
Chief Rabbi rocked by fraud scandal.

"On November 8, 2010, WMR reported that Netanyahu visited a performing arts theater in West Greenwich Village. U.S. Secret Service personnel were required to accompany Netanyahu to the theater.
"The performance involved extreme sado-masochistic, as well as homosexual themes.
"Netanyahu reportedly witnessed gay actors engaged in sexual acts that featured full nudity. At the last minute and prior to his scheduled departure from New York, Netanyahu and his Israeli security detail had informed the Secret Service that their original plans to leave for New Orleans had changed to accommodate Netanyahu's request to visit the arts theater, described as 'seedy,' in the West Village.
"Trump considers Netanyahu to be among his very few allies in the world."

"In Syria, Mr Putin has allowed Mr Netanyahu free rein to pound Iranian targets near the Israeli border ...
"Israel’s Soviet-born defence minister and former nightclub bouncer Avigdor Lieberman, whose father served in the Red Army, has helped smooth regular meetings between Israeli and Russian military brass ..."
They are all jews. What a surprise.
I was a child at the st marys convent school shernhall st walthamstow in the 1950s the head nun calling herself sister peter was a consistent abuser of young children almost all boys
i remember from age 7 beatings almost daily, i winessed every kind of abuse imaginable
The Coleman Experience blog published the following article:
"Does Elton John have anything to tell us about VIP child-abuse rings operating in this country?
"In 1989, the Sun published a story alleging that he had a taste for young rent boys.
"They also claimed he demanded that any boys found for him should be drugged with vast amounts of coke before being brought to his bed.
"Elton John sued and was awarded £1 million damages by an apparently contrite Rupert Murdoch.
"Was the whole episode staged to prevent other newspapers from ever reporting on Elton's sick predilections?
"In 1999 he caused outrage by performing at a charity concert with dancers dressed as boy scouts and forced them to strip...
"John Fogg, a spokesman for the Scout Association, said at the time:
"'We think it is pretty deplorable and in bad taste in terms of denigrating our uniform and what it stands for ... It linked homosexuality with paedophilia...'"
"By a strange coincidence, child-raping murderous filth, Jimmy Savile was also very fond of boy-scouts and loved to be in their company.
"Murderous child-rapist Sidney Cooke had links to a paedophile ring who abused many scouts.
"The head of the scouts in the UK is survival expert Bear Grylls.
"Grylls shares a business with Tory filth Derek Laud, who is implicated in the Dolphin Square boy-brothel scandal where care-home boys were trafficked to be abused by VIPs.
"Derek Laud is close chums with Camilla Parker Bowles and necrophiliac David Cameron.
"Laud also shares a business with Conservative peer, Lord Montagu who was charged and committed for trial for allegedly taking sexual advantage of a 14-year-old Boy Scout.
"Princess Diana was murdered because she found out about the VIP paedophile ring.
"Sly old Elton was roped in to sing at Di's funeral.
"In a little reported incident, Elton John was stopped and searched at an airport in 2007.
"A paedophilic photograph was confiscated from his person. John's excuse was that the photograph was part of an art exhibition. The photo in question was amateurish and any real photographer would be able to point out the elementary technical mistakes but John’s name gives it 'status' as so called 'art'.
"He is also known to collect 'artwork' by convicted sex-offender Graham Ovenden.
"On the Free Republic website...the following comment was made:
"'Elton had a powdered wig ball at a rented estate in the South of France a few years back mimicking Louis IV ... and they had adolescent scantily clad adolescent boys as footmen for the festivities.'
On the Snopes message board an even more disturbing comment was left:
"'I heard an unpleasant rumor about Elton John, in which he supposedly buggered a rent boy to death in Brazil, and was then able to cover the whole thing up by bribing officials. The source of the story was a friend-of-a-friend (of course!) who works in broadcasting.'
"Is there more to Elton John than meets the eye?"
The Economy of Permanent War.
Shocking reading, how the aristocracy make their money, war, war, war.
“Why would the US be interested in billion dollar trade, when it has made more than a trillion out of war in Syria?,” he says. “If you want cash in against the Syrian government, you spend a trillion dollars mobilising intelligence in the west, another couple of trillion sowing dissent, saying Syria is bad, we have a bad guy in power, we should kill him and free this country, maybe bring in ISIS, al-Qaeda or some other obscurantist group. They’re willing to pay even tens of trillions, because they will earn back every penny.”
“If they spend ten trillion on this war, they’re going to earn $10–20 trillion back,” he says.
Imperialism's Point of the Sword
It appears the only person in Liverpool who has anything to do with The Sun newspaper is...? Yeah you guessed it Frank Field MP. Wrote a Brexit column in it earlier this year.
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