Thursday 9 November 2023

3 arrested in connection with 'prostitution network'


At 10 November 2023 at 07:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10 November 2023 at 08:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Louis Theroux and Jimmy Savile's friendship

“Louis Theroux was 'groomed' by Jimmy Savile into a … relationship after the pair struck a bond during the filming of Louis' 2000 documentary, When Louis Met Jimmy.

“The two men became 'friendly' … to the point that Louis even invited the evil paedophile to come stay with him.

“And they remained on such good terms that the following year, in 2001, they met up for further filming …

“He has since admitted feeling guilty he didn't do more to bring Savile to justice ….”

At 10 November 2023 at 08:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy Savile's relationship with his mother, 'the Duchess'

“When paedophile Jimmy Savile's mother died he spent five days with her body, which was housed in an open casket for what he called 'The best five days of his life' …

“ … Savile … transformed the flat in Scarborough, which he shared with her until she died in 1972, into a creepy shrine …

“… ‘We had marvellous times but when she was dead she was all mine, for me’ [he said] …

“[Savile] maintained her bedroom in the same state for the next 39 years until he perished …

“… [He once] called her the 'only true love' of his life …

“Journalist Dan Davies … wrote how Savile said there had been ‘no tactile affection’ during his childhood, and that he had to learn ‘how to enjoy her’ …”

The Zionist intelligence operative, child trafficker, necrophiliac, rapist and pedophile thought it was a great lark to call his mother ‘the Duchess’.

Clearly, he understood his late father Vincent to have been an unacknowledged (illegitimate) relation of the aristocratic Savile family — the Earls of Mexborough — on whose original land the streets he lived on were built.

If this is correct, then Vincent Savile’s wife (‘the Duchess’) and their son, Jimmy, were kin of the aristocratic Saviles — the Earls and Countesses of Mexborough.

And, moreover, kin to the ‘Jewish’ Raphael dynasty originally from Armenia.

Could Jimmy Savile’s being a ‘secret Jewish’ Raphael explain the disc jockey’s devotion to the Jewish community and the ultra Zionist agenda?

And did John RAPHAEL Wentworth Savile, 7th Earl of Mexborough, and a Captain in the Intelligence Corps of the British Army, confide the family’s alleged ‘Jewish secret’ to Jimmy Savile ?

… as well as secrets of the family’s work for the British and/or Israeli intelligence community, or faction(s) thereof?

At 10 November 2023 at 09:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conservatives reject inquiry to clear Ted Heath’s name

“LORD LEXDEN **, a political historian, told the [House of Lords]:

“‘Is it not imperative to carry out an independent review of the seven allegations made against Sir Edward Heath … which [Mile Veale, the former Chief Constable of Cleveland Police] failed to clear up after a long investigation?’ …

“He added: ‘Do we not owe it to the memory of a dead statesman … to get at the truth of this grave matter …?’ …

“However, Lord Butler, Sir Edward’s former private secretary, suggested the allegations had been ‘effectively resolved’ by the jailing of [Carl Beech] and Mr Veale’s dismissal …”

Lord Lexden and Scallywag maagzine

At 10 November 2023 at 09:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Louis Theroux reveals the stars he's desperate to interview Tom Cruise

“In his series, When Louis Met… he has interviewed the likes of disgraced presenter Jimmy Savile … and [convicted pedophile] Max Clifford …

“He recently … [released] new interviews with names including … Bear Grylls …

“But Theroux has now revealed who still remains on his ‘to get’ list - with Hollywood [star] TOM CRUISE … among the names.

“He said in a recent Q&A: ‘The door is always open for Tom Cruise’ …

“The court was also told that [Ben Fellows, the former child actor] handed a list of names to police, which included a Hollywood actor, a Dynasty star and Max Clifford …

“Summarising the list, [prosecutor Duncan Atkinson] said: ‘The top name is an actor... he says he was a big BBC star, a Dynasty star. He goes on to deal with Max Clifford.

“‘[Fellows] talks about a party in connection with The Word TV programme and another Hollywood actor and something which he witnessed in relation to that actor …

“Fellows also repeatedly mentioned Hollywood star TOM CRUISE during the meeting …”

At 10 November 2023 at 10:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former Israeli president Ehud Barak ** says Israel must INVADE Gaza

“… [Ehud Barak] supports a full-bore invasion of Gaza. And he defends Israel’s bombing campaign of the territory, which has already killed thousands …

“[Barak says:]

“‘It might not be very short, like the Six-Day War. It won’t take three weeks like the ’73 war or even two months like the last long operation in Gaza. But … we have to do it …

“‘Netanyahu worked systematically in the last five years to strengthen Hamas, to keep it alive and kicking …

“‘There were even payments — I called it “protection money” — through the Qataris in order to keep [Hamas] strong and active …

“‘[Netanyahu] doesn’t want two states … [In] order to protect this ideology of one state and to block the trajectory toward the possibility of two states, he ended up strengthening Hamas …”

“Former Israeli Prime Minister EHUD BARAK met with disgraced financier and child sexual abuser Jeffrey Epstein at least 36 times, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal. The meetings occurred monthly from December 2015. 

