There is said to be 'Kosher Nostra' cabal that started World War I and World War II.
This cabal is said to have brought down the Twin Towers using explosives.
When did the planning for 9 11 take place?
In the early 1950s, the United States began training “stay behind” networks in Europe (Operation Gladio).
These networks carried out acts of terrorism in Europe, such as the 1980 Bologna Bomb.
("Staying Behind" NATO's Terror Network. /The Bologna Bomb 1980, Gladio, terrorism in Europe )
In 1960 in Turkey , the stay-behind network killed Prime Minister Adnan Menderes.
In 1961, in Algeria, the French stay-behind army tried to stage a coup against the French government of Algiers.
In 1967, the Greek stay-behind army staged a coup and set up the fascist military dictatorship.
In 1971, in Turkey, the stay-behind network killed hundreds of people.
In 1977, in Spain, the stay-behind network carried out a massacre in Madrid.
In 1980, 85 people were killed in the bombing of the Bologna train station.
According to the Italian Senate, after its investigation in 2000, the bombers were later discovered to be "men linked to the structures of United States intelligence."
In 1985, in Belgium, the stay-behind network attacked and shot shoppers randomly in supermarkets, killing 28.

The Muslim Brotherhood is said to be the 'financial and organizational backbone' of Al Qaeda. (Big Wedding: Chapter Nine)
The CIA and its allies, reportedly, have been using the Muslim Brotherhood to do their dirty work for many years.
In 1955 MI6 reportedly used the Muslim Brotherhood to agitate against the government of Syria. (The British, Muslim Terrorism and September 11)
From 1976, a secret intelligence cabal called the Safari Club began working with CIA elements to influence the Middle East and Africa
In November 1978, President Carter appointed George Ball head of a special White House Iran task force under Brzezinski. Ball recommended that the US should drop support for the Shah of Iran and support Ayatollah Khomeini. ( Supporting Radical Muslims to Contain the Soviet Union)
In the early 1950s, the United States began training “stay behind” networks in Europe (Operation Gladio).
These networks carried out acts of terrorism in Europe, such as the 1980 Bologna Bomb.
("Staying Behind" NATO's Terror Network. /The Bologna Bomb 1980, Gladio, terrorism in Europe )
In 1960 in Turkey , the stay-behind network killed Prime Minister Adnan Menderes.
In 1961, in Algeria, the French stay-behind army tried to stage a coup against the French government of Algiers.
In 1967, the Greek stay-behind army staged a coup and set up the fascist military dictatorship.
In 1971, in Turkey, the stay-behind network killed hundreds of people.
In 1977, in Spain, the stay-behind network carried out a massacre in Madrid.
In 1980, 85 people were killed in the bombing of the Bologna train station.
According to the Italian Senate, after its investigation in 2000, the bombers were later discovered to be "men linked to the structures of United States intelligence."
In 1985, in Belgium, the stay-behind network attacked and shot shoppers randomly in supermarkets, killing 28.
The Muslim Brotherhood is said to be the 'financial and organizational backbone' of Al Qaeda. (Big Wedding: Chapter Nine)
The CIA and its allies, reportedly, have been using the Muslim Brotherhood to do their dirty work for many years.
In 1955 MI6 reportedly used the Muslim Brotherhood to agitate against the government of Syria. (The British, Muslim Terrorism and September 11)
From 1976, a secret intelligence cabal called the Safari Club began working with CIA elements to influence the Middle East and Africa
In November 1978, President Carter appointed George Ball head of a special White House Iran task force under Brzezinski. Ball recommended that the US should drop support for the Shah of Iran and support Ayatollah Khomeini. ( Supporting Radical Muslims to Contain the Soviet Union)
In the mid-1980s, the bin Laden family were reportedly helping the CIA.
