Nothing on this blog constitutes or should be interpreted as medical advice; and nothing replaces medical advice from a qualified medical professional; and medical advice from a qualified medical professional should always be sought.
NB Blogger only allows a limited amount of space for comments.

In a recent survey:
“Half of all US small business owners in the entire country believe that they may soon be forced to close down for good. Not even during the Great Depression of the 1930s did we see anything like this”
'According to Census Bureau estimates, 30 to 40 million Americans face possible eviction in 2021 for lack of income to pay rent or service mortgages.'
'The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP) identifies 27 countries that are on the frontline of impending COVID-19-driven food crises, as the pandemic’s knock-on effects aggravate pre-existing drivers of hunger.'
'The creditors of the state are “Big Money”. Ultimately they call the shots.
'New York City mayoral candidate Andrew Yang issued the same tired statement about “standing with Israel” but ordinary people gave him a piece of their minds. He was disinvited from a Ramadan event and had to backtrack, calling his original comment “overly simplistic” and declared that he mourns for Palestinian lives too.'
Freedom Rider: The Palestine Litmus Test

dognamedblue Retweeted
The Scotsman@TheScotsman·21 May
The scale of deaths in care homes in Scotland was unlawfully kept secret by an arm of the Scottish Government for almost eight months, it can be revealed.

Lilburne & Friends@MrLilburne·20 May
"At the time Nield was on Lord Mountbatten’s personal staff, the admiral was living in a large house at Fareham
“On one occasion I walked in on him and he had a semi-naked boy sitting on his knees "I soon learned he was a sex monster .of the worst kind"
“Half of all US small business owners in the entire country believe that they may soon be forced to close down for good. Not even during the Great Depression of the 1930s did we see anything like this”
'According to Census Bureau estimates, 30 to 40 million Americans face possible eviction in 2021 for lack of income to pay rent or service mortgages.'
'The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP) identifies 27 countries that are on the frontline of impending COVID-19-driven food crises, as the pandemic’s knock-on effects aggravate pre-existing drivers of hunger.'
'The creditors of the state are “Big Money”. Ultimately they call the shots.
'What is unfolding is the “privatization of the State” including the “Welfare State”.'
The Lockdown: Engineered Economic Depression, The Globalization of Poverty
The Lockdown: Engineered Economic Depression, The Globalization of Poverty
The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”By , May 18, 2021
Freedom Rider: The Palestine Litmus Test

dognamedblue Retweeted
The Scotsman@TheScotsman·21 May
The scale of deaths in care homes in Scotland was unlawfully kept secret by an arm of the Scottish Government for almost eight months, it can be revealed.

Lilburne & Friends@MrLilburne·20 May
"At the time Nield was on Lord Mountbatten’s personal staff, the admiral was living in a large house at Fareham
“On one occasion I walked in on him and he had a semi-naked boy sitting on his knees "I soon learned he was a sex monster .of the worst kind"

Singapore, India refute Delhi CM's claim of new COVID variant detected in Singapore
Alt News

Unknown comments on Covid -

This photo shows a boy cleaning up cow's blood and is not related to the violence in Israel and Gaza
Singapore, India refute Delhi CM's claim of new COVID variant detected in Singapore
Alt News
Benjamin Netanyahu's Speech Thanking Hamas For Uniting Israelis Is Fake

"Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx'd
Covid19 has long been shown to be an entirely created pandemic built on two key factors: -
Getting False-positive tests - by altering the cycle threshold (CT value) -
Inflated Case-count - anyone who receives a positive test even if they never experienced any symptoms
Without these two policies, there would never have been an appreciable pandemic at all, and now the CDC has enacted two policy changes which means they no longer apply to vaccinated people.

The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for “Covid19” in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy “vaccines” are effective at preventing the alleged disease.
Firstly, they are lowering their cycle threshold CT value when testing samples from suspected “breakthrough infections”.
Throughout the pandemic, CT values in excess of 35 have been the norm, with labs around the world going into the 40s.
But NOW, and only for fully vaccinated people, the CDC will only accept samples achieved from 28 cycles or fewer. Secondly, asymptomatic or mild infections will no longer be recorded as “covid cases”.

Palestinian child hit by Israelis in 2019.
Israeli Colonists Attack Homes, Injure Several Palestinians, In Hebron May 21, 2021
Pfizer Lobbyists Claim Responsibility For Installing Ford and O'Toole Into Current Positions - Canuck Law
'Halted Israeli aggression on Gaza and its people is temporary, never permanent.
'It’s just a matter of time before its war machine goes wild again against the Strip and its beleaguered people for whatever invented pretext its ruling regime uses to justify what’s unjustifiable.'
Fantasy Israeli Ceasefire

Biden has a long history of supporting Israel.
Biden has been pushing a $735 Million Weapons Sale to Israel amid the Gaza slaughter.

Pink Floyd's Roger Waters carries a Palestinian flag at a concert. Facebook have censored this image by deleting it.
Thanks to Mossad, Hamas, aka; NWO Muslim Brotherhood, was allowed to reinforce its presence (To Oscillate Chaos) in the Israeli occupied territories.
Meanwhile, Arafat’s Fatah [Military] Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation.
Hamas Created By Israel's Mossad

Rothschild's Zionist Khazarian Vassal State Of Israel
'Much of the strongest support for the creation of Israel comes from the Evangelical Christian community in the West, who see the construction of a Jewish state in the Holy Land as the fulfillment of an ancient Biblical prophecy bringing the world one step closer to the end times where the righteous will ascend to heaven, and non-believers (including Jews) will be cast into hell.'
the Christian Right’s Obsession with Israel

According to the Swedish Public Health Agency, PCR technology cannot distinguish between viruses capable of infecting cells and viruses that have been neutralized in the immune system.
'It’s just a matter of time before its war machine goes wild again against the Strip and its beleaguered people for whatever invented pretext its ruling regime uses to justify what’s unjustifiable.'
Fantasy Israeli Ceasefire

Biden has a long history of supporting Israel.
Israel is using American weapons to kill children.
Biden has been pushing a $735 Million Weapons Sale to Israel amid the Gaza slaughter.

Pink Floyd's Roger Waters carries a Palestinian flag at a concert. Facebook have censored this image by deleting it.
Thanks to Mossad, Hamas, aka; NWO Muslim Brotherhood, was allowed to reinforce its presence (To Oscillate Chaos) in the Israeli occupied territories.
Meanwhile, Arafat’s Fatah [Military] Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation.
Hamas Created By Israel's Mossad

Rothschild's Zionist Khazarian Vassal State Of Israel
the Christian Right’s Obsession with Israel

According to the Swedish Public Health Agency, PCR technology cannot distinguish between viruses capable of infecting cells and viruses that have been neutralized in the immune system.
'As a result, these tests “cannot be used to determine whether someone is contagious or not.”'

No, COVID-19 vaccines do not make people magnetic
Namibia Fact Check
'Wounded' infant photo has nothing to do with Palestine conflict

What are British Companies Doing to Help Israel in its Killing Spree?
“More than 100 companies supplying military and security equipment and services to Israel have offices or factories in the UK. “These include Elbit Systems, G4S, BAE Systems, Boeing and Lockheed Martin ...
“Barclays and HSBC both have significant shareholdings in companies profiting from Israeli militarism. “Barclays and HSBC both own shares in BAE Systems, Boeing, Rolls Royce and Babcock. All four companies profit significantly from Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.
“Barclays and HSBC also have extensive investments in other military companies involved in arming Israel ...
“Standard Chartered, Lloyds Banking Group or RBS, which also owns NatWest, did not appear as shareholders in any of the companies in our sample. However, all three companies provide significant loans and finance to the companies ...
“Major insurance financial services retailers are also supporting the arms trade with Israel.
“According to our research, Legal & General owns shares in all but one of the 19 companies in our sample and invests an eye-watering £4.5 billion in companies involved in Israeli militarism ...

“Schroders, Prudential, Aviva and Standard Life all have significant holdings in companies that profit from Israel’s oppression of Palestinians ...
“Another key form of financial support for the arms trade is through direct lending and through the arrangement of loans ...
“While they do not appear to hold shares in the companies examined in this report, Lloyds and RBS have been involved in providing loans worth £43.2 billion and £16.6 billion respectively.
“Many of the loans were provided to companies that are among the world’s biggest arms dealers such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems.”
No Parental Consent
necessary for them to give your child the COVID shot in Nova Scotia, Canada

Unknown commented -
The Number of billionaires in the UK reached a new record during the Covid crisis - Despite a year of economic turmoil, 24 people became billionaires in UK during pandemic, taking total to 171

'Shortly after Hitler took power in 1933, the Nazis began to purge Germany of what they considered undesirables via sterilization and euthanasia programs.

