Wednesday 10 March 2021


Abdulak Anzorov (right), the alleged murderer.

The 'murder' of Samuel Paty, a French middle-school teacher, took place on 16 October 2020 in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, a suburb of Paris.

A French schoolgirl has now admitted lying about Samuel Paty.

The 13-year-old student, whose father started a hate campaign against the teacher by filing a legal complaint, has now said she “lied” to please her father and she did not even attend the class where the teacher was alleged to have shown a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad.

The girl, who has not been named, had originally claimed that Paty showed “a photograph of the Prophet naked” to pupils during a class on free speech.

The girl’s lawyer Mbeko Tabula said she had confirmed that she was off sick on the day and did not attend the class at the school in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, west of Paris.

French daily newspaper Le Parisien, on Sunday reported, that the girl wanted to prevent her father from knowing that she was suspended for failing to attend the lessons.

“She would not have dared to confess to her father the real reasons for her exclusion shortly before the tragedy, which was in fact linked to her bad behaviour,” Le Parisien reported.

The father 'started a hate campaign against the teacher.'

America Created Al-Qaeda and ISIS 

According to the SITE Intelligence Group, a group which is reportedly linked to Mossad, supporters of al-Qaeda have been 'celebrating' the attack on the Paris teacher and sharing graphic images online.

There have also been posts from ISIS and al-Qaeda supporters 'claiming [the killer] will inspire other lone wolves', according to SITE director Rita Katz.

The great mosque of Pantin  posted on its Facebook page the video of a parent complaining about the Paris teacher Samuel Paty.

This mosque is affiliated with UAM93 , a Muslim organization whose secretary general Mohamed Henniche is a very close friend of the Zionists.

Mohamed Henniche (far left) in Israel.

In 2012, Henniche was invited discreetly to Israel.

'Two years earlier, he was the Islamic surety of Sam Ghozlan, a Judeofascist (settled in Israel) who had tried to coax Muslims by paying (crocodile) homage to Said Bourarach, murdered by Jewish extremists .'

The French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin and his Moroccan counterpart Abdelouafi Laftit 

The French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin and his Moroccan counterpart Abdelouafi Laftit met in Morocco just prior to the Paris teacher attack.

Abdulak Anzorov (right)

Members of Abdulak's family, Abuezid and Said, have worked in a security company, and were employed to guard the Eiffel Tower. 

The family planned to get Abdulak to work in the same company after he graduated from college. 

Abdulak was studying to be a security guard, and was about to receive a diploma. 

Photo of the alleged executioner of the French teacher found 

Abdulak Anzorov and his brother.

A family member said of Abdulak: 'He has no radical sentiments.'

The uncle suggested that Abdulak's 'suicide note' left on Twitter was fabricated. 

He stated that the voiceover "does not sound like his nephew's."

Опубликованы фото чеченца Абдулака Анзорова ... 


Above, we see Samuel Paty, the teacher allegedly murdered in Paris.

Below, we see what appears to be a fake head.


Aboulakh Anzorov came to France as a six-year-old boy.[4][27]

He lived in the Normandy town of Évreux.

Reportedly, he had no connection with Samuel Paty or Paty's school.

In the Paris area, Aboulakh Anzorov is alleged to have killed Samuel Paty, a teacher.

Anzorof was armed with an airsoft gun, which fires plastic pellets. 

Anzorov has links to the 'CIA/Mossad' organisation called ISIS.

The prosecutor leading the investigation, Jean-François Ricard, revealed that Anzorov's half-sister had travelled to join ISIS in Syria in 2014.

The hashtag #JeSuisSamuel (I am Samuel) trended on social media, like the #JeSuisCharlie call for solidarity after the attack on Charlie Hebdo in 2015.

The attacker?

If you want to know how dark is the future ahead, France is the place to look at and UNZ Review is the online magazine to visit daily: French Court Sentenced Alain Soral to Pay Jewish Organization $158,500 for Re-releasing 128-Year-Old Book

Pierre Rehov, Israeli 'extremist', tweeted that he had "received the photo" of the beheaded victim.

The head is wearing an anti-covid mask.

The face reportedly differs from that of the teacher.

Israeli extremists were reportedly the first with the news of the alleged killing of the teacher.

Samuel Paty allegedly decapitated.

NWO Broadcasting Corp@SecondRepublic1

Another #Gladio #FalseFlag

According to Le Parisien , the attacker was an 18-year-old man of #Chechen origin, who was carrying a knife. 

He WASNT a student nor seemed to have any relatives in #SamuelPaty 's class

Its incredible that a 18 yr old #Chechen with just a knife DECAPITATED a fit 47 yr old. 

The country's anti-terror prosecutor earlier called the incident a #stabbing, but both the Reuters and AP news agencies said police sources told them the victim was #decapitated.

Mr #Paty reportedly showed images of the #ProphetMuhammad in class on 5 October. 

12 days later an 18 yr old Chechen with NO CONNECTION to Paty's class stabs him dead.

 9 suspects have been arrested, including the grandparents, parents and brother of the attacker. Believable ??

Una Smyth@UnaSmyth3·32m

Very difficult to behead with a knife the strenght to hold him down and cut through doesnt ad up.

Reminded me of boston bombing Chechen young man etc

NWO Broadcasting Corp@SecondRepublic1

An 18 yr old holding down a 47 yr old man and slitting his throat? Its Hollywood BS a gladio fairy tale.






  1. Just what we needed, another hoax!

  2. I know of someone who decapitated someone with a pair of scissors... The police said they estimated it took him five to six hours to do so.

  3. Also... I recently spent the weekend hacking a pig carcass with medieval weaponry... About thirty of us... All armed with bladed medieval weapons, taking turns to test it on a pig carcass... Took about two hours before the pig was hacked up.

