"Steve Bannon and Jack Posobiec (pro-Trump Pizzagate promoter) both come from Naval intelligence.[15][16]
"Bannon served as “special assistant” to the Chief of Naval Operations in the Pentagon.
"And, according to investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker, Bannon was indirectly associated with a Costa Rica-based stock swindler and cocaine trafficker whose network included former CIA, US military intelligence and Genovese mafia members.[17][18]."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era - copy
"Bannon served as “special assistant” to the Chief of Naval Operations in the Pentagon.
"And, according to investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker, Bannon was indirectly associated with a Costa Rica-based stock swindler and cocaine trafficker whose network included former CIA, US military intelligence and Genovese mafia members.[17][18]."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
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Elliott Abrams (left) - in charge of Trump's Venezuela campaign. Elliott Abrams was involved in the Iran-Contra scandal , which led to his conviction in 1991 on two misdemeanor counts.
"Iran-Contra was an operation run entirely out of the hard-right circles within the US and Israel now backing Trump."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress
Aggressive increases in military expenditures,
The use of Erik Prince-associated and Israeli private intelligence networks, running the Ukrainian government, etc.
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree ...

E. Howard Hunt and one of the three tramps arrested after the assassination of President Kennedy.
"The Trump-supporting think tanks are linked to names such as DeVos, Roy Cohn, John Singlaub, and E. Howard Hunt.[13]
"Steve Bannon (Breitbart) and Jack Posobiec (pro-Trump Pizzagate promoter) both come from Naval intelligence.[15][16]
"Bannon served as “special assistant” to the Chief of Naval Operations in the Pentagon.
"And, according to investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker, Bannon was indirectly associated with a Costa Rica-based stock swindler and cocaine trafficker whose network included former CIA, US military intelligence and Genovese mafia members.[17][18]."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

Trump's team copied Goebbels.
"Pizzagate-promoter Mike Flynn comes out of the DIA, as does his collaborator and former aide at the NSC, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, a Zionist national security troll.
"Also linked to Trump are: CIA-Mossad assets: James Woolsey,Oliver North, Erik Prince, Joe Lieberman, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Stone, John Bolton, Peter Thiel, Robert Mercer, Sheldon Adelson, Dick Cheney, Michael Ledeen, and the DeVos family.
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
"The 'above-ground Trump administration' has members and associates of this network - Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, and Michael Flynn.
"Rudy Giuliani, the Trump legal team’s figurehead, has a mile-long laundry list of connections to the neoconservative movement, Israel lobby and national security establishment.[79]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"Adnan Khashoggi sold Trump his yacht, the Nabila, at a very low price, attended Trump’s 1993 wedding to Marla Maples and, according to investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker, was given shelter by Trump at Mar-a-Lago while Khashoggi was being pursued by INTERPOL for defrauding a Thai bank.[88][89]
"Khashoggi had a role in Iran Contra/BCCI (Khashoggi was a key middleman for weapons transfers), Ted Shackley’s Safari Club, Nixon dirty tricks teams, the Imelda Marcos affair, and Bush family-City of London front company Barrick Gold.[90][91][92]
"The Trump campaign’s main financial backer, Robert Mercer, has deep ties to the hard-right think tank network."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

