Ernest Marples, a former UK Conservative Party cabinet minister.
Ernest Marples liked to dress up in Women's clothes and liked to be beaten by a prostitute.
As the UK's Minister of Transport, Ernest Marples oversaw the closure of a considerable portion of the UK's national railway network with the Beeching cuts.
How the official report into the Christine Keeler affair covered ...
Ernest Marples was involved in the Profumo Affair - the apparent attempt by 'the Kosher Nostra' to control the UK and USA.
Ernest Marples, and John Profumo, attended Mariella Novotny's sex parties in London.
Mariella Novotny (aka Stella Capes) liked to play a sex game, called 'nurse and patient', with JFK - President Kennedy.
"Mariella was part Jewish and spoke Hebrew."

Christine Keeler, who, as a teenager, was used by members of the elite.
One can imagine certain people at the Bilderberg meeting in Cannes in May 1963, such as David Rockefeller, Edward Heath (friend of the Rothschilds) and Antoine Pinay (friend of Rockefeller), discussing the following possibilities:
1. The removal of John F Kennedy.
4. The giving of nuclear secrets to Israel.

Stephen Ward was involved in the Monarch mind-control programme, designed by the security services to create mind-controlled politicians, assassins and sex slaves.
"The top catholic exorcist Dom Robert Petit-Pierre claimed the exorcisms he had to perform at the Astors huge estate and Wards cottage, contained the most potent satanic entities he had ever come across, including the spirits of several murdered boys.
"The evil spirits were similar to the entities surrounding the devils chimney, the Aleister Crowley wartime rituals on Britain’s south coast for Winston Churchill's occult Black group experiments.
"Dennis Proctor, who helped run the pre war ministry of power, helped government supply contracts only go to those Jews approved by Rothschild..."

Herbert Morrison, of Jewish origin.
"The grandfather of Tony Blair friend Peter Mandelson was former government minister Herbert Morrison.
"Intelligence files from this period, state quite clearly that Morrison was instrumental in informing other powerful Jewish businessmen connected to the Russians which products would be going up in the annual budget...
"Dame Shirley Porter who is the daughter of Jack Cohen founder of Tesco supermarkets, had close connections to the late Herbert Morrison, and all these people are linked to the Rothschilds, who fund both Britain’s New Labour and Conservative parties..."
"Mariella was part Jewish and spoke Hebrew."

Christine Keeler, who, as a teenager, was used by members of the elite.
One can imagine certain people at the Bilderberg meeting in Cannes in May 1963, such as David Rockefeller, Edward Heath (friend of the Rothschilds) and Antoine Pinay (friend of Rockefeller), discussing the following possibilities:
1. The removal of John F Kennedy.
2. The removal of Britain's prime minister Harold Macmillan, to be replaced by Harold Wilson.
3. The removal of General de Gaulle.
4. The giving of nuclear secrets to Israel.

Bilderberg may also have discussed Martin Luther King, growing opposition to nuclear weapons, a future invasion of Cyprus, the spy Kim Philby, a possible big war in Vietnam and the famous Dr Stephen Ward.
The top spy Stephen Ward told the teenage prostitute Christine Keeler and the Russian spy Eugene Ivanov: "A man like John Kennedy will not be allowed to stay in such an important position of power in the world, I assure you of that."

Stephen Ward
Certain top people would sometimes get together at the suite of King Olav of Norway, on the top floor of London's Dorchester hotel.
These people included: John F Kennedy (before he became president), Dr. Stephen Ward (who supplied girls to J F Kennedy) Sir Simon Marks (MI6), Roger Hollis (Boss of MI5), Willie Brandt, Francois Mitterand and Averell Harriman (who introduced Stephen Ward to the elite).

A child victim of the CIA's Monarch/MKULTRA mind control programme.
The teenage prostitute Christeen Keeler often said that 'Ward controlled her'.

Sir Jimmy Savile, who was a frequent visitor to children's homes, such as Barnardos.
Ward was a frequent visitor to Barnardos children's homes.
Ward was a frequent visitor to Barnardos children's homes.
(The security services are believed to use children from children's homes, such as Boys' Town Omaha and Barnardos, to be mind controlled and used as sex slaves)
Ward knew Clay Shaw and David Ferrie, both linked to the Kennedy assassination.

Ronna Ricardo
Ronna Ricardo was an Irish girl who was raped and abused as a child.
Several men 'had dumped her', the last being an American who held the key to the atomic bomb.

JFK and a 'mind-controlled sex slave'.
"Ronna Ricardo ... told me a few things about ritual masonic abuse of children, involving many top people.
"She was involved in supplying young girls...
"She was involved with Ward in trying to get a camera in to take photos of the abuses...
"She knew of one 10 year-old girl who disappeared after being taken to hospital by the police. Just vanished.
"There were rumours of an orphanage in Ireland (Ronna had contacts in the IRA) where men she named for me filmed children being abused by people specially chosen for blackmail - as they were being slowly strangled to death by Anthony Blunt. Snuff-movies."

