On 26 July 2015, it was reported that police in Nepal police had arrested 11 people for involvement in child sacrifice.
10-year-old Jeevan Kohar (above) was murdered.
The father of a sick teenager believed that the killing would cure his son's sickness.
A shaman, or local witch doctor had reportedly advised the perpetrators to carry out the human sacrifice to free the teenager from the"spell of a ghost".
Young Nepalese boy slain in human sacrifice ritual.

William Colby (above), the boss of the CIA from 1973 to 1976, died in mysterious circumstances.
On 28th April 1996 William Colby went on a canoe trip at Rock Point in Maryland.
His body was found several days later.
Colby may have known too much about child sexual abuse by top people.
Many of the children linked to the Johnny Gosch/ Franklin cover-up scandal described the satanic rituals that they were forced to attend, some of which involved sacrificing infants and young children.
(aangirfan: William Colby, heroin, Israel and child sex abuse) (Classic State Terrorism) (aangirfan: OMAHA IS FAMOUS)
Talking about the Franklin cover-up, William Colby said:
"This case is SO MUCH BIGGER than you think.
"It goes to the very HIGHEST Levels."

The UK's National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children has reported that satanic abuse is widespread in the UK.
There have been a number of successful prosecutions in Britain for abuse during satanic rituals.
However, Professor Chris French, a professor of psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London, has written in the Guardian that Satanic child abuse claims are almost certainly based on false memories.
Satanic child abuse claims are almost certainly based on false memories
French notes that conspiracy nuts find it hard to accept that JFK was the victim of a lone deranged gunman or that Princess Diana was the victim of a drunk driver.
French does NOT believe in most of the conspiracy theories.
John F Kennedy: 50th anniversary of a conspiracy theory.
It is no wonder that many people believe that the Guardian is run by MI6.

Some years ago, in a certain city in South East Asia, a girl of my acquaintance told me that evil people in her community had sacrificed a baby in order to bring them good fortune.
I have no reason to disbelieve the girl.
The ritualistic sacrifice of children is a worldwide affair and dates back to ancient times.
Among those who have sacrificed babies are the Aztecs, the Incas, the people of pre-Aryan India, the people of Meopotamia, the people of Uganda, the people of Germany...

The Canaanites, and others, went in for child sacrifice.
The evidence for human sacrifice in the period of the Iron Age is most prolific in Denmark, Germany and Holland, where many bodies have been found completely preserved in peat bogs.
The Practice of Human Sacrifice - BBC.

The Occult Bureau within the Third Reich was established by Heinrich Himmler.
It was called the Ahnenerbe.
In April 1945, American troops rescued a massive cache of Ahnenerbe files.
"For the next four years, America intelligence officials closely studied the captured documents, eventually sending many to the Army’s Edgewood Arsenal and Camp Detrick."[56]
Reportedly Allen Dulles wanted the Nazi culture to continue in the USA.
In Search of Black Assassins.

The Ahnenerbe Secret Files became the basis of the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind control experiments and operations.
In Search of Black Assassins
CIA mind control can involve the murder of children and the production of child sex slaves.

"Kidnapped by the US military."
Paul Bonacci is a former child CIA/MK ULTRA sex slave.
In 1999, in a civil action in a U.S. District Court in Nebraska, Bonacci testified about the links between the kidnap of paperboy Johnny Gosch and Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.
In Search of Black Assassins.

Bonacci revealed that he and Gosch and a number of other children were forced to participate in an elite government pedophile sex slave ring.
Bonacci testified that the mind-control of the children involved satanic rituals, torture and being forced to witness murders.[67]
In Search of Black Assassins

"George W. Bush has not explained how Guckert/Gannon - who had advertised himself as a male escort - could apparently operate in the White House as a reporter for two years using a Secret Service-approved alias and regularly be called upon by George W. Bush and press secretary Scott McClellan during nationally televised presidential press conferences."[68]

The Aztec calendar month of Tepeihuitl (from September 30 to OCTOBER 19), is dedicated to the Sacrifices of Children.[70]

It is believed that many of the 'unnatural' deaths of children are related to Satanism.

