At 8 November 2022 at 04:06 ,

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild is DEAD
At 8 November 2022 at 04:39 ,

We associate Sir Evelyn de Rothschild with scores of NGOs, organizations, and businesses, including (but by no means limited to):
The Schizophrenia Research Fund
The Mental Health Trust and Research Fund
The Peres Center, Israel
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
The Clinton Global Initiative
The Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism
Michael Bloomberg’s ‘Green Festival’
NM Rothschild & Sons
The London School of Economics
Weather Central, LLP
The Daily Telegraph and The Economist
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd.
FirstMark Communications
Chairman of the Kissinger Fellowship at the McCain Institute for International Leadership
The Hartwell House “Third Way” conference of June 2002
Policy Network
JP Morgan
The Liberal Jewish Synagogue, St. John’s Wood
Also involved with the FirstMark companies alongside Sir Evelyn de Rothschild:
Jeffrey Epstein’s associates/partners Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild (the wife of Sir Evelyn), Dr Henry Kissinger, and Nathan Myhrvold of Microsoft; Lord Conrad Black; and Bill Clinton’s close advisor, friend, and Bilderberg companion, Vernon Jordan.
The full list of those involved with the FirstMark companies is illuminating. FirstMark was Lynn Forester de Rothschild’s major vehicle to joining the ranks of the global elite in terms of personal wealth (at least the one that we know about). In the late 1990s, Lynn Forester intended that FirstMark would become nothing less than “a pan-European broadband internet company.”

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild lives near to Trump's friends Wilbur Ross and Henry Kissinger.
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild wanted to become a cowboy on his grandmother's estate in Paraguay.
He wanted to ride a horse and control cattle.
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and wife Lynn on life, politics and chocolate

George W Bush bought a 100,000-acre ranch in Paraguay.

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and Donald Trump were in Jeffrey Epsteins Little Black Book.
David de Rothschild, aged 39, would appear to be single, and living in California.
Oh to be a 50's child! #getlost #thegoodoldays #smokeemifyougotem #sherry #drinkup #childo… http://ift.tt/1PhqN0S

David de Rothschild on Twitter
Anthony James de Rothschild is the older brother of David de Rothschild.
Anthony is the co-managing director of A7 music label, based in Brighton in the UK.

David and Anthony de Rothschild.
"Some Rothschilds were supporters of Zionism, while other members of the family opposed the creation of the Jewish state."
Wiki Zionism: Rothschilds and Zionism.
"Lord Victor Rothschild was against granting asylum or even helping Jewish refugees during the Holocaust."
Psicopatía, la familia Rothschild y el petróleo en Paraguay

Lord Victor Rothschild is alleged to have controlled the UK prime minister Churchill, Thatcher and Edward Heath.

Maxime de Rothschild
Who is Maxime?
Below is what we wrote earlier -

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (right) who was in New York on 9 11.
Reportedly, up until 1760, the Rothschilds' family name was Bauer.
The Rothschild Dynasty / The Rothschild family / "The Rothschild Family"
Erich Bauer was a Nazi SS Guard at Sobibor death camp during World War II.
Michelle Bauer is a bondage model and actress.

Khazar Historic Maps.
Reportedly the Rothschilds have Khazar (Asiatic Mongolian) genes.
The Rothschilds, through marriage, have developed family links to the royal and aristocratic families of Europe.
And the Rothschilds, through marriage, have developed links to the following families:
Astor, Bundy, Collins, duPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Morgan, Oppenheimer, Rockefeller, Sassoon, Schiff, Taft, and Van Duyn.
The French Connection.

Hannah de Rothschild, who became Hannah Primrose.
Hannah Primrose de Rothschild (1851 - 1890) was the daughter of Baron Mayer Amschel de Rothschild and she became the richest woman in Britain.
Hannah married the reportedly gay Archibald Primrose, Lord Rosebery, who had ambitions to be Prime Minister.
Sir Charles Dilke was Lord Rosebery's chief rival.
A friend of the Roseberys, Donald Crawford MP, sued his wife Virginia for divorce naming Dilke as co-respondent.
Dilke claimed that Hannah paid Virginia to announce that he had enjoyed a three-in-a-bed orgy with her and a maid.

