Ilhan Omar - There are no public records or credible sources contradicting Ilhan Omar’s account of her past. FACT CHECK
Ilhan Omar is a Somali-American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district since 2019.

Ilhan Omar
American Jews, including prominent figures like Naomi Klein, have come out in support of Ilhan Omar
American Jews, including prominent figures like Naomi Klein, have come out in support of Ilhan Omar
"Omar has faced huge backlash after calling out AIPAC.
"She has faced accusations of anti-Semitism from both Democrats and Republicans, floor action against her by Nancy Pelosi, and disturbing posters at a Republican event, linking her to the 9/11 attacks."

Ilhan Omar is featured in a music video “Girls Like You.”
Anonymous 6 March 2019 at 08:44
Hannah Arendt would agree with Ilhan Omar
"Rep. Ilhan Omar's comments last week in Washington that seemed to question the allegiance of Americans who advocate tirelessly for Israel have incurred the wrath of those advocates, who charge her with anti-Semitism ...
"But Omar's critique goes to the nature of Zionism; and it was anticipated by the Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt ... Arendt was alarmed by the arrogance of Israel's founders, in proceeding with contempt for their Arab neighbors ...
"... Arendt predicted the rise of the Israel lobby: influential Zionist individuals and organizations that would be called upon to shape American policy ..."
Anonymous 6 March 2019 at 08:45
Jewish Americans come out in support of Ilhan Omar
Anonymous 6 March 2019 at 08:47
Rep. Ilhan Omar punches back at Trump: 'You have trafficked in hate your whole life'
We are Jews who stand with Representative Ilhan Omar.
Open letter
"She has been falsely accused of anti-Semitism since tweeting that GOP threats against her and Representative Rashida Tlaib for criticizing Israel were ... all about AIPAC paying members of Congress “to be pro-Israel.”
"There is absolutely nothing anti-Semitic about calling out the noxious role of AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee), which spends millions each year to buy U.S. political support for Israeli aggression and militarism against the Palestinian people.
"As the NYC chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace summed up: “Accurately describing how the Israel lobby works in this country is not anti-Semitic. The never-ending smear campaign against Ilhan Omar is racism and Islamophobia in action.”
"The pro-Israel lobby has played an outsized role in producing nearly unanimous congressional support for Israel. It has organized a national campaign to suppress Palestinian activism on campuses, made the Israel Anti-Boycott Act a legislative priority, and for decades has boasted about their power to make or break political careers. To point out this reality is not anti-Semitic.
We are Jews who stand with Representative Ilhan Omar.
"Genuine anti-Semitism and the growth of white supremacy are indeed growing concerns in Donald Trump’s America.
"Omar and Tlaib, the first two Muslim congresswomen in this country’s history, are not part of this ugly growth of white supremacy. Instead, they are part of movements which seek to confront it. For that, and for their courageous support of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, they are being smeared by a racist and Islamophobic chorus, including the House Democratic leadership itself.
"As long as the Israeli state continues to militarily besiege, economically choke, and incessantly dispossess the Palestinian people, and as long as it does so with the full backing of the United States government, we need to speak out against these crimes. We thank Ilhan Omar for having the bravery to shake up the congressional taboo against criticizing Israel. As Jews with a long tradition of social justice and anti-racism, AIPAC does not represent us."
Open letter
"She has been falsely accused of anti-Semitism since tweeting that GOP threats against her and Representative Rashida Tlaib for criticizing Israel were ... all about AIPAC paying members of Congress “to be pro-Israel.”
"There is absolutely nothing anti-Semitic about calling out the noxious role of AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee), which spends millions each year to buy U.S. political support for Israeli aggression and militarism against the Palestinian people.
"As the NYC chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace summed up: “Accurately describing how the Israel lobby works in this country is not anti-Semitic. The never-ending smear campaign against Ilhan Omar is racism and Islamophobia in action.”
"The pro-Israel lobby has played an outsized role in producing nearly unanimous congressional support for Israel. It has organized a national campaign to suppress Palestinian activism on campuses, made the Israel Anti-Boycott Act a legislative priority, and for decades has boasted about their power to make or break political careers. To point out this reality is not anti-Semitic.
We are Jews who stand with Representative Ilhan Omar.
"Genuine anti-Semitism and the growth of white supremacy are indeed growing concerns in Donald Trump’s America.
"Omar and Tlaib, the first two Muslim congresswomen in this country’s history, are not part of this ugly growth of white supremacy. Instead, they are part of movements which seek to confront it. For that, and for their courageous support of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, they are being smeared by a racist and Islamophobic chorus, including the House Democratic leadership itself.
"As long as the Israeli state continues to militarily besiege, economically choke, and incessantly dispossess the Palestinian people, and as long as it does so with the full backing of the United States government, we need to speak out against these crimes. We thank Ilhan Omar for having the bravery to shake up the congressional taboo against criticizing Israel. As Jews with a long tradition of social justice and anti-racism, AIPAC does not represent us."
Elizabeth Aaronsohn
Stephen Aberle
Manal Abed
Said Aboukar
Husni Abualeinein
Ethan Ackelsberg, ISO, OSU Coalition for BDS Judith Ackerman
Jeb Adems, Proud father, husband, and socialist!