Quoting a French intelligence report, The New Yorker reports, “During the nineteen-eighties, when the Reagan administration secretly arranged for an estimated $34 million to be funneled through Saudi Arabia to the Contras in Nicaragua, [Osama’s eldest brother] Salem bin Laden aided in this cause.” [PBS Frontline, 2001; New Yorker, 11/5/2001]
In 1991, future 9/11 alleged hijacker Hani Hanjour first arrived in the US. [US Congress, 9/26/2002; 9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. 520] Some media accounts have him entering the country in 1990. He apparently is the first alleged hijacker to enter the US. [Time, 9/24/2001; Cox News Service, 10/15/2001; New York Times, 6/19/2002]
From 1991-1993, Robert Gates was Director of the CIA.
In 1993, member of the Muslim Brotherhood Ramzi Yousef reportedly started planning 9/11. (Big Wedding: Chapter Nine)
In 1993, an expert panel commissioned by the Pentagon postulated that an airplane could be used as a missile to bomb national landmarks. (1993)
From 1993 - 1995, Robert James Woolsey Jr. was Director of the CIA.
In 1995, Mohamed Atta spent three months with co-students Volker Hauth and Ralph Bodenstein in Cairo, on a grant from the Carl Duisberg Society.
In 1996, the term al-Qaeda was first mentioned in the US media.
In 1996, four of the hijackers, or people with the same names as the alleged hijackers, were being trained at Pensacola Naval Air Station in the USA.
A Mr Mohamed Atta trained at the International Officer’s School at Maxwell/Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama.
From 1995 - 1996, John Deutch was Director of the CIA.
From 1997 - 1998, future 9/11 Commission Staff attended a Terrorism Study Group which looked at the consequences of ‘Catastrophic Terrorism.’
From 1993 - 1998, Rahm Emanuel was a senior advisor to Clinton at the White House.
On 7 November 2008, the existentialistcowboy.blogspot had an article entitled: The 'Conspiracy of Rich Men' Who Pulled Off 911 and Other GOP Atrocities
Among the points made:
1. A bankrupt American empire invaded Iraq for its oil.
2. Judicial Watch obtained Commerce Department papers, dated March 2001, that included a detailed map of Iraq's oil fields as well as a list entitled "Foreign Suitors of Iraqi Oilfield Contracts".
In 2001, before 9 11, the Cheney energy task force completed its report on the USA's energy needs.
3. None of the 19 'Arabs' reportedly involved in 9 11 could effectively pilot aircraft of any type.
4. Wars are often the conspiracies of rich men. Among the people who hoped to benefit from World War II were Krupp, United Steel and I. G. Farben.
American industrialists, led by Henry Ford, reportedly did their part for the Nazi cause.
5. Cheney outsourced the implementation of the 9 11 FALSE FLAG OPERATION to Mossad.
9 11 Revealed - The Daily Mail
9 11
Members of Israeli spy ring 'related to 9/11 hijacker Ziad Jarrah'
Moslem Extremists, Pole Dancing, Lap Dancing, Go-Go Clubs
How Osama has helped the USA
The bin Laden Family
The US government in bed with the 9 11 'hijackers'
Al-Zawahri - alQaeda's chief brains and strategist
9 11
Labels: 9 11, Atta, bin Laden, Carter, Cheney, CIA, Deutch, Gladio, Mossad, Muslim Brotherhood, planning, Robert Gates, Woolsey
Ali Mohamed
"Ali Abdul Saoud Mohamed,(born June 3, 1952) is a double agent who worked for both the CIA and Egyptian Islamic Jihad simultaneously, reporting on the workings of each for the benefit of the other."
"He came to the United States working as a translator for Ayman al-Zawahiri, who toured California mosques to raise money to fight the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan."
"During the 1980s, Ali Mohamed was involved in the training of the anti-Soviet Afghan mujahideen. Mohamed conducted training during the war to small classes which included Osama bin Laden (Past leader of al-Qaeda), Ayman al-Zawahiri (current leader of al-Qaeda), and the terrorist members responsible for the bombings of the two U.S. embassies in Africa. His training took place in training camps in Afghanistan."
