Some people believe that Kate used a surrrogate to produce her baby.
They argue that:
1. Kate wore a fake pregnancy belly
2. Kate did not look as if she had just given birth.
3. The baby was born several days earlier as it did not look new born.

"Approximately 1,000 surrogates give birth in America every year, according to one informal estimate, and surrogacy industry insiders say a disproportionate number are military wives."
The Most Wanted Surrogates
On 2 May 1536 – Anne Boleyn, Queen of England, was arrested and imprisoned on charges of adultery, incest, treason and witchcraft.
Possible names for the new princess are said to have included:
Esther; Miriam; Rachel and Sarah? Whoa, Old Testament/Torah names for sure.
My first thought when I saw the baby was that she wasnt looking like a newborn. Perhaps she is even older than a few days, she may be one month old.... Royal parasites duped the sheeple again.... Well never learn and never wake up, we reap what we sow....
Bravo to Russians for telling the truth
I thought that Diana might be the most cruel and brilliant choice. Esther is nice. Lilith may also fit the bill. That one might be too obvious.
The headline from today's SMH -
"How did Kate Middleton look this amazing 10 hours after having a baby?"
Um... perhaps the reason she looks like she hasn't had a baby is because she hasn't had a baby?
It's amazing how people will say 'unbelievable!' and yet not believing in it never occurs to them.
As for names, how come Farquhar never makes the list?
Princess Farquhar.
Works for me.
Wondering if there's a link between this child's birth and the Leith baby's death. According to the tabloid (link below) "the baby would have been almost 2 today". Prince George "is almost 2 today".
Ann Boleyn died innocent
What amazes me is the sheeple who "ooh" and "aaah" and "bless em" but then complain about how much tax they have to pay, part of which goes to funding these parasites.
Could the Leith baby have been one of the potential surrogate babies that didn't quite fit the profile and was therefore discarded? Wonder how many babies bodies were discovered in July and August 2013 And how many will be discovered over the next few weeks....
Thought the baby didn't look right.
Shirley not!
The Royal Lines "allegedly" goes all the way back to King David of old.
Sheeple deserve their fate
A half an hour into Hellstorm and I went diabolically crazy and cannot return to that video (the pain is unbearable). 70 years have passed and people are none the wiser to the atrocities presented by war. People think this is forever ago and ancient history but 70 years is a drop in the bucket for these 'people' that like to create war for profit and gain. As we all know by our research the mechanism's that propelled both WWI and WWII were intrinsically designed to make the rich richer and destabilize others - not with ONE IOTA of care for MAN, WOMAN, or CHILD, and we are about to let it happen again. The invading armies destroyed everything, absolutely EVERYTHING in their path to make sure that the Hitler's entire brainwashed nation was obliterated. Millions upon millions of people were raped, frozen to death, starved, horrifically tortured and killed in the name of 'nationalism' (all because they wanted a better standard of living but paid the price for blaming Jews for their ills).
I'm afraid we have the same kind of lot in America, a nation full of ingnorant, nationalistic dolts that will never feel the pain they have inflicted on others until it is brought to their own doorstep. We are Pre-War Germany times TEN. Seems we will get it ten times worse than Germany did considering our involvement in most of these atrocities unscathed.
God have mercy on us all and may the righteous wake up.
When you watch the video you have to agree with the following statements:
1. When Kate looks at her "new born" baby, there is no sign of maternal love in her features.
2. Kate is looking very good despite the pain and imposition she had been through a mere 10 hours previous. You can tell when a woman has recently given birth by their aura. Kate is deficient of this aura.
3. The baby is older than 10 hours.
4. Kate appears more concerned about her hair and how she looks than about the safety of her new daughter to the point that she is happy to risk holding her new born daughter with just one hand while she uses the other to tidy her hair several times.
Thank you Ang/Irfan for this - re-posted to Tap - www.tapnewswire.com
I'm afraid we have the same kind of lot in America
Lots worse in America.
The USA is full of people who hate each other, living side-by-side. When the ball drops it will make Germany 1945 look like paradise.
Thank you Ang/Irfan for this. Re-posted at www.tapnewswire.com
I've got my doubts about the royal baby too. Wouldn't a woman who had been in labour, and presumably also up most of the previous night, at least show signs of tiredness? There was also, I thought, a curious lack of emotion about William and Kate - they looked happy but I would have thought new parents would be bursting with relief and joy at having a healthy baby, not merely grinning for the cameras. But on the other hand if there were a surrogate mum it would be a huge and explosive secret, which quite a lot of people would have to be party to, so who knows? Either way, it isn't the baby's fault so I hope she has a happy life.
the Royal couple decided to name their daughter Paris Alma.... in tribute
pmsl shirlz x
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Danites....."Dan shall leap from Bashan". Dan disapeared before the time of Samuel and after the death of Samsom. They corresponded with the priets of the 2nd temple during that time reporting themelves to be Nazarites and sons of Jacob. Danzig, Danmark, the Danube, Dneister, Dneiper, Don
rivers; allvasious and sundry variations of "Dan" in Europe hails ther pre-Christian era arrival into Europe.....soo sorry Rpyal Dickweeds and GothaGreeks ( I presume that conection of DNA shares the legendary Greek love of buggery)....yet they seem to falsely seek to uurp the true ONLY Royal bloodline of the planet that if Jehuda....Judah Das Juden or the rif=ginal JEWS retained in jerusalem after the rest went to the north Shomron/Samaria and then ost of them went to Land of the Bavelim/Babylon circa 605-586 for repeated refuasl to obey GOD and nauseating levels of idolatry ( even more then the current RCC by far) they bega to usurp the thrones of Europe and masquerade as the Royal tribe of Israel. They shall not stand.......they are false Royalty.....GOD IS NOT MOCKED....THE JUDGEMENT COMETH, AND RIGHT QUICKLY. Look out Phil the Duck of Edinburg. As a descendant of Les D'Anjous....we will return....OUI OUI Mon ami. King David ben Yishai, Salmon, Boaz, Yehuda et al.... ha malech Yeshrael, ha Malek Yehuda....you noncey poncey arsed cock/ass clowns and horse faced women in tacky arsed hats!
Maybe don't have toooo teribly an important persons baby or you may become "no longer necessary" and "loose lips sink ships"....That pesky old DNA could pop up in the future somewhere as future fights over the throne develop as they have since Richard II and Henry Bolingbrooke, Henry Lancaster the V and Eddie IV and many many more cluster f**ks. God Save the subjects, Thank GOD for the Mayflower. Alas poor ol' Blighty...we hardly knw ye!
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