Mohamed Oueld Ahmed
Mahmood Ahmed
Ali Aijaz
Greta Aiken
David Fulton Akin, Human Being & Jewish Voice for Peace
Emad Alahmad
Rashid Al-Banna, Freedom 2 Boycott Maryland
Lisa Albrecht, Emeritus Professor, U. Minnesota, JVP
Seymour Alexander
Fadumo Ali
Deborah Allen
Marcia Almey
Hind Al Sharif
Harriszal Amiruddin
Vered Amit, Anthropologist
Zalman Amit, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Concordia University
Beth Angel, Jewish Voice for Peace
Mike Arad
Yigal Arens
Anthony Arnove, Editor, Author, Producer
Kate Aronoff, Journalist
Ashley Auer, Editor
Mary Avice
Jonah ben Avraham, Jewish educator, International Socialist Organization
Chaya bat Avraham v'Sarah
Abdul Aziz
Mohammad Aziz
Eviatar Bach
Nate Baldo
Anna Baltzer, JVP; descendant of Holocaust survivors & fighters in the Belgian Resistance
Noah Barer
Daniel Barg
Jan Bauman
Alice Beauchamp, Jews Against the Occupation, Sydney
Sherry Bender
Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies
Anna Berg, Holocaust survivor, JVP NYC
Michele Berkon, Sydney Jewish Left
Michael Berkowitz, SEIU and IFPTE, Local 21 Retired
Greta Berlin, Co-founder, The Free Gaza Movement
Cy Berlowitz
Judith A Berlowitz, Bay Area Women in Black
Ben Berman
Sam Bernstein
Adam Bierman, Engineer
Ibrahim Binalsheikh
Jonah Michael Birch
Katherine Bird
David Blake
Eric Blanc, Author, Journalist, Democratic Socialists of America
Benay Blend, Independent scholar
Elizabeth Block, Independent Jewish Voices
Stephen Block
Riley Bloomer-Ludwig, Teacher
Audrey Bomse, National Lawyers Guild, Daughter of Holocaust Survivor
Anne Bowers
Lawrence Boxall, Independent Jewish Voices
Daniel Boyarin, Taubman Professor of Talmudic Culture, UC Berkeley
David Bragin, JVP NYC
Susan Braverman, Jewish Voice for Peace
Lenni Brenner, MECC
Robert Brenner, Director, Center for Social Theory and Comparative History, UCLA
Tibby Brooks, National Writers Union
Ellen Brotsky, JVP Bay Area
Tami Bryant, Russian Jew
Eliezer Bryski
Austin Campbell-Fox
Chase Carter, Jewish Voice for Peace - DC Metro
Mohamed Chaabani
Estee Chandler, Jewish Voice for Peace
Ajay Singh Chaudhary, Social and Political Theory, Brooklyn Institute for Social Research
Rick Chertoff, Jewish Voices for Peace – Los Angeles
Dr Eyal Clyne
Molly Crabapple, Author Drawing Blood and Brothers of the Gun Alex Cohen, Cofounder, Earth Defense Coalition
Arielle Cohen, Democratic Socialists of America
Burt Cohen,
Linda Cooper, Human rights activist
Tom Corcoran
Jordan Cummings, Red Wedge Magazine and Glendon College
Mike Cushman, Chair Free Speech on Israel (UK)
Sanuu Dalu
Jordan Daniels
Natalie Z. Davis, Historian
Levy Dayan
Rebecca Dayan
Sheila Delany, Simon Fraser University
David DeMark, Graduate Student, Department of Mathematics, University of Minnesota
Larry Derfner, Israeli journalist
Dr. James Deutsch
Claire Diamond
Julie Dinnerstein
Karen Doolittle
Howard Druan, J.D.
Barry Drummond
Barbara L Duhl
Mark Earley
Tara Ehrcke
Dan Ehrenfeld
Arlene Eisen, Writer
Hester Eisenstein, Professor at Queens College & CUNY Graduate Center
Zillah Eisenstein, Writer, Activist, Prof. Emerita, Anti-Racist Feminism, Ithaca College
Rami Elhanan, Co-director, Parents Circle-Family Forum
Robert Henry Eller, 10 commandments, Rabbi Hillel's teachings
Jonathan Engel, International Socialist Organization
Howard Epstein
Anne Erde
Wolfe Erlichmann
Marla Erlien
Maia Ettinger
Annette Exner
Michele Farber, International Socialist Organization
Samuel Farber, Author, Professor Emeritus at Brooklyn College
Jason Farbman, Democratic Socialists of America
Naama Farjoun
Dror Feiler, European Jews for a Just Peace
Marian Feinberg
Peter Feld
Madeleine Fenn, International Socialist Organization
Josh Fernandez
Ann Elizabeth Fink
Deborah Fink, Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods, Co-founder
Erik M. Fink, Associate Professor, Elon University School of Law
David Finkel, Against the Current magazine
Dan Fishback, Jewish Voice for Peace Artist Council
June Fisher, MD
Hannah Fleury, International Socialist Organization
Maxine Fookson
Inge Fowlie, Grew up in Nazi Germany
Libby Frank, WILPF
Cynthia Franklin, University of Hawaii
Nancy Fraser, Henry A and Louise Loeb Professor of Political and Social Science, The New School
Aaron Freedman, NYC-DSA
Dr. Michael Friedman
Sam Friedman, JVP-Central New Jersey, author, poet
Ronald Kevin Fuermann
Racheli Gai
