Saturday 9 September 2023


Anonymous -

Florida will protect Covid jab refuseniks ‘if they come for you’, vows DeSantis

- ‘God only knows’ why the ‘relentless’ jab pushers want to control citizens, warns the state’s surgeon general

“Ron DeSantis, back in Florida amid his presidential campaign, urged Americans to defy any new federal public health guidance to wear masks, take [jabs], or engage in social distancing …”

“‘If they try coming for you on any of this stuff in the state of Florida you are protected, and so you don’t have to worry about it,’ [DeSantis said].”

“‘[If] you’re in another jurisdiction, do not comply with this nonsense. Stand up for your rights and stand up for yourself.’”

“DeSantis [is] backed by Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo … Ladapo warned that a new [jab] being prepared for release is untested on humans and may actually increase people’s chances of infection …”

[Lapado said:] “‘There are these forces out there who are relentless ... They are thinking about how they can control you. To what ends, only God knows …’”

“DeSantis also attacked Donald Trump for allowing his administration to pressure Florida to reimpose business lockdowns and mask and [jab] mandates during the Covid [event].

“‘Even January of 2021, you know, I was getting hit by the White House Task Force [on Covid] under Trump … January of 2021, weeks before he left office, they were sending us a missive to Florida saying impose a mask mandate and close bars and restaurants and businesses. And that’s what they were pushing,’ DeSantis said …

“‘The FDA and CDC, they’ve basically become an arm of big Pharma. Pharma will make more money if this thing is approved and they start pushing it on everybody,’ DeSantis said Thursday …”

Gov. DeSantis urges Americans to defy public-health guidance; attacks Trump on COVID - Florida Phoenix

Gov. Ron DeSantis, back in Florida amid his presidential campaign, urged Americans to defy any new federal public health guidance to wear masks, take vaccines, or…Florida Phoenix
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