Nothing on this blog constitutes or should be interpreted as medical advice; and nothing replaces medical advice from a qualified medical professional; and medical advice from a qualified medical professional should always be sought.
Prefabricated Fascists: The FBI's Assembly-Line Provocateurs ...
French Republican Guard for French President Macron Allegedly Resign as Massive Protests Continue Throughout France Against Lockdowns, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports
Lawyer Reports Crimes by Government (70 law enforcement whistleblowers)

UK journalists could be jailed for printing info not ‘in the public interest,’ under new amendments.

UK journalists could be jailed for printing info not ‘in the public interest,’ under new amendments.

Adelaide authorities say they will use CCTV surveillance and shop purchase data to enforce contact tracing and quarantine.''

Czech Supreme Administrative Court overrules Health Ministry’s mask mandate
'The 19th century became known as the age of the Rothschild's when it was estimated they controlled half of the world's wealth. While their wealth continues to increase today, they have managed to blend into the background, giving an impression that their power has waned.
'They only apply the Rothschild name to a small fraction of the companies they actually control.'

'While the sheeple are busy sensationalizing/indulging covid19 and the 'truthers' are busy fighting the vaccine/covid19 disinformation war, the Rothschilds controlled Bank of England is silently scheming to legally control your money spending power.
'The Bank is pressing government puppets to make digital money 'programmable' through which the 'issuer' i.e the central banks will decide how you spend your money.'
Vaccine Passport, Social Credit System, Digital Money and Total Slavery
'Here are 1,500 health professionals who say Covid is the “biggest health scam of the 21st century:” see this.Vaccine Passport, Social Credit System, Digital Money and Total Slavery
The “Killer Vaccine” Worldwide.
'It’s a Big Pharma “killer vaccine” which modifies the human genome.
'The evidence of mortality and morbidity resulting from vaccine inoculation both present (official data) and future (e.g. undetected microscopic blood clots) is overwhelming.
'Numerous scientific studies published independently confirm the nature of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine which is being imposed on all humanity.
'The stated objective is to enforce the Worldwide vaccination of 7.9 billion people in more than 190 countries, to be followed by the imposition of a digitized “vaccine passport”.
'It’s a Big Pharma “killer vaccine” which modifies the human genome.
'The evidence of mortality and morbidity resulting from vaccine inoculation both present (official data) and future (e.g. undetected microscopic blood clots) is overwhelming.
'Numerous scientific studies published independently confirm the nature of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine which is being imposed on all humanity.
'The stated objective is to enforce the Worldwide vaccination of 7.9 billion people in more than 190 countries, to be followed by the imposition of a digitized “vaccine passport”.
HOW ISRAEL HARDWARE BACKDOORED EVERYTHING'A survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons finds that 60% of doctors are not vaccinated: see this.'
How the COVID Scam Is Perpetrated: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

'In contrast to its European neighbors, Sweden is welcoming tourists.
'Businesses and schools are open with almost no restrictions.
'And as far as masks are concerned, not only is there no mandate in place, Swedish health officials are not even recommending them.
'What are the results of Sweden’s much-derided laissez-faire policy?
'Data show the 7-day rolling average for COVID deaths yesterday was zero
'Daily deaths in Sweden are still at 0.'
Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns

Flu in Sweden 1957.
Elon Musk on Lockdowns: ‘Sweden Was Right’

Ivy League Study Shows How US Media Created a Climate of Fear Over COVID-19

Keep Britain Free 51 m ·
'If you thought the Tories are hell-bent on authoritarianism, enter The Labour Party.
'Keir Starmer calls for vaccine passports AND compulsory testing for those who simply want to attend public events.
'Opposition party or co-conspirators?'
'Daily deaths in Sweden are still at 0.'
Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns

Flu in Sweden 1957.
Elon Musk on Lockdowns: ‘Sweden Was Right’

Ivy League Study Shows How US Media Created a Climate of Fear Over COVID-19

Keep Britain Free 51 m ·
'If you thought the Tories are hell-bent on authoritarianism, enter The Labour Party.
'Keir Starmer calls for vaccine passports AND compulsory testing for those who simply want to attend public events.
'Opposition party or co-conspirators?'
'Therefore, the [Corona] Cabinet decided today that as of 8 August, those who refuse vaccines will not be able to go to the cinema, the theater, the synagogue, the amusement park, the soccer game or any activity with over 100 people, indoors or out, unless they bring negative results from a coronavirus test, at their expense.'
'The Biden administration has decided not to investigate the Democrat governors of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New York over claims their Covid-19 policies led to the deaths of thousands of vulnerable people in nursing homes.
'Deputy Assistant Attorney General Joe Gaeta informed House Republicans on Friday that the Justice Department had decided not to open an investigation into any public nursing facilities in the three states “at this time.”'
'Therefore, the [Corona] Cabinet decided today that as of 8 August, those who refuse vaccines will not be able to go to the cinema, the theater, the synagogue, the amusement park, the soccer game or any activity with over 100 people, indoors or out, unless they bring negative results from a coronavirus test, at their expense.'
'The Biden administration has decided not to investigate the Democrat governors of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New York over claims their Covid-19 policies led to the deaths of thousands of vulnerable people in nursing homes.
'Deputy Assistant Attorney General Joe Gaeta informed House Republicans on Friday that the Justice Department had decided not to open an investigation into any public nursing facilities in the three states “at this time.”'