'Shortly after Hitler took power in 1933, the Nazis began to purge Germany of what they considered undesirables via sterilization and euthanasia programs.
'The victims of these horrible and inhumane programs included the mentally ill, the disabled,epileptics, the deformed, those with genetic diseases, alcoholics—anyone considered to be a burden on society, “life unworthy of life,” “useless feeders.”
'The Euthanasia program was known as “Aktion T4,” code name for Tiergartenstrasse 4, (the street address of the coordinating office in Berlin).'
"Take These Masks Off My Child”: Children All Over the World are ...
'The Euthanasia program was known as “Aktion T4,” code name for Tiergartenstrasse 4, (the street address of the coordinating office in Berlin).'
"Take These Masks Off My Child”: Children All Over the World are ...

The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, has published its April report into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects indicating damage to almost every system in the human body.

Unknown commented -
The Number of billionaires in the UK reached a new record during the Covid crisis - Despite a year of economic turmoil, 24 people became billionaires in UK during pandemic, taking total to 171
Perennial losers in the wealth stakes, in terms of relative share of the overall wealth in the world: The 99%
The developing world Black, Brown, Latino and South Asian people Nations and states deemed to be ‘insufficiently’ aligned with Israel and the Five Eyes / and or neoliberalism, free market capitalism and globalist forces... e.g. Palestine, Venezuela, etc. etc.
Perennial winners: The 1% - esp. the billionaire and political classes Friends of Israel The City of London and Wall Street Big Pharma Big Tech WMD manufacturers / Military industrial complex Countries built on Apartheid and massive exploitation of racially-excluded immigrants e.g. Israel, Dubai, Singapore, Saudi Arabia...

"If women were subjected to violence elsewhere, you would see the world react differently."
Palestinian resistance icon Ahed Tamimi is drawing attention to the plight of Palestinian women targeted by Israeli forces.
In 2017, Ben Caspit wrote an article in Hebrew insinuating that 16-year old Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi should be raped.
“In the case of the girls, we should exact a price at some other opportunity, in the dark, without witnesses and cameras,” he wrote.
In 2017, Ben Caspit wrote an article in Hebrew insinuating that 16-year old Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi should be raped.
“In the case of the girls, we should exact a price at some other opportunity, in the dark, without witnesses and cameras,” he wrote.

Gaza - Child victims of the Israelis, May 2021.

'An organized pogrom took place tonight against Arabs in Bat Yam despite the fact they they all learned about Kristallnacht.
'Today, in my Haaretz article I wrote, "We need to see, what a blatantly racist society we have.' become." I wish I had been wrong.

Radio journalists Ben Caspit and Yinon Magal call for violence against non-Jewish citizens.
Mobs of Jewish Israelis have been organizing in WhatsApp and Telegram groups in recent days. One wrote they were “dying to kill Arabs.”
Armed Jewish extremists from Israeli settlements in the West Bank have also been taking part.

“We are no longer Jews today,” one user wrote in a Telegram group. “Today we are Nazis.
After Biden jokes about running over a reporter trying to ask him about Israel, many reporters start laughing; he then peels off and the press corps breaks into hysterical laughter

'Power and water facilities were heavily damaged.'
Israeli State Terror Throughout the Occupied Territories By Stephen Lendman, May 20, 2021

'"When Israel is Mighty" is a very important video by an Israeli Jewish man who explains why the Talmud allows gentile children to be killed in conflict and also about how the Talmud allows paedophilia.'
'There is a UK Government petition which has reached over 360,00 signatures to sanction Israel and stop supplying arms. It will be debated on the 14th June. No coincidence they have chosen this date, because the 14th June in the UK is when the British Government will inform citizens whether "Freedom Day" re Covid will go ahead on 21 June, so the Israel debate will be pushed out of the headline news. Please sign the petition.'

Nobel Prize winner: Mass COVID vaccination an ‘unacceptable mistake’ that is ‘creating the variants’ | News | LifeSite
Nobel Prize winner: Mass COVID vaccination an ‘unacceptable mistake’ that is ‘creating the variants’ In every country, ‘the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths,’ the famous virologist said.

Scots in their forties not turning up for Covid vaccine amid safety fears over AstraZeneca jab

No excess deaths in Cornwall, in the UK.
This BBC framing is outrageous. The "militants" do NOT reside in Gaza. The militants are based in the racist, settler colonial state of Israel.
Furthermore, the UN is clear that armed struggle of peoples against foreign occupation is legitimate. So change your framing .

CCTV images of a man suspected of spraying anti-Covid graffiti at vaccination centres in Bournemouth have been issued by police.

Dr Joseph Mercola.
Neilly Free Mind comments-
Dr. Mercola deletes all articles about Vitamin D, zinc and covid after being personally threatened.
"They've moved past censorship. Just what do you call people who advocate counteroffensive attacks by terrorism and cyberwarfare experts? You'd think we could have a debate and be protected under free speech but, no, we're not allowed. These lunatics are dangerously unhinged."
Peter Hotez, president of the Gates-linked Sabin Vaccine Institute, recently put out a report called "Meeting the Challenge of Vaccine Hesitancy" that contains a call-to-action for "cyberwarfare experts" to wage war on people like Dr. Mercola.
Jon Rappoport-- SM-102 in the Moderna Vaccine Causes Cancer

Unknown comments
'The Rothschilds fund Islamic State' -
UK Green Party "Tony Clarke, the Green Party's foreign affairs spokesperson told BBC Radio 5: 'There are British oil companies such as Genel Energy, run by Nathaniel Rothschild, who are making money, who are buying oil from ISIS, who are putting money into the pot ...'
"Rothschild is a non-executive director at Genel Energy and one of the company's biggest backers ...
"The BBC removed part of Clarke's interview from its website ..."

Boris Johnson, who is descended from a rabbi, worked on a kibbutz.
'The British government has given its strongest statement yet in support of Israel's bombardment of Gaza, saying the country has a "legitimate right to defend itself".'

Yonatan Shapira
Ex-Israeli pilot: 'Our army is a terrorist organisation
'One million Israelis, many of them among the most enlightened and educated, have left Israel.'

A victim of the Israelis, pulled out from under the rubble.
A child called Hamza
In 2009, his little brother was killed by an Israeli missile while playing football.
In the 2012, his older brother was killed.
In 2014, his father was killed.
Due to this severe trauma, Hamza became very close to his mother, his last surviving family member, who was killed in an Israeli bombing this week.
Shortly after, he ended his life.
Ten Year Old Palestinian Girl Crying in Desperation. By Peter Koenig, May 19, 2021
'On May 12, a message appeared in a new WhatsApp channel called “Death to the Arabs.”
'The message urged Israelis to join a mass street brawl against Palestinian citizens of Israel.
'Within hours, dozens of other new WhatsApp groups popped up with variations of the same name and message.
'Within hours, dozens of other new WhatsApp groups popped up with variations of the same name and message.

'The groups soon organized a 6 p.m. start time for a clash in Bat Yam, a town on Israel’s coast.
'That evening, live scenes aired of black-clad Israelis smashing car windows and roaming the streets of Bat Yam.
'That evening, live scenes aired of black-clad Israelis smashing car windows and roaming the streets of Bat Yam.
'The mob pulled one man they presumed to be Arab from his car and beat him unconscious. He was hospitalized in serious condition.

Victims of the Israelis.
'The episode was one of dozens across Israel that the authorities have linked to a surge of activity by Jewish extremists on WhatsApp.
'The episode was one of dozens across Israel that the authorities have linked to a surge of activity by Jewish extremists on WhatsApp.
Since violence between Israelis and Palestinians escalated last week, at least 100 new WhatsApp groups have been formed for the express purpose of committing violence against Palestinians.
On Telegram, Israelis have formed roughly 20 channels to commit and plan violence against Palestinians.
The New York Times.
On Telegram, Israelis have formed roughly 20 channels to commit and plan violence against Palestinians.
The New York Times.

Eleven children receiving trauma counselling killed by Israeli bombing

'Chemical giants hid dangers of chemicals in food packaging
'The chemicals, called 6:2 FTOH, are now linked to a range of serious health issues, and Americans are still being exposed to them
'The FDA and independent researchers now links 6:2 FTOH to kidney disease, liver damage, cancer, neurological damage, developmental problems and autoimmune disorders, while researchers also found higher mortality rates among young animals and mothers exposed to the chemicals.'
'Public opinion in the US has also been steadily becoming favourable to the Palestinians.
A Gallup poll published in March found that 30 percent of Americans held a favorable opinion of Palestinians, up from 21 percent in 2018.
'Among Democrats, 53 percent want the US to pressure Israel more — the first time a majority has taken that position.
'Among Democrats, 53 percent want the US to pressure Israel more — the first time a majority has taken that position.
Substantial pressure on Biden to act is coming also from the progressive Democrats who strive to elevate support for the Palestinian cause from the fringes to the mainstream.'