Mercer and his daughter Rebekah Mercer 'wielded tremendous influence in the Trump White House directly and through Steve Bannon'.
"John Bolton also got Mercer money, as well as the services of the largely Mercer-owned Cambridge Analytica.[105]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"The Mercer family is an owner and financier of the Trump supporting Breitbart News, which was run by Bannon."
Israeli political elements had a role in the foundation of Breitbart according to its co-founder, Larry Solov:
"Breitbart News Network really got its start in Jerusalem. It was the summer of 2007 ... One thing we specifically discussed that night was our desire to start a site that would be unapologetically ... pro-Israel." - Larry Solov
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
"In its work for Robert Mercer's super PAC, Cambridge Analytica spread propaganda.[111]
"Neoconservatives were in the Trump apparatus from the very beginning."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
"Donald Trump's older brother Fred (above) was a member of Sigma Alpha Mu, a Jewish fraternity (above). Donald Trump's brother Fred said that his father, Fred Trump Sr., was the Jewish son of German immigrants.
"Donald’s father, Fred Trump, was a major promoter of Jewish causes (mostly through cash and land donations) along with his closest collaborator and advisor Bunny Lindenbaum, a prominent New York-area legal fixer and well-known Zionist.[114]
"Bunny Lindenbaum and his son, Sandy Lindenbaum - both members of Chabad-Lubavitch - later went on to serve as legal counsel to Donald as well.[115][116]
"Fred Trump was also among the largest initial buyers of Israel Bonds, debt securities issued by the Israeli government in the United States whose proceeds go towards the Israeli government and were apparently instrumental in helping to establish Israel’s infrastructure and defense apparatus.[117]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"Fred Trump became acquainted with Benjamin Netanyahu in the ’80s during Netanyahu’s time as the Israeli ambassador to the UN and Donald Trump has personally known Netanyahu since at the very least the early ’00s when Netanyahu met him at Trump Tower, though the relationship probably goes back much further given Fred’s ties.[120][121]
"Following his father’s lead, Donald has been a prolific donor to Jewish and Israeli causes since the ’70s and later lent office space, telephones, equipment and his private jet to the 1980 Reagan presidential campaign.[122]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
"Roy Cohn was Trump’s mentor, foremost advisor and one of his most intimate friends until his death in 1986. [124]
"Cohn is Trump’s earliest link to the 'ultranationalist hard-right' group that backed his presidency and procured innumerable important political connections for Trump."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

Cohn was highly connected to pro-Israel political circles.
"Cohn was as a lead figure between right-wing pro-Israel politicians and the intelligence community.
"Cohn was on the board of CIA-Mossad front company, Permindex, 'tied to Mossad-cavorting mobster Meyer Lansky and the powerful Zionist Bronfman family among others.'[127][128]
"Cohn took part in a European underground spy hunting ring with several former communists and exiled Nazis counting among its ranks.[135]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

Trump (left) with Sir Robert Maxwell (right), reportedly of Mossad. Robert Maxwell is the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, who reportedly supplied girls to Trump's friend Jeffrey Epstein.
"Cohn operated CIA-sanctioned pedophile entrapment and blackmail rings in league with various CIA and Army Intelligence men.
"One which took place in CIA asset Craig Spence’s home reached all the way up to the Reagan White House.[136]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"Cohn himself was a pederast and central player in the “lavender Mafia” – a secretive and closely knit group of closet homosexuals in the American political right, and in particular the Reagan administration.[137][138][139]
"According to the former head of the vice squad for one of America’s biggest cities, 'Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.'”
"Cohn was a good friend of Craig Spence.
"Spence was later investigated for running a CIA-sanctioned homosexual and pedophile entrapment ring at his house with operations going straight up to the White House.[140]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"The Trump-supporting think tanks are linked to names such as DeVos, Roy Cohn, John Singlaub, and E. Howard Hunt.[13]
"Steve Bannon (Breitbart) and Jack Posobiec (pro-Trump Pizzagate promoter) both come from Naval intelligence.[15][16]
"Bannon served as “special assistant” to the Chief of Naval Operations in the Pentagon.
"And, according to investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker, Bannon was indirectly associated with a Costa Rica-based stock swindler and cocaine trafficker whose network included former CIA, US military intelligence and Genovese mafia members.[17][18]."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