Rosebery became Prime Minister.
Rosebery became Prime Minister.
Rosebery reportedly had a gay relationship for over two years with Viscount Drumlanrig, the older brother of Oscar Wilde’s lover, Lord Alfred Douglas.
Rosebery's Barnbougle Castle was reportedly a venue for clandestine assignations with young men.

Baroness Philippine Mathilde Camille de Rothschild.
Élisabeth de Chambure, a Roman Catholic, married Baron Philippe de Rothschild.
Following the German occupation of France in World War II, Elizabeth and her then-estranged husband Philippe were arrested by the Vichy government.
They were then released whereupon Philippe left France, moving to England.
In 1941, the Gestapo arrested Elisabeth on charges of attempting to cross the line of demarcation with a forged permit and sent her to Ravensbrück concentration camp.
Elisabeth reportedly died of epidemic typhus on March 23, 1945 at Ravensbrück.
Elisabeth was the only 'Rothschild' to die in the Holocaust or during World War II.

The 1980 terror attack on Bologna railway station has been blamed on the CIA's Gladio organisation, which has been linked to Italy's P2 masonic lodge which is linked to Edmond de Rothschild.
"Edmond de Rothschild was involved in the Propaganda Due (P2) lodge along with Henry Kissinger and Michael Ledeen as part of the NATO Strategy of Tension, most likely coordinating the Italian operation Gladio with the insiders of Italian finance, business, military and government and small fry like Gelli, Berlusconi and others."

Prince Edward and Lord Nathaniel Rothschild
Are the Rothschilds worth trillions?
"Theirs remained the biggest bank in the world up until the First World War."
(Historian Niall Ferguson, in "The House of Rothschild: The World's Banker 1849-1999")

In 1861, the Unification of Italy led to the decline of the Italian aristocracy who had been the Rothschild's main clients.
The Rothschilds had to close their Naples bank.
According to the Jewish Encyclopedia c. 1906, "Of more recent years, non-Jewish financiers have learned the same cosmopolitan method, and, on the whole, the control is now rather less than more in Jewish hands than formerly."
In 1929, the economic crash hit the Rothschilds.
Baron Louis von Rothschild struggled to shore up the Creditanstalt, Austria's largest bank, to prevent its collapse.

'During World War II the Rothschilds had to surrender some of their assets to the Nazis and flee.
'Rothschild palaces were confiscated, plundered and destroyed by the Nazis.
'During World War II, the Luftwaffe seized the Rothschild family home in Paris.'

Lord Victor Rothschild who was very influential within the British security services and who allegedly gave away nuclear secrets to Israel. Lord Victor allegedly had a strong influence over Churchill, Heath and Thatcher.
'In 1981, President Mitterrand nationalised the Rothschild's French financial empire, Banque Rothschild.
'The chances are that the Rothschild fortune has declined since the middle of the 19th century.'
Some suspect that the CIA likes to blame everything on the Rothschilds.
However, the Rothschilds are linked to Your Real Government

The 'facts' about the Rothschilds are disputed.
1. Mayer Amschel Rothschild, in 1838, allegedly said: "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"
"Mayer Amschel Rothschild died in 1812."
(No primary source for this quote is known and the earliest attribution to Rothschild known is in Money Creators, 1935, by Gertrude M. Coogan)
2. Allegedly, the Rothschild family have US$ 500 trillion in gold
"The total value of ALL the gold ever mined in human history, amounts to US$ 9.2 trillion."
Rothschild myths

3. Allegedly, the Rothschild banking family own and control the US Federal Reserve partly "through the Rothschild Bank of Berlin."
"The Rothschild Bank of Berlin, does not and has never existed.
"The last German branch of the Rothschild Bank, was in Frankfurt and this branch closed in 1901 some eleven years before the Federal Reserve Act was even passed."
"By law, virtually all the of the Federals Reserve’s vast profits, are paid to the US Treasury."
Rothschild myths
4. Freedom of Information requests in the US to determine the ownership of the Federal Reserve Banks have reportedly been obstructed.
Some people, like Eustace Mullins, assert that the Rothschilds have a stake in the Fed.
But it is an assertion.
Alleged Federal Reserve Ownership - Web Skeptic
Mullins in a 1952 article "Adolf Hitler: An Appreciation" expressed the belief that America owes a debt to Hitler. [23]

Since 1900, 1,200 large country houses have been demolished in England. [5]

