Monday 24 September 2018


In the 2016 election, Google supported Netanyahu's 'Jewish' friend Donald Trump.

There is a belief that the 'Kosher Nostra' continues to infiltrate various countries, and is sabotaging these countries.

There is a belief that the 'Kosher Nostra' has infiltrated the CIA, MI5, MI6 and the Russian, and other, security services.

There is a belief that the 'Kosher Nostra' is allied to certain Feudal Lords, Robber Barons, fake Communists, Zionists and Fascist Nazis.

Under Donald Trump, the internet is being increasingly censored. This is one of the reasons the election was rigged in favour of Trump.

The journalist Peter Hitchens writes:

"I have often thought that many of the stupid actions taken by British governments over the past few decades, from joining the Common Market and abolishing police foot patrols to the destruction of the grammar schools, are so mad that they can only be rationally explained as deliberate sabotage.

"The same goes for the fervent dedication of the BBC and much of the press to any cause that would undermine tradition, morality, marriage and manners."

PETER HITCHENS reveals the REAL truth about 'Communist' (Kosher Nostra) infiltration ...

Peter Hitchens is supicious of Tony Blair and his cronies, such as Peter Mandelson, who appeared in their early lives to be 'Marxists'.

The UK politician Peter Mandelson joined the Young Communist League.

But, Mandelson is a friend of Lord Jacob Rothschild.

Lord Rothschild and Peter Mandelson. In 2003, The New Yorker reported that Trump attended dinner with Jeffrey Epstein at his East Side New York townhouse. British cabinet minister Peter Mandelson was also in attendance. Mandelson is in Epstein's little black book. 

There is a belief that 'pro-Soviet' spies, such as Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt and Vladimir Pozner, may have been working for the 'Kosher Nostra'.

Kim Philby was very close to Lord Victor Rothschild.

St John Philby and family. Kim Philby on the right.

There is a belief that the 'Kosher Nostra', whether in Russia or China or Cuba, does not really believe in the 'Communist' idea of shared ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes.

Communism in Russia can be seen as a device to put certain Jews into power.

The Kosher Nostra is about crime.

The head of anti-corruption at Britain's FBI says he was ordered to halt a probe into Russian money laundering by a 'senior Foreign Office official'.

Russian money laundering investigation was ordered to stop, says former head of corruption unit

Of course the 'Powers That Be' are not always united.

And there can be 'unexpected' events.

In 1981, François Mitterrand nationalised the whole of the French banking system.


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At 24 September 2018 at 07:14 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 24 September 2018 at 12:12 , Blogger SwordofCreation said...

Here's some more evidence for you esoteric types on who and what are behind 'communism' and Masonry:

1) Just who is behind so-called 'communism' and Masonry

2) Google is the D'Evil

My attempts to make contact with the mother of the Hampstead Heroes is being blocked by these evil fracks!

At 24 September 2018 at 12:17 , Blogger SwordofCreation said...

+Aaingirfan Fyi: The term "NAZI" is a Hollywood created meme and here at least, our hate groups are Jewish created and controlled; this is evidenced here:
Evidence for who's behind groups formenting hate; this includes 'NAZIS'

I've no doubt it's the same on your side of the pond!

At 25 September 2018 at 01:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter Hitchens neglects to mention who is behind communism

At 25 September 2018 at 22:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comment banned here. Why? guess I'll ban this off my favorites tab and move onto other places. So sick of everyone censoring everyone else. Your loss. My Post had some great info


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