Matthew Gallelli
Suzanne Gannon
Gloria Garcia
Cheryl Gaster
Alisa Gayle-Deutsch
Joel Geier, ISO
Jonathan Gelernter, UC Irvine
Ronny Geller
Ben Ger, Independent Jewish Voices - Vancouver
Sarah Gertler
Evan Giller
Sam Gindin, Former Research Director, CAW now Unifor
Alison Glick, Jewish Voice for Peace
Ira Glunts
Ella Godt
Neta Golan, International Solidarity Movement, Return, Boycott From Within
Sarah Gold, Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestine Advocacy Project
Steve Goldfield, Activist, Journalist, Musician
Rachel Goldstein
Sandra Goldstein Lehnert, ISO, Camp Kinderland
Yoni Golijov, Filmmaker
Zoe Goorman, JVP, Artist
Sherry Gorelick, Professor Emerita, Rutgers University
Bob Green
Molly Greenberg
Robert L Greene
Tony Greenstein, Brighton & Hove UNISON
Lisa Gross
Cathy Gulkin, Filmmaker
Andrew Paul Gutierrez, Professor Emeritus at University of California at Berkeley
Freda Guttman
Max Guttman
Anton Guz
Tufik Habib
Ekram Haque
Mainul Haque
Sara Hamann
Lawrence Hamilton
Kenneth Hammond, Brisbane Australia
Sam Harb
Stanley Heller, Host “The Struggle” Video News
Elliot Helman, Jewish Voice for Peace
Charlotte Heltai, International Socialist Organization
Luke Herrine, Yale Law School
Shir Hever
Reem Hijjawi
Ryan Hickety, Community Organizer
Myles Hoenig, Baltimore County Green Party
Tikva Honig-Parnass, Israeli historian and activist, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Adam Horowitz, Mondoweiss
Carol Horwitz, JVP
Charlotte Hovland
Laura Huel
Kimberly Hughes
Fayez Idlebi
Ellen Isaacs, JVP,
Jess Issacharoff
Adam Izak-Sunna, The Rights Forum Discussion Group
Sarah Jacobson
Sarah Jacobus, Jewish Voice for Peace- Los Angeles
Sarah Jaffe, Journalist
Jennifer Jarrar
Donald Johnson, Retired CA Professional Engineer
Louis Kampf, MIT
Marylin Kanee
Ronnie Kasrils, Anti-apartheid veteran and former South African government minister (1994-2008)
Robert Kastner, Berkeley City College
Danny Katch, Author, International Socialist Organization
Bruce Katz, Palestinian and Jewish Unity Montreal
Erica Kay
Melissa Kelly
Mustafa Khalaf
Yossi Khen, Peace activist
Amy Klee, Public School SLP
Bonnie Sherr Klein
Emma Klein
Grace Klein, ISO
Naomi Klein, Journalist, Author, Professor at Rutgers University
Mark Klein
William Klein
Yael Korin
Dennis Kortheuer, People for Palestine - Israeli Justics
Jonathan Kominsky
Jake Krakovsky
Francis Kromkowski, Helena Service for Peace and Justice, Fellowship of Reconciliation
Adam Kufeld
Richard Lachmann, University at Albany - SUNY
Michael Ladson
David Lane
John Lanton, Irish American
Gary Lapon
Lenny Lapon, Retired teacher, Boston Latin School
Beth Lauren, Writer, producer
Ken Lawrence
Ian J Layton
James Leas, Attorney
Rachel Lederman
Marisha Leiblum
Muriel Leonarf
Alex Lessinger
Alita Letwin, Jewish Voice for Peace
Daniel Letwin, Associate Professor of History, Penn State
David Letwin, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Michael Letwin, Attorney, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, Labor for Palestine
Les Levidow, Jewish Network for Palestine (UK)
Joseph Levine
Daphna Levit, Author, Israeli Rejectionism
Andrea Levy, Canadian Dimension magazine
Kathryn Levy, Poet, Arts Educator
Lesley Levy, IJV
Tal Levy, Democratic Socialists of America, Los Angeles
Avi Lewis, Filmmaker
Brenda Lewis
Eli Lichtenstein
Emma Liss
John Loeffel, Sr.
Jennifer Loewenstein, Independent researcher
Jason Lowenthal
Dalal Lubbadeh
Mary Lucchese, JVP
Ken Luckhardt, Retired National Rep, CAW (Canada) Former Chair, South African Congress of Trade Unions Solidarity Committee
Max Lyons
Dan Macheret
Moshé Machover, Israeli dissident, founding member of the socialist organization Matzpen
Brian Madden
Laurie Izaks MacSween
Rania Madi, Switzerland
James Joseph Madigan
Jad Mahdi
Khalil Mahdi
John Maier
David Makofsky, Research Anthropogist, Minority Studies Center, China
Harriet Malinowitz, Ithaca College
Naseema Mall
Charles Manekin
Helga Mankowitz, Independent Jewish Voices
Ben Manski, Liberty Tree Foundation, President
Richard F Marcuse, Independent Jewish Voices
Kenneth Marks
Nigel Marshall, Yoga teacher
Aaron Martel, Tech Workers Coalition, ISO
Carrington Morris
Kevin Martin, Peace Action
Alan Marwine
Aref Massoud
Tom Mayer, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Colorado at Boulder
Rachel Megibow
Helaine Meisler, Jews Say No!
