Nothing on this blog constitutes or should be interpreted as medical advice; and nothing replaces medical advice from a qualified medical professional; and medical advice from a qualified medical professional should always be sought.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - NHS
(COVID-19) advice for the public - WHO ...
- September 7, 2021
The story regarding the empty grocery shelves due to a trucker strike in Australia is a complete fabrication.

How Many People in the US Enriched Themselves via the F-35 Fighter Jet Scam?
The Pandemic Pattern—how the illusion is built

After calling vaccine passports a “conspiracy theory,” U.K. government now says everyone will need to show proof of vaccination to live

Australian public health chief says Covid contact tracing is part of 'New World Order'
'Australian public health chief Dr. Kerry Chant said Covid contact tracing is part of the ‘New World Order’ during a press conference.
'Social media has blasted the phrasing ‘New World Order’ which began trending on Twitter with the tech giant flagging the term as part of an ‘unfounded conspiracy theory.’
'Dr. Chant said: “We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order…yes it will be pubs and clubs and other things if we have a positive case there.”'
Australian public health chief says Covid contact tracing is part of the New World Order.
'A textbook assigned as required reading at a North Carolina community college is full of assertions that anyone opposing lockdowns and masking is directly to blame for COVID deaths and the spread of the virus.
'Campus Reform obtained a copy of the document, which states that the severe restrictions imposed by the Biden government “saved tens of thousands of lives” and that Americans who flout them should be held responsible, despite scientific research that has found lockdowns will actually cause millions of excess deaths.'
Lilburne & Friends@MrLilburne·16h
'With COVID on everyone's mind, Ms. Maxwell asks that you consider investing in her: "Wearable Sanitizing Gel Dispenser"'
Application filed by Hannah Chung, Katherine Porter, Mert Iseri, Yuri Malina, Ghislaine Maxwell
~~~Madeleine McCann and the Epstein Connection
West Java.
Dozens Of Bali Hotels Officially Went Bankrupt - September 8, 2021
'APATHY, poverty, corruption and a convoluted bureaucracy are foiling efforts to combat child sex tourism in Bali, say Indonesian Child Protection Commission officials in the island province.'
Pedophiles poison island paradise

100+ Ontario Youth Sent to Hospital for Vaccine-Related Heart Problems, Report Shows
Toronto Sun
On Aug. 13, The Defender reported a previously healthy 14-year-old, Aiden Jo, developed severe myocarditis after receiving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.
On June 22, The Defender reported an 18-year-old from Arkansas, Isaiah Harris, had a heart attack after receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.
Harris was hospitalized for four days with acute myocarditis, and doctors said he would have to be on total bed rest for six months and take medications to numb his heart. Harris had no pre-existing conditions prior to suffering a heart attack.
The Defender also reported on a 19-year-old college student who died of heart-related problems after taking the Moderna vaccine, and a 13-year-old who died in his sleep from a heart problem three days after taking the Pfizer vaccine.
The Pandemic, “Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified”
Dutch Cabinet Plans to Take Farms from Farmers to “Combat Global Warming”
American Medical Association Releases Stunning Document 'Teaching Doctors to Lie to Patients While Deliberately Exaggerating COVID Death Claims'
Remember When Conservatives 'Canceled' Anyone against the War on Terror?


'Israel, which recently gave Anthony Fauci a million dollar “award,” is planning to “brief” the FDA on why they need to approve endless booster shots for the American public.
'From RT, “Israel to brief FDA on Covid-19 vaccine boosters as health experts seek data to back Biden’s 3rd jab rollout plan”'
Israel Pushing FDA to Approve Booster Shots For Americans; Fauci Says 3rd Jab Likely Coming Sep 20
Again and again they turn man against man.
THIRD person dies in Japan after receiving Moderna Covid vaccine from batch recalled over stainless steel contamination

Lawyer Anna De Buisseret: “Deaths From Covid-19 Vaccination Program Fits the Definition of Genocide”
Hospitality Sector Faces Surge in Bankruptcies

France - 4 September 2021.
'Public health guidance around giving Covid-19 vaccines states that an individual must consent to the vaccine being given (or particular procedures must be followed for individuals who lack capacity to consent).'There are increasing examples of events, travel restrictions or certain job roles where vaccination may be required. However, the decision to have a vaccine still lies with the individual.'
Video falsely claims that you cannot refuse the Covid-19 vaccines
Full Fact

Above - Dylan Rich, aged 17, who died after 'suffering cardiac arrest' on the pitch during FA Youth Cup match.

HENLEY Hawks have announced the sudden death of forward Dave Hyde.