Waddesdon manor. James de Rothschild bequeathed the house and its contents to the National Trust in 1957.
Since the end of the 19th century, the Rothschilds have donated many of their estates, as well as much of their art, to charities and museums.
These big houses have become too expensive to run.
Rich families do sometimes see declines in their wealth.
In 2012 Forbes reported that Lakshmi Mittal had suffered the largest loss of any individual on the Forbes list, dropping $10.4 billion in just one year.
Billionaire Busts: The Year's Biggest Losers - Forbes
In 2011, the 100 richest people in India together saw their net worth falling by 20 per cent in one year.
Forbes list: Mukesh Ambani richest Indian, Anil biggest loser | NDTV ...
Wealthy members of the Astor family used to live at Rokeby House, in Barrytown, New York. At Rokeby Hall, a member of the family remembers how the roof leaked and there wasn't much heat in the winter. Often they didn't have enough money to buy food.
"The names are still household words: Vanderbilt, Astor, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Gould, Mellon, Harriman, Frick, Huntington, Croker, Flagler, Duke, and Hearst.
"And yet none of those names are among the great American fortunes of today.
"Indeed, only three of those names - Rockefeller, Hearst, and Mellon - make the Forbes list of today’s 400 largest fortunes, and not one is near the top...
"John D. Rockefeller Sr. was worth perhaps $2 billion in 1915...
"By far the wealthiest living Rockefeller - largely on account of a long, successful career in finance - David in 2009 had a net worth of $2.2 billion...
"Taking inflation into account, however, his fortune is only about 10 percent the size of his grandfather’s...
"Fortunes have almost always been divided with each generation, so even the largest of them are soon spread through an ever larger pool of descendants...
"Old American fortunes do not disappear so much as they are eclipsed by newer ones as the economy expands and opens up new areas for entrepreneurial activity...
"Andrew Carnegie said that 'the man who dies rich dies disgraced,' and gave away almost his entire fortune."
The Transience of American Wealth
The Rothschilds have had a lot of money in bonds.
The historian Niall Ferguson wrote: "As we have seen, however, wars tended to hit the price of existing bonds...
"Now having made their money, they stood to lose more than they gained from conflict."
Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Consider that since the 1850's there's been several enormous wars, and wars have a way of making paper wealth go 'poof'.
"Also consider that global trade levels today are just starting to get back to the levels that they were prior to World War I...
"The individuals are going to be splitting the inheritances up each generation, so the total family wealth is what you'd have to look at."
What's the Net Worth of the Rothschilds? - Above Top Secret

The Rothschilds are not immortal.
"French police have determined that Amschel Rothschild, heir to the fabulous Rothschild banking fortune, was murdered, according to well-placed European sources..."
Four years after the death of Amschel, Raphael de Rothschild died of a heroin overdose in New York.
( That Rothschild clan in full: eccentricity, money, influence and ...)

Some of the Rothschilds opposed the creation of the Jewish state.
("The Rothschild story: A golden era ends for a secretive dynasty".)
According to Paul Vallely in The Independent, 16 April, 2004:
The Rothschild family split over the question of a Jewish homeland, with some members supporting the first Zionist settlement in Palestine and and others opposing it.
Baron Edmond de Rothschild was a patron of the first Jewish settlement in Palestine at Rishon-LeZion.

Dr David de Rothschild
According to Paul Vallely in The Independent, 16 April, 2004:
"The Rothschilds never gained the foothold in America they needed.
"The world became corporate. Private banking got left behind.
"Still, the family has moved down only from fabulously rich to enormously wealthy. And they adjusted to the times."

Above we see James Rothschild (banks) and Nicky Hilton (hotels).
'They marry on 10 July 2015.
'The marriage takes place in Princess Diana's former home Kensington Palace.
'Various Goldsmiths will attend the wedding.
'Reportedly, Princess Diana's father was Sir James Goldsmith, the descendant of a Jewish banking family from Frankfurt.'
Lady Diana's mother was born Frances Ruth Roche.
Reportedly, Frances had Jewish origins.
(Davidic Ancestry of Prince William.)

Lord Victor Rothschild
James's father Amschel was the youngest child of Victor Rothschild, the spy alleged to have controlled the British Prime Ministers - Churchill, Heath and Thatcher.
In 1996, Amschel Rothschild was found hanged at the Hotel Bristol in Paris.
"French police have determined that Amschel Rothschild, heir to the fabulous Rothschild banking fortune, was murdered, according to well-placed European sources..."
The Rothschilds are alleged to be Satanists rather than Jews.
Four years after the death of Amschel, Raphael de Rothschild died of a heroin overdose in New York.
Around 1909, Oscar Rothschild, from the Austrian branch of the family, was found shot dead.
In 1923, Amschel’s grandfather, Nathaniel Charles Rothschild, was found dead with his throat slit.