Some British spies have been involved in sex and black magic parties.
Varda Proctor the wife of spy Dennis Proctor threatened to inform the authorities and then very kindly committed 'suicide'

Astor, friend of Stephen Ward
According to T Stokes:
"Britain's intelligence services listed the names of all those who went to Russia from the thirties onward...
"The records show visits to Russia from members of the Astor family.
"Lord William, 3rd viscount Astor, was to hold sex and black magic parties at his grand house, where Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies seduced the rich and famous.

Stephen Ward
"Stephen Ward, was a master occultist who at these orgies would conjure weird spirits to visibly appear, which sound identical to those at Bilderberg ceremonies.

Churchill who took an interest in the occult.
According to T Stokes:
"MI5 informant Stephen Ward treated Winston Churchill for alcoholism and depression, and got him painting for therapy, it was said to be what Ward knew of Churchill that ensured his murder.
"Sir Anthony Blunt then bought up all Stephen Ward's drawings of the royal family and destroyed them, so no links would be found of Satanism and perversion in any inquiry, between the royals and a black magician...

Queen Elizabeth and a Druid ceremony.
"Attendees at these parties told of Sir Anthony Blunt asphyxiating young boys...
"Sir Anthony Blunt could do as he wanted he ... would trawl the late night London
lavatories for young men incapacitated by drink or drugs, to bring back to their flat over the Courtalds institute...

"The top catholic exorcist Dom Robert Petit-Pierre claimed the exorcisms he had to perform at the Astors huge estate and Wards cottage, contained the most potent satanic entities he had ever come across, including the spirits of several murdered boys.
"The evil spirits were similar to the entities surrounding the devils chimney, the Aleister Crowley wartime rituals on Britain’s south coast for Winston Churchill's occult Black group experiments.
"Dennis Proctor, who helped run the pre war ministry of power, helped government supply contracts only go to those Jews approved by Rothschild..."

Herbert Morrison, of Jewish origin.
"The grandfather of Tony Blair friend Peter Mandelson was former government minister Herbert Morrison.
"Intelligence files from this period, state quite clearly that Morrison was instrumental in informing other powerful Jewish businessmen connected to the Russians which products would be going up in the annual budget...
"Dame Shirley Porter who is the daughter of Jack Cohen founder of Tesco supermarkets, had close connections to the late Herbert Morrison, and all these people are linked to the Rothschilds, who fund both Britain’s New Labour and Conservative parties..."

(Profumo Affair Exposed Illuminati Control /Profumo Affair Exposed Masonic Control):
Written by TV personality Michael Bentine.
"The 'cream' of British politics, business, culture and law participated in this scene...
"A tightly-knit satanic sex cult subtly controls all states and pits them against each other in a profitable
and diverting Punch-and-Judy show...

"Keeler witnessed the 'Communist' Stephen Ward meeting with 'Fascist' leader Oswald Mosley.
"In Oct. 1962, she overheard Ward tell Eugene Ivanov, his Soviet contact: 'a man like John Kennedy will not be allowed to stay in such an important position of power in the world, I can assure you of that.'
"Ward was a spy master who used the innocent Keeler to get information from important men...
"Ward made his subordinate Soviet Naval Attache Ivanov seduce Keeler in order to compromise Profumo.
"Stephen Ward was an Illuminati agent whose job was to undermine the Conservative government to make way for Harold Wilson's Labour Party...