“The meetings occurred after Epstein had initially been arrested in 2008 for sex crimes.

“The report also details Barak taking rides on Epstein’s private jet and visiting the Epstein mansions in Florida and New York. In January 2014, Epstein flew Barak from his private Palm Beach mansion to Tampa …

“[Virginia Giuffre] claims that Epstein forced her into having sexual relations with Barak and Jewish-American attorney Alan Dershowitz …

“Barak claims that he was introduced to Epstein in 2003 by former prime minister Shimon Peres. Additionally, Barak was photographed entering Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse with his face hidden, on the same day in January 2016 that a large group of women were seen entering the home …”

At 10 November 2023 at 10:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alan Dershowitz **: ‘Israel must consider the NUCLEAR option’

“[Dershowitz says:]

“‘If you’re old enough to kill a Jew, you’re old enough to be killed by a Jew. You can’t hide behind being a child …

“‘Shakespeare said, in The Merchant of Venice, “If you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

“‘Revenge is an important element of human feelings …

“‘If the rules are that you never hit a target if there are civilians, the United States and Great Britain would not have won World War Two.

“‘Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Berlin, Tokyo: Roosevelt and Churchill said we will stop at nothing to win …

“‘Israel should not accept the double-standard fake morality of outsiders.

“‘It should impose its own morality together with its allies, the United States and Great Britain …’

“Dershowitz says in his new book that … Israel will ultimately have to ‘consider its nuclear option’ …”

Victoria Giuffre “first accused DERSHOWITZ of sexual abuse in a December 2014 affidavit …

“In the court filing, Giuffre alleged that Epstein and … Ghislaine Maxwell forced her to become their teenage ‘sex slave’ and sent her to powerful men to be sexually abused—including Dershowitz …

“Dershowitz [has said that] his relationship with Epstein ‘changed completely’ after Epstein’s 2008 jail stint for soliciting minors.

“‘After he served his time my relationship with him changed completely, it was no longer academic or social, but I did meet with him on a number of occasions …’ Dershowitz testified …

“Dershowitz testified that he also had discussions with Epstein about the Middle East after his Florida conviction: ‘[EPSTEIN] WAS FRIENDLY WITH A NUMBER OR PROMINENT ISRAELIS. And—and so we had conversations about the Middle East and the matters—legal matters’ …

“Emails cited in the deposition transcripts, however, seem to paint a picture of a particularly chummy relationship between Epstein and Dershowitz even after [Epstein’s] incarceration …

“[Virginia Giuffre says:]

“‘I have long believed Mr. Dershowitz participated in my sex trafficking. I have not, and would not, retract what I have said …’”

At 10 November 2023 at 10:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Labour Friends of Israel and Sir Trevor Chinn

“There has been criticism of Sir Keir Starmer and other senior Labour figures over their failure to call for a ceasefire in Gaza …

“An investigation … revealed that 13 of the 31 members of Labour’s Shadow Cabinet have received donations from a prominent pro-Israel lobby group or individual funder.

“The list of recipients includes party leader KEIR STARMER, his deputy ANGELA RAYNER, Shadow Foreign Secretary DAVID LAMMY, and … LISA NANDY …

“These donations were provided by Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) … and Sir Trevor Chinn, a … long-time pro-Israel lobbyist.

“More than half of Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet are listed as parliamentary supporters or officers of LFI …

“LFI … was revealed during an undercover Al Jazeera documentary in 2017 to have close relations with the Israeli embassy in London …

“Eight members of Starmer’s shadow cabinet have received money from LFI to travel to Israel since being elected MPs. This includes DAVID LAMMY … WES STREETING … JONATHAN REYNOLDS … [and] EMILY THORNBERRY …

“A further recipient of travel funds is shadow chancellor RACHEL REEVES, who is currently a parliamentary vice-chair of LFI … LFI has also donated to WAYNE DAVID …

“STARMER received a £50,000 donation from Chinn during his campaign for the Labour leadership in 2020 – and failed to declare this until after he’d won the election.

“… Chinn has donated to eight other members of the Shadow Cabinet, including RAYNER, LAMMY, REEVES, STREETING … BRIDGET PHILLIPSON … LIZ KENDALL … [and] STEVE REED.