NFL star Adrian Peterson's son was 'beaten to death'. / In Search of Black Assassins

Many of the child stars who have worked for Disney have died in mysterious circumstances.
Disney is alleged to have worked for the CIA’s MK ULTRA and MONARCH Programs.[129]

Bohemian Grove.[137]
During the Cremation of Care ceremony at the Bohemian Grove, a body is 'sacrificed'.
The ceremony is "set to the Sorcerer's Apprentice music from Walt Disney's Fantasia."
In Search of Black Assassins

William Randolph Hearst
Bohemian Grove is apparently visited by the top people, from William Randolph Hearst to Richard Nixon to Tony Blair.

1909 - Bohemian Grove in California.
Above we see a child apparently being sacrificed at Bohemian Grove.[138]

Tunisia is linked to child sacrifice.

The Carthaginian Empire
If you go on holiday to Tunisia, it is worth learning a little bit about the Carthiginians, a people who areportedly went in for child sacrifice.
Tunisia was once ruled by the Carthaginians, who are thought to have come originally from the Lebanon area.

The Carthaginians are said to have come originaly from Phoenicia, also known as Canaan, where Lebanon is today.
In Sousse, Carthaginian crematoria contain the ashes of hundreds of 'murdered' children.
Archeological Museum, Sousse / Sousse Museum
Allegedly, these children were strangled in sacrifice to the gods in times of national or personal misfortune.
Carthage was criticized by its neighbors for child sacrifice.
Plutarch (c. 46–120) mentions the practice. The Hebrews mention the practise.
The killing of children was common in ancient Greece and Rome but 'for economic rather than religious reasons.'
(Life in Carthage by Gilbert and Colette Charels-Picard pp149-50)

This building in Monastir was one of the filming locations for Monty Python's Life Of Brian.
Modern archeological excavations have been interpreted by some as confirming Plutarch's reports of Carthaginian child sacrifice.
(Kelly A. MacFarlane, University of Alberta, Hittites and Phoenician)
In a single child cemetery called the Tophet, an estimated 20,000 urns were deposited between 400 BC and 200 BC, with the practice continuing until the early years of the Christian period.
The urns contained the charred bones of babies and 2-year-olds.
But most the child urns found in Carthage contain bones of fetuses, therefore of still born babies.
These remains have been interpreted by some to mean that after the birth of stillborn babies, the parents would sacrifice their youngest child.
In bad times (war, poor harvests) cremations became more frequent.
Bad times might have inspired the Carthaginians to obtain divine intervention via child sacrifice.

Roman amphitheatre at El Djem, by Kaptain Kobold
Professor Piero Bartoloni, Head of the Department of Phoenician-Punic Archaeology at Universita' di Sassari, Italy, relates: "In ancient times, for every ten children that were born, seven died within the first year and out of the remained three, only one became an adult."
According to those who criticised the Phoenicians, children were sacrificed to the god Baal Hammon and the godess Tanit.
According to the critics:
Carthaginians began to buy children for the purpose of sacrifice or even to raise servant children instead of offering up their own.
However, in times of crisis or calamity, like war, drought or famine, their priests demanded the flower of their youth.
Special ceremonies during extreme crisis saw up to 200 children of the most affluent and powerful families slain and tossed into the burning pyre.
In 146 B.C., Rome wiped the Carthaginian capital off the map.

Colby may have known too much about child sexual abuse by top people.
Many of the children linked to the Johnny Gosch/ Franklin cover-up scandal described the satanic rituals that they were forced to attend, some of which involved sacrificing infants and young children.
(aangirfan: William Colby, heroin, Israel and child sex abuse) (Classic State Terrorism) (aangirfan: OMAHA IS FAMOUS)
Talking about the Franklin cover-up, William Colby said:
"This case is SO MUCH BIGGER than you think.
"It goes to the very HIGHEST Levels."

