Bolsonaro, Duterte, 9 11, Evangelicals, Rothschild, Lockerbie

Bolsonaro and a fan.

Bolsonaro and a fan.

Is Bolsonaro bisexual?
Why is Bolsonaro looking scared?
Does Duterte look comfortable?
A Haaretz investigation reveals that Christian evangelicals have invested up to $65m in the "Biblical Heartland" (aka Jewish settlements) over the past decade >> …
Labels: 9 11, Bolsonaro, Duterte, evangelicals, Rothschild
Why is Bolsonaro looking scared?
Because Bolsonaro had sold his soul to the Devil!
Must say: 'Evangelical' can be a sweeping catch-all. The clear definition might expose, or suggest, all-levels of failure and rank hypocrisy. Wanna define proper? David Bebbington's def, about as accurate as it gets. Evang's are well divided over Israel, and Zionists are -- if anything -- losing ground. Back in the '70s, they were swinging all confident, douping the hippies bundling in. Not so these days. Yep, that slaggy won't face the facts crowd, are all huff and puffing and "oh Israel must be top dog" but got no consensus. Not close. Plus, the pretend-believers-in, get caught suckering the sincere. Bush was a classic. Wanna get to JQ? Zio? This and That? The disgusting and case-book apartheid state of oh... Israel. Gotta look to Plato, Augustine, Calvin and the rest. We got screwed by rubbish theology. This by them secret soc. lot. Who had to fuck up our understanding of the Bible. Bollyn brings it down and cold -- all truth, little else. Who... did, or, is doing, what? Ain't Jesus blessing it. Must do that Corbett education. Peace and pressure on. Please./
Not necessarily. Its simply the way he looks.
Refuse? Ha, ha, lol.... Is it because hes Jewish or on the Mossad payroll?
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