Around one in 10 new sufferers went undiagnosed as referrals to clinics stopped.
An audit reveals 330,000 fewer hospital admissions for cancer, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, and mental illness since March 2020.
Victims of the Covid dementia disaster: How 50,000 cases were missed in lockdown as audit reveals 330,000 fewer hospital admissions for cancer, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, and mental illness since March 2020



'President Biden so desperately wants the vaccine-hesitant part of the country to get their shots that he may have spread a little misinformation.
“You are not going to get COVID,” he promised during a CNN town-event Wednesday night, “if you have these vaccines.”'
Biden Gaffe Renews Questions About COVID Transparency

'If you live in Washington DC, and your child comes home a bit wobbly, there is a chance the school you entrust with their care just gave them a clandestine Covid jab. Without talking to you about it first, or even warning you afterwards to keep a close watch on your child for adverse vaccine reactions.'
US Parents Sue Over Clandestine Covid-19 School Vaccination Programme Which Does NOT Require Parental Consent

Biden Gaffe Renews Questions About COVID Transparency
Biden White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, when pressed about numbers of people getting sick after being vaxxed: Reporter: "Why not just provide the number, are you trying to hide something?" Press Secretary Psaki: "Why do you need to have that information?"

US Parents Sue Over Clandestine Covid-19 School Vaccination Programme Which Does NOT Require Parental Consent

Claim: Covid-19 Spread by Farting

French Police Lay Down Shields Join 100,000… JULY 19, 2021
Who is Ginkgo Bioworks and How Do They Fit In the Biosecurity, Transhumanist Agenda?
Who is Ginkgo Bioworks and How Do They Fit In the Biosecurity, Transhumanist Agenda?
Switzerland: Green politician calls for mandatory labeling for non-vaccinated carers
Vaccine Passports, UK.
'UK taxpayers will pay the price of Covid for decades to come with the cost of Government measures already surpassing £370 billion, MPs have warned.
'As of May 2021, out of 32 billion items of PPE ordered by the Department of Health and Social Care, some 11 billion had been distributed, while 12.6 billion remain in storage.
'Meanwhile some 8.4 billion on order from other parts of the world have still not arrived to Britain.
'2.1 billion items of PPE had already been found unsuitable for use in medical settings.'
Taxpayers will bear the cost of the Covid pandemic for ...
Vaccine Passports, UK.
'UK taxpayers will pay the price of Covid for decades to come with the cost of Government measures already surpassing £370 billion, MPs have warned.
'As of May 2021, out of 32 billion items of PPE ordered by the Department of Health and Social Care, some 11 billion had been distributed, while 12.6 billion remain in storage.
'Meanwhile some 8.4 billion on order from other parts of the world have still not arrived to Britain.
'2.1 billion items of PPE had already been found unsuitable for use in medical settings.'
Taxpayers will bear the cost of the Covid pandemic for ...

Prashant Bhushan@pbhushan1·Jul 11
Dr David Martin (who has examined 100s of Coronavirus & Covid Vaccine patents), reveals that many patents had been taken before this pandemic.
Dr David Martin (who has examined 100s of Coronavirus & Covid Vaccine patents), reveals that many patents had been taken before this pandemic.
He reveals the links between Vaccine companies, CDC, Fauci's NIAID & NIH.
New 'Plandemic' Video Peddles Misinformation, Conspiracies ...
'When social animals are shocked, physically or metaphorically, they tend to focus on nearby and identifiable (but usually the wrong) targets.
'The science on this stretches back decades. Whether intentional or not, these tactics are now being applied to us all.'

Guide to World History - E Michael Jones
The Pandemic of the Vaccinated
'Invoking Jewish experience, the deputy CDC head says 'fear the virus'.
'Dr. Anne Schuchat says Jews know what it’s like to be stigmatized, as she pushes for tight-knit yet socially distant response to COVID-19, predicting that battle may take years.'

'From the late 1990s onward, Robert Kadlec had become one of America’s leading military experts on biological warfare, with his major writings promoting biowarfare as a powerful technique for severely damaging the economy of a geopolitical adversary, but doing so while retaining “plausible deniability” since the diseases could not easily be proven as man-made rather than natural in origin.
That’s a ‘Lousy’ Wine
'After serving as a top biowarfare expert in the Bush Administration, he had more recently been brought back into government as an Assistant Secretary under Trump in 2017.
'The following year, the Chinese economy began suffering sudden viral epidemics, which severely damaged its important poultry and pork industries, and the Covid virus that mysteriously appeared in Wuhan in late 2019 shared similar characteristics.
'During the previous two years, the Chinese economy had already suffered serious blows from other mysterious new diseases, although these had targeted farm animals rather than people.
'During 2018 a new Avian Flu virus had swept the country, eliminating large portions of China’s poultry industry, and during 2019 the Swine Flu viral epidemic had devastated China’s pig farms, destroying 40% of the nation’s primary domestic source of meat, with widespread claims that the latter disease was being spread by mysterious small drones…
'Early last year, we published the perspective of a retired forty-year veteran of American biodefense...
'In his words “a high communicability, low lethality disease is perfect for ruining an economy,” suggesting that the apparent characteristics of the coronavirus were close to optimal in this regard.'

