Spooky Michael Shrimpton (above) 'credits himself with a role in several intelligence successes, including the capture of Osama bin Laden.'[24]
Shrimpton claims that German spies (Nazis) have controlled Al-Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden.
Shrimpton claims that he made arrangements for the British military to rescue Madeleine McCann, 'who was being held in or near Morocco after being smuggled there from Lagos on a drug-running vessel.'[34][25]
Crisis Actor
Bob Saget
'Gilbert Gottfried was a featured comedian at the Comedy Central Roast of Bob Saget which first aired on August 16, 2008.[2]'At Saget's roast, Gottfried jokingly begged listeners to disregard the (nonexistent) rumor that his fellow comedian "raped and killed a girl in 1990".[3][4]
'Gottfried repeatedly warned the audience at the roast not to spread the rumor, which did not exist before the comedian's speech.[5][6]
'The audience in attendance at the Comedy Central Roast were both shocked and amused by the preposterous nature of Gottfried's joke which seemed more ludicrous each time he repeated it.[3]'
Bob Saget’s 2008 Comedy Roast Was Full Of Pedo Jokes. They All Laughed Uproariously (Warning: Upsetting Content)

Michael ShrimptonUnknown commented -
Gay former British judge and lawyer, Michael Shrimpton, writes about the Ghislaine Maxwell trial:
"... The prosecution in the Ghislaine trial have told four key lies to the jury, it seems to me, either explicitly or by necessary implication:
(1) Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide and was not murdered, nor were federal prison officials complicit in his murder.
(2) Epstein was heterosexual.
(3) Epstein was a 'financier', and
(4) Epstein's large payments (of around $30 million) to Ghislaine were for the procurement of underage girls.
"Epstein was of course gay. In so far as he had heterosexual sex it was to disguise his true inclinations. ...
Met (London) Police sergeant's son, 20, who escaped prosecution for killing two men while drug-driving his father's Audi is charged with having £1,000 of cannabis stashed at his parents' £1million home
Oil, Cyber and Weapons: Inside Israel's Relationship With Kazakhstan
A male prostitute arrested after having sex with monks - history of sex in Tudor England
Washington pursues RAND’s plan in Kazakhstan, then in Transnistria
Last month, the European Medicines Agency authorized boosters EVERY THREE MONTHS
Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath
Prominent Danish daily apologizes: “We failed”
Swiss Researchers Use Brain Electrodes to Stimulate Climate Concern
BARKING BAD Hugh Hefner had so much cocaine inside the Playboy Mansion that his best pal’s poodle became addicted
[Jeffrey Epstein survivor Maria Farmer responds to Michael Shrimpton alleging that Epstein was/is gay ...]
I felt like he was gay & this made me more comfortable around him, more trusting. Why would a gay, "married" old man harm children? Thinking face I couldn't have guessed what he was doing, until I KNEW. #Epstein #maxwelltrial
Twitter BANS Project Veritas within Minutes of Exposing Fauci’s Crimes
Ghislaine Maxwell Juror Who Could Upend Conviction Works for Carlyle Group
Nuclear Green Pass: The B61-12 Tactical Nuclear Bomb for Italy Comes Out in May
Canada to Announce Mandatory COVID Vaccinations Soon
Pfizer, J&J Among Pharma Companies Accused of Funding Terrorism in Iraq
Fake Science, Invalid Data: There is No Such Thing as a “Confirmed Covid-19 Case”. There is No Pandemic
Unvaccinated to face special tax in Canada
Expiration date on nearly 1 million old Covid tests extended
Far-right FvD wants to open own primary schools: report
Twitter suspends accounts of Dutch Covid conspiracy theorist Willem Engel
Ivy League Cartel Sued for Price-Fixing
Bosnia become first country in Europe without COVID pass! Mirnes Ajanović defeated Bosnian Federal government
French politician is pelted with soil by anti-vaxxers outside his home after Macron said he wanted to 'p*** off' unvaccinated people by making their lives complicated
Vaxxed, abused?
Yes, Black Lives Matter.
No, cheap/affordable housing does not matter.
Related psyop !
7 hours ago13:14Charlie Malam
Djokovic deportation decision date
9news Melbourne's Reid Butler has said a deportation decision is expected tomorrow (Thursday).
The Australian Open is due to get underway this coming Monday with the world No 1 still not certain whether or not he will be allowed to play the Grand Slam.
What did Shrimpton do?
We have been able to confirm these facts:
Shrimpton met with an intermediary with a background in intelligence that told him a story. This story involved the theft of a nuclear weapon and of its transport by submarine to Britain.
Shrimpton tried to use back channels through a former Defense Ministry official, Phillip Hammond, to pass this story on.
Shrimpton also called the public tip line of MI 6, Britain’s version of the CIA. The number he phoned is listed online and is specifically designated for passing on rumors and unsubstantiated threats. This fact was withheld at trial.
Theories about a German-based secret agency, akin to “SPECTRE” out of Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels (Fleming had worked for MI 6), were not included in the information Shrimpton received.
After Shrimpton’s computers were seized, he was charged with possession of child pornography. When forensic examination of the material showed it to have been dated and/or downloaded after the equipment was in police custody, these charges were reduced and pushed “under a rug.”