'He collapsed after yesterday's National League 2 South opener and died in hospital overnight.'
How Meat Could Be Made to Attract Magnets

'The house of cards is crumbling.
The mRNA-Experimental Gene-Altering Poisonous Jabs -By Peter Koenig, September 06, 2021

The Mail’s shameful witch-hunt of ‘selfish’ vaccine refusers

NHS document shows GP’s to be paid an additional £10 for every child they inject with a Covid-19 Vaccine on top of the £12.58 already received – & Google are trying to hide it

Professor Norman Fenton – “We cannot trust any of the ‘official’ statistics driving the Covid-19 narrative.”

Over 200 vaccinated end up in Canadian province’s emergency room with heart problems

Are We Human? Are We Free? Defeating the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ before It Destroys Us - By Robert J. Burrowes
'Belief is relative to the observer. And when the “observer” is a fallible, imperfect, barely evolved, naked ape who’s prone to be mistaken about a great many things, belief can be downright blinding.'
The Ugliness (and Hidden Beauty) of Real Awakening
'Mainstream media is conditioning people to accept public surveillance (aka Big Brother state) disguised under the umbrella of COVID as there is no turning back.'

Jonathan Cook@Jonathan_K_Cook
·15 Feb
My latest: Most politicians and doctors have ignored the amassing evidence of Vitamin D's dramatic effects on Covid hospital patients. Might it be because the vitamin is made in the mystical touch of sun on skin rather than by white-coated lab technicians?

The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda and the Lie of the “Social Contract”

New York Health Commissioner Repeals Mask Mandate for Unvaxxed After Federal Lawsuit Filed

Crisis in America: Millions of Veteran Nurses are Resigning or Being Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandates - Medical Kidnap

Recognizing the Obvious: Hard Data from Israel Reveals Vaccine Failure
'The figures from Israel also show that vaccinated people are 27 times more likely to contract symptomatic Covid than those who have acquired natural antibodies through infection.

“Covid-19 cases in Israel have been rising sharply since July despite the high vaccination rate. New daily cases in the country reached an all-time high of 12,113 on August 24, surpassing the January peak of 11,934.”

This situation is confirmed by a piece on NPR:
“Israel was the first country on Earth to fully vaccinate a majority of its citizens against COVID-19. Now it has one of the world’s highest daily infection rates — an average of nearly 7,500 confirmed cases a day, double what it was two weeks ago. Nearly one in every 150 people in Israel today has the virus.”
'And here is an account from an Israeli news outlet.'
'The husband of EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Heiko von der Leyen, is the medical director of a new BioTech company: Orgenesis!
'It can be found here with the listing of the management team .
'Orgenesis announces a cell-based vaccine platform targeting COVID-19 and other existing and emerging viral diseases.
The article The husband of EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is the medical director of a new BioTech company first appeared on .
Right Said Fred wrong about vaccine impact on 'long Covid' symptoms
The Ferret

“The Safety Board pulled remdesivir from the [Ebola] study because it killed more people than any of the other three drugs,” Dr Bryan Ardis said, “remdesivir killed 54% of all the people that got the drug.”
'In June 2020 a trial was published of 61 patients with Covid-19 who were given a 10-day course of remdesivir. The results of that trial noted “12 patients (23%) had serious adverse events. The most common serious adverse events — multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and hypotension …'
Remdesivir Causes Renal Failure, Hospital Protocols Are Killing People
The USA's CDC did another data dump into their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database today. As of August 27, 2021 there have been 13,911 deaths, 2,933,377 injury symptoms, 18,098 permanent disabilities, 76,160 ER visits, 56,912 hospitalizations, and 14,327 life threatening events recorded following experimental COVID-19 “vaccinations.”
There have now been more than twice as many deaths recorded following COVID-19 shots during the past 9 months since the COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization, than deaths recorded following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years.
From January 1, 1991 to November 30, 2020, the last month before the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization, there were only a total of 6,068 deaths recorded (mostly infant babies) following ALL vaccines. (Source.)


UK care workers leave industry en masse after being told to get vax or quit, with unions begging govt to reconsider policy.

'“Why aren’t people asking the nurses why they don’t want to take the shots?” she asked.
'She said she ran an ER department, and that it was tragic that they were seeing so many heart attacks and strokes, and that it is obvious that they are related to the COVID-19 shots.'
Nurses Speak Out at Minnesota Town Hall Meeting on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Lack of Reporting to VAERS
Psaki at Whitehouse press conference confirmed staffers not required to have vaccine.

Boris Johnson seeks to extend 'draconian' Covid rules until next MARCH in case of a winter surge in cases - setting up a new battle with Tory backbenchers
Italy extends Covid certificate to schools, public transport.
