Saturday 23 September 2023

SAGA & Titan Merged.

'“Our tour operations business, like the rest of the market, has been significantly impacted by COVID-19,” Saga said in an update this morning.

'“We are completing the restructuring of our Tour Operations business to position ourselves for growth and create a lower-cost, more agile and dynamic operation which is focused on the changing needs of our customers.”

'The decision to combine Saga Holidays with Titan Travel ‘will maximise efficiency in 'touring, where the product offerings are highly complementary’, it added


In other words, the travel industry is in trouble?


At 23 September 2023 at 04:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

EU Commission preparing to recommend Ukraine membership talks

“Reviving enlargement of the 27-member bloc comes at a critical moment as it seeks to ensure eastern European countries remain within its orbit, not that of Russia or China.”


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