Trump’s ambassador to the UK, Woody Johnson, has already said the NHS must be on the table in negotiations over a future US-UK trade deal.
In theory, Britain could insist it is not discussed, just as it could refuse to lower food safety and animal welfare standards.
In practice, Johnson, who never lets anyone forget he studied classics at Oxford, will surely know Thucydides’ line that in international relations, “the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must”. "
"Only a year ago, on 13 September 2018, Johnson was in Washington DC as the honoured guest of the American Enterprise Institute to collect the Irving Kristol Award, named after the founder of neo-conservatism."
The award ceremony was sponsored by Aetna, an American private health insurer that manages 5,700 hospitals. Alongside Aetna’s representatives were co-sponsors from Gilead Sciences and fellow drugs giant GlaxoSmithKline.
Other backers included accountants KPMG, which advised the UK government on the private finance initiative, and Grant Thornton, which only this May was enthusing about an “improved outlook for investors focused on healthcare real estate”.
Other backers included accountants KPMG, which advised the UK government on the private finance initiative, and Grant Thornton, which only this May was enthusing about an “improved outlook for investors focused on healthcare real estate”.
(Altria Client Services, which is part of the conglomerate that controls tobacco company Philip Morris, also sponsored the Johnson shindig. Admittedly, Philip Morris is not in the private health market, but it does its bit by providing customers for the cancer wards.)

Boris Johnson, who would like to become the UK's Prime Minister. Boris dropped his pants
Boris Johnson's father, Stanley, worked for MI6.
Boris Johnson, when he was UK Foreign Secretary, was in charge of MI6.
Boris Johnson's mother, Charlotte, was in and out of hospital, suffering from severe mental illness.

Boris (left), Nanny (centre), Stanley Johnson (right)
Boris was brought up by a nanny, who liked to take a bath with Boris.

Boris (back)

At Western Wall, Boris Johnson affirms his Jewish ancestry . .
Boris Johnson was educated at the European School of Brussels, Ashdown House School, and Eton College.
Johnson has dual citizenship in both the United Kingdom and the United States, since he was born in New York City.
In 2009 Johnson fathered a daughter with Helen MacIntyre, an arts consultant.
Her existence was the subject of legal action in 2013 with the Court of Appeal quashing an injunction seeking to ban reporting of her existence; the judge ruled that the public had a right to know about Johnson's "reckless" behaviour.[386][387][388]

Conservative Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and Danielle Fleet
According to the Daily Mail, in June 2013:
The UK's Conservative Prime Minister, David Cameron, was rocked by a secret love affair.
1. The lovers are "middle-aged figures."
2. The affair "has potentially significant political implications for Cameron".
3. The affair "does not involve anyone serving in the Cabinet."
Read more: http://www.dailymail.
"In the very early days of the referendum campaign, Boris Johnson and another leading Brexiter, former Tory leader, Michael Howard, both stated that a Brexit vote was a way of forcing Europe to make better terms with Britain."

In February 2016, Boris Johnson said: "There is only one way to get the change we need - and that is to vote to go; because all EU history shows that they only really listen to a population when it says No."

Theresa May (centre) with her parents.
Theresa May beats Boris Johnson in poll for next Prime Minister.
According to the Daily Mail, in June 2013:
The UK's Conservative Prime Minister, David Cameron, was rocked by a secret love affair.
1. The lovers are "middle-aged figures."
2. The affair "has potentially significant political implications for Cameron".
3. The affair "does not involve anyone serving in the Cabinet."
Read more: http://www.dailymail.

