Monday 23 December 2019


Is the UK Conservative Party allowing British assets to be sold to the 'bad guys'?

Under the David Cameron Conservative government, "the UK's cutting-edge smart-chip company Arm Holdings was sold to Japan's Softbank for £25billion.

"The new owners immediately arranged to sell the highly profitable Pacific part of the business to China, spiriting away valuable patents and expertise to Beijing. 

"Another 25 per cent of Arm ended up in the hands of Saudi Arabia."

ALEX BRUMMER on the 'abomination' of UK defence giant ...

In the lead up to the UK general election, Boris Johnson's advisers met Yuri Geller in Israel.

In Boris Johnson's Britain, "overseas buyers seeking to swoop on the UK's superior intellectual property, patents and R&D will be licking their lips at the prospect of acquiring assets on the cheap and without effective challenge."

ALEX BRUMMER on the 'abomination' of UK defence giant ...

The billionaires who like to have their yachts in the Caribbean at Christmas include Roman Abramovich, Russian billionaire Victor Rashnikov, music mogul David Geffen, Russian oil tycoon Evgeny Shvidler, and fashion mogul Bernard Arnault, who owns Louis Vuitton.

Recently Louis Vuitton bought the British company Belmond. (Belmond | Luxury Hotels, Trains, River Cruises and Safaris)

22 Dec 2019 - "Last week saw the Pound to US Dollar exchange rate plummet in reaction to a combination of factors, most vital being a sudden revival of no-deal Brexit fears."

Outlook For Pound To Dollar Exchange Rate

Boris Johnson in Israel 1984.

In 1984, Boris Johnson arrived  in Kibbutz Kfar Hanassi as a volunteer.
Boris stayed with the Alec Collins family, a UK family from Leeds that had made aliyah in 1957.

Boris Johnson's government has approved the £4bn takeover, by US private equity firm Advent International, of the UK defence and aerospace company Cobham.

'Cobham, which employs 10,000 people, is known for pioneering technology enabling the mid-air refuelling of planes.

'The firm, based in Wimborne, Dorset, also makes electronic warfare systems and communications for military vehicles.'

Lady Nadine Cobham, the widow of Sir Michael Cobham, told the Mail on Sunday, she would not accept Advent's assurances about its plans. "I don't think it would be worth the paper it's written on," she said.

Boris Johnson (right)

Boris Johnson is an American citizen and is descended from a rabbi.

There is a belief that he may allow the sale of some of the following UK companies to American companies -




HSBC Holdings


Legal & General





Lloyds Bank

Compass Group


International Airlines Group

Rolls Royce

BAE Systems

Below, is what we wrote earlier - 

Queen Mary, who was mainly German.

Is Britain being looted by foreigners and their friends?

Cadbury's chief executive, the American Todd Stitzer, is expected to be given cash and shares worth £12m, after Cadbury's sale to Kraft." (£2m a day cost of Cadbury deal – plus £12m for the boss)

Cadbury's chairman Roger Carr Carr has been paid £390,000 a year for his part-time job at Cadbury. (When Roger met Irene: the Hyde Park handshake that sold Cadbury)

Carr, as chairman of Chubb, oversaw the sale of the locks business to a Swedish company.

As chairman of Thames Water, Carr agreed its £4bn sale to German group RWE.

Carr works as an adviser to US private equity giant Kohlberg Kravis Roberts.

The American Kohlberg Kravis Roberts bought the UK chemists Alliance Boots, which has now gone downhill.

Jaguar - by Serenity

British companies are disappearing fast.

The Glazers, American Jews, bought Manchester United.

The UK military now seems to be owned by the Pentagon, which is a close friend of Israel.

Much of the UK media appears to be foreign owned.

Even Britain's so called United Kingdom Independence Party, seems to be owned by Israel. (aangirfan: UKIP is Israel's best friend )

Who owns the British police and security services?

Some of the UK companies taken over by foreigners:



P&O Ports





Land Rover



Thames Water


Alliance & Leicester


Allied Domecq


Arjo Wiggins


Blue Circle

British Oxygen Company

British Plaster Board

British Steel/Corus


Eastern Electricity

English China Clays



Guardian Royal Exchange


House of Fraser

Kleinwort Benson


London Electricity

Lucas Industries

Mercury Asset Management

Midlands Electricity

Morgan Grenfell



P&O Ports

P&O Princess Cruises





Ready Mixed Concrete


Saatchi & Saatchi

Scottish & Newcastle

Scottish Power

Sun Life

Trafalgar House/Cunard

United Biscuits

Warburg SG

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At 21 December 2019 at 08:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mind boggling, Merry Christmas X.

At 21 December 2019 at 23:57 , Blogger Anon said...


21 December 2019 at 11:43

Sort of asset stripping a whole country.

Since the media wont mention the corruption in Britain...."its not happening".

Even the appalling game shows are corrupt.

