Saturday 27 July 2024

When The Cult Calls From Capitoline - Hillrichard Willet



At 27 July 2024 at 05:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's an interesting article but spare me the surprise that Alex Jones didn't step up with a relevant reaction. He's got the same paymasters who facilitate his controlled opposition multimedia and supplements network. Icke is a gatekeeper who, like a spider, catches the naive truthseekers with a web of gnosticism. There are no heroes.

At 27 July 2024 at 06:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

zoom-in on White House press photo of Netanyahu meeting Biden the other day

Bibi Netanyahu smiling with a look of pleasure

Joe Biden looking frightened

At 27 July 2024 at 15:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 27 July 2024 at 15:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

“… like a spider, catches the naive truthseekers with a web of gnosticism.”

So true.
The gnostics were out at The Automatic Earth recently and like cicadas I wondered just what signal woke them from their 17 year slumber.
I also wondered what Gnosticism has to do with Judaism.✡️


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