Monday 17 July 2023

IRAN - Reply - Parts 4 & 5 & 6


Anonymous has left this comment on 'THE TRUTH ABOUT IRAN':

THE REPLY ( Parts 4 & 5 & 6) 

Simply put, the 1979 revolution was the final act in a 1400 year old Jewish plan to destroy the great Iranian civilization. 

For the Islamic takeover of Iran, Jews had already created the Moslem brotherhood in Egypt and its Iranian version the fadayeen eslam to which Navab Safavi and Ayatollah Kashani, from the Mossadegh era, belonged.

Khomeini and Khamenei were/are great admirers of Navab Safavi who was responsible for the murder of the great intellectual Ahmad Kasravi. In the 1960s and ’70s, using the mosque network, the “anousi” Jews (equivalent of the marano and the Donmeh) spread vicious anti shah rhetoric.

To finally materialize the 1979 revolution, Jews used their sayanim in other previously infiltrated nations. So it was with the full cooperation of the CIA, MI6 and even the KGB as well as regional intelligence agencies that the color revolution against the world’s oldest monarchy was achieved.

Jews had created many opposition groups as forces of destabilization, mainly by spreading Islamofascist and Marxist fervor via publicizing various domestic and international personalities like Michel Foucault or Popper, or Shariati…They created student groups as well as armed militias to terrorize the public and blame it on the government. Jews formed leftist and Islamist groups like the Toudeh party, or the MEK – which to this day is in service to Zionist goals of destabilizing Iran.

Via infiltration of Savak they made false arrests throughout Iran in order to create a grievous class. They ignited protests by spreading rumors of or conducting political assassinations and tortures. They burned 600 people in cinema Rex of Abadan to incite massive hatred against the government!

In parallel to all of these unforgivable crimes, via their global Zionist media, the Jews constantly portrayed the shah as both a dictator and a puppet of the west! This duplicitous portrayal of the Pahlavi monarchy as simultaneously corrupt and a servant of western powers was the Jewish way to demean the historical and powerful Iranian civilization which both the Pahlavis had strived to revive. You see Jews absolutely can’t stand a powerful and proud Iranian. Nationalist Iranians are considered the death knell to all things Jewish – because Iranian history directly disproves Jewish lies. So all aspects of Iranian society including the intellectual class were purposefully drawn into animosity against a “corrupt” monarchy.

Meanwhile Jewish agents were even physically deteriorating the shah by administering carcinogenic drugs via Dr. Ayadi, a Baha’i Zionist connected to the Mossad, who himself was killed a year after the revolution.


Part 5

In parallel to all of these unforgivable crimes, via their global Zionist media, the Jews constantly portrayed the shah as both a dictator and a puppet of the west!

This duplicitous portrayal of the Pahlavi monarchy as simultaneously corrupt and a servant of western powers was the Jewish way to demean the historical and powerful Iranian civilization which both the Pahlavis had strived to revive.

You see Jews absolutely can’t stand a powerful and proud Iranian. Nationalist Iranians are considered the death knell to all things Jewish – because Iranian history directly disproves Jewish lies. So all aspects of Iranian society including the intellectual class were purposefully drawn into animosity against a “corrupt” monarchy.

Meanwhile Jewish agents were even physically deteriorating the shah by administering carcinogenic drugs via Dr. Ayadi, a Baha’i Zionist connected to the Mossad, who himself was killed a year after the revolution.

There are so many layers associated with the Iranian revolution and little space here to cover it all. Suffice it to say the defeat of Iran’s greatness has always been Jews’ primary target. What the Jews would like for Iran is a fate similar to Afghanistan – the partition of which from central Iran was one of their acts. Two hundred years ago, through their British cohorts, they paid the Durani tribe to rise up against Iran’s central government. And as you know they are still at it – Jews created the Taliban in operation Cyclone. In parallel they trained Khalkhali and his ilk, who are Iran’s version of the Taliban.

These were all Jewish trained Islamic revolutionaries. Unbeknownst to them they were trained to destroy greater Iran and its civilization. Hence the destruction of the largest Buddha in the world as the Taliban’s first act in power.

Of course the ones devising and benefiting from all this destruction aren’t the Taliban or Khalkhali or Khomeini, as much as it’s not Trump or Biden, etc. It’s the Jews. The Jews wanted the destruction of the tomb of Reza Shah, Persepolis, Ferdowsi and all Iranian heritage. They planned 911 in order to bomb the entire region and destroy all remnants of Iranian civilization. It’s the Jews that mandated the hejab through a gruesome campaign of spraying acid on beautiful Iranian women throughout Iran. Motorcyclist Mossad operatives literally ran acid-throwing operations throughout Iran in order to force Iranian women under the veil.


THE REPLY ( Part 6 ) ;

To this day it is the Jews that control Iranian television and cinema, which are required to portray Iranian women as black clad pigeon looking objects. This is the Jewish rape of Iranian people and their entire civilizational anthology. It’s a psycho cultural war on Iran, it’s people, it’s history. They want the world to know Iran as a peasant type, backward, depressing and ugly society that exports terrorism! This of course is purely the projection of a sick “tribe” that itself has lived off of Iran’s greatness like a parasite.

Since 1979, Jews have replaced Iran’s true history with all things Islamic. They call for ritualistic celebrations of every Islamic “martyr” while banishing every non Islamic Iranian celebration.

Sadly, in comparison, even the newly independent country of Tajikistan has more fervent Iranian celebrations. For example, the Iranian new year Norouz is celebrated on a vast national scale all joyfully displayed on Tajik national television. Whereas Khamenei has repeatedly de-emphasized Iranian celebrations like Norouz in favor of Islamic ones! There is clear and palpable enmity with all non-Islamic history while a constant promotion of the martyrdom of Hossain or Ali as if they are Iranian “national” heros!

Mosques and Islamic foundations have totally replaced Iranian sites and historical centers. All national policies are tied to Islam and never to the unifying policies of greater Iran or Iranian civilization. All academic and political and cultural centers promote Islam. All foreign policies involve the creation of an Islamic umma and the erasure of the nations of greater Iran.

In the past forty years Iran succumbed to serving all Zionist interests including the use of its military in invading both Iraq and Afghanistan! Taliban was allowed to thrive while it banned the Farsi language and promoted the destruction of all Iranian civilizational legacy.


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