Chris Mejia, ISO
Justin Heath Meltzer
Jake Meoff
Sue Michalson
Rabbi David Mivasair, Jewish Voice for Peace
Elizabeth M. Molchany, Attorney at Law
Mustafa Moneir
Frances Montell
Manijeh Moradian, Professor Barnard College, Columbia University
Seth Morrison
Eva Steiner Moseley, Mass Peace Action
Zahra Moumand
John Mufarreh
Marion Munk Munk
Abdallah Nairoukh
Daniel Nanas
Baphomet Nayer
Lee Nelson
Miranda Nelson
Sarah Nesbit
David Newman, Congregation Havurah Shalom
Marcy Newman
Alex Nissen, Women in Black
Judith Norman
Henry Norr
Maureen North
Adam Nuchtern
Bertell Ollman, Professor, Department of Politics, NYU
Hilton Obenzinger, Writer
Justin Orr
Laura Ottaviani
Adam Overton
Karin Pally
Rufus Palmer
Inbal Palombo
Ilan Pappé, Israeli historian, author, activist
Maya Pasternak, Anarchists Against the Wall
Adam Patch
Joanie Patel
Miko Peled, Writer, Human Rights Activist
Prof. Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Sakharov, Prize Laureate for Human Rights and the Freedom of Thought
Miranda Pennell
Tom Pessah, activist and sociologist, Israel
Haley Pessin, International Socialist Organization
Rosalind Petchesky, Jewish Voices for Peace
Margaret Phillips
Karen Platt, JVP San Francisco bay area chapter
Shachaf Polakow, Photographer and Organizer
Brian Polejes
Karen Pomer, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, Granddaughter of Holocaust survivor
David Poms
Vivienne Porzsolt, Jews Against the Occupation, Australia
Charles Post, City University of New York
M. Rachlin
Kris Ramlan
Sheldon Ranz, Social Democrats USA
Gidon Raz
Maria Reatiga
Michelle Reeves
Thomas Resnick
Hilda J Richey
Denise Rickles
Robert Riddle
Matt L Roar, writer
Elizabeth Roberts
Jonathan Rochkind
Ned Rosch, Network Against Racism & Islamophobia
Carl Rosenberg
Lillian Rosengarten
Keith Rosenthal, International Socialist Organization
Yehoshua Rosin, Gush-Shalom (peace block)
Susan Rotgard
Martha Roth, Independent Jewish Voices-Canada
Marty Roth
Reuben Roth, Professor, Laurentian University, Canada
Isaac Rothberg, Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America
Rip Royees
William Ruhm
Peter Ruhm
Ed Rukab
Ben Saifer
Aileen Sabder
Kemo Sabe
Jared Sacks, Columbia University
Nathan Sadowsky
Vasant Sagar
Jamel Saiegh, Medical Case Manager, MA
Arielle Sallai, Democratic Socialists of America, Los Angeles - Jewish Solidarity Caucus
Alan Saltzman
Larry Saltzman
Adam Sanchez, Teacher and Editor, Rethinking Schools
Seth Sanders, UC Davis Religious Studies department and Jewish Studies program
Hana Sarfan
Kurt A Seaberg
Arielle Schecter, JVP
Guenter Schenk, France
Judah Schept
Alta Schwartz
Joan Schwartz
Karl Schwartz, International Socialist Organization
Sarah Schwartz
Stephanie Schwartz, International Socialist Organization
Sylvia Schwarz, JVP - Twin cities
Yossi Schwartz, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency
Robert Bruce Scott
Daniel Segal
Carole Seligman, Socialist Viewpoint
Jennifer Selwyn, History Department, California State University
Sarah Shalab
Yom Shamash, IJV
Cindy Shamban, JVP
Zarrin Shannon
Katharine Shapiro, Gardners Supply
Souad Sharabani
Eva M Sharell, Independent Jewish Voices
Iftach Shavit
Hanoch Sheinman
Hassan Shishakly
Sid Shniad, Independent Jewish Voices Canada
Yael Shomroni
Harold Shuster, Independent Jewish Voices - Winnipeg
Julia Shpirt
Sarah Sills, Jewish Voice for Peace-NYC
Drew Silver
Benjamin Silverman
Ben Silverstein
Richard Silverstein, Tokun Olam
Michael Simon
Peter Simon
Ronnie Singer
Lorrie Beth Slonsky, Retired Paramedic
Carol Smith, JVP NY
Joe Smith
Abba A. Solomon, American Zionism researcher
Louisa Solomon
Rebecca Anshell Song
Patricia Sonne
Doris Audrey Soroko
Eric Soucy, International Socialist Organization
Jacob Smith
Ben Spatz, Urban Research Theater
Daniel Spector
David Stein, Clinical Psychologist
Julia Stein, LA Jews for Peace
Marshall Steinbaum
Marsha Steinberg, BDS LA
Megan Steinberg, School counselor & activist
Judith Stevenson
Ken Stone, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)
Cathy Sucher
Marge Sussman, Jewish Voice for Peace
Alice Sturm Sutter, Union Square Women in Black
Yair Svorai
Tahir Abba Tahir, Young World Leaders Forum
Nuni Tal, Human Rights Activist
Pedro Tamames, NYU
Laura Tanenbaum, Professor, City University of New York
William Taylor
Abbas Tehrani
Heather Tenzer, Filmmaker
Larry Tepper
Simine Tepper
Tricia Terwilliger, Social justice activist, artist, writer
Daphna Thier, Israeli-American activist and writer
Hadas Thier, Israeli-American activist and writer
Tzvia Thier, Israeli Holocaust survivor, Jewish Voice for Peace NJ
Uri Thier, Ex-IDF Paratrooper
Maureen Tierney
Jane Toby, JVP and MECR (Middle East Crisis Response)
Bob Tripp
Richard Trotsky
Marianne Turner
Sandra Turner, JPVP
Drew Ullman, Columbus Democratic Socialists of America
Seth Uzman, Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Eli Valley
Joseph Van Leeuwen, Musician, great-grandson of Holocaust survivor
Rebecca Vilkomerson executive director, Jewish Voice for Peace
Larry Wang
Dr. Rodney Watts, JFJFP
Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg
Eileen Weinberg
Lois Weiner, Author and independent researcher
Philip Weiss, Journalist, Mondoweiss
Suzanne Berliner Weiss, Holocaust survivor
Suzi Weissman, Saint Mary’s College of California, Jacobin Radio
Eileen Weitzman
David Weller, IJV Canada
Paul Werner, The Orange Press
Sarah Wheels
Jon Wiener
Brett Wilkins
Ben Williams
Lew Williams, SURJ
Craig Willse
Rabbi Alissa Wise, Deputy Director, JVP
Ron Witton
Noga Gahl Wizansky, Artist, adjunct professor and union member, CCA and SEIU local 1021
Benjamin Wlody
Sherry Wolf, Author, International Socialist Organization
Martin Wolterding, University of Western Sydney
Lisa Fortlouis Wood, Clinical Psychologist
Kathy Wouk, JVP
Derek Wright, Activist, musician, computer scientist, ISO
Rama Yacobi
Richard Yanowitz
Ethan Young,
Sean Zaher
Zari Zalmai
Alyx Zauderer
Benjamin Zaydman
Baruch Zeichner
Steven Zekowski
Charles Zimmerman
Annie Zirin
Dave Zirin, Author, A People's History of Sports
Zohar, Artist, London England
Yotam Zohar, Artist and teacher
Ian Zuckerman
Stephen Aberle
Manal Abed
Said Aboukar
Husni Abualeinein
Ethan Ackelsberg, ISO, OSU Coalition for BDS Judith Ackerman
Jeb Adems, Proud father, husband, and socialist!
