Nothing on this blog constitutes or should be interpreted as medical advice; and nothing replaces medical advice from a qualified medical professional; and medical advice from a qualified medical professional should always be sought.
NB Blogger only allows a limited amount of space for comments.
“I have reported previously on an astonishing spike in deaths that occurred alongside an intensive vaccination campaign in Gibraltar, where the small community consequently developed the highest Covid death rate in the world."
According to Forbes magazine:
“Countries with the world’s highest vaccination rates - including four of the top five most vaccinated -are fighting to contain coronavirus outbreaks that are, on a per-capita basis, higher than the surge devastating India, a trend that has experts questioning the efficacy of some vaccines …” (Covid Surges…Here’s why the US should Worry”, Forbes)
'In my book, The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies, I explain that these same networks are still running the world and are now involved in the plan to vaccinate all of us.
'I also show how their gofers - trusted so much and by so many worldwide - such as Bill Gates, Dr Anthony Fauci and Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, are deeply sinister, compromised, dangerous psychopaths who have horrendously suspicious backgrounds and disturbing connections.
'On delving into Nadhim Zahawi’s affiliations with Le Cercle, you can sure as hell say the same about him.'
'The Dark, Fascist Connections Of The UK's Vaccine Minister, Nadhim Zahawi Judge Him By The Company He Keeps.'
"Criminal charges have been filed by five associations and seven individuals against Martin Ackermann, head of the Swiss National Covid-19 Science Task Force and 'other persons involved in the crime' for intentionally frightening the population in violation of Art. 258 of the Swiss Criminal Code.
Plaintiffs accuse Martin Ackermann of, among other things, the following crimes:
Repeated publication of non-plausible fear forecasts regarding the utilisation of intensive care beds, with the aim of frightening the public and enforcing stricter measures.
Repeated and systematic manipulation of past intensive bed data, with the aim of making the current situation appear more dramatic.
False statements regarding hospitalisations and deaths.
Constantly changing reasons for tightening or maintaining measures, depending on which indicator fits best into the desired narrative.
The Public Prosecutor's Office is Zurich is now asked to open a criminal investigation and to secure documents relating to the crimes committed by the accused and possible accomplices."
Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit UK scientists Members of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour express regret about ‘unethical’ methods
'According to Leeds City Council, which runs crematoria and graveyards in the city, the total number of cremations and burials carried out over the past few years are as follows:
Police in Nova Scotia have fined 26 churchgoers a total of $2,422 each for attending an “illegal faith gathering” on Sunday. This is believed to be the highest value of fines handed out to individual parishioners in North America since the pandemic began.
Look who has taken £66bn of furlough money from the UK govt - dukes, earls, viscounts, peers, royalty, presidents, sheikhs, celebrities, billionaires, tax exiles, tax dodgers, right wing think tanks, political parties, fraudsters and sundry.
the future you want?? Because it’s coming...very soon...and we warned you from the beginning.
You moronic, obedient clowns, who thought complying was the is YOU that has dragged us to this precipice!
'A report urges world governments to allow WHO infection experts immediate access to inspect outbreaks anywhere in the world in an effort to prevent future cover-ups and delays.'
"The governments who comprise the membership of the World Health Organisation should increase their funding of the body by two-thirds and give it financial independence."
Tedros with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in June 2019
Does Tedros work for the CIA?
'Dr. Tedros made himself “available” to serve the interests of Pax Americana at the UN.
'A the USA is the major contributor to the WHO his vetting for by the CIA was a must.
'Having demonstrated suitablity for the job by overseeing genocide made him eminently qualified and during the early days of the Trump Regime in 2017 he made his move to the WHO.'
'The head of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus, was a senior capo for the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) gangster mafia that ruled Ethiopia from 1991-2018.
'During that time he served as Health Minister and Foreign Minister, cementing his credentials as a member of the inner circle of what was one of if not the most corrupt, brutal and genocidal regimes to set foot on this planet in the past 30 years.
'From 2007 to Ethiopia’s Peaceful Revolution in 2018 Dr. Tedros was complicit in the TPLF’s crime of genocide against the Somali people of the Ogaden with the genocidal blockade of food and medicine to the region.