"Christine Keeler... slept with everyone from Ringo Starr to George Peppard...
"The Masonic elite were/are into every form of sexual depravity and have inducted society as-a-whole into what is in fact a pagan sex cult...
"At Cliveden, the seat of the Astor family and a center of British power, Keeler reports finding in the wood 'a witch circle, the real thing, about ten feet in diameter.'
"Keeler describes orgies: 'Stephen knew all the Masonic handshakes and he said that at some of the parties the girls would just wear Masonic aprons. They would be flicked up and down like a sporran,' he would laugh.
"Some of the women... were heavily into sadistic sex and there were 'black magic' parties which were really just an excuse for group sex sessions. There would be phallic totem poles around which all these women would bow and scrape.'
Ward lived in Spring Cottage on the Astor estate Cliveden "which became a site of both magical & more hedonistic activites."
"The 'cream' of British politics, business, culture and law participated in this scene...
"Perhaps sex addiction and a lack of what Mathew Arnold called 'high seriousness' are prerequisites for our political leaders.
"After all, they must represent the interests of the Masonic central banking cartel, and in case they forget, must be easily black-mailable. This may explain our choice of US Presidential candidates.
"Mankind will continue to be a perennial underachiever so long as we are secretly governed by ruthless greedy Satanists and their minions".
Labels: BEECHING, Helgesen, JFK, Keeler, Kosher Nostra, Macmillan, MARPLES, mind control, Novotny, THE OCCULT, Ward
Christopher Lee discusses Black Magic in 1975 (8:38)
RE "At Cliveden, the seat of the Astor family and a center of British power, Keeler reports finding in the wood 'a witch circle, the real thing, about ten feet in diameter.'"
The lease to Cliveden was bought in 2012 by Jewish brothers Ian and Richard Livingstone, through their company, London & Regional Properties.
"In 2015 Natalie Livingstone, the wife of Ian Livingstone, published The Mistresses of Cliveden, a history of some of the female occupants of the house."
Natalie Livingstone writes for TATLER, published by Conde Nast UK. The chairman of Conde Nast UK, Nicholas Coleridge, is in Ghislaine Maxwell's Black Book. Moreover, TATLER was edited by Ghislaine Maxwell's good friend Geordie Greig from 1999-2009. Greig now oversees the Mail on Sunday, which has arguably done more than any other media outlet to ridicule and discredit child sexual abuse survivors.
"Many of their [the Livingstone brothers'] early developments were financed by JACOB ROTHSCHILD'S merchant bank Dawnay Day ..>"
The Livingstone brothers "redeveloped MARKS & SPENCER'S FORMER HEADQUARTERS at 55 BAKER STREET ..."
55 Baker Street is where MARKS & SPENCER hosted meetings of the British Israel Chamber of Commerce -- as recently as the 1990s.
Barry Morris, the then chairman of the British Israel Chamber of Commerce, was simultaneously sitting on Marks & Spencer's board of directors.
Sir Richard Greenbury -- who became the chairman and chief executive of Marks & Spencer in 1991 -- was Chairman of the Board of Governors (from 1995/96) and subsequently Emeritus Governor of the OXFORD CENTRE FOR HEBREW AND JEWISH STUDIES.
In addition, in 1998 the State of Israel reportedly presented Richard Greenbury with a Jubilee Award, "the highest tribute ever awarded by the State of Israel".
Jimmy Savile, chose Richard Greenbury's wife -- LADY GABRIELLLE GREENBURY -- to be a trustee of The Jimmy Savile Stoke Mandeville Hospital Trust.
During the 1960s, Savile assaulted children as young as 12 at a hotel called The Mascot... just off BAKER STREET.
In 2011, Ian and Natalie Livingstone bought the Notting Hill house previously owned by Elisabeth Murdoch and her then husband MATTHEW FREUD, who is linked via Clarence Mitchell to the Madeleine McCann abduction and suspected VIP paedophile ring.
Matthew Freud is the son of Clement Freud (who has also been linked to the Madeleine McCann abduction), and the nephew of Geordie Greig's deceased friend, Lucian Freud. Clement Freud and Lucian Freud were reportedly serial paedophiles.
$64,000 QUESTIONS:
1. Are the Jewish Livingstone brothers' current developments financed by Jacob Rothschild, in the same way their earlier ones were? Does Rothschild money pay for improvements to the Cliveden House hotel?
2. WHY IN THE WORLD do the Livingstone brothers continually purchase properties that historically have been linked to sexual abuse, ritual abuse, and/or satanism? (Cliveden, 55 Baker Street, Matthew Freud's house.)
3. What 'VIP invitation only' events, if any, continue to be held at Cliveden, in secret, after dark? (whether in the Cliveden House hotel, on the hotel grounds, or elsewhere on the estate)
Sophie Dahl reviews Cliveden House hotel. Sophie Dahl is in Ghislaine Maxwell's Black Book -- her grandpa was an interesting fellow, too.
Interesting comment re: elite conference at Dorchester.
Met people on www who 'know things'(but no hard evidence). Why would such people meet, to discuss what. Not neccessarily anything evil. Olav was instigator/driving force behind N. Sea Oil, earning Norway/UK trillions. Surely not evil.
To keep this comment short, opinion varies but does center around possible conspirecy to help 'someone' in Russia bring about Perestroyka, and bringing a now 'free' Russia into the EU, ending Cold War.
It didn't happen, obviously. Took another generation before it happened. Something seems to have gone wrong. What.
Again, pure speculation, but...
# Profumo had to quit (he would likely be PM at the time this event took place, mid-sixties or so?)
# Kennedy was murdered.
# Mitterand didn't make President until later. Too late.
De Gaulle has never been mentioned, but we know he didn't want UK in the union - how would he react to the enemy! He clung onto power far longer than pundits thought.
Who was the man in Russia. One assumes he would make a play at President. The problem was the Politbureau, they loved being in power, being dictators. They had to go ...somehow.
Discredit them, expose them, make the people demand they go ...or another revolution, please. No sane Russian wanted an atomic-war, especially as they were still reeling from the last lot.
Engineer a scenario that 'almost' guarenteed thermo nuclear war.
The Cuban Crisis.
Kennedy was in place at least. The type of man the Russian people secretly admired, the type of man they wanted to run Russia.
Were JFK and Khruschev acting to a script during the 'crisis'?
Khruschev was ousted not long after he backed-down. The plot failed, the Politbeauro not having real evidence to kill him, retired him?
And ditto, Perestroyka, failed before it ever got going.
But someone remembered...
...and began planning a new attempt...
How are these people still walking our streets???
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