Mohamed Oueld Ahmed
Mahmood Ahmed
Ali Aijaz
Greta Aiken
David Fulton Akin, Human Being & Jewish Voice for Peace
Emad Alahmad
Rashid Al-Banna, Freedom 2 Boycott Maryland
Lisa Albrecht, Emeritus Professor, U. Minnesota, JVP
Seymour Alexander
Fadumo Ali
Deborah Allen
Marcia Almey
Hind Al Sharif
Harriszal Amiruddin
Vered Amit, Anthropologist
Zalman Amit, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Concordia University
Beth Angel, Jewish Voice for Peace
Mike Arad
Yigal Arens
Anthony Arnove, Editor, Author, Producer
Kate Aronoff, Journalist
Ashley Auer, Editor
Mary Avice
Jonah ben Avraham, Jewish educator, International Socialist Organization
Chaya bat Avraham v'Sarah
Abdul Aziz
Mohammad Aziz
Eviatar Bach
Nate Baldo
Anna Baltzer, JVP; descendant of Holocaust survivors & fighters in the Belgian Resistance
Noah Barer
Daniel Barg
Jan Bauman
Alice Beauchamp, Jews Against the Occupation, Sydney
Sherry Bender
Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies
Anna Berg, Holocaust survivor, JVP NYC
Michele Berkon, Sydney Jewish Left
Michael Berkowitz, SEIU and IFPTE, Local 21 Retired
Greta Berlin, Co-founder, The Free Gaza Movement
Cy Berlowitz
Judith A Berlowitz, Bay Area Women in Black
Ben Berman
Sam Bernstein
Adam Bierman, Engineer
Ibrahim Binalsheikh
Jonah Michael Birch
Katherine Bird
David Blake
Eric Blanc, Author, Journalist, Democratic Socialists of America
Benay Blend, Independent scholar
Elizabeth Block, Independent Jewish Voices
Stephen Block
Riley Bloomer-Ludwig, Teacher
Audrey Bomse, National Lawyers Guild, Daughter of Holocaust Survivor
Anne Bowers
Lawrence Boxall, Independent Jewish Voices
Daniel Boyarin, Taubman Professor of Talmudic Culture, UC Berkeley
David Bragin, JVP NYC
Susan Braverman, Jewish Voice for Peace
Lenni Brenner, MECC
Robert Brenner, Director, Center for Social Theory and Comparative History, UCLA
Tibby Brooks, National Writers Union
Ellen Brotsky, JVP Bay Area
Tami Bryant, Russian Jew
Eliezer Bryski
Austin Campbell-Fox
Chase Carter, Jewish Voice for Peace - DC Metro
Mohamed Chaabani
Estee Chandler, Jewish Voice for Peace
Ajay Singh Chaudhary, Social and Political Theory, Brooklyn Institute for Social Research
Rick Chertoff, Jewish Voices for Peace – Los Angeles
Dr Eyal Clyne
Molly Crabapple, Author Drawing Blood and Brothers of the Gun Alex Cohen, Cofounder, Earth Defense Coalition
Arielle Cohen, Democratic Socialists of America
Burt Cohen,
Linda Cooper, Human rights activist
Tom Corcoran
Jordan Cummings, Red Wedge Magazine and Glendon College
Mike Cushman, Chair Free Speech on Israel (UK)
Sanuu Dalu
Jordan Daniels
Natalie Z. Davis, Historian
Levy Dayan
Rebecca Dayan
Sheila Delany, Simon Fraser University
David DeMark, Graduate Student, Department of Mathematics, University of Minnesota
Larry Derfner, Israeli journalist
Dr. James Deutsch
Claire Diamond
Julie Dinnerstein
Karen Doolittle
Howard Druan, J.D.
