Wednesday 7 December 2022


7 December 2022 at 09:28 ,  Anonymous said...

In Moore County, North Carolina, the Sunrise Theater planned a drag queen show, 'Downtown Divas', originally for 'all ages' including small children. 

After protests, the show was restricted to adults.

With photo of theatre -

In the middle of the show going on, unknown militia shot out the local electric substations, destroying power for the theater and maybe 100,000 residents as well, much of the county. 

An anti-drag-show activist posted on Facebook, 'God will not be mocked'.

Henry Makow just wrote about this attack

America is rapidly polarising on this issue of LGBT shows for children including in schools

Often, Trump voters see this as a crime against children, justifying rebellion

Often, Biden voters see this as core human & LGBT rights, to present gay sex to children

State governments in the US are picking sides on this ... there is increasing readiness to defy the US federal courts

One lesson of wars in recent decades, is that they are won by destroying electrical power grids. 

The US & Nato did this in Iraq ... in Serbia ... and in Libya ... Russia now doing this in Ukraine.

A former FBI official warns that protecting the power grid from long-range rifle attacks on power substations, may be 'impossible'.

There has long been chatter that the US government knows it cannot 'win' a civil war, for this reason. 

A fairly small number of military vets, acting on their own, can destroy USA electric grids, collapsing the entire society. 

It would be horrible, with starvation, roving gangs etc ... but US gov would not 'win'.

As Makow says, maybe the US civil war has already started


At 8 December 2022 at 03:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A fairly small number of military vets, acting on their own, can destroy USA electric grids, collapsing the entire society."

Yup and so can Antifa types, FBI, US Military, China, Mossad, CIA, BLM and any number of other Gladio inspired operatives.

When it comes to 'winning' it helps to understand the objectives of victory. Just because society collapses, civil war ensues and on paoer it apoears that complete breakdown of the country happens.

I respectfully disagree. I think that is an overwhelming victory for the government. If the ultimate goal is the utter destruction of the country, then guess what??????

1. Frame the narrative. Describe home grown terrorism as the new existential threat.

2. Blame the 'Right Wing' extremist, the Incel or the lone shooter.

3. Take out sub stations, next telecoms or other vital infrastructures.

4. A few false flags and taking out some tranny along tge way. **May prove useful to shoot up a school** Oh they already do that.

5. Rinse, repeat the Gladio script.

Know how your enemy thinks.

At 8 December 2022 at 20:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as the revolutionaries focus their attention on Swamp operatives then it might work....presumably theyll be heading toward those secretive massive tunnel networks to wait out the storm?....or flying their private jets to safe havens.

At 11 December 2022 at 12:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Snyder - who authors the popular 'Economic Collapse' and 'End of American Dream' blogs - reports that:

"During the first eight months of this year, there were a total of 106 attacks on the electrical grid in the United States, and that represents the highest number ever recorded in a single year."

It seems they are largely unable to find and arrest people doing this destruction.

Although often blamed on the right wing, this sort of attack is also discussed on extremist 'climate change' type sites - the idea is that if people lose electricity for some weeks, they will become more sensitive to the fragility of energy resources.

Some people perhaps so alienated regarding the future, they take steps to sabotage the system around them; creating havoc has become their outlet.


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