Naftali Bennett
To be sure, Netanyahu is the winner. The escalation of violence with the Palestinians has stoked nationalist passions inside Israel, which virtually shuts the door on an opposition coalition replacing him. Netanyahu gains immunity from prosecution on corruption charges so long as he remains prime minister.
The right-wing lawmaker and a key figure in the negotiations between the opposition factions, Naftali Bennett, who heads the pro-settler Yamina party, seems to be already moving toward resuming negotiations with Netanyahu to form the next coalition government.
Netanyahu is real winner

Naftali Bennett
To be sure, Netanyahu is the winner. The escalation of violence with the Palestinians has stoked nationalist passions inside Israel, which virtually shuts the door on an opposition coalition replacing him. Netanyahu gains immunity from prosecution on corruption charges so long as he remains prime minister.
The right-wing lawmaker and a key figure in the negotiations between the opposition factions, Naftali Bennett, who heads the pro-settler Yamina party, seems to be already moving toward resuming negotiations with Netanyahu to form the next coalition government.
Netanyahu is real winner

Fifty schools in Gaza damaged by Israeli bombardment
In Gaza, residential buildings, book stores, hospitals and the main Covid-19 testing lab have been flattened.

In Gaza, residential buildings, book stores, hospitals and the main Covid-19 testing lab have been flattened.


'Chemical giants hid dangers of chemicals in food packaging
'The chemicals, called 6:2 FTOH, are now linked to a range of serious health issues, and Americans are still being exposed to them
'The FDA and independent researchers now links 6:2 FTOH to kidney disease, liver damage, cancer, neurological damage, developmental problems and autoimmune disorders, while researchers also found higher mortality rates among young animals and mothers exposed to the chemicals.'

'Israeli F-35 pilots are being trained by the U.S. Air Force in Arizona and Israel
'The F-35s are designed for nuclear attack particularly with the new B61-12 bomb.
'The United States will shortly deploy these nuclear bombs to Israel.'
F-35s Bombing Gaza

'Is Israel preparing to launch an attack, even nuclear, against Iran.
'The Israeli nuclear forces are integrated into the NATO electronic system.
'Israel is integrated with a permanent mission in the NATO headquarters in Brussels.
'Germany supplied Israel with six Dolphin submarines - modified for launching nuclear missiles (as Der Spiegel documented in 2012).'
F-35s Bombing Gaza

The Israeli embassy in Beijing has accused China's state broadcaster CGTN of "blatant anti-Semitism".
A presenter on CGTN, said "powerful lobbies" of Jews in the United States were responsible for shaping Washington's position on the Middle East crisis and that "Jews dominate (US) finance, media and internet sectors".

'Is Israel preparing to launch an attack, even nuclear, against Iran.
'The Israeli nuclear forces are integrated into the NATO electronic system.
'Israel is integrated with a permanent mission in the NATO headquarters in Brussels.
'Germany supplied Israel with six Dolphin submarines - modified for launching nuclear missiles (as Der Spiegel documented in 2012).'
F-35s Bombing Gaza

The Israeli embassy in Beijing has accused China's state broadcaster CGTN of "blatant anti-Semitism".
A presenter on CGTN, said "powerful lobbies" of Jews in the United States were responsible for shaping Washington's position on the Middle East crisis and that "Jews dominate (US) finance, media and internet sectors".
“If I don’t steal your home, someone else will steal it,” was the answer given by an Israeli settler to Mona al-Kurd, a young Palestinian woman who accused him of stealing her home in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem.'
Many of the Jewish settlers in Israel are from Brooklyn.
In 1971 Meyer Lansky applied for Israeli citizenship.

Lansky visiting Israel.
Israel was set up with the help of American Jewish gangsters.
Newsweek blows the lid off American 60,000-person strong “secret army”
Newsweek blows lid off American 60,000-person strong “secret army”

ACIP Put Our Children At Greater Risk by Allowing Co-administration of C-19 Shots with Other Vaccines
Urgent – Connecticut Publishes Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients: Deadly Poison “SM-102 – Not for Human or Veterinary Use”

'UK Man Gets 3 Years In Prison For Having 'Unacceptable' Opinions And Teaching His Dog The 'Nazi' Salute'

“Criminal Complicity”: Outrage as Biden Pushes $735 Million Weapons Sale to Israel Amid Gaza Slaughter
The Biden administration officially notified Congress of the sale on May 5, just days before Israeli forces began their latest bombardment of Gaza last week.

Israeli TV reporters face attacks and threats from Jewish extremists ...
“Reporters from Channel 12, Kan news and Channel 13 have been physically attacked in recent days after rightwing extremists took to the streets to target Israeli citizens of Palestinian origin in various locations ...
“The incidents of violence ... have occurred as some on Israel’s right take aim at media reporting ...
“Among them, according to the Jerusalem Post, has been the prime minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU’S SON YAIR, who tweeted an invitation to demonstrate in front of N12’s office ...”
Israeli TV reporters face attacks and threats from Jewish ...

'The billions of dollars that the United States gives to Israel annually is not technically “foreign aid” as the Jewish state is as measured by per capita GDP the 19th wealthiest in the world, ahead of countries like Germany.

Israeli TV reporters face attacks and threats from Jewish extremists ...
“Reporters from Channel 12, Kan news and Channel 13 have been physically attacked in recent days after rightwing extremists took to the streets to target Israeli citizens of Palestinian origin in various locations ...
“The incidents of violence ... have occurred as some on Israel’s right take aim at media reporting ...
“Among them, according to the Jerusalem Post, has been the prime minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU’S SON YAIR, who tweeted an invitation to demonstrate in front of N12’s office ...”
Israeli TV reporters face attacks and threats from Jewish ...

'The billions of dollars that the United States gives to Israel annually is not technically “foreign aid” as the Jewish state is as measured by per capita GDP the 19th wealthiest in the world, ahead of countries like Germany.
'It is, instead “tribute,” which is defined as the “payment made periodically by one state or ruler to another, especially as a sign of dependence.”
'That the United States has surrendered key aspects of its national sovereignty to Israeli control has been observed by many.
'That the United States has surrendered key aspects of its national sovereignty to Israeli control has been observed by many.

'John Whitbeck dates the submission to the events surrounding the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in June 1967, in which 34 crewmen died and 172 were injured in an attempt to sink the ship and kill all the crew.
'To protect Israel, President Lyndon B. Johnson and his Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara initiated a cover-up that has persisted until this day.
'The unavenged killing of large numbers of US servicemen has signaled to a series of Israeli governments since that time that they could do anything to Washington without any consequences, including spying on its benefactor, involving Washington in its own wars, and exploiting the US Treasury as its own resource.'
Netanyahu Warns Biden Not to Get Involved

'Israeli forces have displayed a shocking disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians by carrying out a number of airstrikes targeting residential buildings in some cases killing entire families - including children - and causing wanton destruction to civilian property, in attacks that may amount to war crimes or crimes against humanity, said Amnesty International today.