'More Republicans and conservatives this week - from House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) to leading personalities on Fox News - have come out with calls for people to get vaccinated.
'Some Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), have consistently urged people to get vaccinated.'
Alabama’s Governor Is Latest GOP Leader to Implore Residents to Get Covid-19 Shot
Jul 23, 2021
'The staff of the hospital in Montelimar, in the French department of Drome, have gone on indefinite strike to protest the new rules demanding they take a vaccine against Covid-19 by mid-September or face losing their jobs.
'The strike against “forced vaccination” was announced on Thursday by the CGT-GHPP trade union, and affects some 200 doctors and 1,500 nurses in the southeastern French city.
'Hundreds of them gathered outside the hospital on Friday, denouncing lockdowns and vaccine mandates and chanting “liberté!” (freedom).'
'Google-owned YouTube is once again flexing more power than world leaders by deleting 15 videos from Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s channel over claims of ‘COVID misinformation’.'
Read full story here…

Protests Erupt In Italy After New "Health Passports" Revealed

'Slovak police unleash tear gas as anti-Covid demonstrators push into parliament in Bratislava.'
23 Jul, 2021
'The staff of the hospital in Montelimar, in the French department of Drome, have gone on indefinite strike to protest the new rules demanding they take a vaccine against Covid-19 by mid-September or face losing their jobs.
'The strike against “forced vaccination” was announced on Thursday by the CGT-GHPP trade union, and affects some 200 doctors and 1,500 nurses in the southeastern French city.
'Hundreds of them gathered outside the hospital on Friday, denouncing lockdowns and vaccine mandates and chanting “liberté!” (freedom).'
Read full story here…

'Slovak police unleash tear gas as anti-Covid demonstrators push into parliament in Bratislava.'
23 Jul, 2021
'The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was adopted by the WHO on January 23, 2020 as a means to detecting the SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of a Virology research group (based at Charité University Hospital, Berlin), supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (For Further details see the Drosten Study)
'Exactly one year later on January 20th, 2021, the WHO retracts. They don’t say “We Made a Mistake”. The retraction is carefully formulated. (See original WHO document here as well as in Annex)'
The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis

On 24 July 2021, there were anti-lockdown protests across Australia.

Gulag Wins Battle For Right To Electrically Shock Special Needs Children
The Judge Rotenberg Center was founded in 1971 by Matthew Israel.
The Judge Rotenberg Center was founded in 1971 by Matthew Israel.

After being vaccinated?
'An Anti-clotting diet is comprised of garlic, onion, tomato, shiitake, rice bran, kale, blueberry, pineapples, and turmeric powder
'The red wine molecule resveratrol has the ability to inhibit blood clots in coronary arteries.
'An off-the-shelf enzyme that breaks up blood clots is nattokinase.
'The need to employ vitamin C to prevent blood clots within arteries intensifies among RNA/DNA vaccinated subjects.'
Jab Remorse By Bill Sardi

Mali - US ambassador
"Mali: Interim President Asimi Goita narrowly escapes an assassination attempt.
"Other unrelated info, Mali stopped its vaccination campaign a few days ago"

July 23, 2021 · by nomad

Sarah Wilkinson@swilkinsonbc·20h
Israeli occupiers close down all the Palestinian shops in al-Khalil, disabling livelihoods, to allow israelis to rampage through the streets
Henry Makow@hmakow34m·James Perloff releases a selection of excerpts from videos by MDs warning against the covid vaccinations.

'DeSantis uses power of the state to blacklist Ben and Jerry's for Not Loving Israel Enough.'
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is placing Ben and Jerry’s on an official government blacklist because the ice cream company is removing its product from Israel.

Florida and Texas Threaten Sanctions Against Ben & Jerry's Over Israel Boycott
The governor of Texas is Pro Israel Greg Abbott.

Pro-Israel Republican Kay Ivey
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey Says It's Time to Blame 'Unvaccinated Folks' for COVID Rise

Olympic Games contender Jakob Fuglsang believes that his Tour de France was affected by his second COVID-19 vaccine and that he felt ‘limited’ during the three-week Grand Tour as a result of the inoculation.
'From 1955 to 1970, the children were injected with the virus itself or made to drink chocolate milk mixed with feces from other infected children in order to study their immunity.'