Trump's team copied Goebbels.
"Pizzagate-promoter Mike Flynn comes out of the DIA, as does his collaborator and former aide at the NSC, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, a Zionist national security troll.
"Also linked to Trump are: CIA-Mossad assets: James Woolsey,Oliver North, Erik Prince, Joe Lieberman, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Stone, John Bolton, Peter Thiel, Robert Mercer, Sheldon Adelson, Dick Cheney, Michael Ledeen, and the DeVos family.
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
"Rudy Giuliani, the Trump legal team’s figurehead, has a mile-long laundry list of connections to the neoconservative movement, Israel lobby and national security establishment.[79]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"Adnan Khashoggi sold Trump his yacht, the Nabila, at a very low price, attended Trump’s 1993 wedding to Marla Maples and, according to investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker, was given shelter by Trump at Mar-a-Lago while Khashoggi was being pursued by INTERPOL for defrauding a Thai bank.[88][89]
"Khashoggi had a role in Iran Contra/BCCI (Khashoggi was a key middleman for weapons transfers), Ted Shackley’s Safari Club, Nixon dirty tricks teams, the Imelda Marcos affair, and Bush family-City of London front company Barrick Gold.[90][91][92]
"The Trump campaign’s main financial backer, Robert Mercer, has deep ties to the hard-right think tank network."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"John Bolton also got Mercer money, as well as the services of the largely Mercer-owned Cambridge Analytica.[105]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"The Mercer family is an owner and financier of the Trump supporting Breitbart News, which was run by Bannon."
Israeli political elements had a role in the foundation of Breitbart according to its co-founder, Larry Solov:
"Breitbart News Network really got its start in Jerusalem. It was the summer of 2007 ... One thing we specifically discussed that night was our desire to start a site that would be unapologetically ... pro-Israel." - Larry Solov
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"In its work for Robert Mercer's super PAC, Cambridge Analytica spread propaganda.[111]
"Neoconservatives were in the Trump apparatus from the very beginning."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"Donald Trump's older brother Fred (above) was a member of Sigma Alpha Mu, a Jewish fraternity (above). Donald Trump's brother Fred said that his father, Fred Trump Sr., was the Jewish son of German immigrants.
"Donald’s father, Fred Trump, was a major promoter of Jewish causes (mostly through cash and land donations) along with his closest collaborator and advisor Bunny Lindenbaum, a prominent New York-area legal fixer and well-known Zionist.[114]
"Bunny Lindenbaum and his son, Sandy Lindenbaum - both members of Chabad-Lubavitch - later went on to serve as legal counsel to Donald as well.[115][116]
"Fred Trump was also among the largest initial buyers of Israel Bonds, debt securities issued by the Israeli government in the United States whose proceeds go towards the Israeli government and were apparently instrumental in helping to establish Israel’s infrastructure and defense apparatus.[117]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
"Fred Trump became acquainted with Benjamin Netanyahu in the ’80s during Netanyahu’s time as the Israeli ambassador to the UN and Donald Trump has personally known Netanyahu since at the very least the early ’00s when Netanyahu met him at Trump Tower, though the relationship probably goes back much further given Fred’s ties.[120][121]
"Following his father’s lead, Donald has been a prolific donor to Jewish and Israeli causes since the ’70s and later lent office space, telephones, equipment and his private jet to the 1980 Reagan presidential campaign.[122]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
"Roy Cohn was Trump’s mentor, foremost advisor and one of his most intimate friends until his death in 1986. [124]
"Cohn is Trump’s earliest link to the 'ultranationalist hard-right' group that backed his presidency and procured innumerable important political connections for Trump."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

Cohn was highly connected to pro-Israel political circles.
"Cohn was as a lead figure between right-wing pro-Israel politicians and the intelligence community.
"Cohn was on the board of CIA-Mossad front company, Permindex, 'tied to Mossad-cavorting mobster Meyer Lansky and the powerful Zionist Bronfman family among others.'[127][128]
"Cohn took part in a European underground spy hunting ring with several former communists and exiled Nazis counting among its ranks.[135]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

