"Probably just a coincidence."

Johnny Vedmore @JohnnyVedmore
"Harvey is done! Now lets concentrate on Singer! If You're Outraged at Harvey Weinstein, You Should Be Furious About Bryan Singer."

"B’nai B’rith leader Leo Frank was the Harvey Weinstein of his era. He ran a pencil factory filled with adolescent Gentile girls, many of whom testified under oath that Frank often sexually harassed them.
"Frank cornered 13-year-old machine operator Mary Phagan, who resisted, and in the struggle he raped and killed her.
"And just as Harvey Weinstein hired Israel Mossad agency Black Cube to clean up his mess and tarnish his accusers, Leo Frank hired two nationally known private investigation firms to help him pin the crime on two Black men.
"Ultimately, both detective agencies were unwilling to corrupt themselves and they publicly stated that Frank was guilty of the murder."
Rollie Quaid

White supremacist (left)? The main enemy of the Whites is the cabal that starts the wars and then supplies both sides with weapons?

Labels: Leo Frank, Palestine, Piers Morgan, ROLLIE QUAID, Taoism, Trident, Weinstein, White Supremacy
'NO EVIDENCE' of Westminster paedophile network, says Prof Jay's child abuse inquiry
However Westminster has 'turned a blind eye' to child sex abuse for decades
Theresa May's "Independent" "Inquiry" into Child Sexual Abuse
The same old broken record and worse
Jonathan King @KingOfHits:
"The wonderful #IICSA has announced that there was NO #Westminster paedo ring which we all knew except opportunists like #TomWatson & #CarlBeech ..."
Rajeev Syal - The Guardian
"BREAKING: Victims of Cyril Smith will seek to have Lord Steel removed from the House of Lords following a damning IICSA report.
"Richard Scorer, who represents a number of victims, said: 'Our clients are very clear that Lord Steel should be kicked out of the House of Lords.'"
Margaret Thatcher was aware of rumours about MP with 'penchant for young boys' but did nothing about it, inquiry finds
"Is it any surprise that the child sex abuse inquiry has not found any traces of a paedo network in Westminster?
"When politicians and the media side effectively with paedos, and wage campaigns against the police who investigate allegations of sexual child abuse, it was expected."
"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." (John Sheehan, Jesuit priest)
"You, Alexis Jay, who deplore 'turning a blind eye' and 'deference': is it not your own inquiry that has blocked any evidence from being read onto the file where it would describe the murder of children in care, as being supposedly outwith [outside] your remit?"
"What a whitewash. Janner, Brittan, Lord Bramall and many others, all paedophiles."
"No Westminster paedos.... Cyril Smith an isolated incident.
"Nothing to see here... Move along.
"Elm Guest House.
"Oh and that guy who signed in at Elm Guest house using the surname 'Gaunt' who looked a bit like Leon Brittan...."
"@AdamWagner1 Hi Adam, were you involved in the Harvey Proctor part of the independent child sexual abuse inquiry? His name doesn't come up much in today's Westminster report. What was your role? Thanks"
Andrea Davison @beforethestars:
"According to the Child Abuse Inquiry's gravy train employees and grandees: whistle blowers, victims, and watchers, we are all making it up.
"There was no Westminster pedophile ring just a few bad eggs ...
"Disgusting white-wash report"
Joe Pike, Sky News @joepike:
"BREAK: David Steel has now resigned from the Liberal Democrats and will resign as a member of the House of Lords 'as soon as possible'.
"'Knowing all I know now, I condemn Cyril Smith's actions towards children.'"
Joe Pike, Sky News @joepike:
"Steel added:
"'Not having secured a parliamentary scalp, I fear that I have been made a proxy for Cyril Smith.'"
Paris Gourtsoyannis, Westminster correspondent, The Scotsman
"NEW: Lord Steel to retire from House of Lords 'as soon as possible', he says in a statement
"He adds: 'Nowhere do IICSA explain what powers I was supposed to possess to investigate 14 year old allegations... that the police and successive DPPs reviewed with access to all files'"
"@mrjamesob summed up my revulsion at Johnsons 'spaffed up the wall' perfectly.
"As a Former civil servant working for IICSA I'm very glad to see #westminsterreport put out today, fully aware that a lot of people in power wanted to ensure that it was not."
"Report concludes - despite plenty of well-evidenced child sex abuse in Westminster over decades - no evidence for any paedophile ring(s) involving politicians operating there!
"To say 'No Networking' is not a credible finding. (IICSA, predictably, is 'confusing it up') ..."
"Will David Steel remain in the Order of the Thistle?
"Handpicked by Her Majesty no less! ..."
"Steel covered for a known paedophile and even recommended him for a knighthood. Now he wants to retire for a 'quiet life', something the survivors of Cyril Smith's abuse will probably never have. He should be facing criminal charges. Shame on him."
Weinstein is just the sacrificial lamb for the MSM, to cover up all the even worse stuff that goes on.
"Now I get the anger towards David Steel & Cyril Smith
"But were is the anger aimed at Thatcher for her knowledge that her private secretary Peter Morrison was a wrong un too
"He was knighted...."
"So are you honestly trying to tell me Cyril Smith and Peter Morrison were practising nonces but Greville Janner and Ted Heath were not?"
"... Strange how taking speeding points is perverting the course of justice yet sweeping child abuse under the carpet doesn't lead to charges ..."
* Contrasting the treatment of Lord Steel with his fellow Liberal Democrats Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce, as well as the former MP Fiona Onasanya.
The three latter figures were given prison sentences for offences relating to speeding.
There appears to be no suggestion that Lord Steel faces a prison sentence for (effectively) enabling Cyril Smith to CONTINUE sexually abusing children through his (Lord Steel's) conscious decision not to blow the whistle.
"Apparently no establishment paedophile network, despite Lord Janner, Sir Cyril Smith and Sir Peter Hayman all being known associates.
"The latter head of MI6 despite being described as a diplomat and prosecuted for possession of child pornography."
"Every goddamn LibDem leader knew. CLEGG just laughed it off as Cyril is just being Cyril..."
Tory Whip Would Help Cover Up Paedophile Scandal
"1995. The late Tory Whip during the Heath years, Tim Fortescue, explains how party whips would help cover up a potential paedophile scandal for 'brownie points'"
This is who's who in the shocking Cyril Smith child abuse report
MI5 chief asks tech firms for access to encrypted messages
Netanyahu announces new settlements days before Israeli election
Plan for 3,500 homes in West Bank is seen as barrier to any future Palestinian state
And this is why the Friends of Israel are working tooth and nail to prevent Rebecca Long-Bailey from becoming the next Labour leader:
Rollie Quaid1
March 2020 at 05:58
Insert from my article 2017
Tweet #MeToo to the Devil’s Sex Slaves
Rose McGowan has accused deposed Media Mogul Harvey Weinstein of having violated her. McGowan wants women to take to twitter relay their experiences of sexual assault with a two word message “#MeToo”.
No one in the media has mentioned that McGowan, Marilyn Manson’s ex-girflriend, "is an Illuminati sex slave".
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