'Israel has 10 arms factories in the UK: I call on Elbit's factory workers to REFUSE to build those weapons of war, says Lowkey'

'The key themes that you hear talked about - from asymptomatic transmission to top-up vaccines [i.e., booster shots] - not one of those things is supported by the science.'
Dr. Michael Yeadon: ‘Not One Of Those Things Is Supported By The Science’

Lawyers and Medical Experts worldwide say they have all the evidence they need to convict WHO, CDC, PHE, Bill Gates and World Leaders of 'Crimes against Humanity

COVID Fraud - Lawyers & Medical Experts start legal proceedings against W.H.O and World Leaders for 'Crimes against Humanity'
London freedom protest
Netanyahu Warns Biden Not to Get Involved

You see all of the kids around me, they’re just kids.
Why would you just send a missile to them?
— a 10-year-old girl in Gaza
'Israeli forces have displayed a shocking disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians by carrying out a number of airstrikes targeting residential buildings in some cases killing entire families - including children - and causing wanton destruction to civilian property, in attacks that may amount to war crimes or crimes against humanity, said Amnesty International today.
'The organization has documented four deadly attacks by Israel launched on residential homes without prior warning and is calling for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to urgently investigate these attacks.
Palestinian Kids in Gaza looking for their toys between all those destructions in Eid
10 year-old Palestinian boy, the only survivor after israeli airstrikes murder his whole family, sits alone with his mother
10 year-old Palestinian boy, the only survivor after israeli airstrikes murder his whole family, sits alone with his mother
'Israel has 10 arms factories in the UK: I call on Elbit's factory workers to REFUSE to build those weapons of war, says Lowkey'

'The key themes that you hear talked about - from asymptomatic transmission to top-up vaccines [i.e., booster shots] - not one of those things is supported by the science.'
Dr. Michael Yeadon: ‘Not One Of Those Things Is Supported By The Science’

Lawyers and Medical Experts worldwide say they have all the evidence they need to convict WHO, CDC, PHE, Bill Gates and World Leaders of 'Crimes against Humanity