“Italy enforced Wednesday the requirement to carry a Covid-19 health certificate to access schools and public transport including trains, ships and planes.
“The new rule has sparked a wave of protests across the country, with teachers protesting in front of the Ministry of Education building in Rome this week and anti-vaccine protesters threatening to block over 50 railway stations across Italy …
“After the Interior Ministry announced a zero-tolerance policy to anti-vaccine demonstrations and said it would take legal action against people involved in unrest, many protesters were scared away, resulting in many of the expected large demonstrations turning up empty …”
What's next for newspapers as COVID news cycle fades …

Far from compromising them, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties.
American Civil Liberties Union

(Natural News) If you took a Covid-19)“vaccine,” the American Red Cross will not accept blood plasma donations from you due to the inherent toxicity issues caused by the injection.

90 School Bus Drivers from Same District Quit; “the rush of resignations was likely driven by the vaccination requirements”
Door-to-door medical kidnappings begin in Australia as covid fascism escalates -
Top FDA vaccine officials RESIGN to avoid prosecution for crimes against humanity as White House, CDC commit GENOCIDE -

USA - Orthodox rabbis encourage their communities to take the COVID vaccine ahead of Rosh Hashanah

dognamedblue Retweeted Prem Sikka@premnsikka·3 Sep
We can have free universal social care without increasing the basic rate or the 40% rate of income tax or increasing national insurance for the masses. This paper shows how. The key is redistribution. Don't accept anything less
'Australia’s new spy bill amendment, which was rushed through parliament in less than 24 hours, gives authorities powers to modify, add, copy or delete data on people’s phones or social media accounts. The legislation is being described as ‘absolutely disgusting’ and in ‘contempt of democracy’ by some senators.'

Instagram Post Missing Context About Israeli Study on COVID-19 Natural Immunity

'Scientists at Korea’s Institute for Basic Sciences (IBS) used precisely controlled photon sources to measure a photon’s degree of wave-ness and particle-ness.
'Their results, published in Science Advances, show that the properties of the photon’s source influence its wave and particle character.'
Wave-particle duality quantified for the first time – Physics World

Top resource for medical doctor friends quietly keeping up with critique of 'covid vaccine' policy -

'The blood smears of these “vaccinated” patients shows that red blood cells (“RBC”) have acquired a positive charge (instead of a negative one, which allows blood cells to repel others and stay single) permitting them to ‘stack’ one upon the other. This is typical of blood cancer. They are called ‘rouleaux’ formations.
'There are also coiled pieces present with a metallic sheen. They can easily be seen as they do not absorb light as RBCs do.

'The German doctors and lawyers in the video think it represents the beginning of thrombotic activity. The level of rouleaux formations in these blood samples is ‘severe’. We’re looking at severe RBC damage.
'From the Johnson and Johnson vaccine vial she obtained (it has a lot number and expiration date), samples show rigid structures/lines with tiny white dots in between.
Further reading: ‘On the trail of the Covid 19 vaccines – the first blood tests are carried out’ (German-English translation). testing is a criminal offence

Monica Smit arrested for advocating freedom; she refuses bail; spread her story far and wide; Australia is ruled by crime bosses

German Doctors and Lawyers Assess Blood Smears from People Who Have Had Covid Injections: “For me this is euthanasia. For me this is mass murder, a crime on a grand scale”
Dr. Philippe van Welbergen, Medical Director of Biomedical Clinics, was interviewed on a South African community channel.
'At a medical conference in The Netherlands, he found similar blood was being discussed; some blood samples even showed blue and red cells, which were not organic matter. “Linking the dots, we found they had all had the Covid ‘vaccine’,” Dr van Welbergen said.'
Kelowna BC, Canada: Thousands Lined the Streets in Support of Nurses & Hospital Staff As They Walked Out in Protest of Mandatory Injections - Truth Comes to Light (video)

Labels: Bali, blood, Brazil, Canada, Coleman, CORONAVIRUS, depopulation, lockdown, nurses, Smit, tests, vaccinations
Telling The Truth For Once
Jewish ACLU Supports Forced Vaccination
What's next for newspapers as COVID news cycle fades
“News outlets in smaller U.S. cities may [have] gotten a ‘COVID bump’ in readership, said Ken Doctor, a longtime media analyst and the founder of a local journalism startup called Lookout Santa Cruz in California. But now those papers need new strategies to hold on to their readers while convincing them to pay for online news …
“‘Last year was a dramatic increase in overall news consumption,’ said Maribel Perez Wadsworth, president of news at Gannett …”
Italy extends Covid certificate to schools, public transport
“Italy enforced Wednesday the requirement to carry a Covid-19 health certificate to access schools and public transport including trains, ships and planes.
