Friday 16 February 2024

Trump Put $10 Billion Dollars Into a Programme to Depopulate The US.

Catherine Austin Fitts – Trump Put $10 Billion Dollars Into a Programme to Depopulate The US.

The COVID Divide: Analyzing England's Shocking 1 Million Vaccinated Deaths compared to just 61k Unvaccinated Deaths




At 16 February 2024 at 22:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former Mossad official: Children in Gaza over the age of 4 deserve to be starved

In an interview on Israeli television, former Mossad official Rami Igra said all Palestinians in Gaza over the age of 4 are "involved" and deserve to face Israel's collective punishment policy of withholding food and humanitarian aid.

At 16 February 2024 at 22:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

George Soros fund poised to take control of nation’s second-largest chain of radio stations: ‘This is scary’

At 16 February 2024 at 22:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

War on Gaza: Israeli army chief urges soldiers to stop looting Palestinian homes

Herzi Halevi's comments come after footage revealed Israeli soldiers stealing necklaces, furniture and pets


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