'Exley and his team had the unique opportunity to examine the brain tissue of individuals who had died with a diagnosis of autism, and what they discovered was truly shocking.
'Their study determined that the brain tissue of individuals who had died with a diagnosis of autism contained the highest levels of aluminum of any other brain tissue that had been examined by the team.'
'Mysteriously, there is a large outbreak of new Covid cases among the inoculated.
'The most likely explanation is that the new cases are the results of the inoculations.
'The vaccines inject into the body the spike protein which is toxic. It causes Covid symptoms and more serious life-threatening illnesses.
'Is there really a Delta variant or is it the cover story for the illnesses caused by the vaccines?'
'The most likely explanation is that the new cases are the results of the inoculations.
'The vaccines inject into the body the spike protein which is toxic. It causes Covid symptoms and more serious life-threatening illnesses.
'Is there really a Delta variant or is it the cover story for the illnesses caused by the vaccines?'

Olympic Games contender Jakob Fuglsang believes that his Tour de France was affected by his second COVID-19 vaccine and that he felt ‘limited’ during the three-week Grand Tour as a result of the inoculation.


'Exley and his team had the unique opportunity to examine the brain tissue of individuals who had died with a diagnosis of autism, and what they discovered was truly shocking.
'Their study determined that the brain tissue of individuals who had died with a diagnosis of autism contained the highest levels of aluminum of any other brain tissue that had been examined by the team.'

'Jews are behind the pandemic' chanted at anti-vaccine protest in Poland

Dr Michael Yeadon - the ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax hero.
On Twitter, Yeadon described his tough childhood.
He said his mother committed suicide when he was 18 months old and his father, a doctor, abandoned him when he was 16.
He said he was saved by a local social worker and adopted by a Jewish family whose ‘open handed love turned my life around.’
The ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax hero. - Reuters

Unvaccinated Israelis will be denied entry to synagogue, says PM Bennett

How To EMBRACE New Ideas & ENVISION A Better World
'There was a time not too long ago when the insights of honest journalists such as Sy Hersh, Robert Parry, Chris Hedges, Glenn Greenwald, Sharyl Attkinsson, among others were accessible to all.
'They had multiple popular media platforms, including the New York Times, Washington Post and the major mega-television networks to challenge those in power, whether Democrat or Republican, without fear of vindictive reprisal.
'Now it is not uncommon to find these same dissenting voices vilified daily over the media waves and throughout the internet, including on Wikipedia.'
Sanitized Propaganda: The Fortress of Lies to Censor Truths about Covid-19

5,522 People have Died within 28 days of having a Covid-19 Vaccine in Scotland according to Public Health Scotland

