Angel Numbers, Censorship, Lula Ukraine, Vishal, Zombies, Andrew, Charles
Seeing Repeated Numbers Everywhere?

'Bully, mentor, greatest influence' — Charles and Lord Mountbatten’s complex relationship
What we know so far about Tucker Carlson’s shocking Fox News departure
The details surrounding the end of Carlson’s reign at the network are murky
Los Angeles Times:
“Tucker Carlson pushed out by Rupert Murdoch”
“People familiar with the situation who were not authorized to comment publicly said the decision to fire Carlson came straight from Fox Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch.”
Pandemic lockdowns and war with Russia force closure of Big Issue North
The publishers said: “Since 1993, Big Issue North has been an independently produced magazine … However, a decline in sales in the aftermath of the pandemic as town centre footfall decreased, alongside increased print, energy and paper costs, mean that continuing to produce Big Issue North is no longer financially viable.”
Amidst the vast wealth transfers of the covid and Russia war years, institutions from the NHS to the retail sector and the Great British High Street are growing visibly poorer with every passing month.
Now people there aren’t even enough people on the streets going to work or shopping to keep a magazine in business.
Hundreds of bank branches have disappeared; most of the remaining smaller post offices have been shuttered; many smaller library branches have vanished; three-quarters of the department stores have gone; most bookshops have gone; the BBC News channel has just consolidated with BBC World News as a cost-cutting exercise; this follows last summer’s decision to close CBBC, BBC Four and Radio 4 Extra; local commercial radio stations and newspapers are being stripped of local content and/or merged with national operations; the retirement age climbs ever skyward; the U.K. Passport office is disintegrating before our eyes; ditto the DVLA.
Waiting times for many types of court trials have reached an all-time high; there’s a woeful lack of legal aid lawyers; waiting times for a GP or dentist appointment are breaking all records in many cities.
And, across the board, British salaries and wages are failing to keep pace with runaway inflation: with more and more basic foods becoming scarcely affordable for ordinary middle income workers.
Many young people can no longer aspire to own a home of their own, nor even to rent a house, as they’re encouraged to live in a shoebox apartment lacking parking spots, storage space, natural light, any type of garden, and any kind of architectural merit. (But very eco friendly, supposedly.)
As the remaining high street shops and small businesses go bankrupt, and the last of the bank branches go the way of the bookshops, many regional high streets continue to fill with foodbanks, charity shops, nail salons, tattoo parlours, betting shops, and fried chicken outlets.
But the relentless covid lockdowns and wars have been totally worth it.
More-or-less everyone in the mainstream media and Westminster agrees, so it must be true, mustn’t it?
The heartbroken families of AstraZeneca Covid vaccine victims who say they've been abandoned by the government
From the comments:
‘unfortunatelyhere’ writes:
“ … Had my first vaccination in May, Astra Zeneca, around lunch time. Early evening had throbbing arm … felt very tired and went to bed early. Woke about midnight feeling like a hammer was being slammed into my head, got out of bed and collapsed. Had to crawl to the bathroom. 3rd day after, not only the constant pounding in my head, but now intense stomach cramps and nausea. Phoned NHS … Over 24hrs later got the callback. I was not listened too, and advised to go to my nearest chemist for an anti nausea drug. It was nearly a month before I started feeling reasonably well again … When I had the 2nd Jab, was asked if I gad had any adverse affects to the first one. I explained exactly what I had experienced, and told oh yes, minor effects!”
‘RealityCheckLady’ writes:
“ … I had the AZ [AstraZeneca jab] and I'm not the same. Was off work for two months, couldn't walk, put sentences together plus a long list of other horrid things. No I didn't die but I'm not the same”
After the corona vaccination [sic], Dietmar S. Lost his eyesight
"I am suing Biontech for 150,000 euros"
"My life is not like before" - Ill after corona vaccination
Almost five million people in Hesse have been vaccinated against Covid-19. Some then became seriously ill. One of them is Dieter Gebert from Kassel.
Lupus after corona vaccination: Young woman from Hesse is treated in a special clinic in Cologne
“19-year-old Juline from Butzbach was severely damaged by a corona vaccination and needs expensive immune adsorption.”
Jabs with consequences: Sigmaringen man suffers a stroke after a corona vaccination [sic]
“Shortly after the second vaccination, Bernhard Strobel collapsed. He feels the consequences to this day. Now he's going to court.”
Oxana G. (35) in a wheelchair after the corona vaccination
“185 civil lawsuits are pending nationwide for damage caused by corona vaccinations. Oxana G. (35) is one of the victims. The Halle resident sees the fact that the courts are finally dealing with her case as a success: ‘I lost my life – as I knew it before. I hope that my family and I can finally get compensation and help now.’”
Sick after corona vaccination [sic]: Why official points of contact [for the jab injured] are necessary
“Around five million people in Hesse have been vaccinated against Corona. Some are seriously ill from the vaccine. Those affected often fail in their search for medical expertise. They feel left alone by the health system and the state.”,impffolgen-corona-100.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
The suffering of the Covid vaccine victims
“Long-term symptoms can occur after a corona infection. Vaccination is intended to protect against this - but it can also have side effects. What’s next for those injured?”
Fox Corporation sheds $930 million in market value after announcing Tucker Carlson is leaving the news network
Robert F. Kennedy Jr:
“Fox fires @TuckerCarlson five days after he crosses the red line by acknowledging that the TV networks pushed a deadly and ineffective vaccine to please their Pharma advertisers.
“Carlson’s breathtakingly courageous April 19 monologue broke TV’s two biggest rules: Tucker told the truth about how greedy Pharma advertisers controlled TV news content and he lambasted obsequious newscasters for promoting jabs they knew to be lethal and worthless.
“For many years, Tucker has had the nation's biggest audience averaging 3.5 million — 10 times the size of CNN.
“Fox just demonstrated the terrifying power of Big Pharma.”
DR WILLIAM MAKIS MD: Epidemic of 15-19 year olds dropping dead in schools and dorms across USA and Canada in April 2023
“My Take…
“Found dead in dorm or residence. Cardiac arrest and died while at school.
“Died after having migraine at school.
“Died in early morning hours.
“Died after ‘brief illness’.
“Died during tennis practice at school.
“None of this is normal. All these deaths must be investigated for the possibility of post Covid-19 mRNA vaccine sudden cardiac death or any role that the jabs may have played in these deaths.”
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