'He was part of expelling the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders from the Ogaden during a series of Cholera outbreaks and in helping deny medicine to the Somali Ogadenis he oversaw the deaths of untold thousands during a series of historical droughts, famines and epidemics.
'Dr. Tedros did not just cover up cholera epidemics, he was complicit in a medicine blockade to those affected.'
Ethiopia and Israel on Tuesday agreed to further deepen all-round relations between the two countries.Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman is in Ethiopia where he met with his counterpart Dr. Tedros Adhanom.
A new review of possible unintended consequences of COVID-19 vaccines suggests that the controversial mRNA vaccines - Moderna and Pfizer - may lead to unexpected neurological conditions similar to Mad Cow Disease.
'Rights groups say government and UN inaction has left people lacking food and medicine for weeks.'
In the USA, 'here are some examples of “unauthorized or otherwise unlawful acts” which allegedly contributed to “jeopardizing the health, welfare, and safety of the people” that police accused people of committing:
Sitting in park
Sitting on milk crate
Hanging out
Sitting on bench
Standing outside enjoying the weather
These violations are punishable by up to six months in prison and a fine of $1,000.
In Seychelles, East Africa, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that on Tuesday it was reviewing coronavirus data in the region after the health ministry said more than a third of people who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past week had been fully vaccinated.
Less than two months prior to Event 201 (October 19, 2019), Bill Gates invested up to 55 million dollars in BioNTech stock – the company that co-developed – with Pfizer – the first experimental (and still unapproved (by the FDA) 2-dose mRNA vaccine.)
"There is not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table." - New York Times.
This is not a photo of a newly built coronavirus hospital in Wuhan. It's an image from an online apartment listing. The disinformation was spread by official Chinese channels.
Carl Beech (right) was given an 18 year jail sentence after reporting child abuse by certain top people.
Lady Lavinia Nourse, 77, the widow of former Lord Justice of Appeal Sir Martin Nourse, 'sexually abused a boy under the age of 12 in the 1980s', as court hears he 'buried the memories until years later when he was married with children'
'The Bill Gates bashing has suddenly gone mainstream...
'The turning point seems to date from the other week when Bill Gates started to oppose generic third-world manufacturing of the vaccines...
'Alleged Moderna leaker on 4chan /pol/ said most of the deaths caused by vax will take place slowly over longer term, the vax also to generate cancers in many ... but the major impact will be human infertility In other words, we will die off slowly...'
Internal emails reveal WHO knew of sex abuse claims.
A WHO staffer and three Ebola experts separately told management about general sex abuse concerns ... They said they were told not to take the matter further.
WHO has been facing widespread public allegations of systemic abuse of women by unnamed staffers...
An AP investigation has now found that despite its public denial of knowledge, senior WHO management was not only informed of alleged sexual misconduct in 2019 but was asked how to handle it.
