Sunday 24 September 2023

SV40, A.Fumigatus

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John Campbell - breast milk.

Simian Vacuolating Virus 40 sequence found in Pfizer. 

SV40 sequence first appeared in the Polio Vax in the 50s.

The oncogenic material (cancer causing) is not a natural phenomenon. As there has been a spate of cancers (sometimes referred to as turbo cancers) due to their stage 4 diagnosis in relatively young and/or fit adults, questions are now being raised as to how/why the SV40 sequence is present in this product.

Furthermore, Pfizer released their documents to the court in Texas circa April 2021. At the AESI section (Adverse Event Specialist Interest), I found that a condition called Aspergillus or Aspergillosis was of interest.

Aspergillus Fumigatus causes aspergillosis in people who are immunocompromised. It is a ubiquitous fungi/spore ever present in soil/garden waste/damp areas/wet leaves.

Although reasonably unassuming to most. Anyone with respiratory disease and/or immunocompromised could find this pathogen to be deadly.

A. Fumigatus is a very difficult fungi to treat because it is very resistant to macrolide and beta-lactamase anti biotics. It does respond to fluoroquinolines, is also reasonably resistant to many antifungals too.

It begs the question how A.Fumigatus along with SV40 found their way into the vaccines.

Add those to the nanoparticles, graphene oxide and the reverse transcription of mRNA and it is easy to see why 'all cause mortality' remains high in heavily vaccinated regions of the world.

One wonders, therefore, what else will be uncovered. Dr Campbell has just done a video on breast milk. This has been highlighted before however it does show transmission from mother to infant.


At 24 September 2023 at 05:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

POLL: President Biden now 10 points behind Trump - 41% of Americans say US doing too much to help Ukraine

“A new poll from the Washington Post showed disastrous numbers for incumbent President Joe Biden, who is now 10 points behind former President Donald Trump in in the latest measurement of the US electorate …

“Despite facing 91 felony counts across four indictments, Trump's numbers across polls are not budging …

“Some 75 percent of Americans believe the economy is 'not so good,' or 'poor,' according to the poll. A whopping 87 percent of Americans say that gas and energy prices are 'not so good' or 'poor.' And 91 percent of people say the same about food prices …

“The poll also found that US sentiment toward the war in Ukraine continues to shift. Forty-one percent of Americans said they believe the US is doing too much to help …

“Nearly 50 percent (48) of Americans said that both Trump and Biden are too old to serve another term …”


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