'Joseph Conrad expressed it succinctly in his novel Heart of Darkness (1899) where Mr Kurtz (making a report for the International Society for the Suppression of Savage Customs) reveals his true colonial mentality when he writes ‘Exterminate all the brutes’.
'The colonial mindset that sees ethnic groups as not much better than animals (brutes) is predicated on the idea that the coloniser is somehow ‘superior’ and ‘civilised’ despite the fact that nowadays and ecology-wise, it is realised that these ‘primitive’ groups generally live in tune with nature rather than destroying it, as the ‘civilised’ West does.'
Going to Hell and Back: Fighting Our Worst Nightmare
Labels: censorship, Israel, Jews, lockdown, Scotland, Sweden, SYNAGOGUE, tests, vaccines, vitamin, Yeadon
Alabama Governor Declares ‘It’s Time To Blame The Unvaccinated For COVID’
Italians Hit the Streets to Protest Mandatory Vaccine Passports
Nearly 90% of UK adults have been vaccinated at least once, says the BBC
tho some such as Jim Stone question these kinds of government numbers as exaggerated
But it seems clear un-vaxxed are a minority in many places now
And it also clear that the vaxxed, having taken the irreversible step, do not want to hear about what may happen
Henry Makow has just posted
'How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?'
which contains an alleged interview with Dr Mylo Canderian - his profile on Linked In -
who is said to be a Klaus Schwab partner, and who is said to expect large-scale death of the vaccinated within a 10-year time frame
Dr Canderian is said to endorse the goal set out on the Georgia Guidestones, of reducing the world's population to under a billion
good photo of the Georgia Guidestones both as a whole and with the particular key passages about reducing population
Double-vaccinated are clearly a large portion now of 'covid cases'
These are being blamed on 'covid variants' which in turn are being blamed on 'evolving amongst the un-vaccinated'
They are trying to turn the hatred and resentment of the vaxxed, into rage against the un-vaxxed, and they are in part succeeding
A question of time and propaganda and perception ... how the course of deaths runs, and when people will start to see it is not the 'obstinate un-vaxxed' who created the sick-and-dying problem
The Video YouTube can’t take down, ‘Pedo Trump’…the Facts
If this is a lie, why is the video still up?
VT Editors -
July 23, 2021
DeSantis is just another zionist skank in opposition clothing. a lesser version of Trojan Horse Trump. Same sponsors and owners, zionist jews.
already touted as a post-trump successor, this fraud in waiting has 'forced mandatory vaccination' language written into his much praised "anti vaccine passport bill". Dig thru it yourself and see... But this Ho will be hailed by groupies as the next GOP hero. sigh.
It was the best day in 16 months for Australia. Finally we have something to be proud of and the media and political tyrants are genuinely shocked and enraged. To them I say, this is only the beginning,you are going to pay the [price for the evil you have wrought for every remaining day of your wretched lives.
People jabbed with PLACEBOS during vaccine trials will have same privileges as those who are ‘fully’ vaxxed, UK minister says
‘Reached the limits’ of voluntary system: New York Mayor de Blasio urges businesses to force vaccines on employees
British Pink Shirt Thought Police In Action…
The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis
Die empfohlene genetische Manipulation des Menschen
U mean 100%
French hospital goes on INDEFINITE strike to protest Covid-19 vaccination mandate
Woman dies after receiving mixed vaccines
CDC Members Own More Than 50 Patents Connected to Vaccinations
She literally said this publicly
"We will continue to be your single source of truth"
- New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
photo meme
video, one minute
« New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has urged New Zealanders to dismiss any information relating to COVID-19 that has not come from her government.
Ardern continued, “You can also trust the Director-General of Health and the Ministry of Health. For that information, do feel free to visit at any time to clarify any rumour you may hear, otherwise dismiss anything else.
“We will continue to be your single source of truth,” she said. »
This explains the origin of this farce.
3 Minute video packed with UK Government liars.
Thousands rally in Brisbane against lockdowns and masks as the state records no new cases
"When I was in 10th grade (1970) I did a term paper on the Holocaust. At the time I believed in the official narrative. I was living in Monterey, California, home of the Defense Language Institute (DLI) and home to quite a few Jews, Poles and Gypsies who ‘survived’ the Holocaust and taught or were former teachers at the DLI..As part of my paper (I got an ‘A’ btw) I interviewed a number of people including a Jew and a Pole who were interned in Auschwitz. At that time there were no ‘denial’ laws and people were more able to speak freely.I was shocked when these two people spoke of their time in Auschwitz, telling me the internees had a swimming pool, day care center for the kids, medical care and dispensary, reasonably good food, even a theater. They had no love for their German captors but reasoned (quite correctly I believe) that the Germans knew they would get much more work from them if they were well taken care of. When I asked them of the 6 million allegation they simply shrugged their shoulders. The Pole, with some amusement, simply spread out his hands and said he knew nothing of it and perhaps I should talk to someone who was gassed.Since that time I spent 30 years, off and on, examining the allegation and have concluded it was/is a hoax. Actually, the 6 million allegation goes back half a century to 1891 when the Jews accused the Czar of exterminating 6 million of them.Nowadays when the subject of the Holocaust comes up, I simply ask “Which one? The one where the Kaiser killed 6 million, where the Czar killed 6 million, or when Hitler killed 6 million? Please be more specific.”Interesting to note that when one is arraigned on ‘denial’ charges, TRUTH IS NOT A DEFENSE."
Freedom Rally: Thousands protest Covid passports in London… as anti-vax speaker threatens doctors with ‘Nuremberg trials’
Tens of thousands protest against health pass in France
Switzerland: Green politician calls for mandatory labeling for non-vaccinated carers
Daszak’s Donors Are Bankrolling An ‘Independent’ COVID Commission.
Who is Ginkgo Bioworks and How Do They Fit In the Biosecurity, Transhumanist Agenda?
the powers that be may well shift to some new 'crisis' soon