COVID Vaccine can worsen disease; mainstream study; not on the evening news
World's Most Vaccinated Nation Sees Active COVID Cases Double In Under A Week
Sherri Tenpenny link above needs a quick adjustment ... could not find her article via mainstream 'search' but via the less-censoring DuckDuckGo there was this from 22 April from her
BBC has joined with the alleged 'Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH)' to mount propaganda against Dr Tenpenny as one of the world-leading sources of 'vaccine disinfo', a group of a dozen people said to be grounding "65% of anti-vaccine posts", with anti-vax activists having 59 million followers on social media
The targeted group which CCDH wants to ban are these brave voices
Dr Joseph Mercola Robert F Kennedy Jr Ty and Charlene Bollinger Dr Sherri Tenpenny Rizza Islam Dr Rashid Buttar Erin Elizabeth Sayer Ji Kelly Brogan Dr Christiane Northrup Dr Ben Tapper Kevin Jenkins
Of course quite a double standard in smearing these people ... anti-vax article mistakes are trumpeted, unlike the way huge errors and lies by establishment figures are ignored ... and speculation re motives and goals is of course slammed as 'discredited conspiracy theory'
Hillary Clinton recently said that, with covid, we need to end the old-fashioned 'listen to both sides' notion - 'both sidesism' , as this invites 'disinformation', her daughter Chelsea loudly calling for vax censorship tyranny as well
The Covid scam like the holocaust scam and the W W 2 scam is an attack on the people our politicians are all Rothschild if they were not they would not be in office
Open global media collusion on vaccine narratives via 'Trusted News Initiative'
USA investigative journalist Leo Hohmann has a fine article with a leading covid-19 medical expert, Dr Peter McCullough, "the most cited medical doctor on COVID-19 treatments at the USA National Library of Medicine". Dr McCullough speaks of how the USA is hiding the scale of the thousands of deaths by the dangerous covid vaccines
But in that article is another major story:
Most of the West's major media organisations, are engaged in an oligarch-friendly 'Trusted News Initiative' - 'TNI' - seeking to control the flow of information on covid vaccines, and to crush dissident views
Some quotes from the BBC page where BBC Director-General Tim Davie brags about this TNI programme:
"Trusted News Initiative partners will work together to ensure harmful disinformation myths are stopped in their tracks." - Tim Davie, BBC Director-General
"The TNI cooperative framework has been jointly developed amongst partners, and relates to only the most serious disinformation, which threatens life [i.e., covid & vaccine issues] or the integrity of the electoral process.
TNI "has had success running a rapid-alert system during the UK 2019 General Election, Myanmar and Taiwan 2020 General Elections and the 2020 US Presidential Election."
"Partners currently within the TNI are: AP, AFP; BBC, CBC / Radio Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google / YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft, Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post."
Re this TNI, many Continental Europeans do not know how their dominant local 'news' is government-supported and oligarch-friendly.
That little-known 'European Broadcasting Union' mentioned by the BBC above as part of TNI, has "69 members representing 115 organisations in 56 countries" ... which form quite major dominant media in many nations. Here the list of member names with media logos on the official EBU website, BBC and ITV for the UK, Deutsche Welle and others for Germany, major French networks, and so on
Federal Gov’t Telling Facebook to Silence Those With Vaccine Safety Concerns Says Lawsuit
There is mention of a 'coronavirus patent filed in 2015' for use on the 'avian strain'. Even more damning of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV2) is this peer reviewed paper from 2008 where they specifically mention SARS-CoV2 and SARS-CoV3. Ask yourself the question... if Covid-19 was a totally 'new' virus that was only discovered in December 2020, then how come they were using it (SARS-CoV2) in a study in 2008? You don't need to understand the content of the report, other that the fact that it mentions SARS-CoV2, which according to the mainstream media, the WHO, the CDC and whatever other agencies, 'only' appeared in 2020:
COVID-19 Vaccines May Lead To Prion-Linked Brain Degeneration Similar To Mad Cow Disease
Thousands of Cambodians go hungry in strict lockdown zones
Ohio Governor Lifts COVID Mandates; Uses Federal Funds for Million Dollar Lottery-Style Drawings for Vax Recipients
China to set up ‘line of separation’ at summit of Mount Everest to protect its climbers amid Covid-19 spike in Nepal
Governor of Florida grants clemency to all punished for COVID rule violations
Governments across Canada withholding COVID-19 data to regulate public reaction to pandemic, says access-to-information advocate
‘There is no time to waste’: WHO needs new powers to control future outbreaks, report says
Karen Tully: 59-year-old Scotland woman dead 48 hours after AstraZeneca shot
Dave Mears: 58-year-old British man has leg amputated after bloody infection following AstraZeneca shot
"Latest data out of Europe show that 'vaccine hesitancy' remains widespread:
In the bloc, 27 per cent of adults said they were “very unlikely” or “rather unlikely” to agree to a coronavirus shot, the Eurofound survey showed.
Hesitancy is highest in eastern countries, with Bulgaria leading with 61% saying they're 'nervous' about the jab.
Rejection is higher in many eastern European countries, with Bulgarians the most hesitant of all: 61 per cent are nervous of receiving the jab. Elsewhere in the region, the report finds more than 30 per cent hesitancy in Latvia, Croatia, Slovenia, Poland and Slovakia. Some are as high as 50 per cent.
