Sunday 3 December 2023

Heaven is for Real Movie 2014


At 3 December 2023 at 09:38 , Blogger llifthrasir said...

Christians seem to conveniently forget the German Holocaust done by Germans and the Vatican. the Spanish Inquisition. The 80 year spanish war. The wars between Protestants and Catholics, The IRA, The burning of witches in many European countries. And although far away the Crusades said to have been brutal. Batlle of Hastings had 2/3 of the english dead and replaced. Also just read confirmed that it was jews who started the christian religion. Were they the ones spreading the Septuagint, murdering Hypatia?

At 3 December 2023 at 17:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeffrey Epstein’s jail confidant Peter Mandelson seen back in British parliament

Sir Keir Starmer’s relationship to his ‘Mossad-Rothschild handler’ likened to a host-parasite dynamic

Peter Mandelson “[scuttled] out of Parliament just as PMQs ended … [His] possession of the corpse of the man who was once Keir Starmer continues …

“… [Unlike] Mandy’s previous host organism — … the ‘Blair Creature’ — Starmer lacks … even superficial charm …”

At 3 December 2023 at 22:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord Mandelson and Morgan McSweeney ‘are on manoeuvres’

The Telegraph reports:

“Lord Mandelson was spotted in Parliament last week holding talks with Morgan McSweeney”, Keir Starmer’s election strategist.

At 3 December 2023 at 22:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Media reports say Keir Starmer’s election strategist, ‘mysterious’ Irishman Morgan McSweeney, has enjoyed an “almost traceless rise” to power in the Labour party.

According to reports, by 2001, a young Morgan McSweeney had landed a plum post “inputting data into Peter Mandelson’s ‘Excalibur’ [computer]” in Labour’s attack and rebuttal unit.

2001 also witnessed the 911 false flag atrocity, preceded by years of Mandelson networking transatlantically with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein, Lynn and Evelyn de Rothschild, Jacob Rothschild, Kevin Spacey, Sir Edward Heath, and Rantzen/Sainsbury lieutenant Shaun Woodward.

If the Rothschild clan, Epstein and Maxwell, ‘steered’ Prince Andrew into a 911 ‘Mossad honeytrap’, then the million-shekel-question is whether Mandelson’s motive for ‘befriending’ Andrew through the NSPCC Full Stop campaign was to assist in that scheme.

There is no proof.

The only certainty? That Epstein-Maxwell’s sexual blackmail scheme — and other comparable ventures carried out by other Zionist operatives — was successfully deployed before and after 911 on scores of global dignitaries to coerce consent with the official 911 story and the ensuing wars for Greater Israel.

At 3 December 2023 at 22:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Labour Together is the secretive group co-founded by Mandelson’s protege, Wes Steeting, and advised by the likes of Alun Milburn, who abruptly resigned as a government minister in June 2003, a few months after a list of suspected pedophiles assembled by Operation Ore detectives was leaked to the press.

Morgan McSweeney reportedly became the group’s full-time managing director in 2017, but ‘failed to report £730,000 of donations to Labour Together during his 3-year tenure, which ended in 2020 when he left to run Starmer’s successful leadership election, before becoming Sir Keir’s director of campaigns.

‘Labour Together’s financial backers, who have included former Rothschild director Lord Myners and top Zionist Sir Trevor Chinn, donated £205,000 to Starmer’s leadership campaign.

What autobiographical fact or behaviour of Starmer’s delighted the Zionists to the point of bankrolling his leadership campaign?

McSweeney, Starmer and Mandelson protege Wes Streeting last year hosted nine member’s of Israel’s Labor party, and “Starmer has [shown] an uncompromising attitude towards pro-Palestinian activism …” Could this be a clue?

Could Starmer’s links to the Trilateral Commission and Mossad’s Jimmy Savile suggest other reasons for the huge money and support?

In any case, the uncanny grip — or parasitic possession — that the Zionist cabal is alleged to have over the Labour leader may not be solely explained by the fact that Starmer’s family is Jewish.

Given the cabal’s alleged predilection for running sexual entrapment blackmail operations and similar, the fear must be that the cabal either already have — or plan shortly to obtain — documentary evidence of Starmer committing a criminal or shamefully immoral act.

Sometimes dubbed ‘mind control’, Mossad’s classic modus operandi is understood to pair a sexual blackmail derived control file with potential harm, torture, or psychological torment of the subject or his loved ones.

Sadly for Starmer, many captured pawns tend ultimately to develop, after time, the look of someone hunted or haunted.

He would be wise to get out now?

At 3 December 2023 at 22:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Henry Kissinger’s trips to the UK

At 3 December 2023 at 22:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeffrey Epstein flight log subpoena request denied by Senator Dick Durbin

At 3 December 2023 at 22:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

‘Israel plans to assassinate Hamas leaders abroad after war’

“‘They are marked for death’, [said Defense Minister Yoav Gallant] …

“The Mossad has a legacy of international assassinations …

“According to Ronen Bergman’s Rise and Kill First, Israel has conducted more than 2,700 targeted assassinations since the second World War.”


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