David de Rothschild in Dumfries, in Scotland.
David de Rothschild has received an Honorary doctorate from the university in Dumfries.

The University in Dumfries.
David de Rothschild lives with his actress partner, Karina Deyko, in Venice Beach, in Los Angeles.

David de Rothschild and Karina Deyko
He likes to stay at Kinloch Lodge, in Sutherland, in the far northwest of Scotland.
Kinloch Lodge is owned by Anders Holch Povlsen.
David de Rothschild says:
"But actually, they have the most because the connection to their surroundings is much more real.
"Countries like India, or through Southeast Asia, you see a lot of poverty, but there’s a different sort of energy, and often the people that have the least give the most.
"They’re working at a very tangible, real level with nature, using it to support a way of life.
"So we should really learn from these poorer communities about how to balance economic growth with the respect for nature and the system."
David De Rothschild Wants To Make Nature Great Again

Reportedly, 'David de Rothschild identifies himself as a bisexual.'

David de Rothschild in Venice, Los Angeles.

David de Rothschild and Kevin Spacey.

David de Rothschild and Kevin Spacey.
Labels: bisexual, David de Rothschild, Deyko, doctorate, DUMFRIES, Kinloch Lodge, Los Angeles, poverty, Povlsen, Sutherland
David de Rotschild looks like Rasputin
I have no words....
"So we should really learn from these poorer communities about how to balance economic growth with the respect for nature and the system."
Is this an oblique allusion to "population control"?
Rothschild's assumption seems to be that the standard of living/way of life experienced by the Global Rich cannot possibly be extended to the Global Poor, because there are simply "too many of them" (poor people).
According to the sick philosophy, some of the poor are permitted to exist (for now), albeit in their very "natural" situation: living in abject poverty, generating unthinkable wealth for the cartel through their debt repayments.
But the implicit warning in Rothschild's statement is this:
As the global poor lose their respect for "nature and the system", industrialise, and start demanding economic justice, so will the Rothschild cartel step up their plans for "population control".
(But only because the cartel cares so deeply about "nature" and the "environment", you understand.)
"[...] In ITV's fly-on-the-wall documentary, 'The Duke: A Portrait of Prince Philip', the Queen's husband talks openly about conservation, animal welfare and soaring food prices.
"The Duke said: 'The food prices are going up – everyone thinks it's to do with not enough food but it's really that demand is too great, [there are] too many people.'
"'It's embarrassing and no one knows how to handle it because nobody wants their family life to be interfered with by Government.'
"The Duke says that 'overpopulation is to blame for many of the problems afflicting millions of people around the world.'
"In 1984, Prince Philip called for 'voluntary family limitations' while lamenting how human populations have reached 'plague proportions'.
"In an uncovered interview titled 'His Royal Virus Prince Philip', Philip was asked by the interviewer for his views on what he thinks of the most serious issues faced by conservationists worldwide over the next 20 years.
"Prince Philip replied: '95 per cent of the whole of the Atlantic rainforest in Brazil has disappeared in the last hundred years.
"'There is simply nowhere for these animals to live.
"'At the basis of it all is this colossal increase in the human population, it is one of the living species of the planet but it's reaching plague proportions.'
"Prince Charles and Prince William appear to have inherited Philip's concern over the world's growing populations as the Prince of Wales and Kate Middleton's husband have also spoken out on the issue.
"Speaking at the Sheldonian Theatre in 2010, Charles said: 'The world's population is increasing fast which means that this poor planet of ours, which already struggles to sustain 6.8 billion people, will somehow have to support over 9 billion people within 50 years'.
"Prince William spoke on his concerns for population growth at the Tusk gala dinner in 2010.
"Princess Diana’s eldest son said: 'We are going to have to work much harder and think much deeper, if we are to ensure that human beings and the other species of animal with which we share this planet can continue to co-exist.
"'Africa's rapidly growing human population is predicted to more than double by 2050, a staggering increase of three and a half million people per month.
"'There is no question that this increase puts wildlife and habitat under enormous pressure.'"
Check out:
David de RotSchild interviewed by Alex J. (...) in 2018 :
In the y-tube comment section several old schoolmates of him.
One of them ´Renegade´ hits the mark:
" He is simply regurgetating the globalist agenda to use the environment as an excuse to enforce the one world system!
They want a single world currency, a single government, a single language and a new religion.
David is preparing the ground work here, for what is to come...and now has already started.
Extinction Rebellion and the UN move to sustainable development and the rollout of 5G smart grids, smart meters, and the super AI global suirveillance state."
D. is used by the Numero Uno evil family as a good mask to show to the world. If he really was against his family he would have been taken out by them.
D. is not the head of the clan. Remember what they did in 1996 to the one who was to become the new capo, the young Mayer R. , who was ´too soft´ for it. He was suicided.
The Paris police: case closed.
Alex Jones makes him appear to be a very good and intelligence persn if you ask me.I wrote,'The pope's misconceptions about conception and science history',and I believe perhaps more so than Nathan De Rothschild that we are causing collapse a nd it's nt just CO2 but species extinctions,we now breathe plastic in the air and the Gulf of Mexico not only suffers from oil spills but dead oxygen-less areas that appear from flushing of U.S. Midwest
agricultural waste,industrial waste and sewage wsaste which are also a product of burning fossil fuels one way or the other.
It is ignorant people like Alex Jones who push us to environmental collapse if not more so than Nathan Rothschild.No I really don't blame Nathan for his family members whbo helped create and promote Zionism but I sure wkish there had been a better interviewer to query him on a wider view of subjects or intelligent enough to ask
him intelligent questions.
Alex Jones makes him appear to be a very good and intelligence persn if you ask me.I wrote,'The pope's misconceptions about conception and science history',and I believe perhaps more so than Nathan De Rothschild that we are causing collapse a nd it's nt just CO2 but species extinctions,we now breathe plastic in the air and the Gulf of Mexico not only suffers from oil spills but dead oxygen-less areas that appear from flushing of U.S. Midwest
agricultural waste,industrial waste and sewage wsaste which are also a product of burning fossil fuels one way or the other.
It is ignorant people like Alex Jones who push us to environmental collapse if not more so than Nathan Rothschild.No I really don't blame Nathan for his family members whbo helped create and promote Zionism but I sure wkish there had been a better interviewer to query him on a wider view of subjects or intelligent enough to ask
him intelligent questions.
What has Nathan had to say about 7/7/05 and the London subway bombs or about Yukos oil and the Rothschild's or about Malaysia flight 370 and possible Rthschild and or Israeli involvement in the incident.If anyone should be in jail I'd vote for Alex Jones before Nathan Rothschild.
Interviews with the Rothchilds?
Britain's new government: Where do Boris' ministers stand on the Middle East?
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