The most skeptical among the larger EU countries might surprise: It's France - where only half of adults say they are 'likely' or 'rather likely' to get the vaccine. [Vax hesitancy] numbers for Spain and Italy are much lower at just 20%."
According to Leeds City Council, which runs crematoria and graveyards in the city, the total number of cremations and burials carried out over the past few years are as follows:
New Book. "A State of Fear": How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This is a book about fear. Fear of a virus. Fear of death. Fear of losing our jobs, our democracy, our human connections, our health and our minds. It’s also about how the government weaponised our fear against us – supposedly in our best interests – until we were the most frightened country in Europe.
But why did the government deliberately frighten us, and how has this affected us as individuals and as a country? Who is involved in the decision-making that affects our lives? How are behavioural science and nudge theory being used to subliminally manipulate us? How does the media leverage fear? What are the real risks to our wellbeing?
Swiss Covid Task Force head criminally charged with seeking to terrorise the Swiss population with false information
"Criminal charges have been filed by five associations and seven individuals against Martin Ackermann, head of the Swiss National Covid-19 Science Task Force and 'other persons involved in the crime' for intentionally frightening the population in violation of Art. 258 of the Swiss Criminal Code.
Plaintiffs accuse Martin Ackermann of, among other things, the following crimes:
Repeated publication of non-plausible fear forecasts regarding the utilisation of intensive care beds, with the aim of frightening the public and enforcing stricter measures.
Repeated and systematic manipulation of past intensive bed data, with the aim of making the current situation appear more dramatic.
False statements regarding hospitalisations and deaths.
Constantly changing reasons for tightening or maintaining measures, depending on which indicator fits best into the desired narrative.
The Public Prosecutor's Office is Zurich is now asked to open a criminal investigation and to secure documents relating to the crimes committed by the accused and possible accomplices."
Fauci: 40 to 50 Percent of His Agency’s Employees Are Not Vaccinated
Interesting theory, the blood clot deaths are due to MRNA shots and nanobots found on masks & swabs using the iron from blood, to collectively build"something" in the bodies of the jabbed.
If the "something" as stated involves metal & neurology, and from recent reports the metal is magnetic, then bearing in mind that the brain works with electrical impulses would suggest Electromagnetics which brings us to the realm of Nikola Tesla and the Philadelphia experiment/Time travel type scenario. Anyone got anything else?
Number of women to lose their unborn child after having the Covid Vaccine increases by 2000% in just fourteen weeks
UK Gov. document reveals disgusting tactics used to coerce Brits into having experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Lobbyists set a new record for efforts to influence federal government during pandemic
Belgium news reports a military man with weapons is stalking the country's leading TV covid-fear-mongering 'virologist', Marc Van Ranst, who has been taken into a safe house by police:
"Police have been conducting a manhunt for hours now in Limburg, searching for a heavily armed man who made threats against virologist Marc Van Ranst.
The suspect is a professional soldier from the barracks of Peutie, said to be armed with a rocket launcher, a machine gun and an ordinary pistol.
The federal public prosecutor’s office reports that the wanted man is in his forties, and there are signs that point to “a serious threat of violent action.”
According to reporting from De Morgen, the man insinuated in a farewell letter that he was going to “join the resistance and may not survive.”
His Facebook profile name refers to the “Siegrune,” the runic symbol used by the SS during World War II, and he was already under surveillance by the military intelligence service ADIV due to his anti-migration views.
He is thought to be wearing a bulletproof vest, and the weapons and ammunition he carries were allegedly stolen from a barracks."
Here is Marc Van Ranst giving a talk on video at Chatham House, 'How to Sell a Pandemic' ... literally giving advice how to monger fear in his seedy 'business', 8 minutes
It is widely thought this bizarre affair is an EU government psy-op to slander all the vaccine & covid sceptics as 'mentally unhinged right wing extremists'
And in fact that oily virologist Van Ranst who admits to deceiving people to achieve his agendas (see that video linked just above) ... quickly began publicly trumpeting how the 'deadly threats against him' shows that vaccine critics are often 'right wing extremist and racist'
Military guys know like everyone else, that there is big surveillance of internet, e-mail and social media ... a true 'military operations' dissident would go ahead and do what he plans without leaving electronic warnings in advance
This guy supposedly had 4 rocket launchers he then left behind in his car ... So he had no plan what to do with the things after stealing them off the military base?