COVID Fraud - Lawyers & Medical Experts start legal proceedings against W.H.O and World Leaders for 'Crimes against Humanity'
London freedom protest
The Super-Capitalists’ Depopulation Agenda By Peter Koenig, May 17, 2021
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18 May 2021 at 02:34 ,
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zard said...
18 May 2021 at 09:12 ,
Neilly Free Mind said...
18 May 2021 at 09:12 ,
Neilly Free Mind said...
18 May 2021 at 09:41 ,
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18 May 2021 at 09:42 ,
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18 May 2021 at 09:59 ,
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18 May 2021 at 10:19 ,
Neilly Free Mind said...
18 May 2021 at 10:35 ,
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19 May 2021 at 03:28 ,
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19 May 2021 at 03:30 ,
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19 May 2021 at 03:38 ,
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19 May 2021 at 05:06 ,
Red Onions said...
19 May 2021 at 06:10 ,
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19 May 2021 at 06:32 ,
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19 May 2021 at 06:35 ,
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19 May 2021 at 06:36 ,
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19 May 2021 at 06:51 ,
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19 May 2021 at 07:28 ,
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19 May 2021 at 07:50 ,
Neilly Free Mind said...
19 May 2021 at 08:27 ,
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19 May 2021 at 09:33 ,
Neilly Free Mind said...
19 May 2021 at 11:08 ,
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19 May 2021 at 11:22 ,
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19 May 2021 at 11:43 ,
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19 May 2021 at 11:51 ,
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19 May 2021 at 11:53 ,
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19 May 2021 at 12:22 ,
Neilly Free Mind said...
19 May 2021 at 12:26 ,
zard said...
19 May 2021 at 13:15 ,
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19 May 2021 at 13:18 ,
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19 May 2021 at 13:18 ,
Neilly Free Mind said...
19 May 2021 at 13:59 ,
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19 May 2021 at 20:10 ,
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20 May 2021 at 01:51 ,
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20 May 2021 at 04:00 ,
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20 May 2021 at 06:21 ,
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20 May 2021 at 07:52 ,
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20 May 2021 at 07:56 ,
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20 May 2021 at 09:21 ,
Neilly Free Mind said...
20 May 2021 at 09:21 ,
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20 May 2021 at 09:22 ,
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20 May 2021 at 09:27 ,
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20 May 2021 at 09:28 ,
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20 May 2021 at 09:41 ,
Neilly Free Mind said...
20 May 2021 at 09:42 ,
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20 May 2021 at 10:03 ,
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20 May 2021 at 10:12 ,
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20 May 2021 at 10:12 ,
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20 May 2021 at 10:27 ,
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20 May 2021 at 10:48 ,
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20 May 2021 at 12:07 ,
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20 May 2021 at 14:36 ,
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20 May 2021 at 14:41 ,
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20 May 2021 at 15:37 ,
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20 May 2021 at 18:09 ,
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20 May 2021 at 18:20 ,
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20 May 2021 at 19:25 ,
A13 said...
20 May 2021 at 23:32 ,
MJ said...
20 May 2021 at 23:59 ,
Anon said...
21 May 2021 at 01:34 ,
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21 May 2021 at 01:39 ,
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21 May 2021 at 01:42 ,
Susie said...
21 May 2021 at 01:53 ,
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21 May 2021 at 14:44 ,
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21 May 2021 at 14:48 ,
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21 May 2021 at 14:49 ,
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21 May 2021 at 15:10 ,
Neilly Free Mind said...
21 May 2021 at 15:45 ,
Neilly Free Mind said...
21 May 2021 at 17:09 ,
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21 May 2021 at 18:05 ,
Neilly Free Mind said...
22 May 2021 at 00:25 ,
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22 May 2021 at 01:19 ,
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22 May 2021 at 03:49 ,
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22 May 2021 at 04:51 ,
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22 May 2021 at 06:21 ,
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22 May 2021 at 06:51 ,
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1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»
Stop mixing National Socialism and Palestinians, u have "bad Nazi" fixation or what?
Dumb or masochistic or a liar?
Israeli TV reporters face attacks and threats from Jewish extremists
“Reporters from Channel 12, Kan news and Channel 13 have been physically attacked in recent days after rightwing extremists took to the streets to target Israeli citizens of Palestinian origin in various locations ...
“The incidents of violence ... have occurred as some on Israel’s right take aim at media reporting ...
“Among them, according to the Jerusalem Post, has been the prime minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU’S SON YAIR, who tweeted an invitation to demonstrate in front of N12’s office ...”
“Criminal Complicity”: Outrage as Biden Pushes $735 Million Weapons Sale to Israel Amid Gaza Slaughter
Israel has 10 arms factories in the UK: I call on Elbit's factory workers to REFUSE to build those weapons of war, says Lowkey #IsraeliTerrorism
10 year-old Palestinian boy, the only survivor after israeli airstrikes murder his whole family, sits alone with his mother #GazaUnderAttack
OUTRAGE INDEED. The real outrage is the US expecting payment for the weapons.
I'm surprised they have been sold rather than gifted.
You know #Jews who is in #power, the heirs of the Nazis. They will kill all that remains of the Jew. To kill the Palestinians is to commit suicide. Satananyahu must go. Make a dam.
Nothing more important than the creator, Palestine, .. the Palestinians are the survival of mankind.
We must block it, they must survive for the World, humanity, Christians, Jews, Muslims, ... The future of children
Newsweek blows lid off American 60,000-person strong “secret army”
“If I don’t steal your home, someone else will steal it,” was the answer given by an Israeli settler to Mona al-Kurd, a young Palestinian woman who accused him of stealing her home in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem
Screenshot photo of settler with quote from Al-Jazeera news
direct video of above incident
For the first time in decades, Palestinians of all factions unite in a general strike against Israel
Is nothing sacred from the Covid Cult. The Statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro is illuminated with the message Vaccine Saves, promoted by a Women's group. These women will be jabbing their children next.
Hahaha hahaha haha haha.
Just a minute............
Hahaha haha hahaha.
Truly, truly unbelievable WTF.
On a much smaller scale, many churches have been turned into vaccine centres too.
You couldn't make it up.
Mail taking money from government to present blatant propaganda as a news story. Remember when newspapers challenged governments instead of licking their backsides? You must have a good memory
Israel Shamir:
"This war is not Armageddon yet. It is just another sordid campaign of Jews against disobedient natives.
The Israeli court (probably the most immoral of Jewish institutions) ruled to expel some Palestinian families from their homes in East Jerusalem and give the buildings to the Jewish Ku Klux Klan.
In June, Iran is having an election. The Gaza war revealed the Iranian moderates as weak foreign agents who can’t / won’t defend al Aqsa. It will cost them the election.
If the moderates lose, hard-liners will gain. Ahmadinejad or his like will come to power. Iran will take again the central place in the Resistance. Americans will lose the Middle East. In the next confrontation, Iran will enter the fray.
Russia expressed its support for the Palestinian cause. Putin said that Russia demands Israel cease fire.
Putin’s adversaries in Russia are strong supporters of Israel ... What is worse for Putin, his allies in the media, Jews-for-Putin, are all out for Israel. Russian state TV is a proxy for Tel Aviv.
The Turkish president, and Turkish people are all out in support of Palestine. And their huge demos called upon Erdogan to send Turkish soldiers to liberate Palestine. Somebody should do it."
Although we are in very dangerous times, with limits to our God given freedoms, it's good to ridicule those in power, because
that shows we are not frightened.
"New from Hasbro, the CDC & the NIH...its the Fauci Dart Board!!
Should you wear a mask? Go to in-person school? Do your T-Cells work? Is it worth getting vaccinated? Throw a dart and find out! Socially distanced fun for the entire family!
Only $19.99 + shipping & handling"
They haven't been "sold" you can be sure of that.
Just like German taxpayers were FORCED to pay for the Jews Dolphin submarine fleet.
How do they achieve this?.Basically it is a combination of crypto Jews in the German govt banking/manufacturing...for example Lidl and the other German supermarkets are owned by the Jewish elites of GERMANY.This also includes companies like Adidas.
How are Jews so powerful in Germany today???? When ze Nazis killed them all in WW2.....IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU ALMOST DESERVE TO BE DUPED.
To Whom It May Concern.
It looks as though the above legislation may indeed concern everyone.
The Genocide Act 1969 has (quietly) been repealed by all accounts. Whilst everyone was jetting off to sunny climates with their 2 passports in hand on 17 May, it looks as though the UK Government had other things on its mind.
It was viva Espana for those brave double jabbed pioneers leading the country out of lockdown on the same day.
Let's also remember the pathfinders in the pub who were even braver than the double jabbed. This lot even mixed it up with the filthy unjabbed - proper hardcore.
Meanwhile as the baby killers that pass themselves off as Jews in Israel are lighting up the night sky and drawing in all the world's condemnation, we can always rely on the British (government) to take it to the next level.
Call me paranoid (in fact call me what you will), however it appears that 'Ol Blighty' is 'upping' the game. Indeed, it now appears that Genocide is this years 'black'.
I've read recently that Black Lives Matter or we're all Palestinians now. Likewise, I've read people saying religion is like a cancer or that the mutual destruction of certain people in the Middle East would be a preferred position of the civilised amongst us.
The question is this? Now what? When an Act of Parliament is passed into (law) by consent. Or, equally if an Act of Parliament is repealed, it tends to be for a reason.
To coin a phrase: A good day to bury bad news. Monday 17 May with its fan fare and controversy was, (it appears) nothing more than the usual 'smoke and mirrors'.
The real question, however, is why bother with the 'bread and circuses'. The Government clearly knows that there is not a functioning brain cell amongst 99% of the population.
As a well known musician once said: Clowns to the left of you, jokers to the right.
Another day in Clownworld that passes itself off as reality.
Peace to the humans.
Ohio sees boost in shots after it announces $1 million vaccination lottery
A medication that is ostensibly "life saving"... an experimental drug that is touted as being overwhelmingly beneficial and without material drawbacks.