Biden Administration Making Lists of Religious Vaccine Objectors
Ronald McDonald House Sends Eviction Notices to Unvaccinated Children and Their Families
French Gov't Launches 'Fight Against Incest,' Mulls 'Clear Ban' on Incestuous Relationships
BBC director-general Tim Davie blames 'personal error' for decision to interview alleged abuser and Jeffrey Epstein co-conspirator, Alan Dershowitz, as an 'expert'
The 'child porn on the memory stick' charges against Michael Shrimpton may well be false, as other 'child porn on Shrimpton's computer' charges were proven to be fraudulent, a set-up
In that earlier case, experts came in to look at his computer 'with child porn' ... and the serial number of the hard drive proved it had been swapped whilst in police custody ... it was a 'new run' serial number not available when Shrimpton had bought the computer, or could have obtained
Background - Shrimpton's bizarre / funny - e.g., 'German Nazis still running things' - material, seems to be a long-term Zionist distraction operation
When Shrimpton was jailed in England for part of a year for 'supplying false information on foreign threats on English soil', that seems to have been a game of the Soros globalist team, acting against Zionist-nationalist assets like Shrimpton ... that old intra-Jewish battle, usually fought via proxies
It needs to be kept in mind that tho there are child-porn users, it is also one of the most easily-faked charges, a perfect way to smear any targeted person
It is the modern version of the old game where a person is arrested on 'illegal drug charges', but the drugs came out of the policeman's pocket
It is not difficult for hacker-types to send people a deceptive message, where if a link is clicked upon, a programme secretly loads illegal porn you don't know you have
If a computer or phone or memory stick is seized, such material can simply be installed, along with some fake 'tracking' coding allegedly 'proving' when you downloaded it ... good luck 'proving' the opposite
Shrimpton said something about Epstein in that article probably quite true - he said Epstein wasn't really 'managing money' or 'investing' ... he was merely allowed to profit from manipulated insider-training agendas run by foreign services ... Epstein was merely a 'trustee' of that money, with the job of putting it to use
The Occult Symbolism of That Creepy Meta Commercial
Professor Udi Qimron, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University:
"The truth about the coronavirus policy is beginning to be revealed.
The infection comes in waves that fade by themselves.
Non-recovered vaccinated people are more likely to be infected than recovered people.
You have burned hundreds of billions to no avail – for publishing intimidation, for ineffective tests, for destructive lockdowns and for disrupting the routine of life in the last two years.
You have destroyed the education of our children and their future. You made children feel guilty, scared, smoke, drink, get addicted, drop out, and quarrel. You have harmed livelihoods, the economy, human rights, mental health and physical health.
You branded, without any scientific basis, people who chose not to get vaccinated as enemies of the public and as spreaders of disease.
The destruction you have caused has only added victims beyond the vulnerable to the virus.
There is currently no medical emergency, but you have been cultivating such a condition for two years now because of lust for power, budgets and control."
Bob Saget, as treated in past and present by Pockets Of The Future
aka Paul Romano:
Bob Saget -
Much more Bob Saget -
"Greetings brothers and sisters..." His standard opening gambit, =)
It makes sense that he may have been gay, with Maxwell acting as his beard. They were operating as an elite espionage team . I have never seen his name romantically linked to any other woman, either before or after Maxwell. His nude massages with the young acolytes may have been an exercise on his part to categorize the girl's strengths and weaknesses, in terms of social skill,intellect,memory, sensuality, ability or not to keep her own council.
Also, I have a strong recurrent psychic hunch that he was a trans-vestite , I see him wearing fishnet stocking, heels, and sometimes undergarments a young teenage girl would wear. Some of the other wealthy men could have shared this fetish. Their special sex parties would have some in a sling, in the dark, having sex with built men , black and white. He's laughing as he shows me some of what happened there.
Whilst one cannot ring a bell to make the ‘animal’ behave perpetual fear just may. Long-time head of Comintern (the Communist International) Grigory Zinoviev, a Jewish Communist terrorist and Holodomor perpetrator had a strong relationship with Lenin. His quote of 1918 establishes a deliberate policy of terror and mass slaughter where on the cards “We must carry along with us 90 million out of the 100 million the Soviet population. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated”. Confirmation came from Lenin himself “Put more force into the terror. Shoot every tenth person; place all the suspects in concentration camps!”The writer Maxim Gorky describes Lenin's reign of terrorConsequently, it was under Lenin that the most horrific torture took place. Eyes were poked out, tongues cut off, and victims were buried alive. Jewish Communist Cheka (guards) cut open their victim’s stomach, pulled out a length of small intestine, nailed it to a telegraph pole, and with a club forced the victim to run circles around the pole until the whole intestine became unravelled. Children caught eating what was considered ‘state grain’ were shot as ‘traitors’ to the state. Consequently deportation to gulags was familiar and often Europeans would be taken with no explanation. Possibly the most infamous gulag wasThe Nazino Gulag (Cannibal Island)Nazino also known as ‘cannibal island’. Speculation has that as news of the horrific tortures committed against Europeans on this desolate Siberian Island hit the Jewish press they endeavoured to deflect consequences away from their tribe.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police:
"RCMP commissioner wants Canadians to report 'anti-authority' Internet opinions
RCMP commissioner Brenda Lucki urged Canadians to report suspicious Internet behaviour, including comments 'anti-government, anti-law enforcement'
'When in doubt, report it,' said Lucki."
screenshot with photo and text ... makes one laugh, tho this is real
news article
Off-topic: I was listening to a stream by one Steve JMO,
he recalled that at the time of the death of musician Chris Cornell,
the grunge hit-song "Black Hole Sun" was everywhere,
on every radiostation, most of the time.
He then likened this situation to chanting.
I myself would rephrase that to
"invocation through poetry accompanied with music". /my2cts
Data Dump
02.22.22 @ 12 London
Mass Evidence Dump.
I made a rude video about him once because he was talking so dismissively about Heath's victims. Someone contacted me anonymously, alleging to be a previous colleague of MS, and recounted that in his/her experience he was utterly insane and a compulsive liar.
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