Barry Drummond
Barbara L Duhl
Mark Earley
Tara Ehrcke
Dan Ehrenfeld
Arlene Eisen, Writer
Hester Eisenstein, Professor at Queens College & CUNY Graduate Center
Zillah Eisenstein, Writer, Activist, Prof. Emerita, Anti-Racist Feminism, Ithaca College
Rami Elhanan, Co-director, Parents Circle-Family Forum
Robert Henry Eller, 10 commandments, Rabbi Hillel's teachings
Jonathan Engel, International Socialist Organization
Howard Epstein
Anne Erde
Wolfe Erlichmann
Marla Erlien
Maia Ettinger
Annette Exner
Michele Farber, International Socialist Organization
Samuel Farber, Author, Professor Emeritus at Brooklyn College
Jason Farbman, Democratic Socialists of America
Naama Farjoun
Dror Feiler, European Jews for a Just Peace
Marian Feinberg
Peter Feld
Madeleine Fenn, International Socialist Organization
Josh Fernandez
Ann Elizabeth Fink
Deborah Fink, Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods, Co-founder
Erik M. Fink, Associate Professor, Elon University School of Law
David Finkel, Against the Current magazine
Dan Fishback, Jewish Voice for Peace Artist Council
June Fisher, MD
Hannah Fleury, International Socialist Organization
Maxine Fookson
Inge Fowlie, Grew up in Nazi Germany
Libby Frank, WILPF
Cynthia Franklin, University of Hawaii
Nancy Fraser, Henry A and Louise Loeb Professor of Political and Social Science, The New School
Aaron Freedman, NYC-DSA
Dr. Michael Friedman
Sam Friedman, JVP-Central New Jersey, author, poet
Ronald Kevin Fuermann
Racheli Gai
Matthew Gallelli
Suzanne Gannon
Gloria Garcia
Cheryl Gaster
Alisa Gayle-Deutsch
Joel Geier, ISO
Jonathan Gelernter, UC Irvine
Ronny Geller
Ben Ger, Independent Jewish Voices - Vancouver
Sarah Gertler
Evan Giller
Sam Gindin, Former Research Director, CAW now Unifor
Alison Glick, Jewish Voice for Peace
Ira Glunts
Ella Godt
Neta Golan, International Solidarity Movement, Return, Boycott From Within
Sarah Gold, Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestine Advocacy Project
Steve Goldfield, Activist, Journalist, Musician
Rachel Goldstein
Sandra Goldstein Lehnert, ISO, Camp Kinderland
Yoni Golijov, Filmmaker
Zoe Goorman, JVP, Artist
Sherry Gorelick, Professor Emerita, Rutgers University
Bob Green
Molly Greenberg
Robert L Greene
Tony Greenstein, Brighton & Hove UNISON
Lisa Gross
Cathy Gulkin, Filmmaker
Andrew Paul Gutierrez, Professor Emeritus at University of California at Berkeley
Freda Guttman
Max Guttman
Anton Guz
Tufik Habib
Ekram Haque
Mainul Haque
Sara Hamann
Lawrence Hamilton
Kenneth Hammond, Brisbane Australia
Sam Harb
Stanley Heller, Host “The Struggle” Video News
Elliot Helman, Jewish Voice for Peace
Charlotte Heltai, International Socialist Organization
Luke Herrine, Yale Law School
Shir Hever
Reem Hijjawi
Ryan Hickety, Community Organizer
Myles Hoenig, Baltimore County Green Party
Tikva Honig-Parnass, Israeli historian and activist, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Adam Horowitz, Mondoweiss
Carol Horwitz, JVP
Charlotte Hovland
Laura Huel
Kimberly Hughes
Fayez Idlebi
Ellen Isaacs, JVP,
Jess Issacharoff
Adam Izak-Sunna, The Rights Forum Discussion Group
Sarah Jacobson
Sarah Jacobus, Jewish Voice for Peace- Los Angeles
Sarah Jaffe, Journalist
Jennifer Jarrar
Donald Johnson, Retired CA Professional Engineer
Louis Kampf, MIT
Marylin Kanee
Ronnie Kasrils, Anti-apartheid veteran and former South African government minister (1994-2008)
Robert Kastner, Berkeley City College
Danny Katch, Author, International Socialist Organization
Bruce Katz, Palestinian and Jewish Unity Montreal
Erica Kay
Melissa Kelly
Mustafa Khalaf
Yossi Khen, Peace activist
Amy Klee, Public School SLP
Bonnie Sherr Klein
Emma Klein
Grace Klein, ISO
Naomi Klein, Journalist, Author, Professor at Rutgers University
Mark Klein
William Klein
Yael Korin
Dennis Kortheuer, People for Palestine - Israeli Justics
Jonathan Kominsky
Jake Krakovsky
Francis Kromkowski, Helena Service for Peace and Justice, Fellowship of Reconciliation
Adam Kufeld
Richard Lachmann, University at Albany - SUNY
Michael Ladson
David Lane
John Lanton, Irish American
Gary Lapon
Lenny Lapon, Retired teacher, Boston Latin School
Beth Lauren, Writer, producer
Ken Lawrence
Ian J Layton
James Leas, Attorney
Rachel Lederman
Marisha Leiblum
Muriel Leonarf
Alex Lessinger
Alita Letwin, Jewish Voice for Peace
Daniel Letwin, Associate Professor of History, Penn State
David Letwin, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Michael Letwin, Attorney, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, Labor for Palestine
Les Levidow, Jewish Network for Palestine (UK)
Joseph Levine
Daphna Levit, Author, Israeli Rejectionism
Andrea Levy, Canadian Dimension magazine
Kathryn Levy, Poet, Arts Educator
Lesley Levy, IJV
Tal Levy, Democratic Socialists of America, Los Angeles
Avi Lewis, Filmmaker
Brenda Lewis
Eli Lichtenstein
Emma Liss
John Loeffel, Sr.
Jennifer Loewenstein, Independent researcher
Jason Lowenthal
Dalal Lubbadeh
Mary Lucchese, JVP
Ken Luckhardt, Retired National Rep, CAW (Canada) Former Chair, South African Congress of Trade Unions Solidarity Committee
Max Lyons
Dan Macheret
Moshé Machover, Israeli dissident, founding member of the socialist organization Matzpen
Brian Madden
Laurie Izaks MacSween
Rania Madi, Switzerland
James Joseph Madigan
Jad Mahdi
Khalil Mahdi
John Maier
David Makofsky, Research Anthropogist, Minority Studies Center, China
Harriet Malinowitz, Ithaca College
Naseema Mall
Charles Manekin
Helga Mankowitz, Independent Jewish Voices
Ben Manski, Liberty Tree Foundation, President
Richard F Marcuse, Independent Jewish Voices
Kenneth Marks
Nigel Marshall, Yoga teacher
Aaron Martel, Tech Workers Coalition, ISO
Carrington Morris
Kevin Martin, Peace Action
Alan Marwine
Aref Massoud
Tom Mayer, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Colorado at Boulder
Rachel Megibow
Helaine Meisler, Jews Say No!
