Tuesday 6 December 2022


Anonymous said...

Brawl in Turkish parliament (gas hub planned )


Mongolia protesters mob govt ( planned gas pipelines liking Russia China )

Unrest in Mongolia: potential problems for Russia and China

Events very similar to those in Kazakhstan in January are unfolding in Mongolia. There, protesters have marched into the centre of the capital and are trying to break into administrative buildings.

🇲🇳 The official reason for the unrest is coal, which Mongolia exports to China. It turns out that tens of millions of tonnes of coal have gone missing somewhere, - worth a total of $13 billion, which is a lot. The latest shipment alone, which China didn't wait for, is estimated at 6.5 million tons ($1.8 billion).

There are enough signs of a "colour revolution" going on. The protesters don't really expect to find millions of tonnes of coal in the offices of the government.

If some media outlets are to be believed, China's reaction has been very harsh, - up to and including the execution of the guilty Chinese officials. They also add that Beijing has provided Ulaanbaatar with the names of all Mongolian politicians involved in the crime.

This could also be a throw-in to lower tensions. It's hard to imagine that the Chinese were able to investigate, formalise everything legally, and carry out the sentences so quickly.

🇷🇺 In any case, neither Russia nor China want problems in Mongolia.

After the EU gas market was literally ripped away from us by the explosions at the Nord Streams, the Asian direction of blue fuel exports has become crucial for Moscow. And Mongolia should become a transit country for Russian gas supplies to China.

The project in question is the Power of Siberia-2 and its extension, the Soyuz Vostok, which would carry up to 50 billion cubic metres of gas per year to China via 963 km of Mongolian territory. Construction is due to start in 2024.

It is logical to assume that, having torpedoed Russian trade in the West, the Anglo-Saxons will want to do the same in the East, while also damaging China.

#source (https://t.me/EvPanina/7765)


At 6 December 2022 at 05:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Energy companies and The National Grid are making record profits. Enriching the owners and executives.

UK consumers are paying record amounts.


At 6 December 2022 at 05:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The menace to free speech which is the British government’s Online Harms Bill



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