The UK's National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children has reported that satanic abuse is widespread in the UK.
There have been a number of successful prosecutions in Britain for abuse during satanic rituals.
However, Professor Chris French, a professor of psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London, has written in the Guardian that Satanic child abuse claims are almost certainly based on false memories.
Satanic child abuse claims are almost certainly based on false memories
French notes that conspiracy nuts find it hard to accept that JFK was the victim of a lone deranged gunman or that Princess Diana was the victim of a drunk driver.
French does NOT believe in most of the conspiracy theories.
John F Kennedy: 50th anniversary of a conspiracy theory.
It is no wonder that many people believe that the Guardian is run by MI6.

Some years ago, in a certain city in South East Asia, a girl of my acquaintance told me that evil people in her community had sacrificed a baby in order to bring them good fortune.
I have no reason to disbelieve the girl.
The ritualistic sacrifice of children is a worldwide affair and dates back to ancient times.
Among those who have sacrificed babies are the Aztecs, the Incas, the people of pre-Aryan India, the people of Meopotamia, the people of Uganda, the people of Germany...

The Canaanites, and others, went in for child sacrifice.
The evidence for human sacrifice in the period of the Iron Age is most prolific in Denmark, Germany and Holland, where many bodies have been found completely preserved in peat bogs.
The Practice of Human Sacrifice - BBC.

The Occult Bureau within the Third Reich was established by Heinrich Himmler.
It was called the Ahnenerbe.
In April 1945, American troops rescued a massive cache of Ahnenerbe files.
"For the next four years, America intelligence officials closely studied the captured documents, eventually sending many to the Army’s Edgewood Arsenal and Camp Detrick."[56]
Reportedly Allen Dulles wanted the Nazi culture to continue in the USA.
In Search of Black Assassins.

The Ahnenerbe Secret Files became the basis of the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind control experiments and operations.
In Search of Black Assassins
CIA mind control can involve the murder of children and the production of child sex slaves.

"Kidnapped by the US military."
Paul Bonacci is a former child CIA/MK ULTRA sex slave.
In 1999, in a civil action in a U.S. District Court in Nebraska, Bonacci testified about the links between the kidnap of paperboy Johnny Gosch and Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.
In Search of Black Assassins.

Bonacci revealed that he and Gosch and a number of other children were forced to participate in an elite government pedophile sex slave ring.
Bonacci testified that the mind-control of the children involved satanic rituals, torture and being forced to witness murders.[67]
In Search of Black Assassins

"George W. Bush has not explained how Guckert/Gannon - who had advertised himself as a male escort - could apparently operate in the White House as a reporter for two years using a Secret Service-approved alias and regularly be called upon by George W. Bush and press secretary Scott McClellan during nationally televised presidential press conferences."[68]

The Aztec calendar month of Tepeihuitl (from September 30 to OCTOBER 19), is dedicated to the Sacrifices of Children.[70]

It is believed that many of the 'unnatural' deaths of children are related to Satanism.

NFL star Adrian Peterson's son was 'beaten to death'. / In Search of Black Assassins

Many of the child stars who have worked for Disney have died in mysterious circumstances.
Disney is alleged to have worked for the CIA’s MK ULTRA and MONARCH Programs.[129]

Bohemian Grove.[137]
During the Cremation of Care ceremony at the Bohemian Grove, a body is 'sacrificed'.
The ceremony is "set to the Sorcerer's Apprentice music from Walt Disney's Fantasia."
In Search of Black Assassins

William Randolph Hearst
Bohemian Grove is apparently visited by the top people, from William Randolph Hearst to Richard Nixon to Tony Blair.

1909 - Bohemian Grove in California.
Above we see a child apparently being sacrificed at Bohemian Grove.[138]

Tunisia is linked to child sacrifice.

The Carthaginian Empire
If you go on holiday to Tunisia, it is worth learning a little bit about the Carthiginians, a people who areportedly went in for child sacrifice.
Tunisia was once ruled by the Carthaginians, who are thought to have come originally from the Lebanon area.

