Friday 13 September 2024


Snow today in UK.

Temperature here now -
5° C


At 13 September 2024 at 00:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

May as well add the Widow Tax to the others that the elderly are being considered for.

The slow Red Dawn

At 13 September 2024 at 01:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snow on the Scottish 4000ft peaks in September is by no means unusual, I regularly saw dustings of snow on Ben Nevis at that time of year when hiking in the Highlands as a younger man.

At 13 September 2024 at 23:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the moderating effect of the oceans. Extremes accelerated by warming global oceans and slowing currents such as the Gulf Stream. Basic highchool science. Ice melting phenomena have been directly linked to global warming, with recent studies showing that the Arctic is warming at four times the global average rate due to increased greenhouse gases. The authors of the study explain that "increased melting is closely related to episodes of extreme warmth caused by more frequent, warmer and wetter anticyclonic air masses from more northern latitudes."

"These atmospheric patterns keep the air over Greenland stagnant during the summer, increase solar radiation and reduce the albedo (sunlight reflectance) of snow and ice, which further accelerates warming and melting," they add.

At 14 September 2024 at 13:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or Government sponsored weather warfare and modification.

I think you might have mixed this site up with GMTV where your climate tripe will be better received.

Is that you Marj???


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