And yet it is necessary to BRIBE citizens to have the bloody thing?
Christ the Redeemer of Rio de Janeiro lights up with the message 'The vaccine saves'?
They ridicule the FAITH and those who hate those who have them will go to the slaughterhouse as well.
The World without FAITH or Law is beautiful. Alalala
Ezra 9:10-14
¹⁰ And now, O our God, what shall we say after this? for we have forsaken thy commandments, ¹¹ Which thou hast commanded by thy servants the prophets, saying, The land, unto which ye go to possess it, is an unclean land with the filthiness of the people of the lands, with their abominations, which have filled it from one end to another with their uncleanness. ¹² Now therefore give not your daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto your sons, nor seek their peace or their wealth for ever: that ye may be strong, and eat the good of the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your children for ever. ¹³ And after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds, and for our great trespass, seeing that thou our God hast punished us less than our iniquities deserve, and hast given us such deliverance as this; ¹⁴ Should we again break thy commandments, and join in affinity with the people of these abominations?
Connecticut govt. secretly tells health care workers covid vaccines are DEADLY, but withholds the same information from the public
they must have done it not that there
They don't really need soldiers to kill anymore.
What are the possible reasons behind Dr. KK Aggarwal succumbing to Covid-19 despite vaccination?
Alex Jones: “I Am an Israeli Shill”
Everybody here already knows the truth about Alex Jones, but this is just a reminder regarding who he really serves with his “info wars.”
More regarding this, and the note in Aang's post on China's CGTN broadcaster (China Global Television Network)
Chinese media is indeed being very blunt
From Israel-Palestine discussion on CGTN, short video with subtitles, here a screenshot of one frame:
"Jews dominate finance, media and internet sectors"
Original video here, 3m36 - 'Why does the U.S. act as a diplomatic shield for Israel?'
'The Rothschilds fund Islamic State' - UK Green Party
"Tony Clarke, the Green Party's foreign affairs spokesperson [told BBC Radio 5]:
'There are British oil companies such as Genel Energy, run by Nathaniel Rothschild, one of George Osborne's friends, who are making money, who are buying oil from ISIS, who are putting money into the pot ...'
"Rothschild is a non-executive director at Genel Energy and one of the company's biggest backers ...
"The BBC removed part of Clarke's interview from its website yesterday ..."
Dr. Mercola deletes all articles about Vitamin D, zinc and covid after being personally threatened
"It is with a heavy heart that I purge my website of valuable information ... They've moved past censorship. Just what do you call people who advocate counteroffensive attacks by terrorism and cyberwarfare experts? You'd think we could have a debate and be protected under free speech but, no, we're not allowed. These lunatics are dangerously unhinged."
Striking image
'Lies - Depopulation Centre'
spray-painted in large letters as graffiti upon vaccination centre in Bournemouth
Jewish domination of the media...?.
How about the "Zio-blueblood" Anderson Cooper...he is related to the Vanderbilts...he is completely useless of course but he has the right connections.
Then there is his colleague Barbara Walter's....worth in excess of $50,000,000...since when does a real journalist have 50 million in the bank...the whole thing is a farce.
There'll be precious little truth coming out of Israel that's for sure.
The former media tycoon in Australia Kerry Packer....sold out his media interests and invested in gambling....that sounds about right.
His son James Packer is nuttier than a fruitcake...he had an extremely weird relationship with Mariah Carey...
He then went on to build a mansion in Israel.....he is apparently on a multi coloured pill regime....Benji the former furniture salesman will no doubt have Packer in his cash in on.
Unfortunate juxtaposition. Surely not Dr Mercola spraying the depopulation centre? But I wouldn't blame him....
"When Israel is Mighty" is a very important video by an Israeli Jewish man who explains why the Talmud allows gentile children to be killed in conflict and also about how the Talmud allows paedophilia.
There is a UK Government petition which has reached over 360,00 signatures to sanction Israel and stop supplying arms. It will be debated on the 14th June. No coincidence they have chosen this date, because the 14th June in the UK is when the British Government will inform citizens whether "Freedom Day" re Covid will go ahead on 21 June, so the Israel debate will be pushed out of the headline news. Please sign the petition.
Martin Bashir DID fake bank statements and 'deceived' Diana to secure Panorama interview, as bombshell report slams BBC for 'covering up' its own probe into shamed reporter - but he STILL insists it was her 'personal choice' to speak with him
Hmmm. What agendas are at play here?
Princess Diana's murder in Paris occurred 24 years ago (August 31 1997) and the BBC 'Panorama' interview was aired in November 1995... that's 25.5 years ago!
1. WHY on earth was the highly dubious form of 'Independent (Judge-led) inquiry' chosen and carried out, when more appropriate and far less costly alternatives existed and exist?
After all, so-called 'Independent Inquiries', led by retired British judges or top Establishment figures, NEVER ARE "independent" in the nepotistic and corrupt United Kingdom.
Alternatives that could have been pursued instead of a dubious, so-called 'Independent' (judge-led) Inquiry would include:
A standard, routine Employment Tribunal, such as any other serious workplace employment matter or disputed allegation of impropriety might warrant.
Private Investigations (one or more). Private Investigations could have been carried out by law firm(s) or private detective agencies instructed and paid for by the Complainants (i.e. to uncover possible malfeasance by Martin Bashir and the BBC), and/or by those being accused of malfeasance such as Martin Bashir and his BBC bosses or retired bosses, to defend their own reputations and employment/financial interests from attack. Any evidence gathered in Private Investigations would then be useful for future private prosecutions (civil suits).
A Law-Enforcement (police led) investigation.
This would have been the most obvious... and sensible option from the start, and would have obviated the (fake) 'need' for a highly dubious 'Independent' Inquiry to be conducted by the British Establishment.
For *** IF **** Martin Bashir is alleged to have broken any law, why then was the matter not immediately turned over to Scotland Yard and (if detectives advised it) the UK's Crown Prosecution Service? These are the proper authorities for investigating alleged criminal matters in Britain.
If *I* (not an aristocrat or Establishment figure) suspect one or more individuals of breaking laws, *I* do not, and cannot, call a random retired judge whom I happen to have heard of!!
Instead, *I* would call a lawyer (if I believe I have been civilly wronged) *OR* I must call the police (if I genuinely believe that a crime may have been committed).
Why wasn't the same happen in this instance, with a phone call to personal lawyers and/or the Metropolitan Police sufficing?
The next questions that arise:
2. If a retired British judge 'had' to be chosen (which one strongly disputes in any case!), WHY did that retired judge need to be Lord John Dyson?
Is Lord Dyson someone's old friend or university buddy (as seems likely)? A top Establishment figure who can be relied upon to do the dirty work of his handler, or to please the people he MUST please for one reason or another?
WHY on earth did this dubious 'Independent' Inquiry take place this year and last year - 2020/21 - and report now, in the same month as more important domestic and world events are occurring?
AND one doesn't mean the stated reasons for why the investigation took place now. One means, what are the *TRUE* reasons that the investigation took place now, more than 25 years after the interview with Princess Diana was aired?
Finally, why have the findings of this 'Independent' (ha!) Inquiry been fed so promptly and comprehensively to Britain's tabloidesque commercial and state media?
The British media hype, spin, and sensationalise any news 'story' to the massive detriment of balance, accuracy, fairness and truth, and whoever decided to bring the media 'in on' the charade clearly would know this.
Who are the individuals or organisations directing this spectacle, more than 25 YEARS AFTER any findings of malpractice on the part of Martin Bashir or his BBC bosses could make any material difference to anyone? Diana is still dead. Charles is still set to be king and Camilla, his replacement queen. Martin Bashir is still apparently at death's door with serious illness.
And what do the PTB plan to gain from unleashing all this nonsense now?
I edited the video a while ago. It is in English.
I have better control over my emotions. But it's still there.
My G
Who are the blood diamond workers? Slaves (#child victims)? The "blood diamonds"? This #Mafia finances #wars and settlements in the West Bank etc. Trump is wet in.
1. "Bashir was born and raised ... [by/to] liberal MUSLIM parents from Pakistan"
"He converted from ISLAM to Christianity in his late teens after attending a church in south London."
It has been speculated that among those who wished Princess Diana ill (and who also perhaps plotted to 'replace' the wayward Spencer with the more amenable Camilla Parker Bowles at the side of the heir to the throne) an anti-Muslim ideology prevailed and still presumably applies to this day.
Is Martin Bashir a victim of anti-Muslim racism?
And/or, could Mr Bashir have been particularly interested in fanning a conflict within a family and Establishment he perceived as inherently racist with respect to Muslims like himself?
"[Bashir's] father served in the Royal Navy during World War II."
Is Bashir himself involved with certain Intelligence services? Could Mr Bashir BE, or have BEEN, a pawn unwittingly -- or perhaps willingly -- of British and/or foreign intelligence services?
Could Bashir be an actor following a script? Or is he himself a victim of others' machinations?
"Michael Grade, a former chairman of the BBC, said that the allegations left 'a very dark cloud hanging over BBC journalism'"
Lord Grade would know all about "dark clouds", for he himself constitutes a very dark cloud indeed.
For you see, at the BBC, Michael Grade singularly FAILED in his duty of care to vulnerable children who were sexually assaulted by HIS criminal employee: the children's TV 'star', Jimmy Savile.
After all, Lord Grade has admitted that he heard "rumours" about Savile abusing children. I just bet he did.
Moreover, more recently Mr Grade's company 'Gate Ventures' made loans to Ghislaine Maxwell's friend (and Jeffrey Epstein loan recipient) Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York... who in turn has also been linked (along with her sex-predator husband) to the late serial paedophile Lord Greville Janner.
And Dame Esther Rantzen says that it was Michael Grade's willingness to green-light 'Childwatch' that ultimately led to the birth of ChildLine on the BBC.
ChildLine was reportedly set up to operate as a monitoring-and-containment system: to protect from investigation and prosecution the VIPs like Jimmy Savile whom so many kids and adults were talking about.
Lord Grade is close to Harvey Proctor, Cliff 'Kitty' Richard, and Daniel Janner: the son of career paedophile Lord Janner.
And Lord Grade attended notorious Stowe School, to which Ghislaine Maxwell is connected.
Finally, Lord Grade has been involved with the Jewish Music Institute whose former vice president was serial paedophile Lord Janner, and whose former non-executive directors include Prof Stuart Stanton, who "spent most of his career at St George's Hospital Medical School, which was concealing at least 2 pedophile rings, both of which had links to the ring that Janner was part of in Leicester"; and David Mencer. Mencer is a former adviser to convicted criminal Gerald Ronson and former electoral agent/press secretary to Lord Janner's protector, Gwyneth Dunwoody.
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (strongly linked to Ghislaine Maxwell) is a trustee of the Jewish Music Institute. Among the JMI's former honorary development board members - the late career paedophile Lord Leon Brittan.