Even Private Eye magazine is "corrupt".It appears to have an editor for life Hislop... who has been "bought" by the MSM by routinely appearing on a BBC panel show for which he is paid a hugely disproportionate sum.

Massive law suits against PE are a thing of the past which Hislop would put down to good management but it is actually a result of timidity...

In NZ the former Quaker owned company Cadbury (now owned by Jews) has pulled a fast one recently.....reduced the size of chocolate bars while keeping the same price.

At least in Britain the Mail might run a story about this...NOT in NZ whose media is truly bad news.

You could suggest that the owners of these companies being sold off are making hay while the sun shines....destroying British industry in the process.

Of course there should be laws against this,just like there should be laws against hiding money in the Caribbean....IS IT ANY WONDER ASSANGE IS NOW ON PERMANENT DETENTION.....SURELY A BREACH OF FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS??.

At 23 December 2019 at 01:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.

Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and real history.

Entertainment: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth-grade level.

Work: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals.

At 23 December 2019 at 02:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly correct. Install a stooge, rig the election, blame it on the working classes, and then cash in, claiming it's all the 'will of the people'. Regime change is coming home...

At 23 December 2019 at 03:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 December 2019 at 03:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 December 2019 at 03:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, come on, dear, Assange is a Mossad tool and this is already old news, wake the hell up!

At 23 December 2019 at 07:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is this article quoting the Daily Mail and Alex Brummer of all people?

Alex Brummer wrote for the Jewish Board of Deputies .....

"One of my favourite statistics about surging British-Israel trade is that one out of every seven prescriptions filled by the NHS is sourced from Israeli pharmaceutical companies.

The high dependence of the NHS on Israeli ethical drugs is just one of the symbols of deepening economic relationship between the UK and Israel which with the passage of time has the power to overcome the focus of diplomacy on settlements and Gaza and to reset the dial around commercial relationships."

At 23 December 2019 at 07:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, speaking of the bad guys of finance, something interesting just recently...

A number of Islamic countries are proposing mutual trade based on gold, completely bypassing the USD and therefore also US sanctions.

Some video on it at PressTV here.

It was always inevitable:

The infinitely-printable greenback, in trade, exchange and reserves, was a nice smoke-n-mirrors con trick while it lasted, but, sooner or later, the alchemy of finance was bound to fail horribly.

No more money for nuthin, America. Gunna hafta work for it now. Same as China and everyone else.

Can it be true? That I hold here in my mortal hand a nugget of purest green?

At 23 December 2019 at 08:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 December 2019 at 09:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 December 2019 at 14:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

... and then there's the sell-pff of an NHS blood plasma products business to Bain Capital - Mitt Romney worked there - for less than $200 million who then sold it for approx $700 million to a Chinese firm.

At 23 December 2019 at 18:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sir Keir Starmer KCB QC has moved into pole position in the race to succeed Jeremy Corbyn as the next Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition, reportedly.

Keir Starmer is being promoted by the Friends of Israel-Blairites.

They are anticipating a Brexit In Name Only carried out by Boris Johnson with the help of Friends within Labour.


"The rise in membership of the party is believed to come from MODERATE REMAINERS and could work in [KEIR STARMER'S] favour."

Keir Starmer is a Member of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, a filthy institution which is apparently used by the Friends of Israel to reward warmongers and War Criminals who carry out Israel's dirty work.

Alongside Sir Keir Starmer, other Members of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath include:

2. ROBERT MUGABE (until 2008)


The former head of the British army, Richard Dannatt is a patron and a director of the kids' charity STREET CHILD, into which The Duchess of York last year subsumed her September 11-linked charity, Children in Crisis.

A trustee of Street Child is Stowe School headmaster Dr Anthony Wallersteiner, the son of the late Robert Maxwell's business partner.

A key Supporter of Street child is Ross Gow, whose firm Precise Reputation (previously called Acuity Reputation) has acted as UK representatives for Robert Maxwell's daughter, Ghislaine.

As well as his involvement with Street Child, Richard Dannatt co-founded the charity HELP FOR HEROES which is closely associated with the False Flag killing of British soldier Lee Rigby, and which apparently raised a great deal of money on the back of that event.

Help for Heroes is very heavily promoted by Rupert Murdoch's False Flag propaganda partners, The Sun and The Sunday Times.

"In August 2012 a group of wounded ex-servicemen ... criticised Help for Heroes for its relationship to the Ministry of Defence."


Lord West "became a full admiral in November 2000 when he took up the post of Commander-in-Chief Fleet, NATO Commander-in-Chief East Atlantic and NATO Commander Allied Naval Forces North."

Lord West "co-ordinated the naval response to the September 11 attacks in the North Arabian Sea and Afghanistan.

"West was appointed as First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff in September 2002. He was also a member of the Defence Council and Admiralty Board as well as First and Principal Naval Aide-de-Camp to the Queen ...

"[He] had overall responsibility for fighting effectiveness and morale [for the British Navy's] operations on the US right flank in the invasion of Iraq."

