Drugs baron Roddy McLean "owned dozens of properties in Britain, Africa and beyond, fleets of luxury cars and had an estimated £10 million stashed away in bank accounts around the world."
In March 1996 McLean was sailing to Spain on his boat, the Dansk.
The Dansk caught fire.
McLean was arrested by British Customs during a chase off the coast of Scotland in which an agent was killed.
McLean was sentenced to 28 years, but five years later escaped from an open prison, allegedly with the help of MI5, and was found dead in a South London hostel soon afterwards.
An Observer investigation revealed that Mclean worked for the security services.
"There have been claims that MI5 agents helped McLean's disappearance and that he may have been murdered to prevent the full extent of his links to the security services emerging."
Mystery of drug lord's death-15 February 2004
It was in the 1980s that Mclean began importing drugs into Scotland using a fleet of boats.
One of his boats, Sea Ranger V, was bought direct from customs for £5,000, a fraction of its true value of around £500,000.
Sea Ranger V offshore had previously been used by another drugs gang.
Glasgow 'crime boss' Tam 'The Licensee' McGraw, died 'of a heart attack' in Glasgow.
McGraw owned security companies, taxi firms, pubs, and a property portfolio in Scotland, Ireland and Spain worth 'at least £10m'.
McGraw's empire was said to be worth £30 million in total.
(In Scotland it has been estimated that 47% of individuals are earning under £10,000 per year.)
Reportedly, McGraw's main income came from the sale of heroin and cocaine.
It has been claimed that McGraw was backed by corrupt police officers, who passed on confiscated drugs which McGraw then sold on the streets.
After one failed robbery, McGraw was arrested while trying to flee on foot.
Charges were dropped and he was released the following morning.
(According to the Mail on Sunday, 29 January 2006, only 3% of crimes in Scotland result in convictions.)
One of the McGraw family businesses, the Caravel pub, was suddenly bulldozed after the police learnt that it had played a role in the deaths of Joe "Bananas" Hanlon and Bobby Glover.
The demolition prevented a planned forensic investigation.
Reg McKay, in The Daily Record, 29 August 2005, reported that a street brawl between police left people scrutinising the cosy relationship between the Licensee (McGraw) and 'his police officer pals.'
"One of the Serious Crime Squad grabbed McGraw and tried to take him away from his Scottish Crime Squad captors.
"Tug of war was on.
"Then one man threw a punch and bedlam broke out with police wrestling, kicking and butting each other as McGraw stood in the middle of the battle totally ignored.
"Locals gathered for the best entertainment they'd had in years. Duelling rozzers. One or two joined in, taking the chance of a free swipe at a copper. Eventually peace was restored and the two police outfits went into confab.
"Whatever was said, the handcuffs were unlocked and Thomas McGraw walked back to his flat, a free man once again."
The Daily Record wrote: "Local uniforms and CID could often be found sitting in the McGraws' home drinking tea and smoking.
"When McGraw bought The Caravel pub, certain well-known detectives were in regularly, drinking heavily and never putting their hand in their pockets. It was too cosy."
McGraw was a friend of loyalist (Northern Irish protestant) terror chief Johnny 'Mad Dog' Adair.
'Both men were deeply involved in the drug trade between Scotland and Ulster (Northern ireland)'
According to the Daily record: "Deals between crime boss Tam McGraw and the IRA saw a unit of republican heavies travel to Glasgow at The Licensee's expense to protect him... (summer of 2002) when hitmen were said to be lining up an assassination attempt."
According to a report in the Sunday Herald, 11 April 2010, Lewis Rodden appeared at a Labour Party election fundraiser for Jim Murphy, who is Gordon Brown's Secretary of State for Scotland.
At the fundraiser, former defence secretary John Reid, of the Labour party, was the keynote speaker.
In 2002, drug dealer Justin McAlroy attended one of the Scottish Labour party's Red Rose dinners.
McAlroy, who was shot dead within days of attending the event, was yards away from former First Minister Jack McConnell and John Reid.
Reportedly, Jack McConnell's wife's department, and Jack McConnell's party organisation in Glasgow, gave Eddie Lyons, an alleged 'gangster', £1.4m in public funds over 10 years to run a community centre used by children.
In early 2010, the Labour Party's Steven Purcell, who quit as leader of Glasgow City Council, had his name linked to gangsters, such as the Iceman. (POLITICIANS AND DRUGS; PURCELL AND THE ICEMAN)
Michael Howard, who is close to David Cameron. Michael Howard is a top UK politician.