"In 2003, while working at ITV, Bashir conducted a series of interviews with American singer Michael Jackson"
Michael Jackson, an alleged serial or 'career' paedophile, was close friends with serial paedophile Lord Janner and Mossad operative Uri Geller (one of Jackson's handlers?), among others.
Is there a belief among powerful people that Martin Bashir knows 'FAR TOO MUCH' about organised VIP paedophile rings in Britain and America?
It has been alleged that Princess Diana, too, knew a lot about Britain's organised VIP paedophile network. She had reportedly been informed by at least one victim of child abuse at Elm Guest House: the institution used by VIPs, including Lord Leon Brittan, to rape and assault vulnerable boys.
Princess Diana had also reportedly been informed of a rape perpetrated by her husband's valet. And was she also aware that her husband's very special 'friend', the BBC's Jimmy Savile, was Britain's number one paedophile fixer and rapist?
To fully opt-out from having your NHS data used for purposes beyond your direct care is a two-step process:
1) If you have concerns and want to stop your and your family’s GP data being taken from your GP practice for purposes other than your direct care, you can do so by filling in and giving this ‘Type 1’ form to your GP practice. (This form allows you to include details for your children and dependants as well.) This is the most urgent step; the deadline to get your form to your GP is 23rd June 2021, according to NHS Digital.
2) If you want to stop your non-GP data, such as hospital or clinic treatments, being used/sold for purposes other than your direct care (e.g. for “research and planning”) you should also do the following:
· If you are opting out just for yourself, use NHS Digital’s online National Data Opt-out process – this process only works for individuals aged 13 and over.
· If you have children under 13, you need to fill in this form and e-mail or post it back to NHS Digital – this form works for both you and your children.
Make your choice, protect your records, and save your privacy.
To summarize and conclude, just what might Martin Bashir know about:
- possible anti-Muslim 'obsession' within the House of Windsor and indeed the wider British Establishment?
- organised VIP sexual abuse in the Anglosphere: including on BBC premises, perpetrated in the UK by BBC employees like Jimmy Savile with the alleged connivance of BBC and ChildLine presenters, executives and parliamentarians; and in the United States by 'mind-controlled' Hollywood 'entertainers' like Michael Jackson with the alleged connivance of powerful Friends of Israel in the UK and Tel Aviv?
- What might Martin Bashir know or suspect about the true nature and past activities of his (apparent) adversary, the BBC's Lord Grade, and Lord Grade's longterm BBC colleagues like Dame Esther Rantzen, Sarah Caplin, and Shaun Woodward (Rantzen's Childline co-founders)?
- What might Martin Bashir know about UK and US branches of the military -- and military families, boarding schools, cadet training institutes, associations, and the like -- being used to create mind-controlled 'sex slaves' by inflicting sexual trauma on victims over prolonged periods? These sex slaves becoming paedophiles themselves as they get older (as per the objective), and easily blackmailed & controlled by their handlers.
- What might Martin Bashir know or suspect about the alleged role in organised child abuse, targeted assassinations, and other crimes against humanity, of ISRAEL, and the powerful 'Friends of Israel' found throughout the upper echelons of Western socities (including Western intelligence agencies, governments, and political, legal and media establishments?
- Would Princess Diana still be alive today if she hadn't harmed the interests of certain 'Israeli' (read: ultra-Zionist) interests? Whether through her anti landmines campaign work.... her romantic and sexual dalliances with Muslim men.... and/or her possible private investigations into organised Child Sexual Abuse involving individuals from the Royal Family and House of Windsor, the BBC, the Houses of Parliament, etc?
- Who now might want to destroy Martin Bashir's reputation? (And is Bashir being set up as an unwilling or a willing fall guy?)
- Is there an agenda to ultimately impose yet more Establishment control over the BBC? Or is the BBC already so heavily influenced and constrained by the British Government, MI5, GCHQ, Mossad, the CIA, the Embassy of Israel in London, and the like, that no further intimidation of its executives and supporters could possibly be deemed necessary or constitute the reason behind the 'Martin Bashir media circus'?
As noted by Joshua Keating, “One of the more intriguing aspects of contemporary Russian Jewish life is the close relationship between the Kremlin and Chabad, also known as Lubavitch.”[106] Chabad’s biggest patrons worldwide are Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich.[107] Leviev is an Uzbeki-born Israeli citizen and devout Lubavitcher. Known as the “King of Diamonds,” Leviev has come under scrutiny by the US government and international media for, among other things, both his partnership with a Chinese business group believed to have funded North Korea and his possible role in developing West Bank settlements.
'I draw a line between the two events': Earl Spencer links Diana's death with her Martin Bashir interview
Seems like this narrative is designed to re-write the history of what and WHO was responsible for the murder of his sister, Princess Diana.
Following the interminable -- and intentional -- muddying of the historical waters in the years since Diana's passing, future historians will be so perplexed and befuddled that they will attribute Princess Diana's untimely and gruesome end to some unfathomable combination of overzealous Paparazzi photographers causing a driving hazard... a reckless Princess with mental health problems who refused to follow safety protocols and wear her safety belt.... a reckless drunk driver... and a ruthless, lying 'Muslim'/Brown crook named Martin Bashir.
NONE OF WHICH supposed 'factors' ACTUALLY explain the murder of Princess Diana that fateful night in Paris.
It wasn't the Tabloid Paps wot done it. It wasn't Martin Bashir wot done it. It wasn't Diana's wild ways wot done it.
She was executed in cold blood.
Ever heard of distraction?
Japanese Red Cross refusing blood donations from people who have been injected with coronavirus “vaccines”
Belgium's 'anti-lockdown Rambo', Corporal Jurgen Conings who apparently stole some weapons, is now in his 3rd day of evading thousands of military and police looking for him
46-year-old Conings, a veteran of wars in the Balkans, Afghanistan, and the Middle East, is said to be highly skilled
If this is a psy-op to discredit anti-vaxxers or help purge dissidents from the military -
it is backfiring, Conings is becoming a hero to many
Also shows what just just one person can do to bog down an entire nation
It is said many of the military and police looking for him, sympathise with him, 'fighting for our freedom against lockdown dictators'
Popular Flemish jokes with his name Conings being similar to Koning meaning King
Nice screenshot from one of the many articles now out there about him
Archbishop of Canterbury apologises to abused participants in Christian camps
In the 1970s and 80s QC John Smyth abused boys who attended camps WHERE JUSTIN WELBY WORKED
“The archbishop of Canterbury has issued a ‘full personal apology’ to survivors of sadistic abuse perpetrated by a QC in the 1970s and 80s against public schoolboys who attended Christian holiday camps.
“Justin Welby [worked] as a dormitory officer at the so-called ‘Bash camps’ ....
“Welby [has said] he was ‘COMPLETELY UNAWARE’ of any abuse when he worked at the camps ....
“Richard Scorer, head of abuse law at Slater and Gordon ... said: ‘Justin Welby’s apology is welcome but he still needs to give a full account of his involvement in this particular C of E subculture, what he knew of high-profile abusers such as John Smyth and when he knew it, and what action he took in response.’”
Lots of vital questions raised by this.
Questions which must surely be answered both by the Archbishop himself, and hopefully also by journalists investigating Welby’s past.
What a peculiarly unobservant chap this Servant of Christ is, if he never noticed any signs of physical or emotional-psychological distress in the young boys who were being sexually abused by his Camp co-worker, day after day, week after week, month after month, right under Welby’s nose.
Perhaps Welby’s thoughts were on more spiritual things than the safety of the boys for which he and the other adults were responsible.
Another thought:
What is the lawyer Richard Scorer insinuating when he refers in the quote to the “particular” Church of England “subculture” that the younger Mr Welby was allegedly involved in?
“Subculture” is a singular word choice, and lawyers are always so careful to choose words precisely. Mr Scorer knows —or suspects — something about the holy man’s past??
Earl Spencer is named on the late Dr Joan Coleman’s RAINS list as someone allegedly connected to ritual abuse ceremonies. This according to a witness or witnesses who apparently observed Spencer’s involvement in such occult activities at first hand.
Does Earl Spencer ensure that occult rituals take place on his Althrop Estate.... possibly even on the ‘Diana island’ itself, with Diana’s spirit defiled by being forced to ‘watch’ sacrifices or the worship of darkness?
Quite possibly the answer is ‘yes’.
Whatever the REAL nature and meaning of this stunt now being played out, be assured that ‘crocodile tears’ Spencer is entirely cognisant of it...
The photo of the child with a rare skin condition above from the AAP.
This article could be described as "counter disinformation".....far too many articles in the alternative media have exposed FAKE USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS by the MSM.
THIS photograph doesn't even have to be used by the Palestinians because there are hundreds of ACTUAL REAL examples of injuries to Palestinian children....which could easily be used.....
So this FAKE EXPOSE example is being used to discredit REAL photographs....and to call in their legitimacy.....
Osbourne is a crypto jew.You would assume his Spanish wife is likewise.
"Franco" is a sephardic Jewish surname....Hey!...they're not just letting thousands of fake refugees into Spain for the hell of it.(see Ceuta invasion)
See blog by an individual called "Jobst" relating to muslims/Jews in Spain...if it hasnt been closed down that is
Hi Aang! long time hey?
I"m back. After all this time.
Hope you are well. Do you still have contact with A Peas? Nobody and all the others?
I deleted my blog and posts years ago, and now just had to start a new one.
I've only got one post up, but not for long.
If you could let some of our mutual punters know, I'm back that would be great. I'm about to get stuck into it again after such a long time off..hope you are well x
Cheers A13
'BURNING BLOGGER Down: Here We Go Again!'
We have lost contact with A Peas, Nobody and others.
Good luck with your blog.
- Aangirfan.
Prince Harry accuses Charles of making him 'suffer' as a child, The Firm of trying to 'bully him' and of 'total neglect' when Meghan was suicidal
- Prince Harry says his family tried to prevent him and Meghan from leaving when she claimed she was suicidal.
- The Duke of Sussex described how his wife first told him she wanted to kill herself, while six months pregnant with Archie.
- "Meghan decided to share with me the suicidal thoughts and the practicalities of how she was going to end her life."
- Harry said he felt trapped at the palace and went through a drinking and drug phase in his 30s.
- He suffered anxiety and severe panic attacks from ages 28 to 32.
- Harry admits to going to therapy for four years.
- "Towards my late 20s, I was starting to ask questions of should I really be here?"
- "I was willing to drink, I was willing to take drugs, I was willing to try and do the things that made me feel less like I was feeling."
- Harry again blasted his father's parenting, saying Charles informed him and William that they would suffer the same problems he did.
- "My mother was chased to her death while she was in a relationship with someone who wasn't white."
What, the synagogue of Satan people? Revelations 2:9, 3:9.
Talking about the heathens who are today's 'Jews'.
Total shit
Massive bs
What are British Companies Doing to Help Israel in its Killing Spree?