Here is the guy who is supposedly eluding the nationwide manhunt hour after hour, first picture is from his LinkedIn profile
Interesting comments from 4channers, people from various small countries were piping in, that on their local TV channels there was always a similar local 'top virologist' who is pumping the vaccines, advising the government etc ... a friggin' template carried out in each country / language
How the CDC is manipulating data to prop-up “vaccine effectiveness” New policies will artificially deflate “breakthrough infections” in the vaccinated, while the old rules continue to inflate case numbers in the unvaccinated. #COVID19 #FRAUD #HOAX
COVID Vaccine can worsen disease; mainstream study; not on the evening news
World's Most Vaccinated Nation Sees Active COVID Cases Double In Under A Week
11 different videos of magnets sticking to the vaccine site
Lol again
Sherri Tenpenny link above needs a quick adjustment ... could not find her article via mainstream 'search' but via the less-censoring DuckDuckGo there was this from 22 April from her
BBC has joined with the alleged 'Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH)' to mount propaganda against Dr Tenpenny as one of the world-leading sources of 'vaccine disinfo', a group of a dozen people said to be grounding "65% of anti-vaccine posts", with anti-vax activists having 59 million followers on social media
The targeted group which CCDH wants to ban are these brave voices
Dr Joseph Mercola
Robert F Kennedy Jr
Ty and Charlene Bollinger
Dr Sherri Tenpenny
Rizza Islam
Dr Rashid Buttar
Erin Elizabeth
Sayer Ji
Kelly Brogan
Dr Christiane Northrup
Dr Ben Tapper
Kevin Jenkins
Of course quite a double standard in smearing these people ... anti-vax article mistakes are trumpeted, unlike the way huge errors and lies by establishment figures are ignored ... and speculation re motives and goals is of course slammed as 'discredited conspiracy theory'
Hillary Clinton recently said that, with covid, we need to end the old-fashioned 'listen to both sides' notion - 'both sidesism' , as this invites 'disinformation', her daughter Chelsea loudly calling for vax censorship tyranny as well
The Covid scam like the holocaust scam and the W W 2 scam
is an attack on the people
our politicians are all Rothschild
if they were not they would not be in office
Great video to share.
Open global media collusion on vaccine narratives via 'Trusted News Initiative'
USA investigative journalist Leo Hohmann has a fine article with a leading covid-19 medical expert, Dr Peter McCullough, "the most cited medical doctor on COVID-19 treatments at the USA National Library of Medicine". Dr McCullough speaks of how the USA is hiding the scale of the thousands of deaths by the dangerous covid vaccines
But in that article is another major story:
Most of the West's major media organisations, are engaged in an oligarch-friendly 'Trusted News Initiative' - 'TNI' - seeking to control the flow of information on covid vaccines, and to crush dissident views
Some quotes from the BBC page where BBC Director-General Tim Davie brags about this TNI programme:
"Trusted News Initiative partners will work together to ensure harmful disinformation myths are stopped in their tracks."
- Tim Davie, BBC Director-General
"The TNI cooperative framework has been jointly developed amongst partners, and relates to only the most serious disinformation, which threatens life [i.e., covid & vaccine issues] or the integrity of the electoral process.
TNI "has had success running a rapid-alert system during the UK 2019 General Election, Myanmar and Taiwan 2020 General Elections and the 2020 US Presidential Election."
"Partners currently within the TNI are: AP, AFP; BBC, CBC / Radio Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google / YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft, Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post."
Re this TNI, many Continental Europeans do not know how their dominant local 'news' is government-supported and oligarch-friendly.