He was once the leader of the Conservative Party.
He is Jewish.
The family name Hecht was anglicised to Howard.[1]
1. There are allegations that a criminal was released from prison after paying a bribe to one of Michael Howard's relatives.
"Career criminal John Haase told a Labour MP that he was released from prison early after making the payment via one of Mr Howard's relatives."
Michael Howard was home secretary at the time when the Baybasins came to the UK.
According to the Guardian, members of an international crime gang were allowed to come to Britain because their leader had links to Customs & Excise.
The evidence for this came out at an immigration appeals tribunal.
The Baybasin Cartel, a Kurdish gang, controlled up to 90% of the heroin which entered the UK.
Its bosses settled in the UK in the mid-1990s.
Gang members were involved in protection rackets and extortion in the UK, and were linked to up to 25 murders.
The gang's members were allowed to move from Turkey to London, allegedly after their leader, Huseyin Baybasin, agreed to tell Customs investigators what he knew about the involvement of senior Turkish politicians and officials in the international heroin trade.
Reportedly, Baybasin was encouraged by Customs to come to the UK and arrived via Gibraltar in either late 1994 or early 1995. aangirfan: HASHIM THACI.
He first met Customs officers in a hotel near Tower Bridge, London.
Having come to the UK, the Baybasin Cartel ran their vast drug trafficking operation from London.
They and their relatives persuaded a number of politicians to support their attempts to obtain British travel documents.
Among those who agreed to help was Tony McNulty, a former immigration minister, who wrote a number of letters on behalf of Baybasin's wife after her husband was arrested in the Netherlands.
Baybasin, 49, is now serving a life sentence in a Dutch jail.
His brother, Abdullah, 45, who took the helm after his conviction, has now been convicted of conspiracy to supply heroin.
It was at Abdullah Baybasin's asylum hearings that the alleged deal with Customs & Excise was disclosed.
Abdullah was given indefinite leave to remain in the UK last year.
Several other relatives also remain in the UK.
Michael Howard was home secretary at the time when the Baybasins came to the UK. 3. Why did Howard release two dangerous gangsters?
Police are investigating Michael Howard's role in a royal pardon for two of Liverpool's most dangerous gangsters, John Haase and Paul Bennett, who were granted a royal pardon in July 1996 on Howard's orders.
The decision came 11 months into 18-year sentences.
The Metropolitan police is about to launch an investigation into the 'circumstances leading up to the granting of a royal pardon for these individuals'.
Was the Home Secretary duped into believing Haase and Bennett had provided vital information about arms caches across Liverpool, arms they had arranged to be planted themselves?
Michael Howard's cousin, Simon Bakerman, is an associate of Haase.
Bakerman was released from prison on the day Howard became leader of the Conservative Party in November 2003.
Bakerman received a three-year sentence in 2002 for running an illegal factory making amphetamine and ketamine pills.
Haase claims that Bakerman received large sums of money from Haase before the pardon was granted, though even his lawyers admit there is no evidence of where this money ended up - if it was paid in the first place.
Where Heroin comes from The arms caches were a set-up, planted on Haase's instructions from a mobile phone he had smuggled into prison.
Witnesses from within Haase's organisation now claim that bribes totalling £4.5 million were paid by criminals to officials involved with the case.
Haase and his associates have often been held responsible for bringing gun culture to the streets of Liverpool.
One former senior Customs officer said there had been suspicions well before the release of the two men that the arms caches were an elaborate scam.
Haase was rearrested in 1999 and sentenced to 13 years for money-laundering and supplying firearms to fellow gangsters.
He is serving his sentence, but continues to wield a powerful influence from his prison cell, not least through his continuing claims that bribes were paid to help obtain his royal pardon.
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a proposed the USA-EU trade deal.
It is designed to help US corporations to take over Europe.
It allows "multinationals to sue governments for taking action which damages their profits".
Many Europeans say: "We don't want US multinationals to be able to sue us for passing environmental laws, food safety laws, laws to protect our health services."
In the USA, senior Democrats sent a letter to the administration warning that TTIP could stop Congress from being able to prevent another financial crisis.
The big corporations already cause problems for the people of Europe.
"This is perfectly shown by a Polish case where the government paid a massive 2bn to a health insurance company in a 'settlement'.
"The case came about when Poland reversed a partial privatisation of its health insurance body, realising that one company, Eureko, would otherwise end up with a controlling stake.