“The new rule has sparked a wave of protests across the country, with teachers protesting in front of the Ministry of Education building in Rome this week and anti-vaccine protesters threatening to block over 50 railway stations across Italy …
“After the Interior Ministry announced a zero-tolerance policy to anti-vaccine demonstrations and said it would take legal action against people involved in unrest, many protesters were scared away, resulting in many of the expected large demonstrations turning up empty …”
Boris Johnson seeks to extend 'draconian' Covid rules until next MARCH in case of a winter surge in cases - setting up a new battle with Tory backbenchers
Rules for thee but not for me.
Psaki at Whitehouse press conference confirmed staffers not required to have vaccine.
Gov probe as covid-sceptic newspaper pulled from circulation
Stopping publication of The Rock ‘breaches free speech’
The ACLU is an anti-american, marxist commie subversive organization.
The secret Jewish history of ABBA (holographic edition)
Same bs
The ACLU statement is pretty jaw-dropping, coming from them. How does an ostensible “pro civil liberties”, “pro human rights” organisation come up with such a contortion as to suggest that government-enforced medical experiments on people are, actually, a tremendous boon to human freedom?
It really is an insult to our intelligence. No one is fooled. They should be ashamed.
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master—that's all."
Recent COVID death stories have no news value
DANIEL ANDREWS by Peekay Truth
Steffie Gregg got vaxxed
There is an old tried & true formula for human control, used for anything from selling deodorant to starting wars. It is called the Hegelian Dialectic, and follows three simple steps:
1) Create a problem.
2) Create hysteria over the problem.
3) Create a solution.
The CV hoax follows the dialectic perfectly:
1) Create a virus.
2) Create pandemic fear.
3) Create the vaccine.
Covid was created for the vaccine, not the vaccine for Covid.
Prince Andrew, Bob Dylan, Catholic priests and the Child Victims Act
Victoria, Australia will ‘LOCK OUT’ unvaccinated people from its economy
Victoria premier extends statewide lockdown, again, as Aussie police granted power to covertly HACK citizens’ phones & alter data
“I Will Not Submit”: 140,000 French Citizens Protest Against Vaccine Passport
“Medical Drones” Deployed Over Italian Beaches Search For Feverish People
Kahle Supermarktregale in Australien: Trucker setzen Antiimpfstoff-Blockaden fort
NHS document shows GP’s to be paid an additional £10 for every child they inject with a Covid-19 Vaccine on top of the £12.58 already received – & Google are trying to hide it
Der Ehemann von EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen ist medizinischer Direktor einer neuen BioTech-Firma
Remember the HPV vaccine scandal of 2018? (Of course, you don’t)
He might have some guilty trip. Maybe memories of all the killing of innocent people in those countries. You can not hide or run from yourself.
Without the social media e main stream media, this "pandemic" would not be possible.
Deaths Jumped 250% When Injections Began: Lindie Naughton Interviews Funeral Director John O'Looney
why is meat magnetic? ALL dairy will soon be magnetic- at least in NY. Dept of Agriculture threatened farmers in upstate NY with having their farms seized if they did not begin covid vaxxing their livestock by Sept 1, 2021, according to one farmer from the area. But how many other states is the same policy- but we just dont know? Best guess is this is NATIONAL and going on for months, if not years. Maybe these were the 'clinical animal trials' the WEF and Fauci claimed to have done. dont doubt it folks, their evil stops nowhere
10,000 Barbara Specters all over the land, so America can learn to be even more fractured.
the only land on earth to be one ethnicity will be the Chosen One (once the Palestinians are gotten rid of)
Marvellous Microsoft! AKA, the four stooges.
Bill Gates - David Svendsen - Paul Allen - Nathan Myhrvold
CDC tightened masking guidelines after threats from teachers union, emails show
BBC admits to airing propaganda report tarnishing Syria
The Pandemic Pattern—how the illusion is built
Australia Is Now Confiscating Booze Delivered To People Forced Into Lockdown
How Many People in the US Enriched Themselves via the F-35 Fighter Jet Scam?
Australian public health chief says Covid contact tracing is part of 'New World Order'
Report: College Textbook Says People Who Oppose Lockdowns Caused COVID Deaths
January 11, 2017
4 min read
Fauci: ‘No doubt’ Trump will face surprise infectious disease outbreak
Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.
How Long Do the Vaxinated Have To Live?
Dr. Mylo Canderian’s viewpoint is much the same as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the Big Pharma CEO’s: LET THEM ALL DIE!
