Thursday 21 September 2023

JULIE BURCHILL: The BBC is a national scandal

How many of the people at the BBC have the same religion as Dimbleby?

JULIE BURCHILL: The BBC is a national scandal

“Whatever the truth on Russell Brand, the BBC … [is] a national scandal.”

“… [The] BBC refers to itself as 'Auntie' [but behaves like] a dirty uncle …”

“BBC employees such as Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall (It's A Knockout), Radio 1's Mark Page and Savile, all abused children …

“The BBC also persecutes powerless women struggling to pay their licence fee … [This] 'crime' … shockingly makes up a third of all women's convictions in the UK …

“Similarly … the BBC has become the most embarrassing cheerleader for trans extremism …

“The singer Roisin Murphy was recently cancelled from Radio 6 Music for worrying about the risks of puberty blockers for children … yet the same station plays a song advising listeners to 'Kick a Terf', a slur for a supposedly transphobic feminist. It is relentless …

“… [The] British 'broad-bashing' Corporation … blatantly hates women like me.”

“The Corporation must be defunded, the licence must go and the public no longer be required to bankroll an organisation that is blind to the paedophiles, perverts and predators in its midst ...”


At 22 September 2023 at 00:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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