The Carthaginians are said to have come originaly from Phoenicia, also known as Canaan, where Lebanon is today.
In Sousse, Carthaginian crematoria contain the ashes of hundreds of 'murdered' children.
Archeological Museum, Sousse / Sousse Museum
Allegedly, these children were strangled in sacrifice to the gods in times of national or personal misfortune.
Carthage was criticized by its neighbors for child sacrifice.
Plutarch (c. 46–120) mentions the practice. The Hebrews mention the practise.
The killing of children was common in ancient Greece and Rome but 'for economic rather than religious reasons.'
(Life in Carthage by Gilbert and Colette Charels-Picard pp149-50)

This building in Monastir was one of the filming locations for Monty Python's Life Of Brian.
Modern archeological excavations have been interpreted by some as confirming Plutarch's reports of Carthaginian child sacrifice.
(Kelly A. MacFarlane, University of Alberta, Hittites and Phoenician)
In a single child cemetery called the Tophet, an estimated 20,000 urns were deposited between 400 BC and 200 BC, with the practice continuing until the early years of the Christian period.
The urns contained the charred bones of babies and 2-year-olds.
But most the child urns found in Carthage contain bones of fetuses, therefore of still born babies.
These remains have been interpreted by some to mean that after the birth of stillborn babies, the parents would sacrifice their youngest child.
In bad times (war, poor harvests) cremations became more frequent.
Bad times might have inspired the Carthaginians to obtain divine intervention via child sacrifice.

Roman amphitheatre at El Djem, by Kaptain Kobold
Professor Piero Bartoloni, Head of the Department of Phoenician-Punic Archaeology at Universita' di Sassari, Italy, relates: "In ancient times, for every ten children that were born, seven died within the first year and out of the remained three, only one became an adult."
According to those who criticised the Phoenicians, children were sacrificed to the god Baal Hammon and the godess Tanit.
According to the critics:
Carthaginians began to buy children for the purpose of sacrifice or even to raise servant children instead of offering up their own.
However, in times of crisis or calamity, like war, drought or famine, their priests demanded the flower of their youth.
Special ceremonies during extreme crisis saw up to 200 children of the most affluent and powerful families slain and tossed into the burning pyre.
In 146 B.C., Rome wiped the Carthaginian capital off the map.