Trump (left) with Sir Robert Maxwell (right), reportedly of Mossad. Robert Maxwell is the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, who reportedly supplied girls to Trump's friend Jeffrey Epstein.
"Cohn operated CIA-sanctioned pedophile entrapment and blackmail rings in league with various CIA and Army Intelligence men.
"One which took place in CIA asset Craig Spence’s home reached all the way up to the Reagan White House.[136]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"Cohn himself was a pederast and central player in the “lavender Mafia” – a secretive and closely knit group of closet homosexuals in the American political right, and in particular the Reagan administration.[137][138][139]
"According to the former head of the vice squad for one of America’s biggest cities, 'Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.'”
"Cohn was a good friend of Craig Spence.
"Spence was later investigated for running a CIA-sanctioned homosexual and pedophile entrapment ring at his house with operations going straight up to the White House.[140]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"All four of them were personally introduced to Trump by Cohn.[142][143]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"The most significant of those was Rupert Murdoch's New York Post, which almost singlehandedly turned Donald Trump into a celebrity."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
"Murdoch is in hard-right/Zionist circles.
"Murdoch reportedly plots strategy with Trump over the phone on a weekly basis.[148][149]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"At CNN, staffers complain of Jeff Zucker (Trump’s friend and “personal booker“) and his insistence on constantly covering Trump at the expense of other important stories.[150]
"At MSNBC, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski (both of whom have communed with Trump at Mar-a-Lago) and their producers allow Trump to personally dictate what they can and cannot ask him.
"The media gifted Trump full control of the news cycle, almost $2 billion in free advertising and massively disproportionate coverage compared to both rival GOP nomination contenders (even before he registered in the polls) and Clinton.[152][153]
"Hillary Clinton's scandals were relentlessly aired in the mainstream media."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
(For a more in-depth look into the media’s role in catapulting Trump to the White House, see this article.)

Kissinger, Ivana and Donald Trump in 1985.
"Kissinger, who’s been a regular advisor and counselor of Trump has spoken positively of the Trump phenomenon and presidency."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
"John Huntsman Jr., Kissinger protege and chairman of the CFR & Trilateral-aligned Atlantic Council, is Trump’s ambassador to Russia.
"In May 2018, Mikhail Fridman and Petr Aven, the Russian oligarchs behind Alfa Group, held “friendly” closed-door talks with members of the Atlantic Council.[159]
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"A group of ‘Eastern Establishment’, ‘Rockefeller Republican’ Wall Street financial insiders led by ultra-connected chairman and CEO of private equity giant, Blackstone Group, Stephen Schwarzman, and leveraged buyout billionaire Wilbur Ross are in the Trump arena.[165]
"Schwarzman, former chair of the Trump White House Strategic & Policy Forum, is part of the Trump inner circle; one of his closest advisors and counselors, particularly on matters related to China, internal White House management and foreign policy.[166]
"Peter Peterson, co-founder of Blackstone, was Schwarzman’s mentor in addition to having been chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, where he succeeded David Rockefeller, whose family coaxed Peterson’s career along.
"In the ’70s, Peterson was chairman of the Peterson Institute - a think tank which includes Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Maurice Greenberg - teamed up with Zionist oligarch Viktor Pinchuk.[167]
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...

"Schwarzman was a member of Skull & Bones.
"While working with N M Rothschild & Son, Wilbur Ross (in league with Carl Icahn) helped Donald Trump retain control of three of his utterly bankrupt Atlantic City casinos (one of which was the Taj Mahal, which will later be shown to be involved in Russian mob money laundering) .[172][173]
"Ross has a litany of financial ties to Russian oligarchs and business interests, chief among them the Bank of Cyprus PCL, where Ross is vice chairman. The Bank of Cyprus is a dirty bank that has served as one the top three offshore destinations for Russian and former Soviet Union flight capital, most of it motivated by tax dodging, kleptocracy, and money laundering.[174]"
"There appear to be links between Russia, Israel and the international Russian-Jewish-Eurasian criminal and clandestine network binding New York, Tel Aviv and Moscow."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress.