What about Boris?
Boris Johnson was editor of The Spectator, which reportedly is full of spies.
Boris Johnson was editor of The Spectator, which reportedly is full of spies.
(Editor 'provided cover for spies' Media The Guardian)

Boris's mother is Charlotte Johnson Wahl (née Fawcett).[5]
Charlotte had a nervous breakdown as a result of Stanley's repeated infidelities; she was hospitalised with clinical depression.
While she was being treated, in September 1975, Boris and his siblings were sent to a preparatory boarding school, Ashdown House in East Sussex.[41]

Boris Johnson has 'sympathy'.
Boris Johnson was born in 1964 at a hospital on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City.[2]
His birth was registered with both the US authorities and the city's British Consulate, and he was granted both American and British citizenship.[3]

Boris's mother is Charlotte Johnson Wahl (née Fawcett).[5]
Charlotte had a nervous breakdown as a result of Stanley's repeated infidelities; she was hospitalised with clinical depression.
While she was being treated, in September 1975, Boris and his siblings were sent to a preparatory boarding school, Ashdown House in East Sussex.[41]

Boris Johnson has 'sympathy'.
Boris Johnson was born in 1964 at a hospital on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City.[2]
His birth was registered with both the US authorities and the city's British Consulate, and he was granted both American and British citizenship.[3]

Petronella Wyatt (centre), aged 18, on holiday in Italy with, from left, father Woodrow Wyatt, mother Verushka Wyatt, Rosemary Lamont, and her then husband Norman Lamont, the former Tory government minister.
In March 2013, in the Daily Mail, Boris Johnson's friend Petronella Wyatt wrote "the outrageous confessions of an upper-class Lolita."
In 2004 British newspapers reported that Petronella Wyatt had had a four-year affair with then-Conservative MP Boris Johnson. [1]

David Cameron.
In March 2013, in the Daily Mail, Boris Johnson's friend Petronella Wyatt wrote "the outrageous confessions of an upper-class Lolita."
In 2004 British newspapers reported that Petronella Wyatt had had a four-year affair with then-Conservative MP Boris Johnson. [1]

David Cameron.
"In the very early days of the referendum campaign, Boris Johnson and another leading Brexiter, former Tory leader, Michael Howard, both stated that a Brexit vote was a way of forcing Europe to make better terms with Britain."

In February 2016, Boris Johnson said: "There is only one way to get the change we need - and that is to vote to go; because all EU history shows that they only really listen to a population when it says No."

Theresa May (centre) with her parents.
Theresa May beats Boris Johnson in poll for next Prime Minister.

At Western Wall, Boris Johnson affirms his Jewish ancestry . .
Boris Johnson was educated at the European School of Brussels, Ashdown House School, and Eton College.
Johnson has dual citizenship in both the United Kingdom and the United States, since he was born in New York City.
In 2009 Johnson fathered a daughter with Helen MacIntyre, an arts consultant.
Her existence was the subject of legal action in 2013 with the Court of Appeal quashing an injunction seeking to ban reporting of her existence; the judge ruled that the public had a right to know about Johnson's "reckless" behaviour.[386][387][388]

Conservative Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and Danielle Fleet
Labels: Boris Johnson, Charlotte, Jewish, MI6, nanny, New York, Rachel, Stanley, Wyatt
sorry!...can I have a bacon double cheeseburger with fries and coke,...please!...thank you!...
Boris's "foul mouthed oaf"
Roger Gale on Dominic Cummings
Health system sues thousands of patients, seizes paychecks, claims homes
Sep 10, 2019
"Heather Waldron and John Hawley are losing their four-bedroom house in the hills above Blacksburg, Virginia. A teenage daughter, one of their five children, sold her clothes for spending money. They worried about paying the electric bill. Financial disaster, they said, contributed to their divorce, finalized in April.
Their money problems began when the University of Virginia Health System pursued the couple with a lawsuit and a lien on their home to recoup $164,000 in charges for Waldron’s emergency surgery in 2017.
The family has lots of company: Over six years ending in June 2018, the health system and its doctors filed 36,000 lawsuits against patients, seeking a total of more than $106 million, seizing wages and bank accounts, putting liens on property and homes and forcing families into bankruptcy, a Kaiser Health News analysis found.
Unpaid hospital bills are a leading cause of personal debt and bankruptcy across the nation, and hospitals from Memphis to Baltimore have been accused of pushing families over the financial edge. UVA stands out for the scope of its collection efforts and how persistently it seeks payment, pursuing poor as well as middle-class patients for almost all they’re worth."
....more at link
The world isnt what you think it is. We are being controlled and hopefully we can break free one day.
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