Chris Mejia, ISO
Justin Heath Meltzer
Jake Meoff
Sue Michalson
Rabbi David Mivasair, Jewish Voice for Peace
Elizabeth M. Molchany, Attorney at Law
Mustafa Moneir
Frances Montell
Manijeh Moradian, Professor Barnard College, Columbia University
Seth Morrison
Eva Steiner Moseley, Mass Peace Action
Zahra Moumand
John Mufarreh
Marion Munk Munk
Abdallah Nairoukh
Daniel Nanas
Baphomet Nayer
Lee Nelson
Miranda Nelson
Sarah Nesbit
David Newman, Congregation Havurah Shalom
Marcy Newman
Alex Nissen, Women in Black
Judith Norman
Henry Norr
Maureen North
Adam Nuchtern
Bertell Ollman, Professor, Department of Politics, NYU
Hilton Obenzinger, Writer
Justin Orr
Laura Ottaviani
Adam Overton
Karin Pally
Rufus Palmer
Inbal Palombo
Ilan Pappé, Israeli historian, author, activist
Maya Pasternak, Anarchists Against the Wall
Adam Patch
Joanie Patel
Miko Peled, Writer, Human Rights Activist
Prof. Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Sakharov, Prize Laureate for Human Rights and the Freedom of Thought
Miranda Pennell
Tom Pessah, activist and sociologist, Israel
Haley Pessin, International Socialist Organization
Rosalind Petchesky, Jewish Voices for Peace
Margaret Phillips
Karen Platt, JVP San Francisco bay area chapter
Shachaf Polakow, Photographer and Organizer
Brian Polejes
Karen Pomer, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, Granddaughter of Holocaust survivor
David Poms
Vivienne Porzsolt, Jews Against the Occupation, Australia
Charles Post, City University of New York
M. Rachlin
Kris Ramlan
Sheldon Ranz, Social Democrats USA
Gidon Raz
Maria Reatiga
Michelle Reeves
Thomas Resnick
Hilda J Richey
Denise Rickles
Robert Riddle
Matt L Roar, writer
Elizabeth Roberts
Jonathan Rochkind
Ned Rosch, Network Against Racism & Islamophobia
Carl Rosenberg
Lillian Rosengarten
Keith Rosenthal, International Socialist Organization
Yehoshua Rosin, Gush-Shalom (peace block)
Susan Rotgard
Martha Roth, Independent Jewish Voices-Canada
Marty Roth
Reuben Roth, Professor, Laurentian University, Canada
Isaac Rothberg, Twin Cities Democratic Socialists of America
Rip Royees
William Ruhm
Peter Ruhm
Ed Rukab
Ben Saifer
Aileen Sabder
Kemo Sabe
Jared Sacks, Columbia University
Nathan Sadowsky
Vasant Sagar
Jamel Saiegh, Medical Case Manager, MA
Arielle Sallai, Democratic Socialists of America, Los Angeles - Jewish Solidarity Caucus
Alan Saltzman
Larry Saltzman
Adam Sanchez, Teacher and Editor, Rethinking Schools
Seth Sanders, UC Davis Religious Studies department and Jewish Studies program
Hana Sarfan
Kurt A Seaberg
Arielle Schecter, JVP
Guenter Schenk, France
Judah Schept
Alta Schwartz
Joan Schwartz
Karl Schwartz, International Socialist Organization
Sarah Schwartz
Stephanie Schwartz, International Socialist Organization
Sylvia Schwarz, JVP - Twin cities
Yossi Schwartz, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency
Robert Bruce Scott
Daniel Segal
Carole Seligman, Socialist Viewpoint
Jennifer Selwyn, History Department, California State University
Sarah Shalab
Yom Shamash, IJV
Cindy Shamban, JVP
Zarrin Shannon
Katharine Shapiro, Gardners Supply
Souad Sharabani
Eva M Sharell, Independent Jewish Voices
Iftach Shavit
Hanoch Sheinman
Hassan Shishakly
Sid Shniad, Independent Jewish Voices Canada
Yael Shomroni
Harold Shuster, Independent Jewish Voices - Winnipeg
Julia Shpirt
Sarah Sills, Jewish Voice for Peace-NYC
Drew Silver
Benjamin Silverman
Ben Silverstein
Richard Silverstein, Tokun Olam
Michael Simon
Peter Simon
Ronnie Singer
Lorrie Beth Slonsky, Retired Paramedic
Carol Smith, JVP NY
Joe Smith
Abba A. Solomon, American Zionism researcher
Louisa Solomon
Rebecca Anshell Song
Patricia Sonne
Doris Audrey Soroko
Eric Soucy, International Socialist Organization
Jacob Smith
Ben Spatz, Urban Research Theater
Daniel Spector
David Stein, Clinical Psychologist
Julia Stein, LA Jews for Peace
Marshall Steinbaum
Marsha Steinberg, BDS LA
Megan Steinberg, School counselor & activist
Judith Stevenson
Ken Stone, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)
Cathy Sucher
Marge Sussman, Jewish Voice for Peace
Alice Sturm Sutter, Union Square Women in Black
Yair Svorai
Tahir Abba Tahir, Young World Leaders Forum
Nuni Tal, Human Rights Activist
Pedro Tamames, NYU
Laura Tanenbaum, Professor, City University of New York
William Taylor
Abbas Tehrani
Heather Tenzer, Filmmaker
Larry Tepper
Simine Tepper
Tricia Terwilliger, Social justice activist, artist, writer
Daphna Thier, Israeli-American activist and writer
Hadas Thier, Israeli-American activist and writer
Tzvia Thier, Israeli Holocaust survivor, Jewish Voice for Peace NJ
Uri Thier, Ex-IDF Paratrooper
Maureen Tierney
Jane Toby, JVP and MECR (Middle East Crisis Response)
Bob Tripp
Richard Trotsky
Marianne Turner
Sandra Turner, JPVP
Drew Ullman, Columbus Democratic Socialists of America
Seth Uzman, Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Eli Valley
Joseph Van Leeuwen, Musician, great-grandson of Holocaust survivor
Rebecca Vilkomerson executive director, Jewish Voice for Peace
Larry Wang
Dr. Rodney Watts, JFJFP
Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg
Eileen Weinberg
Lois Weiner, Author and independent researcher
Philip Weiss, Journalist, Mondoweiss
Suzanne Berliner Weiss, Holocaust survivor
