Monday 28 November 2022



Death of crypto king Nikolai Mushegian fuels conspiracy. › 2022/11/09 › drowning-death 

9 Nov 2022 — “Brilliant” cryptocurrency developer Nikolai Mushegian was found dead in the water off a Puerto Beach on Oct. 28 

CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and caribbean islands. They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex gf who was a spy. They will torture me to death.

October 28th:

CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and caribbean islands. They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex gf who was a spy. They will torture me to death.

Curse of the crypto whizz kids: Missing millions, mysterious deaths and wild conspiracy theories
Nikolai Mushegian, 29, died on October 28, hours after tweeting

Crypto co-founder Tiantian Kullander found dead in his sleep aged 30


At 29 November 2022 at 02:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a big article further connecting recent cryptocurrency events, the deaths and billions of losses, with the paedophile worlds:

a few highlights from above:

A major link point is the elite, Pentagon-tied 'technical genius' MIT university in Massachusetts. It has historic ties to MK-ULTRA mind-control and Pentagon's DARPA.

Jeffrey Epstein was a major donor-funder of millions to MIT and its Media Labs for years, funnelling money in part from Bill Gates.

MIT Media Labs is involved in 'One Laptop Per Child' projects to give children in poor countries basic computers - "a clever vehicle to provide early sex education to children across impoverished Asia and Africa" ... with an 'XO-1 Children's Machine' communicaiton tool, said to be used by paedophiles to communicate with these children.


Roblox is a wealthy company providing gaming programmes heavily used by children. Roblox executives funded 'studies' fuelling the covid issue and lockdowns ... leading families to be at home ... Roblox earned billions thanks to the lockdown era.

Children isolated at home, using computers, are targets for paedophiles. Covid lockdowns can be seen as a pro-paedophile project.

"The Roblox team and community members have been the subject of an astounding list of pedophilia and child sex abuse claims that seem bizarrely ignored by regulators."


Going back to MIT, Aaron Swartz, working at MIT before he was suicided in 2013, is said to have come across paedophile connections in that elite academic environment.

Aaron Swartz co-founded Reddit seeking to create a free-speech, collaborative forum of collective investigation.

Evidence indicates Ghislaine Maxwell apparently became a lead 'moderator' of Reddit ... which, after Swartz's death, evolved into an often highly-censoring site, not allowing criticism of elites.

MIT is the leading 'technical economics' school addressing highly complex areas like cryptocurrency. Professor Glenn Ellison there, is the father of one of the two young Jewish principals in the multi-billion-losing FTX-Alameda crypto collapse, Caroline Ellison, the former girlfriend of Sam Bankman-Fried.

Former MIT Professor Gary Gensler is now head of the USA SEC securities regulator supposedly in charge of pursuing investment wrongdoing. He advised Hillary Clinton and is linked to Bankman-Fried, whose mother Barbara Fried helped funnel huge monies to Democrats. Biden sent billions to Ukraine, which 'invested' in FTX, which became one of the USA's biggest political donors for the Biden government.


There are people who hoped that cryptocurrency would enable some kind of 'indepedence' outside of government control.

A question is whether the FTX-Alameda collapse and loss of many crypto billions, was orchestrated precisely to torpedo and discourage all those efforts -

And to pave the way for digitical currencies which are run and controlled by governments alone, which can then:
- Reduce your income or savings at will for political infractions
- Order you to spend any savings or income within a certain time window, or have it disappear


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