Soraya Khashoggi, referred to as Soraya Khashaggi.
SandraDaly was the illegitimate daughter of a waitress from Leicester in the UK.
At the age of 20, Sandra married Adnan Khashoggi, converted to Islam, and took the name Soraya Khashoggi.
Jews of Alexandria. Adnan Khashoggi is suspected by some of being a cryto-Jew, and an agent of Mossad. PRINCESS DIANA AND FACTIONS.
Adnan Khashoggi, a Saudi of Turkish decent, was educated at Victoria College in Alexandria.
At Victoria College, Adnan was a classmate of the 'crypto-Jew' Osama bin Laden.
Paris Hilton and Adnan
Adnan Khashoggi was once worth 40 billion US dollars, thanks to arms deals linked to the CIA and the military industrial complex.
Khashoggi is an agent of Mossad, "according to at least one former Mossad case officer, Victor Ostrovsky, and two Jewish journalists, Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman."
In 1999, DNA testing confirmed that Petrina Khashoggi, thought to be the daughter of Adnan Khashoggi, was Aitken's biological child, the result of the affair with Soraya.
At first, Winston knew about Jonathan but Jonathan didn't know about Winston.
Soraya and Rupely
In 1982, Soraya married the playboy 'Robert' Rupley.
On the day of the wedding in New York, one of Rupley's male friends said to Soraya: "You can’t be married because Robert is gay. I am his lover and have been for years."
Friends told Soraya that Rupley visited gay nightclubs, but that did not stop the wedding.
Tony Moynihan's father, Patrick Moynihan, was chairman of the Liberal party executive from 1949 to 1950.
Patrick Moynihan died in 1965, while facing charges of homosexual importuning at Piccadilly Circus.
Tony Moynihan's wives were Ann Herbert (1955-1958), Shirin Berry (1958-1967), Luthgarda Fernandez (1968-1979), Editha Eduarda Ruben (1981 - 1990) and Jinna Sabiaga (1990-1991).
Tony Moynihan's activities included brothel-keeping, drug-smuggling and working for the USA's Drugs Enforcement Agency, which is closely linked to the CIA.
Moynihan said: 'I knew of my impending arrest 48 hours in advance.
'I'd been approached by a CID (police) man who told me that for £50,000 the case against me would be dropped.'
Moynihan escaped to the Philippines.
Moynihan's Filipino wife had a chain of massage parlours (brothels) in Manila.
In 1980, Moynihan was named by an Australian Royal Commission as an associate of Sydney's 'Double Bay Mob', which imported heroin from Manila.
No charges were brought.
President Marcos reportedly protected Moynihan from prosecution over the murder of a nightclub owner.
Marcos was toppled in 1986.
Prostitutes, Huffers & Street Kids.
The American Drugs Enforcement Agency, and the UK police, got Moynihan to help them prosecute Howard Marks, who at that time controlled an estimated sixth of the world market in marijuana.
Moynihan secretly tape-recorded his friend Howard Marks.
Marks was convicted in Florida.
Moynihan was the chief witness for the prosecution.
Moynihan returned to his heavily fortified home in Manila and continued to live off his brothel named the Yellow Brick Road.
Colin Moynihan, the half-brother of the late 3rd Lord Moynihan, is now the 4th Lord Moynihan.
According to a former head of the CIA in Manila,Osama bin Laden came to the Philippines in 1992, at the invitation of the Philippine government. (Bin Laden, CIA.)
Bin Laden was flown to the southern island of Mindanao by the Philippine President Fidel Ramos.
Bin Laden was apparently invited to the Philippines in order to help strengthen Abu Sayyaf and other rebel groups based in Mindanao who were fighting the Philippine government.
Apparently, the USA, and its friends, are responsible for organising terrorism worldwide.
On 27 February 2010, we read thatsuspected CIA-linked militants stormed a village in Basilan province in the Southern Philippines, killing at least 11 people, including a one-year-old baby.
"Police suspect the attack was launched by a joint group of Abu Sayyaf and rogue Moro Islamic Liberation Front members."
Michael Meiring, a suspected CIA operative, spent time in the Philippines.
In 2002, Michael Meiring injured himself in an explosion in his own hotel room.
A Philippine government investigation determined the centre of the blast came from an assembled bomb kept in a metal box owned by Meiring.
BusinessWorld, a leading Philippine newspaper, published articles accusing Meiring of being a CIA agent involved in covert operations ‘to justify the (recent) stationing of American troops and bases in Mindanao.’