Suzi Weissman, Saint Mary’s College of California, Jacobin Radio
Eileen Weitzman
David Weller, IJV Canada
Paul Werner, The Orange Press
Sarah Wheels
Jon Wiener
Brett Wilkins
Ben Williams
Lew Williams, SURJ
Craig Willse
Rabbi Alissa Wise, Deputy Director, JVP
Ron Witton
Noga Gahl Wizansky, Artist, adjunct professor and union member, CCA and SEIU local 1021
Benjamin Wlody
Sherry Wolf, Author, International Socialist Organization
Martin Wolterding, University of Western Sydney
Lisa Fortlouis Wood, Clinical Psychologist
Kathy Wouk, JVP
Derek Wright, Activist, musician, computer scientist, ISO
Rama Yacobi
Richard Yanowitz
Ethan Young,
Sean Zaher
Zari Zalmai
Alyx Zauderer
Benjamin Zaydman
Baruch Zeichner
Steven Zekowski
Charles Zimmerman
Annie Zirin
Dave Zirin, Author, A People's History of Sports
Zohar, Artist, London England
Yotam Zohar, Artist and teacher
Ian Zuckerman
Anonymous 6 March 2019 at 08:44
Hannah Arendt would agree with Ilhan Omar
"Rep. Ilhan Omar's comments last week in Washington that seemed to question the allegiance of Americans who advocate tirelessly for Israel have incurred the wrath of those advocates, who charge her with anti-Semitism ...
"But Omar's critique goes to the nature of Zionism; and it was anticipated by the Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt ... Arendt was alarmed by the arrogance of Israel's founders, in proceeding with contempt for their Arab neighbors ...
"... Arendt predicted the rise of the Israel lobby: influential Zionist individuals and organizations that would be called upon to shape American policy ..."
Anonymous 6 March 2019 at 08:45
Jewish Americans come out in support of Ilhan Omar
Anonymous 6 March 2019 at 08:47
Rep. Ilhan Omar punches back at Trump: 'You have trafficked in hate your whole life'
Labels: AIPAC, antisemitism, ILHAN OMAR, Israel, Jews, letter, MINNESOTA, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela
In both Britain and the USA, we are perhaps at a turning point in Israeli lobby power, as its over-reach leads to well-deserved backlash
Ilhan Omar is being praised and admired even by many who had considered themselves the most dedicated core Trump supporters ... As they also do regarding Samoan-heritage Tulsi Gabbard 'no more intervention war' and Taiwanese-heritage Andrew Wang 'minimum income for everyone' amongst USA politicians ... all 3 of the Democratic party
It is said that part of the reason the USA oligarchy, moved so rapidly recently to consolidate their control of Donald Trump, pulling back on previous criticism of him, and 'normalising' him for re-election in 2020 -
Is that the oligarchs realise they do not have very good control of the Democratic party minorities newly ascendant in USA politics, especially regarding Israel-related issues
USA Jewish lobby kingmaker Sheldon Adelson, is reported as being in dire health, apparently struck with severe cancer, only a few weeks after Adelson's USA political pets, suborned Canada into arresting & detaining Huawei executive Ms Meng Wanzhou for 'Iran sanctions violation' nonsense
A divine opportunity for Sheldon Adelson to reflect upon what he has wrought in his life
So they cannot even bother to tell lies anymore???
David Duke has recently come out in support of the Somalian,rating her as the most important member of congress.
US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, has just been attacked very publicly and aggressively, by the notorious ultra-Zionist Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, close friend of Sheldon Adelson, USA presidents, politicians, celebrities etc, as readers here know
Boteach and his 'World Values Network', spent many thousands for a full-page ad in the Washington post this weekend (24 March) - photo links below
[Just to explain, USA people use a slang word 'Benjamins' for money, because of the picture of Benjamin Franklin on the US $100 note]
Rabbi Shmuley writes, comparing Rep. Omar's recent statements, with "Historic anti-semitism" -
All text below from Shmuley's anti-Omar advertisement:
« Blah, blah ... Jews control the world with their money ... blah, blah ...
Rep. Ilhan Omar: “Israel has hypnotized the world.”
1903 Protocols of the Elders of Zion: “[The Jew] Hypnotizes by his daring and strength of mind.”
Rep. Ilhan Omar: “It’s all about the Benjamins [money], baby!”
Henry Ford’s 1920 'The International Jew': “Money is the only means [The Jew] knows by which to gain position.”
Rep. Ilhan Omar: : “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”
Ben Klassen's 1981 'The White Man’s Bible': “The Jew… is frantically, eternally loyal to the Jewish race and since 1948, to Israel.”
"Her remarks are not anti-Israel; they are anti-semitic."
- Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago and former Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama »
Page on Rabbi Shmuley's website:
Direct link to high-res ad image on Shmuley's website:
Photograph of printed full page with the above ad, as it appeared in the Washington Post owned by Jeff Bezos, accepted and approved by the Bezos management team:
Rabbi Shmuley's twitter post ... not censored as 'hate speech' by pro-Israel Twitter:
Direct link to high-res ad image on Twitter:
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