Labels: BOHEMIAN GROVE, Carthiginians, child sacrifice, CIA, Franklin cover-up, Himmler, Nepal, Satanism, Tunisia
Canadian commander faces sexual assault counts involving minors
Ted Gunderson stated that Colby went on his canoeing excursion, leaving the TV on and half a plate full of dinner.
Gunderson was found dead after he gave a radio interview on the Alex Merklinger show, with Noreen Gosh, saying that someone was breaking into his apartment saying he kept finding "black dust" everywhere.
Gunderson later died of arsenic poising.
Brilliant post. The world as it was, and still is. Child sacrifice in so many religions, so many gods, so many cultures, (probably all of them) for so many centuries. Promoted by the priest class. What does a certain segment of each priesthood think of children today? -It was the same back then. I am slowly becoming a true believer in reincarnation. Appears I would not be the only one. Look at this, from Mothman777-
"Many Jews I have known have openly told me of their ability to do astral projection, to leave their bodies at will, and this enables them to see through time, past and future, as the Akashic record is freely available to all who can leave their bodies fully consciously. Though the ability to practice astral projection is by no means exclusive to the Jews, such an ability is highly advanced in the Jewish people from ages past, and gives them the ability to see their past incarnations, and to arrange their future incarnations in a highly organized manner, to choose to incarnate as Jews again with the help of their rabbis.
The Jew seeks to maintain the psychic and material high ground in this world for as long as this world exists, by constantly reincarnating within the psychic stronghold of the Jewish black magicians, and this is why world domination by the Jews is seen as such a practical thing for them, as they will never have to become a chicken, or a German gentile, or a black man. What would the point of all this exercise for world domination be for if all this were not true? Would a Jew seek to place Jews in power, only for reincarnated chickens to take their place heading the world Jewish government, and for the Jewish souls themselves to become the very chickens that the Jews use to accept all their karma, in order that their sins, though scarlet, become whiter than snow? Would Jews be seeking so vindictively to exterminate all gentiles and send their souls to hell under the Angel Duma if they believed that any Jewish souls would ever incarnate, even temporarily, as a member of any gentile race, or any other ‘demonic’ animal species? Here is a saccharin explanation of Gilgul, the Judaic theory of reincarnation, with no explanation of the demonic nature of those lower orders of gentile souls, or the necessity for their extermination and transfer to hell:
The Jewish technique of controlling reincarnation exists as a corruption of Vedic yogi practice, because the Jewish race has invented a nifty little way to manipulate the material law of karma, just like they are tricky with money and legal matters, to enable Jewish souls to completely avoid all karma by attaching their karma to others, and then to reincarnate fully consciously into another Jewish bodily vehicle to continue following the path towards world domination, by working life after life within an occult collective to accomplish the subjugation of all gentile souls, and the ultimate complete extermination of all those gentiles, and afterwards the sending of their goyim souls to hell. Even the word, subjugation, may well be derived from this very understanding.
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, president of the American Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress, speaking before a rally in New York in 1938, said:
“I am not an American citizen of the Jewish faith, I am a Jew. I am an American. I have been an American for sixty-three sixty fourths of my life, but I have been a Jew for 4000 years. Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race and we are a race.”
Why else build a Jewish NWO if gentiles can reincarnate as Jews, and Jews reincarnate as gentiles, it just would not make sense at all."
All from-
How Planned Parenthood is making profits by selling baby parts
Planned Parenthood is profiting from the sale of baby parts on the 'black market' with available human resources, namely.
Dr. Mary "I want a Lambo" Gatter
As mentioned in comments on this link, Lobsang Rompa a Tibetan priest who wrote many books such as Dr. Of Lasa, Beyond The Tenth etc. mentioned there is a dark brotherhood in Tibet which believes in child sacrifice and gang rape of stolen girls to absorb their energies.
This phenomenon is alive and well in the far east. They try from time to enter the priesthood at Potala but seers weed them out for the most part.
"Though the ability to practice astral projection is by no means exclusive to the Jews, such an ability is highly advanced in the Jewish people from ages past, and gives them the ability to see their past incarnations, and to arrange their future incarnations in a highly organized manner, to choose to incarnate as Jews again with the help of their rabbis."
Jews in Japan actually can do this. Little know the Samaria wars were over religion. Khazars migrating down the silk road after being turned away by Genghis Kahn entered Japan and formed what is known as Shinto Buddhism. It has a temple of solomon and a sacrifice pole. They won the wars against mainline buddhists and today the royal family is Shinto sporting the six pointed star on the gate.
Mainline buddhists were only allowed the nunchaku as a defense against the sword. They also recognize each other by this blood grouping.
DNA shows the common ancestry of the Japanese and Jews
Recent DNA researches on Y-chromosome showed that about 40 % of the Japanese have DNA of haplogroup D. Y-chromosome DNA is passed from father to son, and is classified according to genetic features into genetic groups called E haplogroups from A to T. Only Japanese and Tibetan peoples in the world have haplogroup D at a high frequency. D is rarely found even among the Chinese and Koreans.
According to geneticists, haplogroup D is the compatriot of haplogroup E, which is found in all Jewish groups of the world. Haplogroups D and E were once one and have the common origin, as Wikipedia encyclopedia states:
Along with haplogroup E, D contains the distinctive YAP polymorphism, which indicates their common ancestry.E and Haplogroup D (Y-DNA)
According to Family Tree DNA, a DNA test provider, especially E1b1b1 type of haplogroup E is “found in all Jewish populations, from Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Kurdish, Yemen, Samaritanand even among Djerba Jewish groups.EThey use this genetic marker to find Jewish descendants.
Third times the prize!
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