“More than 100 companies supplying military and security equipment and services to Israel have offices or factories in the UK.
“These include Elbit Systems, G4S, BAE Systems, Boeing and Lockheed Martin ...
“Barclays and HSBC both have significant shareholdings in companies profiting from Israeli militarism.
“Barclays and HSBC both own shares in BAE Systems, Boeing, Rolls Royce and Babcock. All four companies profit significantly from Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.
“Barclays and HSBC also have extensive investments in other military companies involved in arming Israel ...
“Standard Chartered, Lloyds Banking Group or RBS, which also owns NatWest, did not appear as shareholders in any of the companies in our sample. However, all three companies provide significant loans and finance to the companies ...
“Major insurance financial services retailers are also supporting the arms trade with Israel.
“According to our research, Legal & General owns shares in all but one of the 19 companies in our sample and invests an eye-watering £4.5 billion in companies involved in Israeli militarism ...
“Schroders, Prudential, Aviva and Standard Life all have significant holdings in companies that profit from Israel’s oppression of Palestinians ...
“Another key form of financial support for the arms trade is through direct lending and through the arrangement of loans ...
“While they do not appear to hold shares in the companies examined in this report, Lloyds and RBS have been involved in providing loans worth £43.2 billion and £16.6 billion respectively.
“Many of the loans were provided to companies that are among the world’s biggest arms dealers such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems.”
“The British government has plans to slash hundreds of millions of pounds in foreign aid to countries in conflict zones around the world”
Iconic photo Ang. xx
Palestinian lawyer in viral tear gas photo: 'We have a right to live like any other nation'
Number of billionaires in UK reached new record during Covid crisis
Despite year of economic turmoil, 24 people became billionaires in UK during pandemic, taking total to 171
Perennial losers in the wealth stakes, in terms of relative share of the overall wealth in the world:
The 99%
The developing world
Black, Brown, Latino and South Asian people
Nations and states deemed to be ‘insufficiently’ aligned with Israel and the Five Eyes / and or neoliberalism, free market capitalism and globalist forces... e.g.
Palestine, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, North Korea, Xinjiang and Tibet in China... etc. etc.
Perennial winners;
The 1% - esp. the billionaire and political classes
Friends of Israel
The City of London and Wall Street
Big Pharma
Big Tech
WMD manufacturers / Military industrial complex
Countries built on Apartheid and massive exploitation of racially-excluded immigrants called e.g. Israel, Dubai, Singapore, Saudi Arabia...
Veteran UK journalist Jon Snow has previously made a similar point to the one that I presume John Oliver was making, about it not being truthful to compare the culpability of Israel and Palestine in committing war crimes, given that Israel’s firepower and defence capabilities are greater by orders of magnitude, resulting in massively fewer casualties on the Israeli side.
Interesting to see that the Tory government and Big Media are spinning the findings of the ‘BBC/Bashir inquiry’ as being cause for ‘great public sympathy’ for the Royal Family.
‘Great public sympathy’ just when the Royal Family — and the wider UK Establishment — desperately need it most?
Given the apparent coalescing threats of:
- Scotland and Northern Ireland leaving, and therefore dissolving, the United Kingdom over which the royal family is (symbolically, at least) sovereign,,.
- Potentially devastating revelations later this year (at Ghislaine Maxwell’s scheduled court trial) concerning Prince Andrew’s level of involvement with trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. And did Prince Andrew prey sexually on other trafficked women who haven’t yet spoken out in public?
- Harry and Meghan continuing to speak out about the House of Windsor’s utter dysfunctionality and cruelty - with no end to their damaging revelations imminent.
- The queen likely to die in the next few years... with the consequent dissolution of the Commonwealth then likely to follow if a domino effect ensues. Australia has almost quit before, and may schedule another referendum on becoming a republic. A number of Caribbean countries within the Commonwealth and historically aligned to the UK are thought likely to ditch the House of Windsor once Queen Elizabeth II dies. New Zealand may also stage a referendum.
‘Great public sympathy’ for the Royal Family ought to be very useful to the interests of the British State, not to mention the House of Windsor itself....
So in respect of the BBC/Bashir production: Cui bono? Who Benefits?
Expect smth to happen to Norway
It was in 2008. I rode it in 2008. (I was censored several times) We are still in it.
The only way to escape is to write, well for me.
If not, I would be with them.
If more people could understand that the Palestinians are human shields to avoid the worst in this world.
But many have lost the faith, where no longer understand the depth of the messages of the three religions.
They have falsified, interpreted, set up sects which serve them for their purpose and which have nothing to do with the real three FAITH.
And, then they ended up asking for a world without Faith, they believed in these Mafia pseudo-saviors.
People who have it cannot even be called HUMAN.
My heart cry put my mouth out no sound.
Silence kills.
Thanks to the Mossad, Israel's "Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks", the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories. Meanwhile, Arafat's Fatah Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation
Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, "Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)".
The Hamas had built its strength through its various acts of sabotage of the peace process, in a way which was compatible with the interests of the Israeli government. In turn, the latter sought in a number of ways, to prevent the application of the Oslo accords. In other words, Hamas was fulfilling the functions for which it was originally created: to prevent the creation of a Palestinian State. And in this regard, Hamas and Ariel Sharon, see eye to eye; they are exactly on the same wave length.
Hamas Created By Israel’s Mossad
Now Hamas men are among their wives and children and they have to endure all these horrors without saying anything? See even their child die before their eyes?
But that is not human.
The least thing is to let humans defend themselves.
If not, that is a crime. Rape.
Liar one day liar forever these Zionists.
What to say about this?
“Iron Dome is a Bluff”, Says Israeli Defense Expert Moti Shefer
Do they play their scenes to the world and kill under lies?
I have other information on the subject I would come back
Tk y
Sorry for my English.
Naked pool party girls, affairs and the toxic collapse of Bill Gates's marriage... could it be connected to his puzzling relationship with the infamous Jeffrey Epstein, asks TOM LEONARD
Video sent to BBC team in #Gaza showing casualties arrived at Nasser Hospital in #Khanyounis after an #Israeli air strike targeted their home, local sources said
Crazy president
Pink Floyd's Roger Waters carries a Palestinian flag at a concert. Facebook have censored this image by deleting it. Can you imagine a world where you are censored for NOT supporting the USA and Israeli view of the world? Well, imagine it because that is the world we now live in.
WATCH: The owner of al-Jalaa tower pleads with an Israeli officer on live TV to let journalists collect their gear before he bombs it.
Moments later, Israeli air strikes demolish the #Gaza building that housed several international media offices, including #AlJazeera and MEE
“Criminal Complicity”: Outrage as Biden Pushes $735 Million Weapons Sale to Israel Amid Gaza Slaughter
#Israel isn't even hiding this. The Israeli Air Force posted this footage on their official twitter account where they could be seen loading #US_Made bombs & missiles on the night they dropped 450 bombs on #Gaza's north within 30 minutes
The bomb Israel used to bring down Al-Jalaa tower (with @AP
& @AJEnglish
offices) is a #US_Made GBU-31 bomb that weighs 907KG.
DiscussionThread on #Israel's use of bombs & missiles Made in the USA to pound #Gaza:
Australian "tiki tok" does internet purge on undesirable information.
Terms considered harmful include "plandemic" and "David Icke"....
The thin edge of the wedge in other words.After all Icke is a law abiding individual who exercise his supposed right to free speech and he is BANNED from entering Australia.
Another Australian is currently ROTTING IN JAIL for simply not adhering to bail conditions....ASSANGE.....and not just any jail BRITAINS SUPER MAX PRISON BELMARSH.
And there does not seem any light at the end of the tunnel for Assange....most likely they are attempting to psychologically destroy him....CRIMINAL.
"Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx'd
Covid19 has long been shown to be an entirely created pandemic built on two key factors:
- False-positive tests by altering the cycle threshold (CT value)
- Inflated Case-count, anyone who receives a positive test even if they never experienced any symptoms
Without these two policies, there would never have been an appreciable pandemic at all, and now the CDC has enacted two policy changes which means they no longer apply to vaccinated people.
The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for “Covid19” in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy “vaccines” are effective at preventing the alleged disease.
Firstly, they are lowering their cycle threshold CT value when testing samples from suspected “breakthrough infections”. Throughout the pandemic, CT values in excess of 35 have been the norm, with labs around the world going into the 40s.
But NOW, and only for fully vaccinated people, the CDC will only accept samples achieved from 28 cycles or fewer.
Secondly, asymptomatic or mild infections will no longer be recorded as “covid cases”.
Check this out:
Get it!
British secret police hanging patsy Bashir out to dry.
They are having the audacity to make it seem like that Bashir put a bug in Diana's home.....this is not credible.
The British Secret Police MI5 exist to protect the establishments interests NOT to protect the British public....otherwise, for example,they would have exposed Savilles well known activities and also the mass rapes of poor British women by immigrants brought into the country by Blair.
As if Bashir was responsible for all this stuff....he is just a convenient scapegoat.
The lies are really flying right now.
This is a significant story across Europe, as they still look for Jurgen Conings on his 6th day of being missing
Troops are tearing apart citizens' farmhouses and barns looking for him
Tuesday Conings apparently visited his parents' graves, and left his several military honours and decorations there
Society trained this guy to be a killing machine, and to kill for uncertain reasons in Bosnia, Kosovo, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan, where this guy has been
And now this same guy, some of his photos showing the icy stare of a soldier who knows horror -
He is back in Europe and sees what he perceives as unjustified killing from covid lockdown, vaccines etc ... and somehow they are surprised that the killing machine they trained, reacts like this
Excerpts from the good-bye letter Conings is said to have left for his girlfriend Gwendy on Monday when he disappeared, have been released in media ... English version:
"I want you to know that I did everything I could to prevent this, but I failed. I can't go on and I don't want to go on with what the future looks like now.
I can't live with the lies of people who then decide how we must live our lives. The so-called political elite and now the virologists decide how you and I must live. They sow hatred and frustration, even worse than it already was.
I know that I will be 'enemy of the state' all of a sudden. They'll look for me and they'll find me after a while. I'm ready for that. Gradually everything has fallen into place and I have started the preparations.
It doesn't matter to me whether I die or not. But then it will be in my way, I'll live my last days how I want to live them."
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