That little-known 'European Broadcasting Union' mentioned by the BBC above as part of TNI, has "69 members representing 115 organisations in 56 countries" ... which form quite major dominant media in many nations. Here the list of member names with media logos on the official EBU website, BBC and ITV for the UK, Deutsche Welle and others for Germany, major French networks, and so on
Vaccine Passports BANNED In Wyoming
Federal Gov’t Telling Facebook to Silence Those With Vaccine Safety Concerns Says Lawsuit
There is mention of a 'coronavirus patent filed in 2015' for use on the 'avian strain'. Even more damning of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV2) is this peer reviewed paper from 2008 where they specifically mention SARS-CoV2 and SARS-CoV3. Ask yourself the question... if Covid-19 was a totally 'new' virus that was only discovered in December 2020, then how come they were using it (SARS-CoV2) in a study in 2008? You don't need to understand the content of the report, other that the fact that it mentions SARS-CoV2, which according to the mainstream media, the WHO, the CDC and whatever other agencies, 'only' appeared in 2020:
COVID-19 Vaccines May Lead To Prion-Linked Brain Degeneration Similar To Mad Cow Disease
New Documents Show Police Charged Thousands Of People For Petty COVID Violations
Thousands of Cambodians go hungry in strict lockdown zones
Ohio Governor Lifts COVID Mandates; Uses Federal Funds for Million Dollar Lottery-Style Drawings for Vax Recipients
Street parties erupt in Spain as government lifts coronavirus curfew
China to set up ‘line of separation’ at summit of Mount Everest to protect its climbers amid Covid-19 spike in Nepal
Governor of Florida grants clemency to all punished for COVID rule violations
Governments across Canada withholding COVID-19 data to regulate public reaction to pandemic, says access-to-information advocate
‘There is no time to waste’: WHO needs new powers to control future outbreaks, report says
Karen Tully: 59-year-old Scotland woman dead 48 hours after AstraZeneca shot
Dave Mears: 58-year-old British man has leg amputated after bloody infection following AstraZeneca shot
'27% Of European Adults Likely To Refuse Vaccine'
"Latest data out of Europe show that 'vaccine hesitancy' remains widespread:
In the bloc, 27 per cent of adults said they were “very unlikely” or “rather unlikely” to agree to a coronavirus shot, the Eurofound survey showed.
Hesitancy is highest in eastern countries, with Bulgaria leading with 61% saying they're 'nervous' about the jab.
Rejection is higher in many eastern European countries, with Bulgarians the most hesitant of all: 61 per cent are nervous of receiving the jab. Elsewhere in the region, the report finds more than 30 per cent hesitancy in Latvia, Croatia, Slovenia, Poland and Slovakia. Some are as high as 50 per cent.
The most skeptical among the larger EU countries might surprise: It's France - where only half of adults say they are 'likely' or 'rather likely' to get the vaccine. [Vax hesitancy] numbers for Spain and Italy are much lower at just 20%."
I dont believe a word, must be the vaxx
A child for a tarpaulin: Aid workers’ price list as they ‘exchange food and shelter for sex’
According to Leeds City Council, which runs crematoria and graveyards in the city, the total number of cremations and burials carried out over the past few years are as follows:
Cremations Burials Total C&B
2015 5894 1285 7179
2016 5481 1060 6541
2017 5607 1115 6722
2018 5619 1108 6727
2019 5547 1035 6582
2020 5674 1043 6717
Here is a nice pretty picture of that data.
Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit UK scientists
Members of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour express regret about ‘unethical’ methods
New Book. "A State of Fear": How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This is a book about fear. Fear of a virus. Fear of death. Fear of losing our jobs, our democracy, our human connections, our health and our minds. It’s also about how the government weaponised our fear against us – supposedly in our best interests – until we were the most frightened country in Europe.
But why did the government deliberately frighten us, and how has this affected us as individuals and as a country? Who is involved in the decision-making that affects our lives? How are behavioural science and nudge theory being used to subliminally manipulate us? How does the media leverage fear? What are the real risks to our wellbeing?