Nicky Hilton, sister of Paris Hilton and friend of Lindsay Lohan.
Nicky Hilton's mother, Kathy Hilton (née Avanzino) was 'pushy, arrogant, presumptuous. The spotlight always had to be on her.'
That is according to Peggy Cusack Yakovlev, who worked for the family.
James Rothschild's mother was born Anita Guinness.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.

Top row: Pippa, James and their mother Carole, née Goldsmith.
By the 1930's, 60% of all 'Jewish marriages' in Germany involved Jews marrying non Jews.
Did Zionists Help Plan the Holocaust?
Just as there are 'good' Christians and 'bad' Christians, so also there are 'good' Jews and 'bad' Jews.
There are lots of different factions among Christians and there are lots of different factions among Jews.
In the religious wars in Europe, Christians massacred Christians.
During World War II, the Satanic Nazi Jews killed non-Nazi Jews.
At the top of the pyramid of power the bad Moslems, bad Christians and bad Jews are all in alliance.
SS Lieut. General Horst Hoyer submitted a report in 1952 on the role Nazi Jews played in the Holocaust.
Did Zionists Help Plan the Holocaust?
Helping plan the "Final Solution" were Jews named Walter Sonnenschein, Zuckerhorn, Spitze, Lowenstein, Gregor and Feckler.
excerpt from his report:
In October 1943, sixteen selected Jews were taken ... to the old civilian airport on the Chortower Highway and flown to neutral Spain, to be handed over to the United States, including a relative of Henry Morgenthau, a member of President Roosevelt's cabinet.

Michael Collins Piper tells us 'who is behind Donald Trump'.
In 1987, Donald Trump bought 93% of the voting stock in the Resorts Internationalgambling business.
Resorts International.
In 1978, Andrew St. George reported that Resorts International was originally set up and controlled by -
1. "Front men for the Rockefeller and Rothschild families.
2. "And, the Rockefeller and Rothschild's 'enforcers' in the CIA and Mossad."
Who Towers Behind Trump? | Michael Collins Piper