The 'terrorists' give the Americans an excuse to station soldiers in the Philippines.
In her affidavit, Gadian also accused the US military of building permanent structures in different military camps in the country.
3.Founded in the early 1990s with seed money from Osama bin Laden (of the CIA), the Abu Sayyaf is blamed for a series of bombings and kidnappings.
4.MANILA, Philippines (Xinhua) - A United Nations agency has identified the Philippines as one of the seven countries in Asia with the worst child trafficking condition. more here
Nick Devin is a happily married man in his mid-60s with four grown children.
"I have advanced degrees from prestigious universities, a very good job, a lot of friends and am well-respected in my community," he writes on his Web site. He experiences some attraction to adult women, but, he only fantasizes about pubescent boys.
According to James Cantor, Ph.D., 'an international expert' on pedophilia, "It is extremely important not to confuse pedophilia - meaning the sexual interest in children - with actual child molestation.
"Not every person who experiences sexual attractions to children acts on those attractions."
It is possible that most adults are sexually attracted to children, but most of them do not abuse children.
When the 'experts' are studying child abusers, they are usually studying the poorly educated 'losers' who get caught.
They are not usually studying the well-connected members of the elite, like lawyers, members of parliament or top officers in the military.
Think of some of the people who were reportedly pedophiles, ephebophiles or pedohebophiles :-
Lord Mountbatten, General Montgomery, Picasso, Shakespeare, Alexander the Great, Lord Baden-Powell, Graham Greene, Pope Julius III, Rudyard Kipling, and C S Lewis.
Channel 4's The Paedophile Next Door showed a man who confessed to sexual attraction to children.
On the UK's Channel 4, 39-year-old Eddie admitted openly that he was sexually attracted to girl children, but insisted that he has never abused any child.
Apparently there are lots of so-called "virtuous paedophiles".
But there are also bad child abusers.
Ian McFadyen, 49, was abused by a schoolteacher as a young boy.
McFadyen was abused at Caldicott School near Slough, Buckinghamshire, in the 1970s and became a drug addict and child prostitute.
He wants a new approach to the problem of child abuse.
Jon Brown, the NSPCC's head of strategy and development, says "The problem at the moment and over the last decade is the hugely increased availability of child abuse imagery online. "That is a problem because that can fuel and stoke interest that for some people perhaps was not that great in the first place." Channel 4's The Paedophile Next Door Will Show Man ...
1. In 1976 the National Council for Civil Liberties, made a submission to parliament's criminal law revision committee.
This stated that "Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in with an adult result in no identifiable damage … The real need is a change in the attitude which assumes that all cases of paedophilia result in lasting damage."
This caused hardly a ripple.
But, now we know about Jimmy Savile.
2. Paedophiles are not necessarily violent: no firm links have so far been established between paedophilia and aggressive or psychotic symptoms.
Psychologist Glenn Wilson, co-author of The Child-Lovers: a Study of Paedophiles in Society, argues that "The majority of paedophiles, however socially inappropriate, seem to be gentle and rational."
4. Child brides were once the norm; in the late 16th century the age of consent in England was 10.
5. Tom O'Carroll, a former chairman of PIE, says "If there's no bullying, no coercion, no abuse of power, if the child enters into the relationship voluntarily … the evidence shows there need be no harm."
Abigail Holloway, 33 was a gym teacher at a Christian prep school called Kings Academy, in Sunnyvale, California.Reportedly she had a sexual relationship with a 13 year-old girl.
And a major if still controversial 1998-2000 meta-study suggests - as J Michael Bailey of Northwestern University, Chicago, says - that such relationships, entered into voluntarily, are "nearly uncorrelated with undesirable outcomes".
Child abuser Sir James Savile, and the UK prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Some research suggests that the typical 'dangerous child abuser' is a married person with children who holds conservative views and who has links to the military and the church. "One reason why acts of pedophilia committed by females are under-reported is that many acts are not recognized because they occur during the course of regular 'nurturing or care-giving activities,' such as when bathing and dressing children (22, 27).
"Another reason is that when adult females engage in sexual acts with adolescent boys, others do not perceive this activity as abuse but rather a fortunate rite of passage (27)." A Profile of Pedophilia
While at university I was told that, some decades ago, research was carried out on a typical cross-section of people to find out which images aroused them sexually.
The research was paid for by the advertising industry.
The researchers photographed the pupils of the eyes of the volunteers as they looked at photos of babies, boys, girls, men and women.
