Donald Trump paid off Stormy Daniels because 'he was afraid Melania would dump him' over cheating claims: Fuming first lady DID leave him and spent nights in Washington hotel after news broke

'Donald Trump's paid $130,000 in hush money to Stormy Daniels to forestall Melania finding out about the alleged fling.
'When details of the tryst and payoff were published in the Wall Street Journal and a celebrity magazine in January, 2018 Melania went ballistic and spent nights in a D.C. hotel.
'It was upsetting and humiliating; her relationship with President Trump became strained,' a White House source told MailOnline at the time.

IVLP Part 1
Further to my one dimensional interest in the obscure leaders programme known as IVLP, it would appear that many (all) of the itinerants and attendees at this state sponsored programme, kindly hosted by the US Government and with sponsorship from their embassies around the world will go on and be future leaders of their/our respective countries. The SNP (fake leadership contest) featuring Hamza Yousaf amongst the candidates, pointed towards his attendance at IVLP.
Just when you thought democracy couldn't sink any lower, unfortunately it does. It turns out that there is no such thing and there never has been. Every government aligned to the West is owned by the US and successive Presidents and Prime Ministers from all countries and including NATO Secretary Generals, Secretary General of UN and EU Presidents all appear to have been graduates of the IVLP programme. The WEF Young Leaders combined with IVLP are clearly the only paths to high office.
Hamza Yousuf who has attended an IVLP tutorial and is currently hoping for leadership with the SNP, it would appear becomes favourite to win this nail-biting race, evidently now weighted in his favour.
After painstaking research (5 minutes at breakfast), I have 'pulled together' a truncated list highlighting some well known names in the world of politics. A few household names and one or two from yester year.
Some truly astonishing and interesting individuals:
Julia Gillard Prime Minister, attended IVLP 2006. In April 2021, she became chair of The Wellcome Trust, succeeding Eliza Manningham-Buller.
Paul Keating Prime Minister,attended IVLP 1977.
Ma Ying-jeou President 2003, 1971. An honorary mention for Taiwan because of its near proximity to China and it's strategic geopolitical position and potential for starting WW3.
Guy Verhofstadt Prime Minister, attended 1983 and became European Parliament Brexit Co-Ordinator.
Wilfried Martens Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1971.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen Prime Minister, 1982 at IVLP. Became Secretary General of NATO.
Valery Giscard d' Estaing President attended 1956. President of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions and founding member of AEI with Gerald Ford.
Nicolas Sarkozy President, attended IVLP 1985.
Alain Juppé Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1978.
Mikheil Saakashvili President, attended IVLP 1999. Instrumental in the Abkhaz and Ossetian conflicts which flourished during Saakashvili's presidency and saw a major escalation in 2008. Moving swiftly along Saskashvilli becomes Governor of Odessa Oblast in Ukraine.
Willy Brandt Chancellor, attended IVLP 1954. Became Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Helmut Schmidt Chancellor, attended IVLP 1956. Member of AEI Forum and counts Henry Kissinger and Pierre Trudeau as his friends.
Enda Kenny Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1989.
Mary Robinson President, attended IVLP 1976.
John Bruton Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1980.
The Irish contingent are a useful reminder that this 'neutral' bunch are nothing more than wolves in sheep clothing.
Romano Prodi Prime Minister and President of the European Commission, attended IVLP 1979.
Fatmir Sejdiu President, attended IVLP 2003.
Bajram Kosumi Prime Minister, attended IVLP 2001.
Bajram Rexhep Prime Minister, attended IVLP 2000.
Like the Irish, this bunch of criminals are worth noting when considering the future direction of this region of Serbia. Another potential for starting WW3.
Jacques Santer Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1973 also President of the European Commission.
Joseph Muscat Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1984.
Willem Kok Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1978. President of Club of Madrid (see Club of Rome). Some truly interesting individuals associated with this clandestine organization.
IVLP Part 2
Jens Stoltenberg Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1988 also Secretary General of NATO.
Donald Tusk Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1995. President of the European Council.
António Guterres Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1978. Secretary General of United Nations.
Carl Bildt Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1973. Bildt has been the World Health Organisations Special Envoy for the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (amongst other things).
Abdullah Gul President and Prime Minister of Turkey, attend IVLP 1995.
Gordon Brown Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1992, 1984.
Tony Blair Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1992, 1986.
Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1967.
Edward Heath Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1953.
This quartet from the UK seemed very familiar. Despite combing the internet for any relevant information or useful background, I gave up. Nothing to see.......move along.
Hamid Karzai President, attended IVLP 1987. Karzai has been accused of nepotism, corruption, electoral fraud, and being involved with his late half brother Ahmed Wali Karzai in the heroin trade.
As Mr Karzai attended in 1987, it is therefore safe to assume invading Afghanistan was a consideration in the 1980s prior to installing this drug dealing reprobate to run the country some years later.
Anwar Sadat President, attended IVLP 1968.
Sadat was succeeded by his vice president Hosni Mubarak (after being assassinated). Sadat's funeral was attended by a record number of dignitaries from around the world, including a rare simultaneous attendance by three former US presidents: Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon
Narendra Modi Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1993.
Indira Gandhi Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1961. (died suddenly - no, not COVID).
Ehud Olmert Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1978.
South Africa
F W de Klerk President, attended IVLP 1976.
Morgan Tsvangirai Prime Minister, attended IVLP 1989.
Dilma Rousseff President, attended IVLP 1992.
Belisario Betancur President, attended IVLP 1952.
Felipe Calderón President, attended IVLP 1992.
It would appear that Mr Hamza Yousaf has some interesting friends. It is often said that we can judge a man by the company he keeps.
Interestingly, many of his new friends are heavily decorated with adornments from ancient secret organisations. Many of his contemporaries appear to be Templars, Freemasons, Jesuits and the like.
For the sake of balance, just because every single individual attendee at the IVLP has amassed incredible wealth, been Prime Minister or President of their respective countries doesn't automatically mean that Mr Yousaf will succeed in the same way.
From drug dealing, genocide, fraud, old fashioned murder, terrorism and much more besides, it is worth noting that democracy and it's sponsors are determined to keep us all safe.
From the IVLP to the Club of Madrid is an interesting who's who in geopolitical affairs. What is absolutely certain though, however, a vote for anyone is a wasted vote. As the old saying goes (I'm sure Hamza) would agree, if voting changed anything, they'd ban it.
The actual 'criminal charges' against Trump in this porn star affair are an absurdly technical matter of 'falsifying business records'
Trump's Jewish lawyer Michael Cohen paid the porn star ... Trump paid his lawyer Cohen ... written down in Trump records as 'legal fees' ... prosecutors make the accusation that this should have been written down in some other manner, with some other category ... that is the basis for 'indictment'
Much of the USA sees this as 'lawfare', biased malice to attack a target ... as Stalin's secret police chief Lavrenty Beria famously said, 'You show me a man [you want to target], and I'll show you a crime."
There was a 2009 book, 'Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent', by Harvey Silverglate, showing how given the complexity of modern law, almost any person can be charged with 'felony crimes' out of his ordinary life.
Meanwhile, huge criminal events involving the Bidens are not targeted by the largely Jewish USA legal machine under Biden.
Legal scholar Jonathan Turley, writing about proof that Bidens have indeed received massive monies from China:
"President Joe Biden has repeatedly denied that his family received money from China.
He has also denied any knowledge of his son’s foreign dealings despite direct evidence to the contrary, including a recorded message from the President to Hunter referencing the deals.
Now, there is confirmation that millions were sent from China and then money from a third-party account was distributed to at least three, and possibly four, Biden family members."
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