St. George alleged that some casino resorts have been run by mobsters who have assisted the CIA and Mossad in laundering drug and gambling profits which are then channeled into covert operations.
"Resorts International evolved from a CIA front company set up in the early 1950s by Allen Dulles and his close associate New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey, of the 'Rockefeller' wing of the Republican Party.
"Investors in Resorts International included Meyer Lansky, David Rockefeller, Tibor Rosenbaum (linked to Mossad), and Baron Edmond de Rothschild."
In 1987, upon the death of longtime CIA front man James Crosby, the nominal head of Resorts International, Donald Trump bought Crosby's interest in the gambling empire.
Who Towers Behind Trump? | Michael Collins Piper
We used to know some of the Rothschild family.
They did not appear to be all powerful.
We never saw any armies of bodyguards or lines of bullet proof limousines.
However, the Rothschilds are linked to Your Real Government
During the 19th century, according to Wikipedia, the Rothschilds had by far the biggest private fortune in the world.
Amschel Rothschild, an Ashkenazi Jewish gentleman born c. 1710 in a Jewish ghetto in Germany, was a money changer, who had traded with the Prince of Hesse.
His son Mayer Rothschild, born in 1744, built up 'a finance house' which spread to various European cities.
The Rothschild family motto is "Harmony, Integrity, Industry", and it has been claimed that the Rothschilds would not have succeeded if they had not had a reputation at least for professionalism.
Charming Anthony James de Rothschild, son of Sir Evelyn, is Co-managing Director of Brighton based A7 music. He is married to Danish model and UK TV presenter Tania Strecker.
Geography-loving David de Rothschild has spent time in the Ecuadorian rainforest documenting the damage international oil companies have created by drilling the vast oil reserves, and in turn disturbing the natural and social order.
David is a son of Evelyn de Rothschild.
According to Walter C Langer's "The Mind of Hitler: The Secret War Report" (1972), Langer, a psychoanalyst, was approached by Col. William "Wild Bill" Donovan, of the OSS, to conduct a psychological investigation of Hitler.
Langer mentions that Hitler had been linked to the Rothschilds in a book written by an ex-Gestapo officer.
The story was that Hitler's father's mother Maria Schicklgruber had slept with a Baron Rothschild in Vienna. (This Rothschild may have been Salomon Mayer).
Langer notes: "we can leave it as a possibility that requires further verification."Donovan was J.P.Morgan's lawyer.
Reportedly, J.P.Morgan was the American agent for the English Rothschilds. aangirfan: Rothschilds and Geography
"In Eustace Mullin's book (SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE by Eustace Mullins (http://www.whale.to), compiled mostly from US Library of Congress records, the author concludes that 4 or 5 of the original shareholdings were held by what Mullin’s concluded were Rothschild-controlled Fronts.
"So in future when you hear the terms ‘the Fed’ or ‘Federal Reserve’, it might be more useful to think 'Rothschild'".
Former Suharto 'crony' Bakrie has joined forces with the Rothschild Banking Dynasty.
"On 21 December 2010, Jessica de Rothschild is to marry Sacha Gervasi."
Gervasi once had a relationship with Spice Girl Geri Halliwell and their offspring is Bluebell Madonna Halliwell. Reportedly, Gervasi once had a £200-a-day heroin and crack cocaine habit.
Sacha Gervasi's father, Sean Gervasi, was an economic advisor to John F. Kennedy; Sean Gervasi became "a leading member of the anti-Vietnam war movement." Sacha Gervasi's uncle, Tom Gervasi, was an expert on intelligence matters.
Jessica de Rothschild is the daughter of banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild
Victor Rothschild 'stole all major UK/US weapons developments in the Second World War, including the atomic bomb'. Rothschild, 'was involved in so many aspects of spying that he seemed like a super-agent, sabotaging every Western intelligence initiative for 20 years after the war'.
Victor Rothschild worked with Kim Philby at the MI6 offices set up at the Rothschild family mansion in Paris. Edward Heath in 1970 appointed Rothschild head of the government's Central Policy Review Staff.
It was later claimed that Rothschild persuaded Heath to appoint Michael Hanley as Director General of MI5 in 1972.
Later Margaret Thatcher appointed Rothschild as her unofficial security adviser. Victor Rothschild reportedly helped Israel to obtain some of Britain's nuclear secrets.
Allegedly, Sir Roger Hollis and Stephen Ward were part of a 'Soviet' spy ring with Sir Anthony Blunt and Victor Rothschild.
While a student at Cambridge University, Kim Philby began his long friendship with Victor Rothschild. aangirfan: PHILBY : WHO WAS HE WORKING FOR?
Ted Rothschild was Nathaniel Mayer VICTOR Rothschild (1910 to 1990), the third Lord Rothschild.
In the book 'The Fifth Man', (by Roland Perry, Pan Books London 1994) Roland Perry puts the case that Ted Rothschild was a major spy for Russia and Israel. aangirfan: MI5 and MI6
Anonymous comments:
The BIS is the coordination centre of global private and public central banking. It is owned by central banks around the world, which in turn are in certain important instances privately owned. This ownership is obscured with extreme care. (Private shareholders like George Soros were bought out under the management of Andrew Crockett. At a considerable premium, I might add.)
For example, ownership of the Bank of England is hidden under the provisions of the Companies Act 1976, Section 27(9).
Are the Rothschilds among the beneficial shareholders? Almost certainly. But I doubt they're the only ones, possibly not even the main ones.
Freedom of Information requests in the US to determine the ownership of the Federal Reserve Banks have been quietly obstructed. However, it doesn't take a genius to guess that Goldman, Morgan and Lazard are among the biggest influences.
No idea about Banque de France, Deutsche Bundesbank, Banca d'Italia, Banco de España and other ECB-linked central banks. Certainly Mario Draghi of Banca d'Italia has clear credentials as a lackey of Anglo investment banking.
The Rothschilds are very clearly involved in more than tending vineyards, eating chocolate, collecting objets d'arts, and clipping the topiaries in Ascott House.
Lynn Forest de Rothschild is active on the board of the Economist Group, and a trustee of the Peterson Institute for International Economics and of course on the CFR. Pete Peterson, though influential in his own right, is a Rockefeller man.
Edmond de Rothschild was involved in the Propaganda Due lodge along with Henry Kissinger and Michael Ledeen as part of the NATO Strategy of Tension, mostly likely coordinating the Italian operation (Gladio) with the insiders of Italian finance, business, military and government. Small fry like Gelli, Berlusconi and others.
The Rothschilds are longterm Insiders but in the last century they've been eclipsed by the Rockefellers.
The Rockefellers, and David in particular, had clear influence over the OSS/CIA, NATO, the formation of the EU, NAFTA, GATT, the United Nations and associated organizations (IMF, World Bank), the Trilateral Commission.
More covertly, the Pilgrims Society has a strong Rockefeller presence. This is essentially the continuation of Rhodes's anglosupremacist conspiracy as reported by Quigley.
In short, the Rothschilds are still important. But they are not the ultimate puppeteers.

Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor, in their book Hidden History, refer to a secret cabal being responsible for deliberately starting World War I.
Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War

Lord Nathaniel Rothschild
The cabal is said to have included:
1. Lord Nathaniel Rothschild.
The Rothschilds have had links to the Rockefellers in the USA, the top Zionists, and top people in Austria, Germany, Britain, Italy, Russia and France.
One can see the Rothschilds as the leaders of an international cabal.
In 1914, Sir William Wiseman, a top Jew high in British Intelligence was friendly with Max Warburg, a top Jew in German intelligence.
Max Warburg's brother Paul was the Jewish head of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Gavrilo Princip, the alleged assassin of the heir to the Austrian throne, and his lookalike body double?
There is evidence that certain top people in Russia, Austria, Serbia and elsewhere may have plotted the murder of the heir to the Austrian throne, thus sparking World War One.
Certain Russians wanted to put the Jews into power in Russia.
Certain top Austrians did not like the pro-Slav heir to the Austrian throne.
Certain top Englishmen wanted Palestine to be removed from the Turkish Empire.
Certain top people wanted to make a lot of money.
Sir Basil Zaharoff, a top Jew, boasted to Rosita Forbes, "I made wars so that I could sell arms to both sides."
Sir Basil Zaharoff

A Rothschild and a Rockefeller.
Lord Nathaniel Rothschild was a prominent member of the Round Table movement, created in 1909.
Irish American academic Carroll Quigley believed that the Round Table Group was the front for a secret cabal, set up with the help of Cecil Rhodes.
The Rothschilds helped finance Wellington House which became the Tavistock Institute.

Cecil Rhodes
2. Cecil Rhodes.
Lord Nathaniel Rothschild funded Cecil Rhodes in the development of the British South Africa Company and the De Beers diamond conglomerate.
Rothschild administered Rhodes' estate after Rhodes' death in 1902 and helped to set up the Rhodes Scholarship scheme at the University of Oxford.
Rhodes's close associates included William Stead, a top journalist, and Lord Esher, a close advisor to the British Monarchy.

Alfred Milner
3. Alfred Milner.
Alfred Milner was a colonial administrator.
He was a chief author of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which was a letter to Lord Walter Rothschild, supporting the setting up of a Zionist state.[25]

4. Lord Northcliffe.
Lord Northcliffe was related to the Rothschilds through marriage.
Northcliffe, the owner of The Times, wanted a World War.

Arthur Balfour
5. Arthur Balfour.
The 1917 Balfour Declaration was a letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Walter Rothschild declaring support for the setting up of a Jewish state called Israel.

6. Herbert Asquith.
Prime Minister Asquith was a friend of the Rothschilds.
Lord Salisbury, who allegedly had Jewish origins, and Lord Rosebery, who was related to the Rothschilds, were also linked to the cabal.

Grey (left)
7. Lord Edward Grey.
Grey, a friend of Milner, was the British Foreign Secretary in 1914 and he wanted war.

Prince Edward and Lord Nathaniel Rothschild
8. Prince Edward who became King Edward VII.
Edward, who became King Edward VII, was close to the Rothschilds.
Edward VII, had borrowed heavily from Sir Ernest Cassell, the Rothschilds and the Sassoons.
Edward helped to create the military alliances with Russia, France and Belgium.