"Russian elements have provided covert support for ultranationalist, right-wing populist movements in the UK , France (National Front/Marie le Pen) and Germany(AfD)."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress.
"The Trump administration has strained US relations with European allies, and torpedoed the Iran deal.
"A pattern of Trump camp involvement with Russian-Jewish oligarchs and figures connected to the Israeli government is definitely evident."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress.
They are all on the same side?

Deep politics of Bill Clinton’s Arkansas [source]
"The Clinton campaign propped up Trump in friendly media outlets hoping to elevate him to the GOP nomination."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress.

"Robert Mueller’s history as a prosecutor and investigator is not one of sabotaging politicians opposed to the establishment’s agenda, but one of cover up, obfuscation and misdirection, having been involved in covering up corruption in the FBI’s Boston field office, diverting attention away from the true culprits behind the Lockerbie bombing and 2001 Anthrax attacks, obscuring the CIA’s involvement with BCCI/Manuel Noriega and covering up several aspects of 9/11 as well as derailing and subverting Operation Green Quest, the interagency investigation into the financing of Al-Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress.

"Resorts International began its life as the Mary Carter Paint Co. and was originally bankrolled by founding CIA director Allen Dulles [187]
"The company served as a money laundering front for factions within the CIA and various Israeli intelligence bodies which were facilitating the Meyer Lansky criminal syndicate in its own laundering, gambling and drug trafficking operations, many of which supported American and Israeli intelligence operations.[188]
"Lansky was the ranking member of the Jewish mafia and intelligence network in the United States (sometimes called the “kosher nostra”) for most of the 20th century.
"He aided the foundation of the Zionist state of Israel by assisting the Haganah - the underground forerunner of the Israel Defense Forces - in smuggling arms out of the United States and into Palestine.[189]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress.

"Donald Trump’s long-time mentor and lawyer, Roy Cohn, was on a first-person basis with Lansky throughout much of his life.
"Both Lansky and Cohn are alleged to have run sophisticated espionage and blackmail rings utilizing Mossad-related figures and pro-Israel elements of the American intelligence community and in the process obtained blackmail material on J. Edgar Hoover and many other powerful government officials.[191]
"Later, with the financial backing of Meyer Lansky himself, the Mellon family, Baron Edmond de Rothschild and Mossad money launderer of JFK intrigue Tibor Rosenbaum, the company was spun-off as Resorts International after it moved into the business of operating casinos and resorts in the US and Bahamas as a means of laundering money for the American and Israeli clandestine services.[192][193]
"Trump bought a 93% controlling interest in Resorts."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress.

"Vyachelsov Ivankov, a top Russian mob boss, used to regularly visit the Taj Mahal along with other members of Mogilevich’s mob.
"Yeltsin was particularly under the thumb of Russian-Jewish oligarch Boris Berezovsky, who, along with Russian-Israeli oligarch Roman Abramovich, plucked ex-KGB officer Vladimir Putin from the entirely mob-controlled St. Petersburg political machine and maneuvered him into becoming prime minister and later president of Russia.[197]"
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress.

"Just as Israel - itself a mafia state - utilized Meyer Lansky’s criminal network to further its end in the United States and elsewhere, Russian state security utilizes the Russian-Jewish mafia to perform deniable operations that the Russian government can’t risk being exposed."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress.

"In the USA, the old Italian mafia left were displaced by the Russian-Jewish mafia, by 1990.
"The Venona files revealed that Zionists “made up three-fourths of the enemy spies recruited by the Soviets” in the United States.
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress.

"Many figures in the orbit of Donald Trump are members of Chabad-Lubavitch including Jared & Ivanka Kushner (along with the extended Kushner family), Michael Cohen, Felix Sater, Tevfik Arif and Tamir Sapir.[217]"

"Militantly Zionist casino magnate, power broker and enforcer for the Israel lobby, Sheldon Adelson, who gave the Trump general election effort $25 million, wields tremendous influence in the White House."