By Laura Dodsworth
Swiss Covid Task Force head criminally charged with seeking to terrorise the Swiss population with false information
"Criminal charges have been filed by five associations and seven individuals against Martin Ackermann, head of the Swiss National Covid-19 Science Task Force and 'other persons involved in the crime' for intentionally frightening the population in violation of Art. 258 of the Swiss Criminal Code.
Plaintiffs accuse Martin Ackermann of, among other things, the following crimes:
Repeated publication of non-plausible fear forecasts regarding the utilisation of intensive care beds, with the aim of frightening the public and enforcing stricter measures.
Repeated and systematic manipulation of past intensive bed data, with the aim of making the current situation appear more dramatic.
False statements regarding hospitalisations and deaths.
Constantly changing reasons for tightening or maintaining measures, depending on which indicator fits best into the desired narrative.
The Public Prosecutor's Office is Zurich is now asked to open a criminal investigation and to secure documents relating to the crimes committed by the accused and possible accomplices."
Did you listen to this?
Senate hearing says on #mRNA, they SKIP animal testing because they were dying.
Real madness.
Tk y
Live from London today.
Anti Lockdown Protest - London
Fauci: 40 to 50 Percent of His Agency’s Employees Are Not Vaccinated
Interesting theory, the blood clot deaths are due to MRNA shots and nanobots found on masks & swabs using the iron from blood, to collectively build"something" in the bodies of the jabbed.
If the "something" as stated involves metal & neurology, and from recent reports the metal is magnetic, then bearing in mind that the brain works with electrical impulses would suggest Electromagnetics which brings us to the realm of Nikola Tesla and the Philadelphia experiment/Time travel type scenario.
Anyone got anything else?
Number of women to lose their unborn child after having the Covid Vaccine increases by 2000% in just fourteen weeks
UK Gov. document reveals disgusting tactics used to coerce Brits into having experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Lobbyists set a new record for efforts to influence federal government during pandemic
Belgium news reports a military man with weapons is stalking the country's leading TV covid-fear-mongering 'virologist', Marc Van Ranst, who has been taken into a safe house by police:
"Police have been conducting a manhunt for hours now in Limburg, searching for a heavily armed man who made threats against virologist Marc Van Ranst.
The suspect is a professional soldier from the barracks of Peutie, said to be armed with a rocket launcher, a machine gun and an ordinary pistol.
The federal public prosecutor’s office reports that the wanted man is in his forties, and there are signs that point to “a serious threat of violent action.”
According to reporting from De Morgen, the man insinuated in a farewell letter that he was going to “join the resistance and may not survive.”
His Facebook profile name refers to the “Siegrune,” the runic symbol used by the SS during World War II, and he was already under surveillance by the military intelligence service ADIV due to his anti-migration views.
He is thought to be wearing a bulletproof vest, and the weapons and ammunition he carries were allegedly stolen from a barracks."
Here is Marc Van Ranst giving a talk on video at Chatham House, 'How to Sell a Pandemic' ... literally giving advice how to monger fear in his seedy 'business', 8 minutes
It is widely thought this bizarre affair is an EU government psy-op to slander all the vaccine & covid sceptics as 'mentally unhinged right wing extremists'
And in fact that oily virologist Van Ranst who admits to deceiving people to achieve his agendas (see that video linked just above) ... quickly began publicly trumpeting how the 'deadly threats against him' shows that vaccine critics are often 'right wing extremist and racist'
Military guys know like everyone else, that there is big surveillance of internet, e-mail and social media ... a true 'military operations' dissident would go ahead and do what he plans without leaving electronic warnings in advance
This guy supposedly had 4 rocket launchers he then left behind in his car ... So he had no plan what to do with the things after stealing them off the military base?
Here is the guy who is supposedly eluding the nationwide manhunt hour after hour, first picture is from his LinkedIn profile
Interesting comments from 4channers, people from various small countries were piping in, that on their local TV channels there was always a similar local 'top virologist' who is pumping the vaccines, advising the government etc ... a friggin' template carried out in each country / language
How the CDC is manipulating data to prop-up “vaccine effectiveness” New policies will artificially deflate “breakthrough infections” in the vaccinated, while the old rules continue to inflate case numbers in the unvaccinated.
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