Labour MP brands Israeli government 'fascist'
“A Labour MP [Kim Johnson] has been forced to apologise after branding the Israeli government ‘fascist’ in the House of Commons …
“The MP [told] the Commons that … there has been a rise in human rights violations against Palestinian civilians.
“[Israel] has been branded an ‘apartheid state’ by Amnesty International …
“The Labour backbencher told MPs: ‘Since the election of the fascist Israeli government … there has been an increase in human rights violations against Palestinian civilians, including children.’
“She was met with jeers …
“… Mr Starmer's official spokesman told reporters: ‘Kim Johnson’s words were unacceptable’ …
“Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, said … ‘Apartheid is a crime against humanity, and it is frankly chilling to see the perpetrators evade justice year after year’” …
Head of Kyiv tax authority accused of multimillion-dollar fraud
According to Transparency International’s 2021 index, Ukraine is the second most corrupt country in Europe behind Russia.
Scott Ritter 25 Jan - Interview with Viktor Bout

Times of Israel interviewer:
“You [explore] the idea that perhaps Robert Maxwell was a pedophile and suggest that he may have abused his daughter Ghislaine …”
U.K. journalist John Sweeney:
“Part of Ghislaine Maxwell’s tragedy is the awfulness of the HOLOCAUST and the awful effect it had on Robert Maxwell.”
“… It’s common knowledge that in many cases where people [sexually] abuse children, they have been abused themselves …”
“[Someone] told me that when Ghislaine was LIVING AT OXFORD when she was a [young woman], she would regularly recruit young girls and INTRODUCE THEM TO HER FATHER. I would say this is more than a rumor …”
“… Eleanor Berry, who is the daughter of Lord Hartwell, the former owner of the Daily Telegraph, was a childhood friend of Ghislaine Maxwell’s. Berry became a guest at the Maxwells’ home in Headington Hill Hall and lived there for a year, according to her account. Berry [writes in her book] how she had a conversation with Ghislaine when she was 9 years old where Ghislaine said, ‘Daddy is really nice because he lets me choose the [instruments] he beats me with’ …”
As noted on this site and generally, Ukraine President Zelensky has had much of his career bankrolled and sponsored by Ukraine Jewish billionaire oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, who for example owned the TV channel hosting the programme that made comedian Zelensky famous in Ukraine during the 2010s.
Amidst an increasingly difficult narrative about the Ukraine conflict, the USA has pressured Zelensky to take action against corruption. Several top Kiev officials have been removed and so on. But also, just now, the home of Igor Kolomoisky himself has surprisingly been raided by Ukrainian police
A reported Moscow view is that the 'raid on oligarch Kolomoisky' is fake, a show to please Americans
Photo of Kolomoisky as police search his home
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