The future George V.
King George V, who became king in 1910, urged his Foreign Secretary Edward Grey to go to war with Germany.
When Grey said that the cabinet had not found a justifiable reason to go to war, the King replied: "You have got to find a reason, Grey."
George V was influenced by Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, Sir Samuel Montagu and Sir Robert Waley Cohen
(British Jews Hold Rites for King George)

Grey and Churchill
9. Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill, whose mother was Jewish, was part of the cabal that wanted a World War.
Churchill was said to be controlled by the Rothschilds.
Winston Churchill & the Rothschild Connection.
Churchill and Grey threatened to resign from Prime Minister Asquith's cabinet if he did not agree to a war.
Asquith did not want his government to fall, so he gave in to Churchill and Grey.

The heir to the Austrian throne, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated on June 28, 1914.
The history books have said that this man (above) was the assassin who sparked the outbreak of World war I.

The history books have said that the above photo shows the arrest of 'the man who assassinated the heir to the throne of the Austrian Empire'.
Historian Tim Butcher in History Today states that the man shown above was 'innocent'.
The 'innocent man' shown above is Ferdinand Behr.
Sarajevo's Elusive Assassin | History Today / The Trigger: Hunting The Assassin
Tim Butcher is the author of The Trigger: Hunting the Assassin who Brought the World to War.
Anonymous comments:
"Ferdinand Behr was no innocent bystander, but one of the Jews behind the whole plot."

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand took place in Sarajevo, in Bosnia, in the Austrian Empire, on 28 June, 1914.
The assassination caused the outbreak of World War I.

Princip, or his double, and, Princip, or his double.
The historians have claimed that the assassin was a teenager called Gavrilo Princip.
But the historians have got most things wrong about Princip, as Tim Butcher explains:
Sarajevo's Elusive Assassin | History Today / The Trigger: Hunting The Assassin
The historians told us that Princip jumped on the running board of the archduke's car to take his shot.
This is not true.
Other things that were not true include the claims that:
The archduke's wife was pregnant when she died in the shooting.
It happened on the anniversary of their marriage.
The car did not have a reverse gear so was incapable of correcting the driver’s error that delivered it to the assassin.
The archduke caught the grenade thrown earlier at the couple and tossed it away
Princip stopped to eat a sandwich at a corner café before emerging to take his shot.

Above we see 'the innocent bystander' Ferdinand Behr being grabbed and taken in for questioning.
The teenager Gavrilo Princip was small and thin.
Behr was over 6ft tall and was of solid build.
Princip was found guilty of the assassination and allegedly died a few years later in prison.
Gavrilo Princip was born on 13 June or 13 July, depending on who you believe.

Princip was born in Bosnia, part of the Austrian Empire.
Yet Austria blamed Serbia for the assassination.
There is no evidence that Princip was working for the Serbian government.
Serbia had warned Austria about the plotters.
Serbia had no motive for wanting the Archduke killed.
The people of Serbia are Slavs.
The Archduke had married a Slav and was known to be sympathetic to the Slavs.
Sophie, the Archduke's wife stated that they were both warmly welcomed by Bosnia's Slav population.
Sophie stated: "Wherever we have been everyone, down to the last Serb, has greeted us with such friendliness, politeness and true warmth that we are very happy with our visit."

The Archduke and his wife and children
The Sarajevo assassins were members of the Black Hand.
"Leading members of the Black Hand apparently met with French and Grand Orient Freemasons in January 1914 to arrange the assassination in Sarajevo..." - The Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard.
(The Biggest Secret - Chapter 11)
Lord Salisbury, who allegedly had Jewish origins, and Lord Rosebery, who was related to the Rothschilds, were also linked to the cabal.

Grey (left)
7. Lord Edward Grey.
Grey, a friend of Milner, was the British Foreign Secretary in 1914 and he wanted war.

Prince Edward and Lord Nathaniel Rothschild
8. Prince Edward who became King Edward VII.
Edward, who became King Edward VII, was close to the Rothschilds.
Edward VII, had borrowed heavily from Sir Ernest Cassell, the Rothschilds and the Sassoons.
Edward helped to create the military alliances with Russia, France and Belgium.

The future George V.
King George V, who became king in 1910, urged his Foreign Secretary Edward Grey to go to war with Germany.
When Grey said that the cabinet had not found a justifiable reason to go to war, the King replied: "You have got to find a reason, Grey."
George V was influenced by Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, Sir Samuel Montagu and Sir Robert Waley Cohen
(British Jews Hold Rites for King George)

Grey and Churchill
9. Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill, whose mother was Jewish, was part of the cabal that wanted a World War.
Churchill was said to be controlled by the Rothschilds.
Winston Churchill & the Rothschild Connection.
Churchill and Grey threatened to resign from Prime Minister Asquith's cabinet if he did not agree to a war.
Asquith did not want his government to fall, so he gave in to Churchill and Grey.