it is getting too obvious the vax has problems ... so many 'covid dead' now being 'fully vaxxed'
and tho many don't know any healthy person greatly 'sick from covid'
many people now know someone who is vaxxed, having major health problems in weeks afterwards ... know several myself
they are trying to blame 'variants' and so on on the un-vaxxed, and trying to get the vaxxed to hate and accuse the un-vaxxed, but this is not working so well
rage against governments is on the verge of greatly escalating
so maybe they will try the 'cyber hacking' pandemic, associated with the supply chain problems, empty store shelves, and the current wave of rolling internet outages around the world ... good fear material
one video pushing that idea, is promoted by Jim Stone, a video by an alleged 'retired US military Lt Col Royston Potter', 6 minutes where he claims US military officers are having their families go out in a panic to stockpile non-perishable food and supplies, for 'something big going down' maybe 'connected to a cyber pandemic'
but he seems to be the same Royston Potter, a Mormon who was fired as a policeman in Utah, after he got married to 3 wives as his claimed 'constitutional right', and recently became a trumpist you-tuber
even so, stocking up some non-perishable food and supplies that you would use anyway over a long term, is a harmless idea
Why are people so stupid and compliant ? thank Monsanto IG Faben and the Nazis.
Even more daunting are the findings of Dr. Paul Spiers, a neuropsychologist at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital, that aspartame use can depress intelligence. For this reason, he selected experimental subjects with a history of consuming it but unaware that they might be suffering ill effects. The subjects were given NutraSweet in capsules of the FDA's allowable limit. Spiers was alarmed to discover that they developed "cognitive deficits." One of the tests required recall of square patterns and alphabetical sequences, becoming increasingly more difficult. The test is challenging, but most people improve as they learn how it is done. The aspartame users, however, did not improve. "Some frankly showed a reverse pattern," said Spiers."33
Aspartame has been shown to erode short-term memory. At the May, 1985 hearings on NutraSweet, Louisiana Senator Russell Long related a bizarre anecdote:
SENATOR LONG: I have received a letter recently from a person who is well known to me and whose word is impeccable, as far as I am concerned.
This person told me that she had been dieting and she had been using diet drinks with aspartame in it.
She said she found her memory was going. She seemed to be completely losing her memory. When she would meet people whom she knew intimately, she could not recall what their name was, or even who they were.
She could not recall a good bit of that which was going on about her to the extent that she was afraid she was losing her mind. . . In due course, someone suggested that it might be this NutraSweet, so she stopped using it and her memory came back and her mind was restored.
Senator Howard Metzenbaum replied that he had received "a number of letters from doctors reporting similar developments. . .
Brilliant (anti-Zionist, Bibi and child abuse) Rabbi does 6-hours of Eng lang vids of who "They" are (Illuminati/NWO) taken out of the Torah! It's all in the Torah (which also says that "they are shapeshifters....
New South Wales Australia
141 'covid cases' in hospital
140 are double-vaccinated
1 is only single-vaccinated
no non-vaccinated in hospital at all
Biden White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, when pressed about numbers of people getting sick after being vaxxed:
"Why not just provide the number, are you trying to hide something?"
Press Secretary Psaki:
"Why do you need to have that information?"
Hey AANG!!
A. Peasant at Twelfth Bough has resumed blogging.
She has an excellent article up about the Amerithrax attack as it relates to the journalist Robert Stevens and the enormous media archive which was disappeared due to "contamination".
"AMI's archives don't exist anywhere else - no library, not even the Library of Congress, extends itself to collect the tabloids."
The only people who know about TwelfthBough are the small group who followed her when she stopped blogging almost 10 years ago. It would be great to give her a little bit of love, and her archive is very worth giving a look at.
Denmark government official drops after taking the jab.?
Large crowd gathers in Dublin to protest vaccine cert system
Someone in China may have caught flourescence from weather mod on camera - Something wrong with the sky in China
DEW again at work
Check this out, unmissable!
The following 1 1/2 hour video features "Fauci prominently" in its title, but in reality is on the different aspects of the AIDS fraud. In my opinion the most interesting are the whistleblowers that present evidence that just about everything we were told about AIDS is false.
The documentary also insinuates that it's all very similar to the current corona "pandemic".
And these are from 2013
Mentally-lapsing US President Joe Biden seems to recoil in quasi-shock when CNN personality Don Lemon tells him, on a public stage, that he has been covid-vaccinated
Biden: "You got the vaccination?"
Lemon: "Yeah."
Biden: "Are you, are you ok? - I mean, you seem ... [Biden collecting himself] - No, it works!"
And then afterwards Biden lapses into his now-typical less-than-coherent rambling
video 32 seconds
Biden seems to have accidentally admitted that elites like himself don't get vaxxed, in that Cincinnati 'town hall' meeting
in 1939, acting under the authority and with the approval of the political administration of the treacherous crypto-Jewish, crypto-communist POTUS Roosevelt, who it is held once stated that the American people are the enemy, which of course a Jew would indeed naturally believe, the Jewish head of the American Medical Association, Morris Fishbein banned the Raymond Royal Rife technology that could have been curing every single case of cancer in the entire world till today and beyond had the few machines that then existed not all been confiscated and made illegal, and if the Rife technology could have been allowed to spread throughout the world.
Many hundreds of millions of people have needlessly died terrible deaths in great agony since then around the world from cancer and many pathogenic diseases which the original and fully proven valid Rife technology could otherwise have been curing, making the use of chemotherapy, X-Ray therapy, vaccinations, antibiotics and surgery for cancer and pathogenic diseases completely redundant. Only demonic Jewish monsters who are truly totally against all life in this world as in Deuteronomy 20:16 could do such an unthinkably horrific thing.
