Friday 10 February 2023


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'NORWAY CIA':

Another counterpoint to the Hersh story, from Australian-born journalist John Helmer who has lived in Russia for decades

Helmer agrees that Hersh is distracting from broader truth with his 'USA plus a few Norwegians' story

With details and links, Helmer points out that Hersh completely ignored much available material on the Nordstream pipeline explosion and its planning which implicates:

- the Danish government
- the Polish government
- the UK government
- the German government

For example there was the communication apparently about the blast, "by then-Prime-Minister Elizabeth Truss to Secretary of State Antony Blinken sixty seconds after the detonation"

What is afoot, according to Helmer, is a general Western government initiative of war against Russia


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