Our ideals come from ancient Iran, not from Judaism?
Ethical practices, Judaism, Iranian practices


Despite Judaism copying ancient Iranian practices, Judaism continues to falsely claim to be the inventor of ethical practices among mankind!
The dangerous irony for Iran is that in order to continue this deception Judaism has sought the destruction of all Iranian civilizational legacies ...
Not only do I vehemently disagree with Islam as a proper platform for morality, but stand opposed to the role of the so called Islamic revolution in bringing “morality” back to a previously “westernized” society.
In actuality, what has been labeled as the “1979 Islamic revolution” was neither Islamic nor a revolution in the grass roots sense. Furthermore, Iran was never “westernized.”
Quite the contrary, it was the West that received its egalitarian, humanitarian, and scientific ideals from ancient Iran.
Iran was merely practicing its own ideals, not the other way around as the globally Zionized academia would have the world believe!
Zoroaster appears to have been the first religious figure to develop a story about a future saviour to rescue the world.

Unknown commented on "Our ideals come from ancient Iran, not from Judaism?"
The great scholar of languages and history, Dr Revilo P. Oliver (1908-1994), professor at the University of Illinois, showed in great detail how a huge number of Christian concepts were lifted from Zoroastrianism.
Dr Oliver's work on 'The Origins of Christianity', is reprinted in 16 parts, on the 'National Vanguard' site ... the sections on Zoroastrianism start here:
Oliver notes how many troubling concepts of the Abrahamic religions, showed up first in Zoroastrianism ... 'eternal hell', the 'one way only' fanaticism by which non-believers or followers of other gods and goddesses are 'evil' etc.
This is unlike Asian reincarnation religions - Hinduism, Daoism, Buddhism, etc - where there is no 'attack' on other religions or local gods and goddesses of various peoples. So ancient China spoke of '3 teachings' - Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism - and they all were fine, even complementary. Japan welcomed Buddhism side-by-side with Japan's native Shinto faith, and so on.
Dr Oliver said of these Zoroastrian, monotheism-demanding 'one way only!' inventions:
"That, I submit, was an epochal innovation and a disaster to the civilized world – a cataclysm of which we still suffer the terrible aftermath ... Zoroaster invented the arrogant zealotry that reappeared so often and so terribly in all of subsequent history ... the poisonous fanaticism ... Zoroaster and his spiritual descendants, Jesus, Mahomet, and many less successful Saviours, made of the world a vast battleground ... one of the greatest calamities that has fallen upon mankind."