Rockefeller said in 1969 that the American government still had the cures for most cancers (all of them in fact) still hidden, and that he did not know if the American government would ever release them. What kind of government does that? It is no less than the harshest of military occupation governments controlled by an entirely hostile foreign enemy power, that of the Jews in fact, whose scriptures state unequivocally that all Gentiles in the entire world are soulless demons whose only purpose in existence is to serve the Jews as slaves before all being physically exterminated with the souls of all Gentiles then being condemned to hell at the end of this world, from where the Jew considers all non-Jewish souls originated in the first place, with no alternative possibility existing for them, as the Jewish scriptures and rabbis hold that all non-Jewish souls must remain eternally as Gentiles, as non-Jews, beings who can never have the second soul of God dwelling with them, beings who can never rise into any heaven or become spiritually alive (the Jews are quite insane of course, they are not with any God themselves).
Personally, I consider that heinous act by the American Jews that they knew would undoubtedly lead to the deaths of literally billions from cancer and from TB and so on over the coming years would have to be covered by a massive propaganda campaign.
So in typical Jewish style, publicity about the Rife technology and it’s benefits as ‘The End Of All Disease’ as one newspaper published, was abruptly curtailed, and the already planned WWII was a very conveniently-timed means of shifting public awareness so that public war propaganda would completely fill everyone’s heads, and everyone was soon made to forget all about Rife and his wonderful inventions.
While the American Jews had effectively just murdered billions of Gentiles in the future, they filled everyone’s heads with the lie that they now had to go to war against Germany to preserve freedoms and to preserve the lives of millions, when even that was another obscene Jewish lie and deception. The death figure literally will be billions when you consider the cancer rate rapidly increasing from 50% by 70% over the next few years to become an estimated 85% lifetime risk of cancer for the world population according to a WHO report in 2012.
Surely, lies do not get any more obscene than that.
Natty Rothschild was arranging WWI well before even 1905, with WWII merely being the continuation of WWI to finish what had been already decided on for Germany, it’s near total destruction as the most powerful nation in Europe in order to thus open the gateway for the intended Russian Bolshevik invasion of all of Europe that Natty Rothschild and other Jews had also simultaneously been arranging.
'Proof of Being Unvaccinated Required' at Huntington Beach Restaurant
Senate Bill Would Strip Facebook, Twitter of Immunity for Spreading Vaccine ‘Misinformation’
Coordinated agenda: DEW
What a joke!
Kindergarten headline
All clear, rats?
why all the work and melodrama for a 10 year hence death date? many vaxxers taking this date would have died within that frame anyway. not very saavy if you want depopulation to really take hold. also gives alot of time for those tricked to wake up and mount retaliation like none ever seen before, from those enraged, and with nothing to lose.
This recall was announced back in early June, and was widely ignored- not sure why. Now the FBI entrapment agent who makes his living setting up 'white supremecists' by baiting them on his NEXT radio show, claims HE made the discovery and demanded his audience make donations to his site for it. Totally despicable pig, who steals from bloggers all over the net and never attributes much less pays them a dime. Now went on a 15 min rant on how hard he works and doesnt get paid for the work he stole from everyone else, cause his fans dont send enough $. Of all the govt pigs? THIS one is the worst
Peter Mandelson thread
Synopsis of his alleged role as the "Rothschilds' Enforcer" in the Mossad-Rothschild-MEGA Group-Maxwell-Epstein sex trafficking/pedophilia Kompromat operation :
Lambeth Council: 700 children were sexually abused by paedophiles in 'toxic power game'
Martine Wonner "The Republican Guard has resigned and no longer protects Macron"
Martine Wonner, born March 27, 1964 in Hayange, is a French psychiatrist and politician. She was elected Member of Parliament for the fourth constituency of Bas-Rhin in the 2017 legislative elections, after joining La République en Marche.
Martine WONNER
Jul 25
1/2 Tonight The Republic 🇨🇵 weeps that the @gouvernementFR
subjected his people.
Human rights are violated and citizens are no longer equal in law. The people are scolding and Macron irresponsibly ignores them.
« Leaked data – covering all NHS trusts in England – show that, as of last Thursday, just 44 per cent of patients classed as being hospitalised with Covid had tested positive by the time they were admitted.
The majority of cases were not detected until patients underwent standard Covid tests, carried out on everyone admitted to hospital for any reason.
"Counting all patients who test positive as Covid hospitalisations is inevitably misleading and gives a false picture of the continuing health impact of the virus." said Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 committee of Tory MPs »
above from UK Telegraph (paywall), but excerpted on ZeroHedge:
narrative is failing
fake 'vaccines' are obviously failing
vaxxed are becoming the sick and dying, doctors finding the vaxxed are 'full of viruses'
so now
we have weather catastrophes governments can induce
we have cyber-attacks governments can induce
heaven help us all
COVID-19 "Vaccines": Victims Call for Help!
It's become a nightmare this world
In no way should you support this pig. He spent over a decade as an FBI informant whose job was to incite racism on his internet radio show to frame and "suss out" white supremacists. (And he's now back at it) This came out in a court case when he was tried for threats made to federal judges. He was one of the FBI creeps who set up and entraps FBI targets. His beat was to entrap white males (not Muslims which was handled by his Deep State buddies). A real sleaze.
please find another source
Czech Supreme Administrative Court overrules Health Ministry’s mask mandate
World Bank Funded Digital Identity Scheme in Nigeria Leads 60m to Link National ID to SIM Cards
Toronto restaurant asking unvaccinated people to sit outside