I asked Mylo what the effect of second and third shots and boosters do and how that changes the End of Cycle table.
Mylo replied: “It is all measurable through hematological testing. The more shots and boosters the imbeciles get, the worse their blood will look under a microscope, and the quicker they will turn to fertilizer.”
Finally, I asked him how the plot to kill so many billions of people could be kept so secret by such a group of elites.
His answer was: “You don’t know much about Freemasonry, do you, Steve?”
And there you have it.
Twitter doesn't Ike the "UK passports..." link at the top,told me it wasn't allowed, which ever way I tried to tweet it
USA moves closer to civil war, as Joe Biden openly threatens anti-vax-mandate / anti-mask US state governors:
[from 1 minute mark:]
"If they'll not help, if these governors won't help us beat the pandemic, I'll use my powers as President to get them out of the way ... [at speech end:] May God protect our troops ... Get vaccinated"
TikTok video clip of openly lesbian age 35 US Army Sergeant Cindy Bronson, speaking with pleasure about her readiness to kill other US citizens under martial law:
“Understand that if active duty military actually get deployed within the United States, that weapon is not just going to be pointed at other people, other countries, it’s pointed at you ... If you do not get in your house when I tell you to,” Bronson warned, “you become the enemy. Martial law. You know, when your rights get curtailed?”
For some of the 80 million USA citizens un-vaxed, this is 'the hill to die on', with the wide perception the vax is a 'kill shot' justifying a proportionate defence
Overseas wars ending, so US troops can kill Americans?
This piece is an excellent source of information, however the linked piece regarding the empty grocery shelves due to a trucker strike in Australia is a complete fabrication.
There is no strike, a blockade was supposed to take place on August 31st, was brought forward to August 30th, 2 trucks turned up for an hour and that was it.
The footage they are using showing many trucks on a road is real, but relates to a road closure due to a fatality following a motorcycle crash.
If the truckies were on strike, why are they even on the road and if it is a blockade why are they all in the same lane instead of blocking the entire road?
The blockade itself was not a good idea although I support all non-violent resistance against the criminal tyranny we are facing in Australia, because it plays into the hands of the people behind the whole Covid scam.
Broken supply chains were part of the original plan, they are referred to on the first page of the Rockefeller Lockstep Scenario.
Starving us into submission was always part of the plan, stopping the movement of goods merely plays into the oligarchs and the government's hands.
Anyway, that is my opinion but regardless of that the story from NWO report is complete crap.
Priest ‘baptises’ couple's baby using a water pistol from a distance whilst wearing mask, photo below
St Mark RC Church, Manchester TN, priest Stephen Klasek
afterwards they claimed it was a 'joke'
Biden vaccine mandates: Author J.D. Vance calls for mass civil disobedience
‘Hillbilly Elegy’ author J.D. Vance, who is running for the US Senate in Ohio, called the mandates “morally reprehensible” and dubbed Biden a “geriatric tyrant” who talks about millions of Americans “as if they’re nothing more than vermin to be ruled by him and his friends.”
“Do not comply,” Vance urged Americans, calling for mass civil disobedience.
“This isn't a fight against vaccines. This is a fight for whether we have America, or we don't,” tweeted conservative pundit Tony Katz.
Marjorie Taylor Greene invokes Nazi-era medical code in opposing Biden vaccine mandate
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia pushed back on a looming vaccine mandate, claiming that it violated a World War II-era medical code that addressed medical crimes against humanity …
The Nuremberg Code established 10 standards for physicians carrying out experiments on human subjects. Accepted worldwide, it includes the need for voluntary informed consent, designed to help the good of society and avoid unnecessary suffering …
Greene told Newsweek she's had many people, including her Jewish supporters, share their concerns about “fascist-style mandates” Biden and Democrats are “forcing on the American people” …
Republicans explode with fury over Biden vaccine mandate: 'Absolutely unconstitutional'
Biden declares war on the 80M unvaccinated Americans
There will be limited exceptions but any federal employee who refuses the shot can be fired, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday …
Anyone who 'fails to comply, they will go through the standard HR process, which includes counseling and face disciplinary action,' she added.
She confirmed that action could include termination of employment.
'Hopefully it won't come to that,' she said …
Meanwhile........ Jen Psaki announced Whitehouse staffers are not expected to get their jab.
So much love, understanding and compassion from the caring rainbow flag people.
Thanks for the quote Aangirfan. It is excellent the way you do that. I still remember the first time that happened, it was one of the greatest moments of my life and gave me the idea that I could write my own stuff.
Members of Congress and Their Staff Are Exempt From Biden's Vaccine Mandate
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