  4. This type of killing is happening daily in Brazil. Just another day a man decapitated a one and half year old girl, his girlfriend daughter. That is what happens when your flood a country with drugs.

  5. The video seems to be about a different attack than the article. Was it outside a school or a gas plant? Was the victim Herve Cornara,manager of a transport co. or Samuel Paty a teacher?

  6. Panamza reporting, that a zionist activist was among the first, to be in possession of the picture of decapacited teacher.
    The victim seemed to have feared Covid very much, the severed head is said to have had the mask still on the face... (another story out of medevial times)

  7. Oh how I miss the old world. Fake terror seems a distant memory. Gone are the days when an old fashioned beheading would start the day.

    Like any good treasure hunt, we would pour over the clues trying to find little easter eggs. A shoe lying in the road, the time or date magically adding to 33, a crisis actor spotted in 3 other matinées, a manifesto uploaded to the internet or just a plain old fuzzy and shaky video.

    Perhaps we need a campaign to: #BRINGBACKTERROR. I wistfully remember a time when fake terror events and strange goings on were the oxygen in my lungs and the domain of conspiracy nuts.

    Fast forward to October 2020 and believing Covid is a psyop or conspiracy is the mainstream mumblings in every local pub. Oh wait, they're shut. It's the works canteen gossip...... Eh they're shut too.

    Whatever. Let's all welcome this fake terror event warmly. It is a pleasant distraction and could be a long awaited sign things are returning to normal.

    Peace to the humans

  8. No C19 in France anymore? Problem, reaction, solution anyone?


    1. Sadly, all the organised religions produce religious fundamentalists who go in for child sexual abuse. The BBC, who have reported from Sudan, have covered up some of the sexual abuse in the UK.




  13. Looks familiar?

  14. They have weaponized public health against the population. Let us look at how healthy some of their outcomes has been, never mind their virtuous pious intentions.

    1. Masks - forcing people to wear masks is reducing the health of the population
    2. Isolation - forcing people to isolate is reducing their health through lack of exercise and lack of vit d and mental health impact.

    3. Lockdown - poverty is on the rise and food banks seeing a rise in usage as people have lost their jobs and are forced to rely on the government. physical - through malnutrition and mental through helplessness

    4. NHS - ending normal NHS processes to focus on a single virus has had immeasurable negative impact on the health of people.

    5. Old people - the most vunerable have had no increase in focus and instead have been purposefully neglected and the forced isolation has been outrageous.


  16. To further inflame France into a pre-civil-war type situation, France's government is publishing a book containing ridicule-Mohammed and other anti-religious cartoons, and sending it to all high schools in France. This was announced by the Président of France's 13 regions, Renaud Muselier.

    This book will also contain cartoons lampooning Christianity, perhaps the greater part of the book. And maybe also one or two involving Moses or Judaism, just to give a pretence of 'fairness' ... even whilst most Muslims in France know you are jailed for making a critique of Jews or Israel, seeming to put the lie to claimed 'freedom of speech' in France

    Similar to the USA establishment sponsoring racial animus and permitting riots - strategy of tension, divide and rule.

    Escalating tensions further, French citizens are being questioned by police for having opinions on the 'beheaded teacher' different than the government-sponsored one.

    It is well-known that such Mohammed cartoons as the French teacher showed, would be 'incitement to racial hatred subject to imprisonment' in some other EU countries.

    But in France as well, if a citizen is 'too strong' in expressing Muslim critique, he will be arrested.

    And in the other direction too - citizens who opine that it was 'perhaps not so wise' to show Mohammed-insulting cartoons to classes with Muslim students, are being questioned by police for possible 'justification of and encouragement of terrorism'.

    And on top of this, the one-eighth of France now Muslim - with close to 30% of babies being born in France, given Muslim names - will suffer the ongoing indigity, of having French atheist bureaucrats meddle with the internals of their religion in 'official programmes' to reshape French Islam, of all idiotic things

    As if all a masterful plan for keeping society in tension, the Muslim vs old-stock French issue, continually discussed as violent incidents continue to occur or be made to occur ... superbly distracting from the elites and their mafias

    1. PRECISELY...distraction is what it is all about.
      Thus the former Kibbutznik Boris Johnson does precisely NOTHING to halt the arrival of illegal immigrants across the channel.....
      It is as bad in NZ OR WORSE because the arrival of illegal immigrants in the country...IS NOT BEING PUBLICISED.
      Keep in mind that JACINDA ARDERN once worked for the architect of Britains descent into hell....the multimillionaire BLAIR.(protected around the clock,costing taxpayers HUGE amounts of money)



  19. Comment 'here', somewhere else, but have to say, can't stop giggling away at your comment. Post some-comedy, as for comments? The Year's Winner, so far, thank you, "Peace...", MJ.

    1. For, Peace to the humans
      (Misplaced), and, thanks again.

  20. The video at the bottom is about a different suspect called Salhi.So was Paty walking. Where to. And how logic is that after having been threatened for days.?

  21. The Mohammed Cartoons people in the West have seen are nothing compared to the Mohammed Cartoons shared in Pakistan, in the Islamic world at that time. Took me hard googling to find them.Extremely insulting. The sidemirrors of the car of the shooters did not match is what i remember and many more things.


  23. Britain’s most senior naval officer last night complained that the British Government had insulted him in a row over intelligence and security.

    Admiral Lord West of Spithead, 72, a decorated Falklands veteran, former First Sea Lord and a Security Minister under Gordon Brown, was denounced on the record by the Foreign Office for engaging in ‘disinformation and propaganda’ and for helping to distract attention from the war crimes of the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

    Lord West believes there are serious doubts about an investigation into the use of poison gas by Syria in Douma in 2018, and that credible complaints of censorship, made by whistleblowers, have been wrongly ignored.