“LISA NANDY … has also accepted money from Chinn …

“The value of Chinn’s donations to Starmer and members of his shadow cabinet amounts to almost £200,000 …”

At 10 November 2023 at 11:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ex-Mossad deputy director proposes resettling Gaza’s entire population globally

“100 countries around the world should each take in 20,000 refugees from Gaza, former deputy director of Mossad Ram Ben Bara has said, adding that being a refugee in Canada is better than living in Gaza …

“Palestinians have slammed proposals to resettle Gaza’s population, including Israeli proposals to move them to Egypt’s Sinai Desert, as a policy of ethnic cleansing.”

At 10 November 2023 at 11:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mossad was likely complicit in Hamas attack, suggests Len McCluskey

Len McCluskey, the former general secretary of Unite the Union, “[floated] the idea to Andrew Marr that the Israeli intelligence services perhaps might have known about the heinous attack of 7/10 in advance:

“[McCluskey said:]

“‘… You have in Mossad, the most sophisticated organisation in the world, much more so than MI5, MI6, CIA.

“‘Are we really led to believe that they didn’t know that this was happening?’”

At 10 November 2023 at 11:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is someone trying to stop a TV probe into Lord Mountbatten that alleges he was embroiled in a notorious sexual abuse scandal?

“… [The] producers of a Channel 4 documentary — alleging Mountbatten was embroiled in a notorious sexual abuse scandal — have themselves become victims of a series of disquieting events.

“One of the producers, Des Henderson, explains that the programme … concerns the city's Kincora Boys' Home, to which, he claims, there is 'no doubt Mountbatten is linked'.

“While interviewing people, Henderson received two threatening phone calls at his office. One warned him to be 'careful'; the other was more explicit. '[The caller said]: 'I really do want to warn you about looking into this stuff. There are all kinds of things that could happen, if you dig too deep.'

“The following week, Henderson returned to his home ... It had been burgled …

“The intruders 'ransacked' the house. Yet only one thing was taken.

“‘A desktop computer,' says Henderson …

“None of this surprises one contributor to the documentary, literary agent and author Andrew Lownie, who says that government agencies have kept an eye on him ever since he started investigating Mountbatten …”

Royal baby name is tribute to Lord Louis Mountbatten

“William's touching tribute to his father's tragic mentor: How Prince Louis is named after Lord Mountbatten”

At 10 November 2023 at 13:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Journos embedded with Ham-ass.

At 10 November 2023 at 14:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

American CH-47F 'Chinook' helicopters were seen rapidly heading towards Hamat airbase in northern Lebanon

Hamat airbase is operated by the Lebanese military, and has no official U.S. presence.

Looks as though Uncle Sam is opening up a new front in Lebanon.

At 10 November 2023 at 15:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen is a “murderer”, says Pakistan’s former human rights minister

‘Von der Leyen is a partner in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians’

Von der Leyen studied at the London School of Economics, closely associated with the late Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, who served on its court of governors.

Von der Leyen, whose stated ambition is for a “united states of Europe”, insists that the state of Israel made "the desert bloom".

This is widely recognised as an anti-Palestinian, racist, trope. It erases Palestinians’ history, and ‘suggests that the land was previously uninhabited or untended’.

A comment left on the website of Jewish Voice for Labour reads:

‘Ursula Von Der Leyen has an “interesting” family history with close links to slavery and connections/support for NATO. Not surprising that she expresses support for the apartheid state of Israel’

At 10 November 2023 at 15:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Republican calls for 'all' Palestinians to die

“A Florida state representative, identified online as Republican MICHELLE SALZMAN **,has gone viral on social media for shouting ‘all of them’ after being asked how many dead Palestinians will be enough during a Florida Senate session …”


Michelle Salzman, who describes herself “as a wife and mother of a Jew”, “served as part of the NATO forces in Bosnia where she says she was raped by her commanding officer while deployed.”

“As a child, her uncle regularly sexually abused her and her sister”

At 10 November 2023 at 15:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

New US presidential candidate demands probe into Netanyahu's 'war crimes' in Gaza

The war crimes being perpetrated by Netanyahu against Palestinians … ‘have reached genocidal proportions,' says Jill Stein

At 10 November 2023 at 16:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The International Criminal Court in The Hague prosecutes those accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyden, and her senior colleagues “were scolded for failing to back a ceasefire by [Irish MEP] Clare Daly …

“[The MEP] said: ‘These crimes against humanity are being carried out with your weapons in your name.

“‘… It's not just Israel's genocide. It's yours and The Hague isn't good enough for you’ …”


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