Thursday 9 November 2023

RFK Jr. Is on Board With Censorship

15 hours ago — “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has clarified the nature of his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, after it was revealed that the presidential hopeful ...


At 9 November 2023 at 01:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is obvious manifestation of Jewish blackmail on RFK. What they have on him, I don't know, but it's clear that if he says anything critical of Israel, the Zionist-controlled media will destroy him and the saddest thing is that 250 million Americans still think that the MSM is their friend. It is their enemy and they should all switch off en masse.

At 9 November 2023 at 02:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jeffrey, luv Pedro

At 9 November 2023 at 03:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

why are my comments always deleted /

At 9 November 2023 at 05:34 , Blogger Anon said...

Comments have to be deleted if they are likely to have the blog closed down.

At 9 November 2023 at 13:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gettin' too close Epstein's Clients List.

At 10 November 2023 at 14:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's been owned by CHABAD blackmail just like daddy. so tired

At 10 November 2023 at 15:16 , Anonymous RogowskiBubba said...

Hi friends, don't know where to post it. Sry.

The activity of a humanitarian organization under the leadership of #Zelensky's wife Elena is being investigated on the fact of #childtrafficking...
Wanna give some more money to Ukraine?
#Clinton ?😱


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