Lord West is a member of the political council of THE HENRY JACKSON SOCIETY, which is strongly linked to the Friends of Israel Initiative.

Indeed, the Founder and Executive Director of the Henry Jackson Society, Dr Alan Mendoza, is also a director of the Friends of Israel Initiative.

Another individual with ties to both the Henry Jackson Society and the Friends of Israel Initiative is Robert Halfon MP, the former political director The Conservative Friends of Israel.

Another FoII founder member is the former governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, who has been accused of involvement in Ghislaine Maxwell's child trafficking operation.


At 23 December 2019 at 18:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...



General Colin Powell addressed the United Nations Security Council in February 2003 to press for the invasion of Iraq on a false prospectus.

Powell declared to the world that "there can be no doubt that Saddam Hussein has biological weapons and the capability to rapidly produce more, many more". Powell further insisted that Saddam was working to obtain key components to produce nuclear weapons.

"Colin Powell's longtime aide-de-camp and Chief of Staff from 1989–2003, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, said that he inadvertently participated in a HOAX on the American people in preparing Powell's erroneous testimony before the United Nations Security Council".


Mike Jackson "was appointed Chief of the General Staff, the professional head of the British Army, in 2003. He took up the post a month before the start of the Iraq War."

"[Jackson] later said that he 'did his homework' in researching the disputed legality of the war and had convinced himself that the invasion was legal."

The invasion was not legal.


Sir John Cilcot led the deeply flawed and compromised 2009 Chilcot Inquiry.

The Chilcot Inquiry in effect covered up the circumstances surrounding Britain's involvement in the Invasion of Iraq.


Lord Fellowes was Private Secretary to Queen Elizabeth II from 1990 to 1999.

He is also known as a brother-in-law of Diana, Princess of Wales and first cousin of Ronald Ferguson, the father of Sarah, Duchess of York.


Would YOU want a member of the filthy Order of The Bath representing your interests in The Labour Party and The House of Commons?

No one who isn't a Friend of Israel should.

Better say 'no' to Sir Keir Starmer KCB QC...

At 24 December 2019 at 11:14 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Corbyn will stand again? I always liked him, and he comes across as a decent and honest man. No wonder the powers that be did everything they could to destroy his leadership.

At 25 December 2019 at 01:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

UK arms sales to Saudi-led coalition up by almost 50 percent: Oxfam

"The charity said the UK has signed off two billion pounds more in arms exports since January 2015 than it approved over the previous five years, which marks a 45-percent spike in licenses for British arms manufacturers."

'Israel freezes Jordan Valley annexation bid after ICC decision for war crimes probe'

"In September, Netanyahu vowed that if re-elected, he would immediately annex the Jordan Valley, a fertile strip of land that accounts for roughly one quarter of the West Bank. Approximately 70,000 Palestinians and some 9,500 Israeli settlers currently live in the Jordan Valley."

"reported on Tuesday that the first meeting of an inter-ministerial committee on applying the Israeli “sovereignty” over the Jordan Valley had been canceled last week, hours before it was scheduled to start.

The meeting of the panel, chaired by acting director general of the prime minister’s office Ronen Peretz, was nixed after it became clear that an ICC announcement of a full investigation into Israeli war crimes was forthcoming."

At 25 December 2019 at 21:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm not implying the regular American people don't want to work. Far from it.

They are some of the hardest working people in the West, when their jobs aren't downsized, automated and offshored.

Dark days in the centre of the empire. I pity the American people. They have badly lost their way. Horribly misled by thieves and murderers. And having killed their most basic ethical principles.

But maybe the thieves and murderers can be redeemed.

Wishing you all a pleasant Christmas.

What's happening, uh? What's happening?
  You know what has happened. Even the light has left us now that they've killed him.

At 25 December 2019 at 22:12 , Blogger Anon said...

Merry Christmas!

At 21 January 2020 at 00:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Selling dummies
Issue 1513

"While a UK company called AI Convoy Bidco Ltd, controlled by Advent, will actually buy Cobham, this acquiring company is itself owned by a Luxembourg company called AI Convoy (Luxembourg) sarl. Via another Luxembourg company, this in turn is controlled by a Cayman Island group of funds going under the name Advent International GPE IX. The purpose of the arrangement is that when the investors flog Cobham on for a large profit, as is the private equity way, they will avoid tax on the gain thanks to the Grand Duchy’s accommodating tax laws."

"Leadsom sought to offer some reassurance to anybody concerned about the cost-slashing, asset-stripping ways of private equity by adding that a “legally binding commitment” given by Advent’s UK and Luxembourg companies will provide “significant protection of jobs” and “a guaranteed level of [research and development] spend” to “secure the future of Cobham and the important role it plays in our world-leading defence sector and economy”. But, again gliding over the inconvenient small print, she omitted to mention that these commitments are limited to just five years. After that, when whatever’s left of the UK will presumably still need a defence industry, pretty much anything goes for the company that supplies technology in areas such as air-to-air refuelling and electronic warfare systems."


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