French Republican Guard for French President Marcon Allegedly Resign as Massive Protests Continue Throughout France Against Lockdowns, Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports
Australia Uprising: Highest Ranking Police Officer – Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw- Discusses Police Operation to Arrest Criminal Leaders and Politicians. Lawyer Reports Crimes by Government (70 law enforcement whistleblowers)
Podcaster Says He Was Offered “Significant” Money by UK Government to Push COVID Info
Adelaide authorities say they will use CCTV surveillance and shop purchase data to enforce contact tracing and quarantine
UK journalists could be jailed for printing info not ‘in the public interest,’ under new amendments
Has anyone else noticed the parallel between accepting the vaccine and being baptized (in effect) into a new order/new life? I would have thought there'd be more from the Christians about this observation.
Interesting observation. Many of the 'born again' only too willing to display their new virtue on line (Facebook etc).
They have taken 'the mark' willingly and there is no going back.
You make an excellent point.
Read the book by the Jewish investigative journalist and book author, John Sack, whose book “An Eye For Eye”, while testifying to the alleged killing of 6 million Jews in the first section of the book, goes a lot further.
John Sack, who was accused of holocaust denial and anti-semitism by various fellow Jews and Jewish political organisations does something extraordinary in breaking free from the politically dictated narrative by acknowledging that 200,000 Germans and some civilians of other nationalities were held by Jewish partisans after WWII in previously German-run camps, and that between 60,000 and 80,000 of these inmates were tortured, beaten and starved to death, including many babies, with 99.5% of all these inmates later fully established to have been German or other nationality civilians.
John Sack relates how he travelled all over the world to track down witnesses, and while the witnesses acknowledge what they did in these camps after the war, sometimes, when they realize what John Sack is going to do, they attempt to retract their statements or demand that he not publish anything that he knows about this, yet these are the same people who also provide the accounts of the millions of Jews who were supposedly murdered in the camps, so we can see their dishonesty on both accounts there, but nonetheless, John Sack still presents the very detailed evidence of a significant number of former camp guards and camp commanders and former German and other nationality civilian victims of the Jews, and sometimes Polish Catholics who also joined in the torture and murder of those Germans and other nationality civilians in the camps.
Read ‘An Eye For An Eye’ by John Sack
What Nobel Prize winner Dr Luc Montagnier and many others warned about, is coming true
The vaccine is fuelling the 'variants'
The vaccinated are spreading sickness more than unvaccinated
Mainstream sources are confirming this, tho some news is quickly being scrubbed after posting
“VACCINATED individuals could have higher levels of virus and infect others amid the surge of cases driven by the delta variant”
“CDC Director Dr Rochelle Walensky said new data shows the delta variant, which accounts for more than 80% of the new infections in the U.S., behaves ‘uniquely differently’ from its predecessors and could make vaccinated people infectious ... vaccinated people infected with the delta variant after vaccination may be contagious and spread the virus to others,”
"Precisely what one would predict if antibody dependent enhancement was occuring"
- Dr Robert Malone
ADE - Antibody Dependent Enhancement, is when antibodies developed as a result of the jab can end up enhancing disease rather than protecting against infection.
Thank you for this link. Jewish John Sack (1930-2004) was not actually a holocaust denier ... but he documented horrific stories involving 4 Jews who were Nazi concentration camp commanders (!), leading to furious Jewish organisation hate for him.
Some excerpts from an interview with John Sack, published around the time of his death:
John Sack: [Nazi Germany] ran 1,255 concentration camps, and I interviewed four of the commandants, Jews.
Jewish Solomon Morel ... he commanded a concentration camp ... and beat Germans to death
Solomon Morel was also the commander at Jaworzno ... Poles, Germans, and Lithuanians and other ethnics were tortured and murdered there.
Solomon Morel is still alive, wanted by Interpol for crimes against humanity. But he's fled to Israel, taking refuge in Tel Aviv.
Q: You say that you believe in the gas chambers. Have you gotten far enough into it that you could produce any evidence that you could present here tonight?
John Sack: Do I have any evidence here tonight about the existence of gas chambers? No. I accept that people of good faith, honest people, can really look at the evidence and feel that there's not enough evidence that there were gas chambers. I hope that you accept that other people can look at the evidence and conclude that there is enough evidence, and that's my conclusion.
John Sack: I was called an "anti-Semite" and a "neo-Nazi" by Deborah Lipstadt. She said "You are worse than a 'Holocaust denier!'"
No it is more like circumcision, irreversible mutilation
Baptism is purely symbolic, a harmless sprinkle or splash
But genital mutilation ...
And it has the same effect psychologically as vaccination
People have the quietly sick feeling they are maimed forever
And desperately want others to join the club of the body-damaged
Jews have convinced most Muslims to circumcise
Jews have convinced most Americans to circumcise via the Jewish-doctor dominance of USA medicine
Vaccinated suspect they have stupidly maimed themselves ... but they don't want to go down alone
Jewish writer Guy Dommergue, said the circumcision cult is at the core of why some Jews are so psychopathic
Mutilating children's genitals should be outlawed in any sane country ... this has been tried recently in several places, but always blocked by Jewish influence
American Postal Workers Union Opposes Mandatory Vaccinations ‘At This Time’
Chaos erupts in the Italian parliament over new "Green Pass" rules.
NHS Nurses Tell Expectant Mother Refusing PCR Test For Baby That State Has Control Over Infant
CDC Seems To Tacitly Admit PCR Tests Can’t Differentiate Between COVID And The Flu
This virus probably does not even exist. If this guy believes that some variant called Delta really exist then whatever he is saying is pure bs.
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