Friday 18 August 2023

Las Vegas, Bin Salman,


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2017 Las Vegas massacre and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

On 1 October 2017 there was the infamous Las Vegas shooting massacre, said to have killed 58 and injured more than 800.

The 'incident commander' for the death scene was John Pelletier, then with Las Vegas police, and now police chief in Maui during the current deadly fire disaster ... Pelletier also a graduate of the 'FBI National Academy', considered a 'spook school'.

There is a different, significant narrative of the Las Vegas events, alleging that

- Saudi Crown Prince and effective ruler, Mohammed bin Salman, seems to have been in Las Vegas during the massacre, dressed in low-profile civilian clothes, enjoying the town, captured in photos and video being escorted to safety

- The massacre was in part planned as cover for the attempted spook-agency killing of bin Salman, who was by chance in a different hotel at the key moment

- Some gunfire came from helicopters overhead, aircraft from nearby military bases, perhaps with Saudi pilots there for 'training'

- Only a few weeks later in November 2017, bin Salman began the biggest purge ever of Saudi ruling elites, arresting many and placing them for some time in brutal conditions in the Saudi Ritz-Carlton hotel, with alleged torture and beatings, forced transfer of assets etc

- The killing of Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey almost exactly one year later, on 2 October 2018, was perhaps in revenge for the lead role of spook-linked Khashoggi, journalist for CIA-tied Washington Post, in planning the Las Vegas assassination attempt on bin Salman.

As the massacre unfolded, video emerged of a security team at one of the Las Vegas hotels, escorting out a 'high profile' figure, and demanding that persons nearby hold their hands up while they passed. It is thought the man in white t-shirt and black shorts may be bin Salman -
screenshot photo

So there is the theory that, tho other purposes such as gun control, strategy of tension etc, were being served, the timing was to cover for the spook-agency murder of Mohammed bin Salman, who was thought to be at the Mandalay Bay hotel along with alleged shooter 'Stephen Paddock'.

Stephen Paddock, somewhat of a spooky character himself, is thought by some to have been a possible gun runner in the operation. There is thought that Stephen Paddock was possibly killed as a patsy by either Saudi or US agents ... or possibly just extracted to disappear.

There is a thought that some gunfire raining down on the concert crowd, may have come from helicopters circling overhead, the aircraft perhaps from nearby military bases, where Saudi pilots were perhaps also being trained. Did the gunfire sounds come from the hotel or other ground locationis or the helicopters or all of them? In this no-sound video, you see rapid flashes from the helicopter - gunfire or safety lighting?

This theory ties together many things including why the Saudi leader has led his country to some distance from the USA, making peace with Iran, affiliating with the BRICS etc.

'Las Vegas Massacre False Flag To Cover Assassination Attempt On Saudi Prince'


At 18 August 2023 at 20:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

‘ANTI-SEMITIC’ national newspaper editor PETER WILBY sentenced over child abuse

“A former [national newspaper editor] has been given a suspended sentence after admitting viewing child sexual abuse online …

“PETER WILBY, 78, had more than 100 indecent images of children … Analysis of his computer found 167 indecent images … from category C to category A – the most serious category …

“He said he had been accessing them since the late 1990s and admitted having a sexual interest in children …

“He joined the Independent on Sunday in 1990 and went on to become its editor. From 1998 to 2005 he was the editor of the New Statesman … Since 2005 he has written for … the Guardian and the New Statesman …

“… Wilby was sentenced to 10 months in prison, suspended for two years. He … was placed on the sex offender register for five years.

“Adam Sprague [of the NCA] said: ‘… He was viewing this content while working as the editor of prominent national news outlets, a role in which he was entrusted to form the news agenda for the British public …’”

At 18 August 2023 at 20:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Peter Wilby “argued in 2002 that ‘Jews no longer routinely suffer gross or violent discriminations; indeed, in the US and Europe at least, Jews today are probably safer than most minorities.’

“Wilby goes on to state that, in comparison with Jews, Muslims ‘lack power and influence in our society.’”

NS, Feb. 11, 2002


“With Wilby as editor, [the New Statesman became] ‘ever more critical of the Government, notably with the anti-American line he took after SEPTEMBER 11’”

“In February 2002, Wilby apologised and took personal responsibility for running the cover of the 14 January 2002 issue. It featured the headline, ‘A Kosher Conspiracy’ … concerning the alleged ZIONIST LOBBY IN BRITAIN and Tony Blair's appointment of Michael Levy as his special envoy in the Middle East. The NS cover was denounced [by the Blairites] as being antisemitic.”


[The New Statesman’s departing deputy editor, Christine Odone] “wants to reveal how ‘viciously’ and ‘wickedly’ the Blairites - from PETER MANDELSON to [Blairite journalists] - have acted …”

[Odone said:]: “‘The [Blairites] can’t stand the New Statesman because it is owned and edited by people who are quite old-fashioned Left …’”

“‘I’ve lost a lot of Jewish and American friends through the New Statesman …’”

“‘[BLAIR HAS] NEVER FORGIVEN US for printing the leaked advice from the Attorney General over the [Iraq war’s] legality …’”

“‘From the moment I arrived here, there were plots [by the Blairites] to alienate me and [Wilby] …’”


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