The pupils of the eyes greatly enlarged when people were 'turned on' by certain images.
Some men liked women with big breasts; some women liked cute babies.
It turned out that the most universally popular images, liked by both men and women, were those of cute looking 12-year-old boys.
The military loves child-porn.
America has a child porn crisis.
The disturbing number of federal and state employees arrested for child porn charges makes this a national security issue.
2. If there are 11 million abused children in the UK, that could mean that there are many millions of child abusers.
It will not be possible to lock them all up.
We need to be able to see the difference between (1) the paedophile girl guide leader who hugs a girl guide and (2) the mother who tortures and rapes a toddler.
3. In order to protect children we need a 'culture' that discourages child abuse.
This means removing the dangerous child abusers from such institutions as:
The security services
The military
The police
The legal profession
The media and entertainment industry
The social work departments
"The ordinary citizens will demand constitutional reform on a scale not seen since the 1640s."
It has become clear that all of the above child abuse can be linked to the CIA, and its friends.
You could say that the culprits are a 'Zionist-Nazi-Mafia faction' within the CIA, Mossad and the Pentagon.
If the CIA wants to control the boss of MI6, or the Secretary General of NATO, or a top Hollywood entertainer, or the President of the United States, or a member of a royal family, or a newspaper editor, or a key employee of Google, it can supply them with young girls or boys.
In order to get the system in place, the CIA has to know where children will be available for abuse.
A guide book is helpful.
In 1964, an American called Bob Damron published a book listing gay bars.
The CIA is reported to have photographs of certain top foreign dignitaries visiting such bars.
From 1969/1970 onwards you could buy the Spartacus guide book which listed the child brothels all around the world from Port Au Prince to Pattaya.
It was a very fat guide book.
It was advertised in the mainstream media and was available in the larger bookshops.
In other words, the security services seemed to be encouraging people to buy the book.
Now, the big question is, how on earth did the Spartacus editors know the details of all these brothels around the world?
The people most likely to know all the details were the CIA and its friends.
The CIA has been linked to child abuse and child murder worldwide.
"The details of each of the Spartacus members, including their sexual preferences, the desired age of the children and preferred countries of origin were stored on a computer.
"An estimated 200,000 Nepalese children have been sold into sexual slavery in India; in Thailand up to a quarter of a million children work in brothels; and in Colombia one third of prostitutes are thought to be under 14."
In 1955, we have the earliest recorded instance of child abuse by Sir Jimmy Savile (above), who is believed to have worked for the security services. In the late 1950's, Savile visited Moscow. On one occasion he gave a talk to the Israeli cabinet. He was a friend of the Chief of the UK Defence Staff.
We can go back at least as far as 1950 when Eisenhower, Hoover and Edward Teller attended the Bohemian Grove in California.
Bohemian Grove is where the top people meet and reportedly get involved in child abuse and worse.
In other words, there is a long history of the top people being involved in child abuse.
From the 1940s onwards, the Arthur G Dozier School, in Marianna in Florida, was a home for boys.
It is situated near a military base and may be linked to the CIA's MK ULTRA mind control programme.
When a child is being mind-controlled, he is often forced to watch the murder of another child.
Excavators have discovered at least 50 bodies buried in the grounds of the school, which was shut in 2011.
In 2008, the Governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, was forced to launch an investigation into the "hundreds of unmarked graves located at the school".
Rape, torture and murder took place at this school in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s.
Dick Colon said he was forced to lie face-down on a blood-soaked pillow that had small pieces of lip, tongue and skin from the previous boy's beating.
Colon recalls looking through the steamed-up window of a tumble-drier in the school laundry and seeing a black boy inside, churning round and round. Nazareth Lodge
In the 1950s and 1960s, in Northern Ireland, there was 'Nazi-style' abuse of children in children's care homes.
One former resident says that "he was in a chain gang polishing floors, bathed in detergent as punishment and sexually assaulted by a woman when he was aged five or six.
In the mid 1950s, the charity Colonia Dignidad was set up in Chile by a 'Jewish Nazi' called Paul Schäfer Schneider.
Reportedly, the CIA, Mossad and the West German secret service used Colonia Dignidad for experiments involving the torture and mind control of kidnapped children.
"It was known since 1964 that the members of the commune were being subjected to torture; it was known since 1977 that political prisoners were tortured there; and the child abuse was known about since the 1970s."