"Jeffrey Epstein, who is rumored to have moved money for the Mossad, CIA and prominent dynastic political families such as the Rockefellers, managed a sprawling pedophile blackmail ring stretching from the Virgin Islands to Palm Beach to Manhattan that entangled everyone from Trump to Bill Clinton."
CONTINUED HERE: 'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress.
Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era - copy
Labels: Bannon, Bolton, Chabad, CNN, Cohn, Epstein, Eric prince, Fred, Iran-Contra, Israel, Kennedy, Kissinger, Lansky, Mafia, Maxwell, Mercer, MURDOCH, Putin, Russia, Schwarzman
Well, well, well Aangirfan yet another documented piece on the Orange Zio Mong.
I get the distinct impression that your trying to tell us something. To be fair it could have been titled 'Get to Know Hilary'.
From the inception of the Rothschild owned Federal reserve circa 1912 to the Bankruptcy of 1933 - the illustrious leader is nothing more than a front for a bankrupt corporation.
As it happens the Americans, I believe, have a basic right to vote all other perceived rights are in fact privileges.
America exists only in the minds of its uninformed citizens. It is nothing more than a legal fiction.
First incorporated in 1871 in England (Babylon) the Crown rule the former colony (newly formed) corporation - not by statute or consent but by Contract Law.
America as we are led to believe hasn't existed in any form since at least 1871.
Washington DC is an entire separate entity from what the Americans perceive it be. It is 10 square mile of traitors and esoteric symbolism.
So, the leader of the swamp is nothing more than a Rothschild Oligarch to misdirect the fluoride poisoned masses.
Wherever a revolution has taken place or pretend civil war. It is the forces of the unseen 'incorporating' whichever country they are attacking.
So, if you are American (Rothschild property) you can get out of the contract you have formed with this fictitious entity - If you know how.
Couple of paragraphs on Aang ain't going to achieve anything.
Start by looking at the name on your birth certificate (sorry copy of your birth certificate) it will all be in capital letters. It is your fictitious legal entity.
As for Trump if you are still delusional to think that this shaved chimp is going to save you/America you are sadly suffering frim the worst case of cognitive dissonance.
Peace to the humans
A bit under the radar regarding Trump - and a puzzle for Trump detractors - is the First Step Criminal Justice Reform Act, that Jared Kushner (!) sponsored and Trump signed into law on 21 December 2018
This is striking because it is letting thousands of people, many of them black, get out of US prisons early ... people whom Barack Obama did not help despite being a black US president
And it signals a US national reverse in decades-long policies, of long mandatory draconian prison sentences ... which some states have already begun to reverse
Convicted prisoners will get more credit for good behaviour - nearly 2 months per year - to get out early
The USA is the world's biggest jailing gulag, with close to 25% of all global prisoners ... but the number of prisoners has peaked, down to 2.1 million from 2.3 million, and the Trump-Kushner law will shrink that further
The Trump-Kushner law only directly affects federal prisoners - about 9% of the USA total - but is an example for more states to follow along
Why did Trump, Kushner, the oligarchs, the USA Jewish establishment etc all favour this? - To make the USA less obviously a brutal anti-minority police state?
White people have disliked the idea of 'more criminals back on the streets'
The media doesn't like to talk about something that makes Trump look like a nice guy, helpful to minorities
But this seems to be a good thing, like Trump talking about the 'fake news'
I love the efforts you have put in this, thanks for all the great articles.
This is NO act by good guys. John Todd revealed this game plan 50 yrs ago. He said the govt would open all the prisons, unleashing the worst killers and criminals onto America to overthrow and destabilize it. Charles Manson was even part of the plan if it had been done in his era. Op Helter Skelter. Remember Manson Family dwelt on Spawn Ranch- inside the CHINA LAKE MILITARY BASE.
How does someone get out of the contract you have formed with this fictitious entity ?
And MM proved Charles Manson was an actor, and the entire event was staged.
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