The heir to the Austrian throne, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated on June 28, 1914.
The history books have said that this man (above) was the assassin who sparked the outbreak of World war I.

The history books have said that the above photo shows the arrest of 'the man who assassinated the heir to the throne of the Austrian Empire'.
Historian Tim Butcher in History Today states that the man shown above was 'innocent'.
The 'innocent man' shown above is Ferdinand Behr.
Sarajevo's Elusive Assassin | History Today / The Trigger: Hunting The Assassin
Tim Butcher is the author of The Trigger: Hunting the Assassin who Brought the World to War.
Anonymous comments:
"Ferdinand Behr was no innocent bystander, but one of the Jews behind the whole plot."

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand took place in Sarajevo, in Bosnia, in the Austrian Empire, on 28 June, 1914.
The assassination caused the outbreak of World War I.

Princip, or his double, and, Princip, or his double.
The historians have claimed that the assassin was a teenager called Gavrilo Princip.
But the historians have got most things wrong about Princip, as Tim Butcher explains:
Sarajevo's Elusive Assassin | History Today / The Trigger: Hunting The Assassin
The historians told us that Princip jumped on the running board of the archduke's car to take his shot.
This is not true.
Other things that were not true include the claims that:
The archduke's wife was pregnant when she died in the shooting.
It happened on the anniversary of their marriage.
The car did not have a reverse gear so was incapable of correcting the driver’s error that delivered it to the assassin.
The archduke caught the grenade thrown earlier at the couple and tossed it away
Princip stopped to eat a sandwich at a corner café before emerging to take his shot.

Above we see 'the innocent bystander' Ferdinand Behr being grabbed and taken in for questioning.
The teenager Gavrilo Princip was small and thin.
Behr was over 6ft tall and was of solid build.
Princip was found guilty of the assassination and allegedly died a few years later in prison.
Gavrilo Princip was born on 13 June or 13 July, depending on who you believe.

Princip was born in Bosnia, part of the Austrian Empire.
Yet Austria blamed Serbia for the assassination.
There is no evidence that Princip was working for the Serbian government.
Serbia had warned Austria about the plotters.
Serbia had no motive for wanting the Archduke killed.
The people of Serbia are Slavs.
The Archduke had married a Slav and was known to be sympathetic to the Slavs.
Sophie, the Archduke's wife stated that they were both warmly welcomed by Bosnia's Slav population.
Sophie stated: "Wherever we have been everyone, down to the last Serb, has greeted us with such friendliness, politeness and true warmth that we are very happy with our visit."

The Archduke and his wife and children
The Sarajevo assassins were members of the Black Hand.
"Leading members of the Black Hand apparently met with French and Grand Orient Freemasons in January 1914 to arrange the assassination in Sarajevo..." - The Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard.
(The Biggest Secret - Chapter 11)
Unknown commented 1 hour ago
The famous photo of Sir Evelyn jabbing his finger in the chest of Jimmy Savile’s friend, King Charles (then Prince of Wales). For decades, Sir Evelyn and his missus had Queenie, Phil, Chuckie and Randy Andy precisely where they wanted them. https://www.itv.com/news/2022-11-08/british-financier-sir-evelyn-de-rothschild-dies-aged-91
FY amusement Trump's X22 Report at approx. 6 minutes on refers to the death of El and then back to Report 133 in 2017 where Trump had put in code that there were THREE power Elites who had to 'go'. House of Saud +++ 6 Trilion secondly Rothschild ++ 2 Trillion finally George Soros + 1 Trillion. He predicts a RED tsunami but election interference to delay then cause chaos. Friends fell out? https://rumble.com/v1sol0g-ep.-2920b-ds-using-election-delay-tactics-ff-fraud-exposed-red-tsunami-hitt.html?mref=2hzb1&mc=fcbfy&fbclid=IwAR0zHu8DjoGS4bVuaKrnyHSIbZtbUVmhD-5pPlWifomF5tQU-PtGQ-sg4Zg
i was pretty sure remembering MA rothschild dying in 1836 -from reading the ferguson biography.i dont have the book now.i might be from an alternate universe
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