"In 1984, Mohamed offered his services to the CIA in Cairo station and was stationed in Hamburg, Germany. There he "entered a mosque associated with Hezbollah and immediately told the Iranian cleric in charge that he was an American spy assigned to infiltrate the community." The mosque had already been penetrated and his announcement was passed on to the CIA, which, according to Lawrence Wright, "terminated Mohamed" and "sent out cables labeling him highly untrustworthy." By this "time, however, Mohamed was already in California on a visa-waiver program that was sponsored by the agency itself, one designed to shield valuable assets or those who have performed important services for the country."
In America he married an American woman from Santa Clara, California, after a 6-week courtship and became a U.S. citizen. He enlisted in the U.S. Army and managed to get stationed at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, until 1989. "His awed superiors found him 'beyond reproach' and 'consistently accomplished'."
According to Cooperative Research, Mohamed was a Drill sergeant at Fort Bragg, and was hired to teach courses on Arabic culture at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. "
The Israeli Origin of the War on Terror
October 21, 2018
"It can be rightly said that the War on Terror was born at the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism in July 1979. The conference was arranged by the Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, the former leader of the terrorist Irgun, along with Moshe Dayan, and hosted by Benjamin Netanyahu and his father Ben-Zion at an institute called the Jonathan Institute.
There is very little written about the Netanyahu Institute conference on terrorism since it was not a public event but rather a kind of conspiratorial "propaganda offensive" that included "seven hundred invited foreign journalists, influential friends of Israel, and top-ranking members of the Israeli military, diplomatic, and intelligence establishment."
Four former chiefs of Israeli military intelligence participated in the conference. Shimon Peres, then head of the opposition party, also participated. George H.W. Bush, who was a presidential candidate at the time, attended and spoke on the final day of the conference.
The purpose of the conference was to launch a new construct to be promoted by the global media: the doctrine of waging war on terrorism, i.e. the War on Terror.
The only published material I have found about this conspiratorial conference organized by Menachem Begin, the self-proclaimed "Father of Terrorism," is a master's thesis written in 1982 by Philip Paull at San Francisco State University, entitled International Terrorism: The Propaganda War. The quoted material in this article comes from this thesis."
Good info from Jim Stones site:
”911 is when the Bush family, PLUS zionist Israel, and likely the globalists, "used Arabs" to set the precedent for destroying the United States, and it worked.
Compare EVERYTHING to what it was in 1999. The police. Travel. Overall freedoms. Your medical. Look at all of it. What country would you rather have? Today's America, or the 1990's?
"They" got what they wanted, and it all started with people going along with the 911 ruse, they got the ball rolling and PUSHED IT EVERYWHERE. 911 was the excuse for back dooring EVERYTHING and data raping everyone blind and so much more, don't ever forget that.
About the "Arabs celebrating 911"
I have known LOTS of Arabs and Muslims. On 911 they were horrified and did not celebrate. They knew there were going to be problems. The MSM then kindly aired Eid festival footage and said it was Muslims celebrating 911. Some of the Muslims noticed however that the Jewish community held huge parties, danced in the streets and celebrated, and there's supporting evidence of this from the five dancing Israelis. They got noticed because they did not do that in an exclusive community.
I am not going into details on 911, lots of people are doing re-hashes and I'll just say this: If you have not figured out it was the greater Jewish community, Israel, and Bush that did 911 for the sole purpose of destroying the United States with policy, don't bother reading this site unless your job is to go troll somewhere.
Arabs were not the ones who pulled building 7 and then talked about it on public television, inserting false blips into the radar during an amazingly coincidental NORAD drill, OR DANCING ON A DAMN VAN.”
Al-Qaeda Chief Issues 9/11 Video Urging New Attacks On US, Europe, Russia, & Israel
On the eve of 9/11 Rumsfeld announced two trillion was missing from the Pentagon. On 9/12 Bearer bonds on gold were due. Follow the money.
9 11 predicted 3 months prior by Bill Cooper
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