NYGARD- Convicted
“Disgraced fashion mogul Peter Nygard has been found guilty of sexually assaulting four women at his Toronto home …
“In addition to the trial that ended Sunday, Nygard is also facing a civil lawsuit in New York that is currently on hold - it involved 57 women and the allegations date back as far as 1977, some of whom claim they were assaulted when they were as young as 14 or 15.
“He is fighting extradition to the US for the charges in New York.
“He faces a slate of other charges across Canada stemming from other alleged acts of sexual misconduct and assault …
“The Duke of York visited the Canadian businessman at his Bahamas home in 2000, shortly AFTER Nygard settled out of court with three employees who had accused him of sexual harassment.”

Unknown commented
Peter Nygard ‘wanted girlfriends to have abortions to use the foetuses for stem cell research’
“A new book by Melissa Cronin … makes claims about [Peter Nygard’s] alleged bizarre behaviour.
“… [Cronin] claims Nygard had an obsession with staying young.
“The tycoon allegedly ended up establishing his stem cell research company on the island of St. Kitts, near his home in the Bahamas.
“Cronin alleges the purpose was use aborted foetuses from his pregnant girlfriends to provide him with fresh stem cells.
“‘I may be the only person in the world who has my own embryos growing in a petri dish,’ he said.
“An ex-girlfriends, Suelyn Medeiros, wrote in a 2014 memoir about a trip she took with Nygard to Ukraine, where he was having stem cell research done.
“‘He asked, “Suelyn, do you know what the best stem cells are?”’ she wrote, to which she replied ‘embryos’.
“‘Correct! If you got pregnant and had an abortion, we could use those embryonic cells and have a life’s supply for all of us: you, your mother and me. A lot of people are doing it,’ he replied …”

Unknown commented -
Duke and Duchess of York link to second ‘predator’ Peter Nygard
“The allegations against Peter Nygard are strikingly similar to those against the late financier Jeffrey Epstein, a friend of the duke …
“[Nygard] and his companies have been accused in a civil claim brought by ten women of operating a ‘sex-trafficking ring’ to transport young victims to his mansion in the Bahamas where they endured depraved abuse.
“[Prince Andrew] visited the mansion with his former wife, Sarah, Duchess of York, in the summer of 2000 shortly after Mr Nygard had settled cases of sexual harassment against three women out of court in Canada.
“The tycoon has also been photographed with the duke’s daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie.
“… [Prince Andrew’s] decision to maintain contact with Mr Nygard will draw comparisons with his continuing relationship with Epstein after the financier was jailed in 2008 for procuring an under-age girl for prostitution in Florida …
“A 99-page legal complaint filed against Mr Nygard in New York claims that his mansion in the Bahamas … [hosted] parties attended by celebrities and politicians including Oprah Winfrey, President George HW Bush, Robert De Niro and Sean Connery …”
Unknown commented -
Sarah Ferguson, Prince Andrew and daughters welcomed at Peter Nygard’s retreat
“An article in the Chicago Tribune published in June 2000 said the duke had visited Mr Nygard’s home, Nygard Cay, in the Bahamas with Sarah, the Duchess of York ‘weeks before’.
“The Times has obtained a photograph of the duchess with Mr Nygard and princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.
“Mr Nygard’s website boasts of guests including GEORGE BUSH, the former US president; Robert De Niro, the actor; MICHAEL JACKSON, the late pop singer, as well as the duke and duchess …
“When contacted for comment, Mr Nygard’s lawyer said he was unaware of his client’s relationship with the duke.
“Buckingham Palace declined to comment.”

Unknown commented -
'We think there are THOUSANDS of victims': Is Peter Nygard the worst of the worst?
More than 125 survivors have come forward while Nygard denies all allegations.
“… Nygard's allegations of rape, sexual assault or harassment go as far back as the late 1960s and include incidents from as recently as 2019.
“The girls he raped were as young as 14 years old at the time.
“… [The] civil class action lawsuit against Nygard … [has] ballooned to more than 125 [women].
“And lawyers working on the case believe that could be just the tip of the iceberg.
“‘In terms of the level of manipulation and forethought to a systemic enterprise of cruelty and rape and suppression and intimidation, I don't think there's been anybody like [Nygard], ever,’ said [attorney Greg Gutzler].
“‘We think there are thousands of victims.’”
More than 125 survivors have come forward while Nygard denies all allegations.
“… Nygard's allegations of rape, sexual assault or harassment go as far back as the late 1960s and include incidents from as recently as 2019.
“The girls he raped were as young as 14 years old at the time.
“… [The] civil class action lawsuit against Nygard … [has] ballooned to more than 125 [women].
“And lawyers working on the case believe that could be just the tip of the iceberg.
“‘In terms of the level of manipulation and forethought to a systemic enterprise of cruelty and rape and suppression and intimidation, I don't think there's been anybody like [Nygard], ever,’ said [attorney Greg Gutzler].
“‘We think there are thousands of victims.’”
What he's quoted as saying here is absolutely true, possible, likely and has been do for several decades!
“‘He asked, “Suelyn, do you know what the best stem cells are?”’ she wrote, to which she replied ‘embryos’. Correct! If you got pregnant and had an abortion, we could use those embryonic cells and have a life’s supply for all of us: you, your mother and me. A lot of people are doing it,’ he replied …”
HELA cells from Henrietta Lacks' cervical cancer have been around longer than I've been alive b. 1962.
HEK293 human embryonic kidney
PER.C6 primary embryonic retinoblasts were both harvested deliberately by a doctor for the intended purpose the latter PER.C6 coordinated with the mother deliberately seeking abortion of her unborn baby.
So here's the Catholic church's position as it's been "too long ago to matter" rationale. Fuck the Catholic church.
" “the lack of available alternative vaccines, and the fact that the connection between an abortion that occurred decades ago and receiving a vaccine produced today is remote, inoculation with the new COVID-19 vaccines in these circumstances can be morally justified”.
The PER.C6 cell line, for instance, is derived from immortalized retinal cells from an 18-week-old fetus aborted in 1985.
HEK-293, derived from the kidney of a fetus aborted in the 1970s.
So, the language is dehumanizing and lowered the discussion to the harvesting of animal parts. If you have enough money you CAN and WILL buy this science for personal use while also relying heavily on The Government slash private corporate penetration to collect the necessary resources for you, at the Chan Soon-shiong DoD DNA repository in Windber Pennsylvania.
I'll close with "ethics" of a local Jewish physician.
"the message that has resonated most with several of Zimmerman’s vaccine-hesitant patients is one of altruism. “Nobody wants to be the one who triggers an infectious disease on their loved one,” he says."
How do you like that?
Altruism for Thee but not for the unborn Baby-ee.
Define Goyim please.
You forgot MRC5
Medical Research Council 5. Diploid Fibroblasts, specifically cultured from a 14-week-old aborted Caucasian male foetus.
Yeah, HEK293 was in the mRNA vaccines. I'm fairly certain everyone that got vaccinated would have been told this prior to giving their 'informed consent'. Lol.
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