Milton Woolf allowed gangsters to use his safety deposit box centre in Hampstead.
The gangsters could use the centre to hide child pornography, evidence of human trafficking, cash, drugs and guns.
"In a search of almost 7,000 deposit boxes police found evidence of gun crime, child pornography, human trafficking, multi-million pound tax evasion, drug dealing and ivory trading."
Video - Start at 9 minutes.
Children in care in Camden (Hampstead area) 'were whipped and tortured'.
Iraqi Volunteers Find Israeli Weapons in ISIL Position. ISIL Supported by Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Labels: Camden, child pornography, Hampstead, human trafficking, Operation Rize
Janner - Another Hampstead resident of West Heath Road. I wonder what kind of delivered to the door services he was regularly in receipt of?
Or his son Daniel Janner QC (you know the one at the same chambers as the QC who advised the CPS on whether to prosecute his Boss's Dad...)
Murrin's Barrister is calling for confirmation that Janner has no Power of Attorney registered.
If he really has dementia and yet has transferred his property without a power of attorney being in place then that proves this is all a lie.
The Office of Public Guardian is refusing to confirm or deny this and is demanding 10 working days to respond (no doubt for MI5 and their mates to fiddle the books...)
It won't matter what they say as back dating a POA won't now do much to change what we know like the letter to the Lords on 09 April and the fact that no one mentioned a Power of Attorney before when of course if there was one in place then that is the first thing we would have been told by our 'free' zionist press... They have not done a very good job with covering the tracks this time round.
Janner for 27 years Leicester MP. For 20 years he was raping vulnerable small boys from the local British kids home allegedly. Now every prominent jewish lawyer is either silent or is leaping to defend the decision not to prosecute (David Pannick QC; Joshua Rozenberg etc)
It's hilarious and astonishing to see this side of London that still tries to maintain it's pristine, humble, raised-brow and well-to-do atmosphere of those that do no wrong, only to be shattered by article after article exposing layer after layer of Hampstead's, and all of London's, seedier, nasty underbelly. People have understood for a long time now that the UK, Parliament and the British Monarchy have been responsible for a plethora of dubious and nefarious activities worldwide the likes that hadn't been seen since the occupation and acquisition of the Romans, along with that came the same kind of arrogance that destroyed them. Whether the center of power was folded into Britain through the Vatican and thus through the Monarchy those selfish remnants of an insidious force we called the Romans never died and this dangerous mix of pagan mystery religions and secret societies, with it's malicious leanings toward ritual and sacrifice, have buried themselves deep within contemporary 'society'.
Lately the MASK of 'Satanism' has been being used to cloak these calls for sacrifice and ritual based on the 'Old Religions'. You have been told time and time again that you have met this person called "The Devil" that goes by many different names. 'Satan' or 'Satanism' is merely another very superficial cloak intentionally bloated in contemporary society that is meant to exploit conditioned fear of an irreconcilable force that induces hysteria among it's Christian followers. This formula is perfect for the 'Satanists' because it creates an air of unbelievability or what is commonly called 'Satanic Panic'. This would not have been as effective if there wasn't an all encompassing program of cartooning and caricaturing every element of organized religion in entertainment along with bastardizing and infiltrating every organized religion on it's face.
The simple fact of the matter is that there are elite circles with plenty of time and money on their hands to delve into some very dark corners of esoteric knowledge and they have found a formula that they believe works for them and that involves the ritual abuse and sacrifice of large numbers of men, women, and children to serve their needs, regardless of what 'Demon' they happen to label it at the time.
Common labels must not stand in our way. We know their names, doesn't that give US control over them?
They are the few, we are the many.
I believe it was Philby's wife who said "If the British Establishment didn't want their children to be buggered,they wouldn't send them to Public Schools".....
Former DPP Keir Starmer’s Principal Legal Adviser was Alison Levitt QC, the wife of one of Britain's top legal experts, the Polish Jew, Baron Carlile. She was bitterly disappointed at losing out to Alison Saunders for the DPP job, Her next job is a closely guarded secret. ‘It’s commercially sensitive.’ Here is Alison explaining why it "not unreasonable" that Surrey Police failed to bring prosecutions against Jimmy Saville for four allegations of sexual assault brought to their attention between 2007-2008.
The gist of it is, the victims were not prepared to give evidence in court, because they did not know there were other complainants to corroborate their allegations and police had told them that no-one would believe them and Saville's lawyers would make 'mincemeat' of them in court.
Curiously, Alex Carlile CBE, FRSA, QC, was the top barrister who represented Stuart Hazell accused of murdering Tia Sharp. Hazell denied the charges, but was pressured to plead guilty to by Carlile to prevent further anguish to the family.
"Lord Carlile says that every adverb and adjective of abuse and vilification will be used about Hazell until their use is exhausted. Every day of his sentence is going to be a punishment for him. He will be in constant danger. He says that Hazell's decision to plead guilty comes from remorse. It's possibly the only brave decision he's made in his life."
With a defence barrister like that, who needs a prosecutor?
"The simple fact of the matter is that there are elite circles with plenty of time and money on their hands to delve into some very dark corners of esoteric knowledge and they have found a formula that they believe works for them and that involves the ritual abuse and sacrifice of large numbers of men, women, and children to serve their needs"
I would agree; thus Hampstead is surely a ritual.
The Truth On The Hampstead Alleged SRA Child Sex Abuse Story Is coming to the truth part in this sad story where supporters have gone abroad for their safety and the 2 children have sadly been put in to a cruel looked after care system judge for your self and comment on this story petition the met police and mps for a proper investigation in to these crimes.
Church Teachers Police The Net Is closing in on you whistle blow now and pray for gods forgiveness.
The Truth On The Hampstead Alleged SRA Child Sex Abuse Story Is coming to the truth part in this sad story where supporters have gone abroad for their safety and the 2 children have sadly been put in to a cruel looked after care system judge for your self and comment on this story petition the met police and mps for a proper investigation in to these crimes.
Church Teachers Police The Net Is closing in on you whistle blow now and pray for gods forgiveness.
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