The great scholar of languages and history, Dr Revilo P. Oliver (1908-1994), professor at the University of Illinois, showed in great detail how a huge number of Christian concepts were lifted from Zoroastrianism.
Dr Oliver's work on 'The Origins of Christianity', is reprinted in 16 parts, on the 'National Vanguard' site ... the sections on Zoroastrianism start here:
Oliver notes how many troubling concepts of the Abrahamic religions, showed up first in Zoroastrianism ... 'eternal hell', the 'one way only' fanaticism by which non-believers or followers of other gods and goddesses are 'evil' etc.
This is unlike Asian reincarnation religions - Hinduism, Daoism, Buddhism, etc - where there is no 'attack' on other religions or local gods and goddesses of various peoples. So ancient China spoke of '3 teachings' - Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism - and they all were fine, even complementary. Japan welcomed Buddhism side-by-side with Japan's native Shinto faith, and so on.
Dr Oliver said of these Zoroastrian, monotheism-demanding 'one way only!' inventions:
"That, I submit, was an epochal innovation and a disaster to the civilized world – a cataclysm of which we still suffer the terrible aftermath ... Zoroaster invented the arrogant zealotry that reappeared so often and so terribly in all of subsequent history ... the poisonous fanaticism ... Zoroaster and his spiritual descendants, Jesus, Mahomet, and many less successful Saviours, made of the world a vast battleground ... one of the greatest calamities that has fallen upon mankind."
There was much more in Zoroastrianism Christians find familiar ... confession of sins, bread and wine suppers, a virgin-born saviour. The 3 'Magi' or wise men of the Jesus birth story, were possibly 'Zoroastrians' passing the baton.
There were many Jews in ancient Persia, and some Jews have also claimed a role in founding Zoroastrianism against the native paganism, which is logical given that many of the elements of the later 'Abrahamic religions' are already there.
There was much more in Zoroastrianism Christians find familiar ... confession of sins, bread and wine suppers, a virgin-born saviour. The 3 'Magi' or wise men of the Jesus birth story, were possibly 'Zoroastrians' passing the baton.
There were many Jews in ancient Persia, and some Jews have also claimed a role in founding Zoroastrianism against the native paganism, which is logical given that many of the elements of the later 'Abrahamic religions' are already there.
But the element Jews didn't think of yet in Zoroaster's time, was making Jews themselves the 'chosen people' for the new religion, as in Christianity and Islam.
In 1928, Jew Marcus Eli Ravage wrote of the reason why Jews invent 'monotheistic' religions that erase local gods and goddesses ... it is the desire to erase local cultures, so Jewish-led themes can take their place in people's minds. His famous published quote in this meme:
In 1928, Jew Marcus Eli Ravage wrote of the reason why Jews invent 'monotheistic' religions that erase local gods and goddesses ... it is the desire to erase local cultures, so Jewish-led themes can take their place in people's minds. His famous published quote in this meme:
The great scholar of languages and history, Dr Revilo P. Oliver (1908-1994), professor at the University of Illinois, showed in great detail how a huge number of Christian concepts were quite lifted from Zoroastrianism.
Dr Oliver's work on 'The Origins of Christianity', is reprinted in 16 parts, on the 'National Vanguard' site ... the sections on Zoroastrianism start here:
Oliver notes how many troubling concepts of the Abrahamic religions, showed up first in Zoroastrianism ... 'eternal hell', the 'one way only' fanaticism by which non-believers or followers of other gods and goddesses are 'evil' etc.
This is unlike Asian reincarnation religions - Hinduism, Daoism, Buddhism, etc - where there is no 'attack' on other religions or local gods and goddesses of various peoples. So ancient China spoke of '3 teachings' - Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism - and they all were fine, even complementary. Japan welcomed Buddhism side-by-side with Japan's native Shinto faith, and so on.
Dr Oliver said of these Zoroastrian, monotheism-demanding 'one way only!' inventions:
"That, I submit, was an epochal innovation and a disaster to the civilized world – a cataclysm of which we still suffer the terrible aftermath ... Zoroaster invented the arrogant zealotry that reappeared so often and so terribly in all of subsequent history ... the poisonous fanaticism ... Zoroaster and his spiritual descendants, Jesus, Mahomet, and many less successful Saviours, made of the world a vast battleground ... one of the greatest calamities that has fallen upon mankind."
There was much more in Zoroastrianism Christians find familiar ... confession of sins, bread and wine suppers, a virgin-born saviour. The 3 'Magi' or wise men of the Jesus birth story, were possibly 'Zoroastrians' passing the baton.
There were many Jews in ancient Persia, and some Jews have also claimed a role in founding Zoroastrianism against the native paganism, which is logical given that many of the elements of the later 'Abrahamic religions' are already there. But the element Jews didn't think of yet in Zoroaster's time, was making Jews themselves the 'chosen people' for the new religion, as in Christianity and Islam.
In 1928, Jew Marcus Eli Ravage wrote of the reason why Jews invent 'monotheistic' religions that erase local gods and goddesses ... it is the desire to erase local cultures, so Jewish-led themes can take their place in people's minds. His famous published quote in this meme:
- 🇸🇪 Sweden: Muslim man who got permission to burn the Bible and Torah refuses to do so out of principle
"According to the rules of the Qur'an, it is not permissable to burn another person's holy book, we Muslims must respect them.
I wanted to show that there are boundaries when it comes to freedom of speech. I have made my point. Neither the Qur'an nor any holy book should be burnt".
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