"Germans in the colony knew how to keep a person alive for several days or weeks while putting him or her through the most terrible agony and humiliation..."
Colonia Dignidad is said to have links to a large number of Nazis linked to Operation Paperclip, MK ULTRA brainwashing, satanic ritual abuse, AmeriCares, the Knights of Malta and the Vatican.
German authorities investigated charges that from thirty to forty children reported missing from the Bonn and Cologne areas wound up at Colonia Dignidad.
Michael Townley - "the primary liaison between Colonia Dignidad and the Pinochet regime was an American CIA agent named MichaelTownley who also served as a member of the Chilean secret police in addition to helping plan the military coup that ousted Allende." Latin American Cults Part I
In 1956, John Ross led a fact-finding committee investigating Australian children's homes to which British children had been sent.
He wanted 26 institutions blacklisted. His report was ignored by the government.
Large numbers of children have been tortured and raped in children's care homes in Australia.
The CIA is said to control the key people in Australia.
"A man named FV told police that in 1974 the Superintendent of the Bexley home, Captain Lawrence Wilson, introduced him to a woman in Salvation Army uniform who was accompanied by a man.
"FV said they took him back to their home and sexually abused him."
Sir Jimmy Savile with Elvis.
In 1960, Jimmy Savile visited visits Elvis Presley in California.
Laurel Canyon
Billy Bryars, the son of an oil magnate, ran a 'boy brothel' at the summit of Laurel Canyon in California.
Customers at the boy brothel were said to include J. Edgar Hoover and his 'gay' partner Clyde Tolson.
Reportedly, around 50,000 aboriginal (native Indian) children died in residential schools in Canada
Canada has been a major centre of CIA mind-control experiments.
In 1964, William Combes says he witnessed "the abduction of ten fellow residential school children by the Queen of England and her husband in October, 1964 at the Catholic school in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada."
Warwick Spinks (above) was caught on secret camera offering to supply a video in which a 10 year old boy was killed and another featuring the horrific abuse of a young boy.
The untouchable "Warwick Spinks ... built businesses and bought properties in South Africa, Namibia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, France and England..."
In the early 1970's, soldier John Peters, who helped make the 'Bjorn tape' video involving the horrific sex assault of an 8 year old boy, managed to go absent without leave.
Right - Sir peter Morrison with Thatcher. Left - North Wales children's care home used as a boy brothel. ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE.
From 1974 - 1990, child abuse rings were operating at various children's homes in North wales.
Margaret Thatcher's close friend Sir Peter Morrison, and a McAlpine, were reportedly involved.
In the mid 1970's, the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was active in promoting the idea of legalising sex with children over 4.
PIE was financed and organised by people linked to the security services, reportedly.
In 1975, Prince Edward served as President of The Scout Association.
A large number of child celebrities are reported to be victims of the CIA's MK ULTRA mind-control.
In 1975, Project MKUltra was brought to public attention by the Church Committee of the U.S. Congress.
In 1975, Jimmy Savile made a 10 day 'state visit' to Israel.
He met President Ephraim Katzir and Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek, and was organised by John Levy of the Friends of Israel Educational Trust.
In 1975, Sir Jimmy Savile reportedly beat and raped a girl at Stoke Mandeville hospital as part of a satanic ritual with other adults in the hospital basement.
The Oakland County Child Killer is an unidentified serial killer responsible for the murders of four or more children, two girls and two boys, in Oakland County, Michigan, United States in 1976 and 1977.
It has been alleged that Frank Shelden/FrankTorey was the killer.
I hope that the MPs and their puppet masters at Westminster realise that the investigation into paedophile rings in high places from the 1960s to the 1990s (there are published allegations of child murders, for heaven’s sake) exposes a significant number of MPs, Lords and Generals – those who think it is their natural place to rule the country – that this will be the end for them.
It will make the parliamentary expenses scandal look like stealing sweeties from the tuck shops of the privileged schools that most of them attended.
The ordinary citizens will demand constitutional reform on a scale not seen since the 1640s.
A rapid transition to full proportional representation for the Lords and Commons will only be the start of it.
Although that, per se, won’t keep the paedophiles from creeping back into the seats of power it, and the police record and intelligence checks that current workers with children are subject to, it will be a first step in the right direction. It would make representatives a little less dependent on a party political patronage system, now seen clearly for what it is – a number of cartels which promote nothing before self-interest, sometimes fatally corrupted self-interest at that.
We must, eventually, find a better way of selecting those who make the decisions we all depend upon.