.
The series consists of the following 6 programmes:
1. The Secret Constitution: Secret Cabinet Committees;
2. We're All Data Now: Secret Data Banks;
3. In Time Of Crisis: Government Emergency Powers;
4. The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO): making up their own law and policy;
5. A Gap In Our Defences - about bungling defence manufacturers and incompetent military planners who have botched every new radar system that Britain has installed since World War II;
6. Zircon - about GCHQ with particular reference to a secret 500 million satellite.
Missing are last two (5 and 6) programmes.
Labels: Chippenham, Corbin, Duncan Campbell, Jeremy Corbyn, Korban, Rothschild, Secret Society
Gilad Atzmon appears to believe Corbyn is the real deal.Is this "ex Jew" real or just another Jewish poseur gaining profile from "resisting the Jewish elite".
His ex Jew stance certainly has not damaged his music career.Surprising but the ex Jew has mostly current Jews as mates....
Atzmin is in the wind instruments business of the music industry.
This feels rather like clutching at straws. Anyone who gets near the top of politics needs to have some powerful backers and make some compromises. Corbyn appears to have made far fewer than most and therefore, I think, deserves a chance.
At 1:55 in the Alasdair Milne video [thanks, Aang] I spy BBC Governor Lord [Joel] Barnett, a Thatcher appointment, from the tribe.
Apparently Corbyn entered the commons as leader @ 3.27pm
27 is 3 cubed. We know how venerated the number 3 is within certain circles. It's maybe coincidental; maybe symbolic.
I think you must have drifted in here by accident. We laugh at such gullibility as yours. "appears to have made far fewer than most"... oh, how's that? Would he advertise that he raped children?
Gilad prefers to sit at the entrance to the rabbit hole rather than going down it. It's a bit too dark for his liking.
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