Trump has been linked to the Jewish Mafia and to Israel.
1. According to writer Michael Wolff -
Jeffrey Epstein threatened to expose Donald Trump 'as a financial fraud' after Trump got hold of the mansion that Epstein had hoped to buy.
Donald Trump
2. Rep. Jerry Nadler: "The president and the attorney general have systematically lied to the American people about what was in [the Mueller] report. They've said no obstruction, no collusion, he was totally exonerated. All of those 3 statements are not true."
Nadler: Mueller Provides "Substantial Evidence" Crimes Were ...

Jewish origins.
3. Jeffrey Epstein's plane was regularly accommodated at RAF Marham (UK airforce base).
Norfolk air base at centre of storm.
The Kosher Nostra controls the top people?

Above, we see the demolition of Palestinian buildings by Israeli forces in Sur Baher in Jerusalem on July 22, 2019.
Israeli soldiers cheered and celebrated the demolition of over 100 residential houses and displacement of over 1000 Palestinians in Wadi Hummus in occupied Jerusalem.
Israeli soldiers cheered and celebrated the demolition of over 100 residential houses and displacement of over 1000 Palestinians in Wadi Hummus in occupied Jerusalem.
Labels: Democrats, Epstein, Israel, Mueller, Palestinians, Trump
Summary of Boris Johnson on JewishPress com -
« In the 1980s, Boris Johnson volunteered in Kibbutz Kfar Hanassi in the Upper Galilee.
He has called himself a “Zionist” and said that Israel is a wonderful country which he loves.
During the 2014 Gaza war, FM Johnson caused a political storm when he said that Israel reacted in a “non-proportionate manner.” He later explained: “Israel has the right to defend itself, but it has to be proportionate.”
In 2017, Johnson said that President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a “moment of opportunity” for peace.
In June 2018, Johnson accused the UNHRC of “focusing disproportionately on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories.” »
Robert Mueller, a man involved in multiple huge scandals over several decades - and directly implicated in a new scandal, with Trump holding the cards - exits the scene at age 74, embarrassing the USA Democratic party, with Mueller's behaviour and speech as if mentally impaired ... a staged performance?
"Mueller finishes an investigation that takes forever. The nation focuses on little else while everything that can be broken or stolen in the nation is broken and stolen."
- Gordon Duff of Veterans Today
Children doing something wrong pretend to be unknowing and innocent
Senior citizens doing something wrong pretend to have deteriorated mental faculties ... this is even a standard humour set-up on sitcoms on the telly
A few major Robert Mueller scandals going back to the 1980s:
Mueller and Boston mobster Whitey Bulger joining to convict men later proven innocent
Mueller and the cover-up of the Lockerbie airplane explosion and crash
Mueller and the cover-up of the BCCI financial scandal
Mueller and the cover-up of the 9-11 scandal
Mueller and the cover-up of the bribery of two US federal judges, per a recent Justice Dept Inspector General filing hanging over Mueller's head, also in the hands of Trump, boasting on Twitter about it
The 'doddering old senile-tending man' performance of Mueller, was the most clever way for him to depart public life, whilst
"The White House in Washington is now 'Tel Aviv on the Potomac'.”
- Gordon Duff
Is the new Jeffrey Epstein 'suicide attempt, or an attack on him in jail', a pre-staging for Epstein's 'demise' and secret departure to Israel?
After Jeffrey Epstein departed 'night-time only' jail in 2008, Rudy Giuliani, 'Mr 9-11' and now Donald Trump's lead personal lawyer, attended a party for Epstein
Rudy Giuliani is now confidently making statements that 'lots of people' will be implicated by the Epstein files (and blackmail video-tapes?) ... Rudy apparently confident Trump will stay untouched
The Epstein arrest seemed very fake - especially the 'break-in' to Epstein's New York 27,000 square foot mansion - with live-in servants, and a butler etc always present to open the door ... plus not going after Epstein's many enablers, etc
Is the 'Epstein found nearly unconscious in jail' story, a trial balloon to see how well the story of 'Epstein's death' would fly?
Absolutely and keep in mind that the news about Epstein's allegedly suicide attempt or attack in jail appeared.... 7 days ago, how about that? Just google, search and u will find. Yes, they prepare to stage his death and take him to a secret place.
News to us?
Check it:
Wexner and Epstein might have been lovers. When Epstein was asked if he had a sexual relationship with Wexner, Epstein took the fifth.
Facade charity
According to the UK Charity Commission website, Ghislaine Maxwell or one of her associates also incorporated an entity called 'TerraMar UK' as a charity in the United Kingdom in 2013 and it continues to be registered in the UK as such.
I don't know if TerraMar UK is essentially the same outfit as TerraMar USA is/was, or if they are/were run independently of one another. But I assume the UK and USA entities are thoroughly connected since Ghislaine Maxwell is/was a trustee of both TerraMar UK and TerraMar US (?)
The registered address for TerraMar UK is: Orchard End, Fittleton, Salisbury, SP4 9QA.
The other 2 individuals listed as trustees of TerraMar UK alongside Ms Maxwell are:
1. Catherine Mary Emma Vaughan-Edwards; and
2. Lucy Mary Clive
The most recent financials for financial year ending 30 September 2018 indicate an income of £2.3 k and spending of £1 k.
What curiously small values - presumably suggesting that TerraMar UK's impact *as a charity* - measured against its own stated objectives - has been negligible (?)
Donald Trump Pedophile?
The Economist, Stowe School and TerraMar (UK) have been added to our list of UK front organisations. All 3 entities have links to individuals whose names arise in relation to the Jeffrey Epstein-Ghislaine Maxwell VIP paedophilia and child trafficking operation.
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